The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2)
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“I want a family, to be exact. It just hit me over the weekend and it’s consuming my thoughts.  I was just feeling envious of my best friend and it was the worst feeling I’ve ever had. I’m so sorry.” I felt like ass now for even feeling that way.

“My best friend wants a family?” she repeated my statement. Did she not hear the part of where I was envious of her? I simply nodded

“Get the fuck on top of that, Cammy!”  My face turned down. Uh, what?

“You need to get pregnant, like right now.  And have the opposite of what I’m having, so they can be best friends growing up but then develop crushes on each other and get married! We could be family for real!” She literally started crying. The hormones must be going nuts inside her. My Rayne wasn’t a crier.

“Well, easier said than done.”

“I’m still betting on Jake. Let’s hope he wins you over soon. You can be pregnant and miserable with me.”  I raised an eyebrow at that.

“Keep on betting, it’s not a permanent thing between us, and you’re not miserable, so shush. You’re built for baby making.”   She rolled her eyes, but kept on smiling.
“Okay, I think it’s time to go. I’m done here.” I stood up and held out my hand to help her up. She grunted and played it up that she couldn’t get out of the chair by herself, when we both knew she was very capable.

“Only ten more weeks to go!”  she exclaimed. 

“Yep, and you are still tiny as hell.”  She laughed and started her half-waddle, half-normal walk towards the door. Everyone blew us kisses as we left. 

I dropped Rayne off at her apartment around 6:30 p.m. with promises of us getting ready tomorrow together.  I drove the thirty minutes back to the rescue, and it looked like some hell had broken loose.  I jumped out of my Beetle and walked over to Derek.

“What happened?”  I asked with authority, as if I had a right to know what happened. What was wrong with me?

“Juno, the small lion, and her cage mate, Apollo, were playing a little rough; she needed some stitches. Things like this happen occasionally. She’ll be ok. We will just have to keep an eye on them a little more in the future.” He smiled at me and I felt a little more at ease.

“Oh. Hope she heals quickly then.”  Poor thing.

“I’m going to head inside. If you guys need help or whatever, let me know.”  I wanted to be useful, but then I looked down at my pretty, pink-colored nails and decided that maybe I should just hang out the rest of the night. Didn’t want to ruin anything. I let out a deep breath. I was losing my mind.

I walked into the house and noticed Binksie was creeping low to look around the couch in the living room. Odd. I stood there and watched as a little orange and black fuzzball came running around the corner of the couch, making Binksie take off with Casey chasing after him. It made me giggle, which made Jake walk down the stairs and sweep me into his arms. I wasn’t really ready for his attack or the hell of a kiss he landed on my lips, but I welcomed it. I could definitely come home to this every day.

My body froze at that thought. Something in me was changing. Jake pulled back when I stopped kissing him and looked me over.

“Did you make dinner?” I choked out. He was eyeing me, trying to figure out what was going on in my head.

“I was just about to,” he mumbled and I jumped out of his arms, faking excitement.
“Oh, good! I’ll make us something. You’ve been cooking this whole time; I need to make it up to you.” I fake-smiled and walked into the kitchen. He let me have my space, so I turned on my cell phone for music and got to work on an awesome meal. Anything to distract me from realizing something big. Something I was in no way ready to admit.

Chapter Eighteen


I was swaying my hips and mixing the kick-ass chili I made when a song I had forgotten all about came through my little speaker. The strumming of the guitar was like having an epiphany. I grabbed the spoon I was stirring with, seductively licked it clean, and started singing the words into the spoon like it was a microphone.

I started belting out the lyrics to
Stacy’s Mom
by Fountains of Wayne in the kitchen, and made a decision that, whenever I had a girl, because I would have one of course, that I would name her Stacy. I was going to be Stacy’s mom. I would be a MILF. This song was going to be dedicated to me one day. It was now a life goal.

I swished my hair around like the rock star I was and started giving this song my everything. This was my song, after all. The song was coming to an end, I was mid-hair twirl and boob grab when I saw him leaning against the wall, watching me. BUSTED.

“Wonderful performance.” He was fighting back laughter, with a big grin plastered on his face.

“Well, it’s my song, sooo…” I finished my hair flip and gave my boob one last grab for his viewing pleasure.

“Your song?” His head turned to the side like a confused dog. It was cute.

“I’m going to be Stacy’s mom. When I have a girl, I’m going to name her Stacy, and I will be her hot mom that her friends will want to see. A MILF.” I gestured to my body like it was obvious they would want to see this hot mess.  He shook his head but that laugh he was holding onto came out. It was going to come true one day; he could laugh all he wanted.

“Mad woman.” He walked over to me and kissed me. It was a possessive type of kiss, a sweet kiss. One that said
I can’t believe I like your brand of crazy, but I do. I really do.

I kissed him, then smacked his ass with my spoon. He pulled back to look at me.
Did you really just smack me on the ass with a spoon?
was written all over his face. I had a
yeah, bitch, what are you going to do about it?
expression on my face.

We were having a conversation with our facial expressions and it was fun.

“The spoon did it all on its own. I had no control over it.”  I did it again and held a semi-serious face. I was in a playful mood and currently that meant smacking Jake on his delectable derriere. How he reacted would show me a lot about this thing between us, and by the look on his face, he was going to retaliate and I should run. Now.

I did.

I took off and headed up the stairs. He caught me at the last step, took me to the ground with my ass up in the air. I laughed loudly when he popped my ass with some sort of kitchen utensil. Spatula, maybe?

“Ah!” I cried out and laughed at the same time.

Then he abandoned his weapon and moved on to a far more painful form of torture: tickling me.

I thrashed and tried to get him back, or get away, but I was completely at his mercy. I saw the two cats were coming in to join the fun. Both Binksie and Casey were intrigued by my screams. They batted their paws at both Jake and me, not sure whose team they were on here.

I managed to turn my body around so he was facing me, wedged between my legs. He was still tickling me but I managed to get a jab of my finger in a few times, until he grabbed my wrists with one hand and pinned them above my head.  Our faces were inches away from each other, and suddenly the playfulness left the air. Only thing left was the static sexual tension and emotions.

This would be a moment of declarations. I looked into his eyes and saw it in him, too. If he could say what he was thinking and not scare me off, he would.

“I know,” I whispered to him. He didn’t need to say it. From the look in his eyes, I understood it perfectly. I was
for him. I crawled out from under him and went back downstairs to turn the stove off. There was so much tension between us, and most of it was my doing. I was fighting this tooth and nail. I was off my rocker completely.  Giving it a shot one minute, then running away the next.  Maybe I should have him just take me out back and put me out of my misery.

“Dinner’s done,” I announced and Jake came down the stairs, not acknowledging the big elephant in the kitchen. Or so I thought.

His arms wrapped around me, turning me in his embrace.
“What’s going on in your head? Be straight with me, sweetheart. Remember?”  I did say I was a straight shooter, and he wanted that from me, like I wanted it from him. He had been nothing but straight with me this whole time.

“This whole place scares me,” I admitted. It was hard to say out loud, but I did it. His eyebrows pinched in the middle, he was confused.

“It’s not the creatures. I’m not afraid I’m going to get bitten or anything.”

“Elaborate, sweetheart.”  The dramatic flair in me reared her head. I pulled out of his arms and started my flailing.

“I could like it here and that scares me. This isn’t me. This life isn’t me. You’re too damn amazing for your own good and your evil plan to keep me is working and it freaks me the hell out.” There. I voiced my thoughts.  Jake was digging his way inside me and I feared it would soon be too late to get him out.

“Maybe what you wanted isn’t what you need. Maybe what you need is here. Change is okay, sweetheart. Change can reveal a future you never thought possible. Whatever you want, you can have.” He took a step closer.

“I can give you the world, sweetheart.” He meant it, but alas, that was where my problem lay. I didn’t know what I wanted. I wanted him. But I wanted my salon, I wanted a family, I wanted to be a soccer mom.  I didn’t want to go back to my empty apartment when this week was over. But I wasn’t sure I could stay here, either.

“I don’t know what I want.” I gave it to him straight.

“I know I want to eat this chili, though. I worked hard on it. So let’s just eat, and go from there. One step at a time.”  I grabbed a bowl and loaded it with some corn chips, cheese, sour cream, and chili, then handed it to him. He grabbed the bowl and sat at the table. I made my own, then joined him.  He complimented my cooking and we chatted about what we would do tomorrow for the Gala, which started at 6 p.m.  I promised to help him with a few things in the morning, but then I was going to head over to Rayne’s to get ready.  I told Jake I would meet him at the Mote Marine Aquarium, then ride back with him after it was over.

“I know a good place you can get a tux, if you need one.”  I doubted Jake had a tux lying around. If it wasn’t a Henley shirt, boots, or jeans, he probably didn’t ever wear it.

“I’ve got it covered.” He winked and got a beep from Derek that they needed him over by Koda’s enclosure. He looked at me like he wanted to stay and felt bad for leaving, but honestly, it was ok. I could play with the kitties, read, or pass out. I was sort of tired.

“Go, I’ll be here.” I stretched my arms over my head, and yawned. Maybe I was more tired than I thought.

“Be good. Don’t let Casey destroy the house too much.” He stood and put his bowl in the sink before heading out.  I sat there and watched Binksie and Casey lying on one of the dog beds together. Two peas in a pod. I finished eating my chili, then went upstairs to shower and dress in my jammies, a simple shirt and shorts again. I spent the next couple hours watching the cats play together— it was wildly entertaining. 

Jake came back in and put Casey in a large crate he had set up in the living room in the corner. It was her bedtime. She went peacefully into her quarters and I laid on the couch with Binksie and told them funny stories about my life.
Jake had once again carried me up to the bed some point in the night, because I woke up snuggled in his arms. Keeping my eyes closed, I simply listened to his even breaths, and felt his chest move with every inhale. It was peaceful enough that I fell back asleep.

When I finally woke back up again, the sun was shining brightly through the windows. Jake was missing from the bed, but Binksie had taken his spot.

“Where’d he go?”  I asked the giant kitty. Binksie continued to snooze and didn’t even bother to acknowledge menthe clock on his side of the bed glowed 9 a.m. He let me sleep in? I told him I would help with stuff. On the other hand, I felt very refreshed and rested. Maybe I needed it.

Chapter Nineteen


“Morning.” The man of the hour came walking in with coffee. I squealed in delight. Yeah, I squealed.

“Thank you!”  I gripped the handle of the cup and smelled the delicious aroma. Heavenly.

“Thought you’d like to sleep in. I have to make a video today and thought you’d want to watch. After that, you can go get ready with your friend.” He looked fine on the outside but I could feel something stewing underneath.

“You okay?” I took a sip of my coffee. I moaned, it was so good.

“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Uh huh,” I mumbled into the cup. Something was up, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it. That’s fine. I had plenty of those moments lately. I trusted that soon he would tell me whatever was bothering him.

“Finish your cup, get dressed, then meet me outside.” He rubbed Binksie’s ears, then walked briskly out of the room.  I did as he said and was ready in my cute jeans, boots, and a pretty, blue short-sleeved shirt.  He had the ATV ready and I hopped on, arms around his waist.

We drove over to the bobcat area first, where a couple of interns were setting things up with a camera.

“Are you doing a show?”

“We do videos of everything that happens on the rescue and put them on YouTube. It helps educate the public, and keeps up interest in what we do. Today is box day.” He pulled up and stopped.

Autumn and Helen were there, waiting with thumbs up at Jake. They rolled their eyes when they saw me get off the ATV with him, but otherwise kept to themselves. Jake walked over to the enclosure and stood in front of it. I noticed two other rescue workers on the other side of the cage with their thumbs up.

“Okay, ready?” Autumn asked Jake and the person holding the camera. They all signaled that they were okay and I saw the little red light on the camera blink on.

“You know how house cats love boxes? Well, it turns out so do the big ones!” Jake beamed at the camera and then a bobcat was let loose from its eating nook, heading straight for the box. The camera person moved so they could get a good angle of the cat sniffing and scratching at the box.  I laughed a little when the bobcat tried to crawl into the box just like I’d seen normal kitties do.

We went around to each of the cat enclosures, and watched as each of them investigated and played with their own box. It was really fun to watch, and cool that everyone who looked online could watch and have fun, too. When the fun was over, I kissed Jake goodbye and left to get all of my things from my house so I could go get ready with Rayne.

“Okay, all set.” I finished the last bit of blush on Rayne’s cheeks and took a step back. My little blossom was utterly beautiful and ready to wiggle into her cute purple dress. I did my makeup and hair while she took a nap; the only thing left for me was the dress and accessories, as well.

“Okay, no looking!” When I dolled her up, I never let her look in the mirror until she was a completely finished product. That way she saw herself in all her glamour, not piece by piece.  I unzipped her garment bag and helped her get into the Grecian-style dress that flowed over her belly and wrapped over her left shoulder. My eyes started to glisten seeing her all pregnant and looking like a goddess. I hopped into my dress quickly, then went back to her.

“Rayne, babe, you are gorgeous.” I helped her get to the full-length mirror in her room and took a step back.

“Wow. Arson is not going to let me leave the house!” she giggled.

I would probably have to drag them both out the door. Moving in next to her, I looked over my own princess outfit. I was wearing a black floor length dress, but instead of the Grecian look, I went with something different. My shoulders and neck were exposed, thanks to the open neckline that wrapped around my quarter-length sleeves. The material was glittery, but soft. A four-inch ribbon started at the back seam from the zipper and came to a square bow in the front of my waist. The soft material flowed down from there. All I needed were some earrings to compliment my smoky black eye shadow and red lipstick. My red hair was pulled back into a low bun with little wisps around my face.

Rayne’s pretty green eyes stood out, thanks to the golden eye shadow that coated them.  But it wasn’t her eye shadow that was standing out now—it was the look on her face.

“What?” What was her deal?

“You are so getting pregnant tonight. That wild man of yours is going to put a baby in you.” She laughed at me when I rolled my eyes.

“Those pregnancy hormones are affecting your brain. No babies will be planted tonight. I am on the pill, thank you very much. Not until it’s planned.” I put in some earrings and handed Rayne a pair as well.

“Uh huh.”  I ignored her comment and as expected, wound up having to drag both of them out of the apartment by their toes.

“So I was telling Larry the other day that it was silly to buy a Porsche. So we bought a Range Rover instead. Very responsible of us. Now we will have room to fit the boy in the backseat.”  The wife of a plastic surgeon was talking to me, rattling on about their new son, who the nanny took care of, and how they bought a Range Rover over a Porsche. I plastered a smile on my face.

“Excuse me one moment, I need to go to the restroom.” I walked away and headed off in a different direction. I glanced over at Arson and Rayne, they were working the room just like I was. We could be ourselves to a certain extent, but I was no millionaire. If someone happened to get pissy and complain to the right person, causing the closing of my salon for some reason, I would be screwed. All of my girls would be out of a job. I would be okay for a while, but I would have to get a job somewhere. Arson and Rayne were the same. They had money, but other people depended on them to play nice.

Wanting somewhere quiet I stepped into the little alcove to the shark tank. Fish swam by peacefully while being surrounded by a couple of sharks. Story of my life.

“Hanging with the good sharks. Smart, sweetheart.” I didn’t turn at his voice. I’d been at the Gala for an hour and a half and he hadn’t shown up. I was beginning to think he wasn’t going to come.

“These ones looked safer.” In truth, I bet people go in those tanks all the time. Cleaning it, moving things around.  The sharks probably just went on with their shark lives. The rest of the sharks in this aquarium were on the lookout for blood in the water.

“I’ve been waiting all day to see you dressed up. Now turn around, beautiful.” His voice was calm but demanding. I took in a short, but deep breath and did as he said. He was standing five feet behind me, looking drop-dead gorgeous in a black tux. Both of our gazes roamed over our appearance.  Jake in a tux was beautiful, but oddly, I felt myself longing for the animal Jake.

“I like your other look better.”  You could tell he was toned underneath the suit, but his normal attire made him look all muscled, warm-blooded man.  Tuxed Jake looked like a high- powered someone from the city. He still had an air of authority, even if he was uncomfortable. It was the alpha in him that he talked so much about.

“Good to know, only words I have for how you look tonight is, I’m glad you’re mine. Shall we?” He held his hand out to me and I accepted it.

“I thought you were going to chicken out.” We walked back out towards the crowds of people.

“Had a branch fall on one of the enclosure fences. I had to fix it up before I could head over.”  Well, that shut me up. The rescue was his life; it came first. It had to.

“Well, thank you for coming,” I told him as a man and his wife, whose names escaped me, walked up to us.

“Jake Wild! I’ll be damned, never thought I’d see you at something like this in a million years.” The gentleman had brown hair and wrinkles around his blue eyes. He was fairly in shape, and dressed in an Armani suit. His female guest was several years younger, wearing a short blue cocktail dress and eyeing up Jake with her overkill make-uped eyes.

“James, pleasure to see you again. Have you met my date, Cammy Jennings? She owns Prism Salon on St. Armand’s.” Jake’s posture was strong, but I was confused how they knew each other.

“Oh, I’ve been dying to go to that salon. It looks so swanky.” The date squealed. That was nice of her to say, but swanky…? Not sure about that.

“No, I have not. Ms. Jennings, pleasure.” He held out his hand, which I shook in return. Our introductions died and there was an awkward silence spreading.

“Sorry, I’m just so surprised to see you.  Marlene is going to blow when she sees America’s most eligible bachelor is here. Better dig your claws in deep with him, because I think we have company.”  James was having a spout of the nervous giggles. It was awkward and weird, to say the least.

BOOK: The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2)
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