The Drake Restrained Compete Collection: Part 1 - 4 (The Drake Series Book 7) (34 page)

BOOK: The Drake Restrained Compete Collection: Part 1 - 4 (The Drake Series Book 7)
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?" I whispered, grinning. "You better answer him. Tell him we'll be right down."

"I'll be right down, Daddy. Give me five minutes, OK?"

"All right, dear,” Ethan said. “We're waiting."

Did he know I was in the room with her? Neither Kate nor I said anything for a moment, waiting for them to leave. Once I was sure they had, I buried my face between her naked breasts, wanting to drown myself in her body. I kissed each nipple and then stared in her eyes. "Jesus
Am I ever going to get to actually
inside of you?"

"You want to?" Kate said and grinned.

"Right now, there is absolutely
I want more in this world,” I said, grinning back widely. “An end to poverty? World peace? Human rights for all? No. I want to fuck you until I come inside of you. Bareback."

"We haven't been tested yet…"

"I have been. I'm clean. I'm know you are as well. You told me and I trust you. I want to see my come dripping out of you."


"Seriously," I said. "You've brought out the animal in me, Kate. We're talking caveman. Warlord claiming territory, plundering." I couldn’t stop myself from laughing like an idiot.

…" she said, smiling.

I rose up over her and brushed a strand of hair from her flushed cheek. She was so delicious, lying there almost naked. I had never wanted a woman as much as I wanted Kate at that moment. Never in the heat of passion or in a moment of total and complete control had I felt this way.

"Once we're alone, once we're
alone, I'm going to fuck you and come inside your body and I'm not even going to worry about making you come, because you owe me one, remember? After that, I'll bathe you and shave your sweet little pussy, and I'll tie you up and make you come three times. Once with my tongue and mouth. Once with my fingers, and once with my cock."

." She closed her eyes as if it was too much.

"You like that idea, do you Kate?"

She opened her eyes once more. "Yes," she whispered like she was afraid to admit it. What was she afraid of? For the life of me, I couldn’t understand. She wanted it – me – but was still afraid.

"You want me to tie you up and make you come?"


"Yes, what?" I said, wanting her to say the words out loud. I had to have complete certainty that she wanted to submit, that she wanted me to take control, that she wanted me to do what I wanted how I wanted.

She shook her head. "Yes…
" she said hesitantly.

I closed my eyes and leaned down, pressing my forehead against hers, smiling. "No,
. I want you to say the words." Yes, I
her to call me ‘Master’ some day, but I wanted her to feel it. For it to be real for her, and not just something she said to please me or because she thought she had to. That would take time. I had to be patient.

I kissed her, smiling in spite of myself for she was just so damn sweet. "Just say what I said. That you want me to tie you up."

"Oh, yes, please tie me up and make me come, Drake," she said softly, finally understanding my intention.

"You're not ready for
yet," I said, my gaze moving over her face. "You don't feel it yet. But one day you will be ready and you will feel it. And I will
hearing that word come from your sweet lips while you beg me to let you come."

She exhaled, closing her eyes and I could see that those words affected her deeply. She wanted to submit, to lose control and for me to take it.

I stood up, running my hands down her inner thighs to her pussy. "
. You're so nice and wet. But we better go or Ethan will be back with firefighters to break down the door."

I pulled her up so that she stood in front of me, her head tilted back to look in my eyes. I leaned down and kissed her.

"I like that you're short," I said. "Petite. It brings out the Dom in me."

"I like when the Dom in you comes out."

"Oh, Kate, you ain't seen
yet. All you’ve tasted is vanilla ice cream."

She frowned a bit as if unsure.

"Don't frown," I said, stepping closer. "If you like it now, all I mean is that you'll like it even more when we actually play."

She nodded. "I better change," she said and pointed to her room.

"I'll wait, although I feel like I need to go and jerk off in the bathroom to get rid of this," I said, grasping my still-hard cock, taking her hand and placing it over my length. "But I want to save it for you."

She took in a deep breath, but eagerly squeezed me to test my size.

"I wish I could help you with this," she said, her voice a bit quivery.

"You will.

"You know, I still haven't signed anything."

"You will.
," I said, grinning.

"You're so sure of yourself."

"No, I'm not," I said, pulling her into my arms. "I'm just sure of what I want." I was sure. Never more sure. I was sure I wanted her completely to myself. I kissed her, my emotions welling up inside. "I want you."

She sighed audibly and pulled slowly out of my arms. "I better freshen up…"

While she went to the washroom, I took out my cell and called Laurisse to confirm our meeting prior to the conference session. When Kate was done, I waved her over and pulled her against my body.

"Yes, I'll meet you at 1:30,” I said to Laurisse. “We can review the slides once before 2:00."

Then I ended the call and put my cell away.

"Business?" she asked.

"Just preparing for our presentation this afternoon at the conference. My colleagues and I are presenting the results of a three-year study on pediatric neuro-electrophysiology. Dr. Marchand and I are doing the presentation at 2:00."

She nodded.

“Let’s go down to the restaurant,” I said, kissing her on the cheek. “Ethan will be expecting you and I don’t want to keep the judge waiting.”

She smiled and took my hand when I opened the door to her suite.


We went to the dining room where Ethan and Elaine were seated.

"Look who I ran into on the way over here," Kate said, pointing to me. I felt rather sheepish, considering I’d just been in her room, ravishing her when Ethan had knocked.

Ethan feigned surprise but he wasn’t a very good actor. He stood and extended his hand and we shook vigorously. He winked at me.

"Drake, how nice to see you again."

"You can cut the act, Daddy," Kate said, smiling. "Drake already told me you two conspired to bring me here so I could 'get away from it all'."

Ethan looked between us but couldn’t keep up the ruse. "Guilty as charged. I confess."


After a nice meal, during which we discussed the conference and made plans to go on a scuba diving excursion, I left and met with Laurisse to go over the conference PowerPoint presentation.

“You’re looking very happy,” she said when I sat down across from her in her suite.

“I am,” I said. “This conference is turning out to be more than entertaining.”

“Your girlfriend seemed surprised to see you.”

“We had a little misunderstanding back in Manhattan. She wasn’t expecting me.”

She smiled. “You two made up?”

I nodded. “Everything is straightened out.”

It was and I was filled with a sensation of elation and was barely able to focus on the slides as I thought about Kate possibly signing my agreement before the weekend was out.








The afternoon session went very well, and once Laurisse and I finished answering questions, it was almost four. I left the conference room early, without staying for the second session and met up with Ethan, Elaine and Kate in the lobby.

We took a limo to White Beach Diving Adventures several miles down the coast from our hotel. I greeted the owner, who I had already met on a previous trip to the Bahamas, and we had an hour’s worth of instruction on scuba diving. Once the lecture was over, we all suited up but Kate was a bit more difficult to fit. She had mistakenly worn her underwear instead of her bathing suit, and so had to be fitted while in her underwear. Kate was petite with thin bones and an ample bosom, so the only woman's size left was too big in the body and too small in the bust.

The instructor held up yet another wetsuit for her to try.

"This is all we have left. It's old."

Kate made a face as she examined it. "Maybe I should just stay behind."

"Nonsense," Ethan said. "Suit up and let's go."

Kate disappeared behind the curtain but after several long moments, she popped her head out of the stall. "Um, I need a bit of help with this zipper…"

Elaine was getting dressed herself so I went in the change room where she was struggling with the zipper.

"It's a bit rusted," she said, trying to hold the two sides of the zipper close together. I tried to keep a smile off my face but she looked so desirable, her hair up, her cheeks pink, her breasts squished together. Finally, I took hold of the zip loop and pulled, but it didn’t budge. I jiggled the zipper up and down, but it was completely stuck.

"That’s what you get for having such luscious breasts," I whispered as I gave one strong jerk on the zipper latch. "Squeeze them a bit more, pull the two sides closer."

She did, her cheeks reddening.

"Christ, you're going to give me a boner, Kate."

"You better not get one," she said. Then, she glanced down at me and her eyes widened. "You look like you already do."

I glanced down. "No, I'm soft. I'm just a
, not a


"A shower. I
my length all the time, and only thicken up and harden when I get an erection. Most men are growers. They're smaller when soft and grow in length when they have an erection."

," she said, smiling up at me shyly. "So what I see is what I get?"

"More or less," I said. "In terms of length, at least." Then I caught her eye. "As you learned from Big, length isn’t as important as girth when it comes to a woman's pleasure…"


I grinned widely at her expression and gave one huge tug and the zipper finally complied.

"There," I said, straightening her shoulders. "Confined." I glanced at her body, which looked luscious all wrapped in rubber. "I might be convinced to put you in some latex at some point. A nice black latex cat suit would be really delicious…"

Kate wiggled around in the suit, trying to make it fit better.

"We have to get going," the instructor said through the door. "Those suits are thin but if you wear them for any length of time in this warmth, you'll overheat. Most accidents in triathlons are due to people overheating while waiting for their wave of swimmers to leave the shore."

We all went to the boats, where an assistant instructor loaded our gear. I had already been scuba diving several times, so I buddied up with Kate instead of one of the staff. I was pleased to be her partner, for it would allow me to ‘take control’ over her and show her how I could be the one to lead.

Our dive was short but enjoyable, and although I was ready to keep on exploring the reef, we had only a short dive planned. We returned to the marina and Kate had as much difficulty getting out of the suit as she had getting in.

Ethan stood outside her stall. "Sweetie? Do you need some help?"

"Yes," Kate said, her voice sounding frustrated. "Its just as hard to unzip."

I went inside her stall and took hold of the zipper and gave it a few good yanks, but had no luck. I tried everything I could think of but the zipper would not budge. The instructor came in with some oil and drizzled it over the zipper, but that did nothing to help matters. All it accomplished was to make our hands all oily.

I had changed into my board shorts and sandals, my chest bare. Ethan and Elaine were also back in their street clothes, leaving Kate in her rubber suit. I could tell by the color in her cheeks that she was starting to overheat.

"Phew," she said and waved her face with a hand. "I'm getting hot."

"We need to get you out of this," I said, feeling a touch of alarm.

"Is everything all right in there?" Ethan called out.

I went out to speak with them. "There's a problem with the zipper. It'll take a bit but we may have to cut her out of the suit. Why don’t you two go back to the hotel and we'll meet you back there for a drink before dinner?"

Ethan nodded. "I'll send the limo back. Are you sure everything's all right?"

 "No problem," I said, not wanting to alarm him.

The instructor came in with me and both of us took turns yanking on the zipper, but it was firmly stuck. Then just when the instructor was going to get a pair of scissors to start cutting Kate out of the suit, I was able to get the zipper down about six inches, right below her bust.

BOOK: The Drake Restrained Compete Collection: Part 1 - 4 (The Drake Series Book 7)
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