Read The Dictionary of Dreams Online

Authors: Gustavus Hindman Miller

The Dictionary of Dreams (10 page)

BOOK: The Dictionary of Dreams
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be the recipient of some pleasure or present.


To see respectable-looking strangers arrested, foretells that you desire to make changes, and new speculations will be subordinated by the fear of failure. If they resist the officers, you will have great delight in pushing to completion the new enterprise.

[17] See Prisoner.


Pleasure follows this dream. Entertainments, festivals and pleasant journeys may be expected. Suffering will cease.

An old or broken arrow, portends disappointments in love or business.

Art Gallery

To visit an art gallery, portends unfortunate unions in domestic circles.

You will struggle to put forth an appearance of happiness, but will secretly care for other associations.


If you reach the extreme point of ascent, or top of steps, without stumbling, it is good; otherwise, you will have obstacles to overcome before the good of the day is found.


To dream of asceticism, denotes that you will cultivate strange

principles and views, rendering yourself fascinating to strangers,

but repulsive to friends.


Dreaming of ashes omens woe, and many bitter changes are

sure to come to the dreamer. Blasted crops to the farmer.

Unsuccessful deals for the trader. Parents will reap the sorrows

of wayward children.


To dream of visiting Asia is assurance of change, but no material

benefits from fortune will follow.


This is an unfortunate dream. Females may lose the respect of honorable and virtuous people. Deadly enemies are at work to defame character.

Sweethearts will wrong each other.


To dream of asparagus, signifies prosperous surroundings and obedience from servants and children. To eat it, denotes interrupted success.


To see an ass in a dream, you will meet many annoyances,

and delays will accrue in receiving news or goods.

To see donkeys carrying burdens, denotes that, after patience and toil, you will succeed in your undertakings, whether of travel or love.

If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports.

If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary

quarrels may follow.

[18] See Donkey.


If you are the one to receive the assassin's blow, you will not surmount all your trials.

To see another, with the assassin standing over him with blood stains, portends that misfortune will come to the dreamer.

To see an assassin under any condition is a warning that losses

may befall you through secret enemies.


Giving assistance to any one in a dream, foretells you will be favored in your efforts to rise to higher position.

If any one assists you, you will be pleasantly situated,

and loving friends will be near you.


To dream of an asylum, denotes sickness and unlucky dealings,

which cannot be overcome without great mental struggle.


Dreams of the astral, denote that your efforts and plans will culminate in worldly success and distinction. A spectre or picture of your astral self brings heart-rending tribulation.


To dream you are looking at an atlas, denotes that you will carefully study interests before making changes or journeys.


Means joyous communing with friends, and speculators need not fear any drop in stocks. Courting among the young will meet with happy consummation.

The sacrifice or atonement of another for your waywardness, is portentous of the humiliation of self or friends through your open or secret disregard of duty. A woman after this dream is warned of approaching disappointment.


To dream that you are in an attic, denotes that you are entertaining hopes which will fail of materialization.

For a young woman to dream that she is sleeping in an attic, foretells that she will fail to find contentment in her present occupation.


To see an attorney at the bar, denotes that disputes of a serious

nature will arise between parties interested in worldly things.

Enemies are stealing upon you with false claims. If you see an attorney defending you, your friends will assist you in coming trouble, but they will cause you more worry than enemies.


To dream of an auction in a general way, is good.

If you hear the auctioneer crying his sales, it means bright

prospects and fair treatment from business ventures.

To dream of buying at an auction, signifies close deals to tradesmen, and good luck in live stock to the farmer. Plenty, to the housewife is the omen for women. If there is a feeling of regret about the dream, you are warned to be careful of your business affairs.


To dream of the month of August, denotes unfortunate deals,

and misunderstandings in love affairs.

For a young woman to dream that she is going to be married in August, is an omen of sorrow in her early wedded life.


To see augurs in your dreams, is a forecast of labor and toil.


For a young woman to dream of seeing her aunt, denotes she will receive sharp censure for some action, which will cause her much distress.

If this relative appears smiling and happy, slight difference

will soon give way to pleasure.


To dream of discussing any subject relating to aura, denotes that you will reach states of mental unrest, and work to discover the power which influences you from within.


For a woman to dream of Autumn, denotes she will obtain property

through the struggles of others. If she thinks of marrying in Autumn, she will be likely to contract a favorable marriage and possess a cheerful home.


To dream that you ride in an automobile, denotes that you will be restless under pleasant conditions, and will make a change in your affairs.

There is grave danger of impolitic conduct intimated through a dream of this nature.

If one breaks down with you, the enjoyment of a pleasure will not extend to the heights you contemplate.

To find yourself escaping from the path of one, signifies that you

will do well to avoid some rival as much as you can honestly allow.

For a young woman to look for one, she will be disappointed in her aims to entice some one into her favor.


For an author to dream that his manuscript has been rejected

by the publisher, denotes some doubt at first, but finally

his work will be accepted as authentic and original.

To dream of seeing an author over his work, perusing it with anxiety, denotes that you will be worried over some literary work either of your own or that of some other person.


To dream that you are awake, denotes that you will experience

strange happenings which will throw you into gloom.

To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape,

in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience,

signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you,

but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present

and that time.


Seeing an axe in a dream, foretel s that what enjoyment

you may have will depend on your struggles and energy.

To see others using an axe, foretel s, your friends will be

energetic and lively, making existence a pleasure when near them.

For a young woman to see one, portends her lover will be worthy,

but not possessed with much wealth. A broken or rusty axe,

indicates illness and loss of money and property.

B. ``_God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him,

`Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman thou hast taken;

for she is a man's wife_.''--Gen. xx., 3rd.


To dream of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments.

A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends.

Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you take your baby if sick with fever.

You will have many sorrows of mind.

Baby Carriages

To dream of a baby carriage, denotes that you will have a congenial

friend who will devise many pleasurable surprises for you.


For a man to dream that he is a bachelor, is a warning for him

to keep clear of women.

For a woman to dream of a bachelor, denotes love not born of purity.

Justice goes awry. Politicians lose honor.


To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power.

Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often

attends this dream.

To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy

and jealousy are working to your hurt.

To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.


Conditions will change from good to bad if you are joined

with others in back-biting.

For your friends to back-bite you, indicates worriment by

servants and children.


To dream of playing backgammon, denotes that you will, while visiting, meet with unfriendly hospitality, but will unconsciously win friendships which will endure much straining.

If you are defeated in the game, you will be unfortunate in bestowing your affections, and your affairs will remain in an unsettled condition.


To dream of eating bacon is good, if some one is eating with you

and hands are clean.

Rancid bacon, is dulness of perception and unsatisfactory states

will worry you.

To dream of curing bacon is bad, if not clear of salt and smoke.

If clear, it is good.


To dream of a badger, is a sign of luck after battles with hardships.


This is not a bad dream, unless the music be harsh and the player in rags.

Baghavad Ghitta

To dream of the Baghavad, foretells for you a season of seclusion;

also rest to the exhausted faculties. A pleasant journey

for your advancement will be planned by your friends.

Little financial advancement is promised in this dream.


If the dreamer is seeking bail, unforeseen troubles will arise;

accidents are likely to occur; unfortunate alliances may be made.

If you go bail for another, about the same conditions,

though hardly as bad.


Shows a striving for a higher place, and a deficiency in intellect.

If the bailiff comes to arrest, or make love, false friends are trying to work for your money.


To dream of a bake-house, demands caution in making changes in one's career.

Pitfal s may reveal themselves on every hand.

For a young woman to dream that she is in a bake house,

portends that her character wil{l} be assailed.

She should exercise great care in her social affairs.


Baking is unpropitious for a woman. Ill health and the care of many children; meanness and poverty of supporters are indicated.


For lovers to dream of making sad adieus on a balcony, long and perhaps final separation may follow. Balcony also denotes unpleasant news of absent friends.


To see a bald-headed man, denotes that sharpers are to make

a deal adverse to your interests, but by keeping wide awake,

you will outwit them.

For a man to dream of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have

a vixen for wife.

A bald hill, or mountain, indicates famine and suffering in various forms.

For a young woman to dream of a bald-headed man, is a warning to her to use her intelligence against listening to her next marriage offer.

Bald-headed babies signify a happy home, a loving companion,

and obedient children.


A very satisfactory omen, if beautiful and gaily-dressed

people are dancing to the strains of entrancing music.

If you feel gloomy and distressed at the inattention of others,

a death in the family may be expected soon.


Indicates infidelity in the marriage state; also failures in business, and quarrels and jealousies among sweethearts.


Blighted hopes and adversity come with this dream.

Business of every character will sustain an apparent falling off.

To ascend in a balloon, denotes an unfortunate journey.


Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer. If you are banished

to foreign lands, death will be your portion at an early date.

To banish a child, means perjury of business allies.

It is a dream of fatality.


To dream of a banjo, denotes that pleasant amusements will be enjoyed.

To see a negro playing one, denotes that you will have slight worries, but no serious vexation for a season.

BOOK: The Dictionary of Dreams
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