The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) (10 page)

BOOK: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3)
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“Longest trip yet for Jez,” Pixie comments from beside me.

I nod in understanding, and my sights drift over to Big once again. This time Gunz is with him, and they’re exchanging some sort of instructions. Club business would be my guess.

A muscled arm playfully bumps into mine from behind. I sideways glance to catch Deke sidling up beside me, Ginger and Cherry in tow.

“Hey,” I greet him and his daughters, flashing them a genuine smile.

“We need to talk about what happened last night,” Deke blurts gruffly, without the common courtesy of saying hello first.
Well hello to you too, Mr. Grumpypants.
Guilt must be riding him hard. Unfortunately that’s pretty common for Deke.

For the moment, I ignore his comment. It’s not the time, nor the place to talk about this. We’ll discuss it later.

Cherry and Ginger stand in front of their dad, with his arms draped over their little shoulders. They seem taken with the sight before us of all the brothers and their bikes ready to roll out. It’s something I’ve seen so many times, I never think about how newbies, especially children, find it fascinating. Even though this is a small posse of men compared to many of the rides I’ve seen or been on, it’s something everybody should experience at least once in their life.

Bulk rolls forward onto the blacktop, along with Mickey and Gypsy. My brother Jizz is next to straddle his matte black beauty. He flashes me a bright smile and a two finger wave as he starts her up. I grin and singularly nod back. Then he too pulls forward into the lineup facing the front gate. His front tire nearly grazes Mickey’s rear one.

Dallas gives Debbie a lasting kiss when he dips her over his bike and devours her mouth, while both of their sons stand at the wayside, staring at the ground like they’re used to shielding their eyes from their parent’s spicy relationship. I’ve seen this same display from them before every run. Once, I saw Dallas pull up Debbie’s skirt and fuck her over his bike just before they rolled out. As you can see they both have their names for good reason.

Tripper and Candy Cane say their goodbye with chaste kisses and passing of notes they always exchange before he leaves. Tripper reaches into his cut to secure his to read later. This is something they’ve been doing for years. I know Candy Cane has a box that she stores them in under their bed with years of notes from years of runs.

Viper catches my attention for a brief second when he stuffs his gun back into his saddlebag and winks at me before blowing an exaggerated kiss my way. I reach up to catch it with an innocent grin. Pretending to look at the invisible kiss in my hand, my grin turns sinister, and I slap that hand to my ass, rubbing it in extra hard to make my point. Viper throws his head back and belts laughter toward the sky. The sounds of his laughter is muffled by the roar of the motorcycles rumbling. Then he too, still amused, rolls his bike forward joining the pack.

This leaves my Daddy, Runner, Axel, and Big to join their brothers. Pixie and I both pat each other’s backs in a silent good luck and pull away at the same time. She heads for her old man, and I head for my daddy. I don’t hesitate when I throw my arms around his neck, and he folds his arms around me, holding me close.

“Be good, my girl,” he yells to my ear, over the rumble his own bike.

I nod to his shoulder, “Yes, Daddy.”

He kisses my temple before I break away from his hug.

His finger reaches out and taps me on the nose. I giggle like a child. “I heard what happened last night. You gotta get that ironed out,” Daddy remarks.

The need to wince at the thought of last night crosses my mind, but I hold it back and double nod my understanding instead.

Daddy grabs hold of my shirt and tugs me closer for a moment. His mouth touches my ear. “I’ll keep an eye on him. Don’t you worry,” he reassures me.

I smile warmly. My daddy’s on my side, and maybe he’ll keep Big from doing anything stupid. I can only hope. The smallest bit of relief washes through me at my daddy’s kindness. I know he can’t do much to control his Prez, but maybe he can prevent him from getting too drunk and making another stupid fucking mistake. Although, when I think about it, why should one grown man have to corral another? Isn’t he old enough to know better without guidance from my daddy? Plus, Big just promised again that he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship. Maybe this time it will stick. One can only hope.

It’s my turn to speak to my daddy’s ear, “Thanks dad, but he’s a grown ass man. Let him fuck up on his own. He’s gotta learn to keep his dick to himself one way or another.”

I feel my daddy’s face brush against mine, as he nods his agreement. “Okay, whatever you say, my girl,” he yells over the roar of another biker added to the pack.

I give him another brief hug and let him go. Taking a few steps back, I let him roll forward to join his brothers. Now it’s time to face the music and say goodbye to Big. Gunz and Deke are among the group of old ladies and children, who are all standing behind the line of rumbling bikes. Big is the last to sit in the dirt, straddling his bike, waiting for me to say my goodbye. It’s hard to say bye to him after everything we’ve been through in the past year. This is our first official run as a couple, even if I haven’t exactly accepted his claim of being his old lady quite yet.

I stroll over to him, not wanting to seem too eager for him to leave or too sad. I’ve gotta remain neutral. I know it’s hard enough for him to handle with this run to god knows where doing whatever the hell they’re doing. At least I’ll have an entire weekend to keep my mind off Big and what he may or may not be doing. Not that I’d dwell that much on it anyhow. I’m not that kinda girl.

Stopping by Big’s bike, he releases his handlebar and reaches for me. Snagging me around the waist, he tugs me forward. I stop just as my stomach touches the edge of Onyx’s tank. Big leans forward and kisses my cheek to my nose and down to my mouth. Without thinking, I settle my hands on his shoulders. I can’t give him a lousy goodbye no matter how much of a cheating bastard he is. Fuck what everybody else thinks or what my mind thinks. I still love the big dope.

Big presses a soft lingering kiss to my lips. “I’m gonna miss these,” he says and kisses me once more. I don’t melt into his arms like I want. I keep my legs parted just a bit so my burning core doesn’t catch fire from how turned on I am, and I remain stoic. I’ll take what I can for now, and we’ll deal with the rest of the heavy shit later.

“I love you,” he speaks to my lips pulling away. I want to say it too, but it’s not the right time. Instead I dart another quick peck to his lips before dropping my hands and turning to head back to the sisters.

I’m greeted with affection when joining the group of family as we wait together for the inevitable send-off. Gunz curls me to his side and offers me a sucker. He already has one in his mouth. I take the proffered gift of solace and tear off the wrapper. He takes the trash from my fingers and stuffs it into his jeans pocket. I plop the sweetness into my mouth. Instantly, for whatever reason, I’m calmed. Between Big’s scent and Gunz’s suckers, they both have a strange effect on me, by causing an ease to take over and rid my body of stress. It’s like the sugar from the strawberry sucker melts the emotions and washes them down the drain of my soul. A little too deep for ya? Yeah, maybe that was a bit over the top. But I’m pretty sure ya catch my drift.

Big doesn’t look my way when he ties his blue bandana around his head and slides on a pair of shades. Inching his Hog forward, he rolls to the front of the brothers’ group and clicks a button on his motorcycle. The iron gate to the compound opens.

With gruff enthusiasm, all the brothers grunt and holler. You can almost taste the potency of testosterone and oil as it clogs the air. Gunz puts his other hand to my belly, and I lean my head to the side of his chest. Ah…this is nice. I miss days like this. When I was a kid, we’d stand back here and watch them ride out in a line.

An overwhelming sense of nostalgia makes me smile. Then I feel it in my stomach - the sensation that the roll out is nearing. It’s like a sense I’ve always had. I can almost taste it.

It’s time.

Big raises a hand in the air, and the motorcycles rev their engines to deafening levels. My heart skyrockets with excitement.
I love this part
. My teeth grind together on edge. I want to roar with them. I want to holler alongside the brothers. This is my family! My whole wonderful family is led by the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. I swallow hard at the thought, my throat constricting, as I fill with pride.

Beside me I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of the parents shielding their children’s ears. That will be me once Harley is born. I will be covering hers too. My smile widens. I’m going to be a biker mom, and my daughter is gonna be a MC brat just like me. It all seems so surreal. My hand joins Gunz’s on my stomach, and he kisses my temple once more just before the final send-off.

Big lowers his hand from the air, and brothers howl their excitement, with their heads tipped toward the bright blue sky. Big, for the first time in my entire life, turns his head to look over his shoulder. He grins at me and blows me a kiss before he turns right back around and rides out the gate. Brother after brother follow in single file right behind their Prez.

As they leave the compound, each of them lower their hand to the side, offering
to the family they are leaving behind and respect for the road ahead. We wait until the very last brother rolls out of the compound and the sounds of motorcycles are a faint memory echoing in the distance before anyone speaks.

White Boy, the prospect, runs to re-secure the gate. I shuffle out of Gunz’s grandpa bubble and join in with the commotion with the sisters.

“I can’t believe it’s always like that,” Jez states in amazement.

“It’s not,” Pixie comments.

“That only happens when it’s a planned, full brotherhood run. They don’t do those for the smaller ones,” Debbie explains with a soft smile.

“I can’t wait to ride my own Harley,” Debbie’s oldest son blurts with eagerness.

Deke shakes his head. “My girls better never get on any boy’s Harley,” he states and pats both of his daughters on the shoulder.

They seem oblivious to it all. They’re too engrossed with chatting with Miss. H to pay attention to us dull adults. I lean down and tap Miss. H on the shoulder. She looks back at me with her normal level of attitude and sass.

“Why don’t y’all go on ahead and play on the playground,” I push her little shoulders in the right direction. She grabs both Cherry’s and Ginger’s hands, and off they go to the playground. It’s not far so anyone can keep an eye on them without worrying they might get hurt.

Jezebel hooks Gabe onto her other hip. Knowing by the way she moves her body, she’s tired of holding him. He is a fat baby. I reach out to take him from her, and she brushes me off. “No,” she shakes her head. “You’re too pregnant to be carrying his lard-butt around,” she jiggles the so-called lard-butt on her cocked hip.

I don’t argue. She is his mama, and I’m too tired to fight with her. Those arguments could last for days.

Deke offers to take Gabe instead, and Jez shakes her head.

“I insist,” he presses with one of those over the top smiles. It works. With a sigh, she hands baby Gabe over to beautiful blonde biker Deke. If him holding a baby doesn’t make you swoon, I have no fucking clue what will. Being a dad looks real good on him.

All the girls must feel the same way as me because they stare at him and sigh. Suddenly, with an empty compound and only three men to choose from, Deke seems like the number one candidate for a little carnal relief. And what a relief that would be. I should know. I’ve not only kissed the hottie, but I’ve almost fucked him. I squeeze my legs together at the thought.
I should have taken Big up on the offer to eat my pussy. I’m sure gonna miss that talented tongue of his over the next few weeks, among other things of course.

“What’s everyone’s plans today?” Candy Cane cuts in, running her fingers through her red locks, and tearing me from my scattered thoughts.

Not having slept well last night, I know I will be taking a nap today. I’m not really in the mood to socialize, considering I have the entire weekend for that. A couple of days relaxing at home with no old man to care for might do me some good. Cooking for one? Yes, please. I should probably hit the grocery though. Chocolate is sounding damn good right about now.

Problem is, ever since my mother’s threat, Big has refused to let me go to the grocery without him or another brother with me for protection. Most of the time, he goes in my place, which means the list I provide him is always highly altered by the time he returns home. Have you ever made a list for your old man to shop with, and no matter how specific you make it, they always screw it up? If you’re shaking your head
, you’re one of the lucky bitches. God love Big, but that man can’t grocery shop for shit. I don’t like shopping any more than he does, but he jacks it up too fucking much. Plus, he spends another forty dollars or more on junk we don’t need.

If I ask for a gallon of 2% milk, I want a gallon, not a half gallon or two half gallons that end up costing twice the amount. If I ask for unsalted butter, I don’t want cheap margarine. I have to give him credit for trying; that’s why I never actually complain. At least not to his face. That’s what the sisters are for. Don’t judge me. You know you do it too. And damn, I would rather do the shopping myself to avoid the mess up. However, Mr. Control Freak doesn’t want me out where the cunt can sink her talons into me. Not really sure what he expects she’s got up her sleeve, but if he’s worried, I guess I should heed his suspicions. He’s not one to go on alert unless it’s warranted. Although my gut says he’s just being overprotective with my bun in the oven and all, I can’t be too careful, I suppose.

BOOK: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3)
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