Read The Day My Daddy Trilogy (family taboo breeding threesome virgin) Online

Authors: Scarlett Skyes

Tags: #threesome, #menage, #teen, #incest, #daddy, #daughter, #breeding, #mfm, #father, #dad, #blackmail, #virgin, #virginity, #deflower, #step, #deflowered, #big tits, #reluctant, #deflowering, #defloration, #blackmailed, #bred, #pseudo

The Day My Daddy Trilogy (family taboo breeding threesome virgin)

BOOK: The Day My Daddy Trilogy (family taboo breeding threesome virgin)
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The Day My Daddy Trilogy

Scarlett Skyes


Published by Scarlett Skyes at


Copyright 2013
Scarlett Skyes


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Author's note: All characters depicted
in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

Table of

The Day My Daddy Blackmailed

The Day My Daddy Shared Me

The Day My Daddy Impregnated

Other stories by Scarlett

The Day My Daddy
Blackmailed Me

When I woke up
I thought I was still drunk. Instead of the hangover I expected, I
felt like listening to music and dancing, laughing with my friends,
that kind of thing. It must have been one hell of a party, but
damned if I could remember anything about it. I was home, in my own
bed, so one of my friends must have driven me or called me a taxi
or something.

I decided not
to worry about it, plenty of time to recap on the party later that
day when I had the chance to catch up with my friends. For the time
being I would have a shower and then see about getting some food. I
grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom.

As I crossed
the hallway I heard the TV downstairs. My Mom was away for a couple
of weeks visiting sick relatives so my Step-Dad, Harvey, must have
stayed home from work. Strange, but what the hell, the guy had to
have the occasional Saturday off. I didn’t think much of it at the
time. He’d been married to my Mom for about seven years by then and
had almost always worked six day weeks. Harvey was a good provider,
I had to give him that. My Mom had always struggled to make ends
meet after my real Dad hit the road but Harvey took good care of
us, especially once they got married and we moved in with

He was a smart
guy and owned his own software company. It was small in terms of
employees but very busy and profitable, which is why he had to
dedicate so much time to it. That’s not to say he was never home,
or that we never saw him. Somehow he found the time to spend with
Mom and I over the years. He always surprised my Mom with little
gifts and love letters, she was walking on air most of the

He really
threw himself into the father role too. I don’t think I would have
got through high school without all his help on my homework and
assignments. He gently guided me, helping me find the answers
without just giving them to me. I felt so proud of myself when I
had those moments of realisation and gave the right answer, he had
always insisted on giving me a high-five when I solved a
particularly difficult problem.

Sometimes when
I compared the last seven years to the seven before that I
shuddered. My Mom had to work three crappy jobs so that we didn’t
live on the street and had enough food. I was forced to be more
self-sufficient than any five year old should be, and that’s the
way it was until I was eleven. I could barely remember my real Dad
when Harvey married my Mom, and his memory had grown even fainter
by the time I turned eighteen, a few months previous. All I
remembered was his indifference to me, and that I was glad when he
left. Nope, things were a lot better these days.

The shower
felt amazing on my body, washing away the last of the sleepiness
and leaving just that strange half-drunk buzz I’d woken with. I ran
my hands over my large breasts, they’d sprung up almost overnight
about a year and a half ago. I was a very late bloomer in that
regard and they gave my formerly petite schoolgirl body some real
womanly curves. I was still getting used to them and all the extra
attention they brought.

So many boys
had tried to get into my panties over the past eighteen months
since those drastic changes to my body, it wasn’t even funny. All
the heavy petting in the back seats of cars, windows fogged up as
they pressed their hard bulges against me and groped my new tits
outside of my shirt. I’m reasonably sure more than a few of them
came in their pants and I know for a fact that they were all
disappointed that I would never go any further. I’d made my
decision though, I was waiting for somebody who deserved

I reluctantly
turned off the shower and stepped out on to the bath mat to dry
myself. No longer distracted by the wonderful sensation of the
water I felt my hunger return in full force and rushed through the
drying process as thoughts of bacon entered my mind. It’s just not
fair how good it tastes.

Within five
minutes I was dressed and ready to raid the kitchen, wearing a
simple white singlet and almost-knee-length skirt. I bounded down
the stairs and headed for the fridge.

Daddy!” I called into the living room “Want some late breakfast?
Bacon and Eggs!”

No reply came,
but I heard the TV switch off as I rummaged through the contents of
the fridge. The eggs were easy enough to find, but they were
nothing without bacon, and I knew it was in there somewhere! I
heard Harvey step into the kitchen and stop by the

“Morning!” I
chirped without turning around “Hope I didn’t wake you when I got

“You don’t
remember?” he asked and something in his voice made me stop and
turn around. He looked pissed off. Like really

“Uh… no. Was I
noisy with my keys?”

“Put those
eggs back, close the fridge.” He paused, but as I was too taken off
guard to move straight away he raised his voice.

Right now, Anna. There’s
something you have to see.”

I jumped a
little, startled, and felt my breasts wobble. Harvey’s eyes briefly
darted down when I jumped, but every man and boy’s eyes did these
days, it was like they couldn’t help it. I quickly put the eggs
back in the fridge, shut the door and walked towards him timidly,
my eyes downcast.

Harvey led me
to the door that opened into the garage.

“Have a
fucking look in here.” He said, coldly. I didn’t think I’d ever
heard him curse in anger before, it was a little scary. What was
scarier was the tone of his voice in general, there was something
very wrong behind the door, I was sure of it. Without any other
choice apparent to me, I turned the handle, pushed and looked in
the garage.

That’s the only word that came to mind. My car, the one Harvey and
My Mom had paid 90% for on my eighteenth birthday, was pretty much
totalled. Scrapes and dents everywhere, bits of trees and plants
sticking out of the wheels, black and green fluids had leaked out
all over the floor. The cherry on this disaster sundae was our
mailbox sticking out of the front grille of my car. Or maybe the
cherry was the fact that my car had apparently scraped the entire
side of Harvey’s when I was parking. Maybe it was a two-cherry
sundae. I entered the garage and surveyed the damage. I was almost
unable to get any words out, such was my shock.

“I… drove
myself home?” I squeaked.

“You think?”
He replied in that same scary tone. “You’re fuckin’ lucky you
didn’t die last night. Look at this shit.
Look at

I jumped again
when he raised his voice, but this time Harvey managed to stop
himself from looking at my bouncing chest and continued with his
tirade, sounding like he was just barely holding himself back from
a full-blown screaming fit.

“Look what you
did to my car! My Dad, my
Dad, and I restored that from
the ground up! He personally removed all the rust from that whole
side, painted it, everything!”

I began to cry
on the spot, big fat tears rolling down my cheeks. It wasn’t so
much being yelled at, I may have only been eighteen but even that
young I knew what I’d done was stupid. What really brought the
tears was the thought of how personal the damage was. Harvey even
had pictures on the wall of his home office of his Dad and him
restoring that old car.

“I’m sorry!” I
managed to squeeze out between sobs.

“Not good
enough.” He said “I’m sick of this. You and your Mother, all you do
is take, take, take. I work my ass off to try to make a happy,
secure home for you two and what do I get? A wife that seems to
love my credit cards more than me, and a Saturday morning walking
the streets begging the neighbours to send me the bills for repair
rather than going to the police.”

“I’ll pay for
the damage!” I blurted out, having no idea what kind of monetary
figure we were talking about.

“With what? My
cheque book? The devastation you see in this garage just scratches
the surface. No. When your Mom gets back I’m ending it all. You can
start packing your room up. I’ll pack her crap. I get nothing out
of this arrangement, it’s bullshit.”

At that, he
turned back towards the door to the house. I couldn’t believe it.
If I’d just heard correctly my Mom’s second marriage was about to
end and a large part of it was my fault.

“Wait!” I
called after him and he stopped, but didn’t look back. “She loves
you, really! I know she does!”

“I don’t think
that’s true.” He said. It was the quietest he’d spoken that day and
I could just make out a sadness to his voice for the first time
breaking through the veneer of anger.

love you.” I said and walked right up behind him, hoping he
would turn around, look down at me and everything would be ok
again. “Please don’t send us away. What can I do?”

Harvey turned
and looked down at me, but I could see that everything wasn’t ok.
Not yet anyway, so I repeated my question as I looked up into his
dark eyes.

“What can I
do, Daddy?” He was silent for a moment, just looking down at me,
and I was reminded of that silly crush I’d had on him when he had
just started dating my Mom. How jealous I was of her, being in a
relationship with such a handsome, successful man. My crush had
passed as I learned about boys my own age, but something about
standing so close and staring into his eyes cast my mind back to
those feelings I used to have.

Before I could
react, Harvey’s hands were on my breasts and he pushed them up and
together with his palms, my soft flesh yielding to his grasp. I
slapped his hands away in astonishment.


“That’s what I
thought. There’s no love in this house for me. Pack your stuff.”
Once more he turned and walked towards the door. What was I to do?
It was all so confusing. Was I to let my Mother’s marriage fail?
Was I to allow the ‘bad old days’ to return? On the other hand,
this was my Daddy that wanted to grope me, it was so

I may have
stood there with my mouth open debating the issues with myself for
god knows how long if our mailbox hadn’t chosen that particular
moment to release itself from the grille of my car and fall to the
concrete floor of the garage with a clang that jolted words from my

“Wait!” I
gulped “It’s… It’s ok. You can… touch them a little.”

Harvey turned
back towards me and slowly advanced. I bit my lower lip when he
stood immediately in front of me. Had I done the right thing?
Harvey reached up with both hands, his movements slow and
deliberate now that he had my permission. Even so, my own hands
instinctively reacted to try and push him away when I felt him
cupping my breasts again. I fought to keep them by my side, and
somehow managed it. I pushed my shoulders back and my chest
consequently swelled forward, pressing my teen tits into Harvey’s

BOOK: The Day My Daddy Trilogy (family taboo breeding threesome virgin)
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