Read The Dating Tutor Online

Authors: Melissa Frost

The Dating Tutor (7 page)

BOOK: The Dating Tutor
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“You can stop there,” Jake said teasingly. “You want him.”

Ellie punched his arm with a crooked grin. “You’re the worst fake boyfriend ever.”

He shrugged, grinning at her in return. “Sure. But you have to admit, I’m a lot of fun.”

“You’re a ton of fun. You’re too much fun. That’s how I should have known from the start that you were gay. You were just too perfect.”

Instead of the playful jest in return that she expected, Jake suddenly grabbed her face and kissed her.

She gave a muffled sound of protest, and with a hand to his chest, she pushed him away. “What the hell was that?” she asked accusingly. Had anyone told her two weeks ago she’d be horrified to be kissed by Jake Phillips, she wouldn’t have believed it, but there it was. She was completely appalled by his sudden behavior.

He placed his hand over the one she had pressed to his chest and targeted her with a look of amusement. “We have an audience.”

“We do?” Then the meaning of his words dawned on her. “Oh!” She turned her head toward the ice to find Alec shooting them a dark look. Tentatively, she raised her free hand and waved at him.

Alec didn’t wave back. With a scowl on his face, he turned his back on her. Instead of going to his usual position to start the game, he skated over to one of the defensemen on the opposing team. He tapped his stick aggressively against that of the much bigger player.

Ellie could see his mouth moving and knew enough about hockey to know he was taunting the other guy. “Oh, Alec, don’t,” she begged even though he couldn’t hear her.

“Don’t what?” Jake asked, clearly oblivious to what her best friend was about to do.

“He’s running his mouth.” She waved toward the ice and gave a helpless sigh. “He’s trying to start a fight with that guy.”

Jake gave her a look of surprise. “But the game hasn’t even started yet. They couldn’t possibly have anything to fight about.”

She rolled her eyes. “Like that matters in hockey.” She placed her hands over her face but watched through her fingers as the teams lined up for the game’s face off.

No sooner had the puck been dropped when Alec shook his gloves off onto the ice and circled the player he’d been taunting. The two squared off, and before the game could even get underway, they were throwing fists at one another.

Jake’s expression was one of shock. “I did not realize he would react like this to seeing us kissing.”

Ellie winced as Alec delivered three rough body shots to the bigger teen he was fighting. “I should have. Alec deals with his feelings in an…aggressive manner.”

“I see that.” Jake flinched when Alec took a couple of hits to the head, though the blows were mostly softened by his helmet. After a moment, he added, “I’m also seeing that I should have come to a few more games this year. Alec is pretty bad ass.”

Ellie made a whimper that was meant to be agreement as Alec aggressively ripped his helmet off and chucked it to the side. He shook his shaggy dark hair out of his eyes and circled his opponent while the other boy tossed his own helmet to the ice.

When they locked up again, Alec managed to get an arm free and delivered a shot to the other boy’s jaw. The boy reared back and Alec hit him again…and again.

Alec pulled his fist back again, but his adversary swung his around first. It caught Alec in the brow with enough force to thrust his head back.

Ellie watched in horror as blood began pouring down her best friend’s face, running into his eye. “Alec!” she cried in alarm. She lunged to her feet and was already in the aisle when he swung his arm around in a right hook that knocked his opponent to the ice.

Alec stood victoriously over the other boy, his shoulders rising and falling with labored breaths that forced their way past his lips. Blood was trailing down his face and staining his jersey. The eye that had taken the hit was already starting to swell closed.

A referee was suddenly in his face yelling. He waved toward the locker rooms, ejecting Alec from the game.

Ellie didn’t even need to ask before Jake was waving her away. “Go. Go see if he’s okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She shot him a look of gratitude. “I’ll call you.” With a wave over her shoulder she started toward the locker room.

As she did, Alec let out a curse and snatched his helmet off the ice. Without a look in her direction, he skated off to the back.

Ellie cut through the back halls to the main entrance of the boys’ locker room. Without hesitation, she pushed inside. As she came around a corner, she found Alec seated on a bench with his head in his hands, blood dripping down to the floor at his feet.

“Alec,” she cried in distress. She raced to his side and dropped to her knees in front of him. “Alec, what were you thinking?”

His head stayed lowered, but he lifted his eyes to hers. “Why are you back here, Ellie? Shouldn’t you be with your date?”

Not liking the callous tone of his voice, she narrowed her eyes. “I cancelled with Jake. You’re my best friend. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine.”

Gazing at the blood running down his brow, she shook her head. “You are not fine. You’re bleeding everywhere. Why would you start with someone who has fifty pounds on you?”

“I kicked his ass, didn’t I?”

She gave him a look of disapproval. Grabbing a towel from a stack at the end of the bench, she pressed it against the gash on his forehead. “You scared me,” she admitted quietly.

“Why?” he asked, looking surprised. “I’ve fought a thousand times. You’ve never cared before.”

“I’ve cared. It’s just I wasn’t… You’ve never… This was different.” There was no way to explain why she had been so frightened without admitting her feelings for him. She was not ready to do that yet, so instead of elaborating, she pressed the towel to his head, trying to stop the bleeding.

He let out a sigh once the silence began to stretch uncomfortably between them. “I’m sorry. I never meant to scare you.” Reaching out, he ran his fingers through her hair before tucking it behind her ear. “I just…” He shrugged and dropped his hand away self-consciously. “I’m a goon. Senseless violence is what I’m good at.”

She made a sound of protest in the back of her throat. “You’re more than just a goon. You’re a good hockey player.” He grumbled an unintelligible reply, which caused her to pull back and stare into his dark eyes. “You are! You’re an amazing athlete, and I’m proud of you.”

He swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did. His eyes avoided hers, and he trained them intently on the floor.

“Alec,” she said with surprise. She’d never thought him to be anything other than confident where his beloved sport was concerned. Cupping his cheek in her hand, she forced him to look at her. “You know how amazing I think you are, right?”

His dark eyes finally lifted to hers.

Ellie felt her breath hitch at the intense look he gave her. The air in the room felt suddenly hard to breathe as he lifted a hand to cover hers.

“Ellie, I—”

“I can’t believe you pulled something like this before the game even started, Horner! I sure hope it was worth a two game suspension.” The team’s coach, who had obviously ducked out to check on Alec, rounded the bend and stopped suddenly upon seeing her in the room. “Oh. Miss Harper. Hello.”

She jumped away from Alec in embarrassment and jammed her hands deep into her pockets. “Coach Grimmly. Hi.”

The coach made his way over on large legs, his massive feet seeming to slap the ground as he stomped over. “Well let me have a look at it. Are we going to need stitches?”

Eyes wide as she hadn’t even considered that, Ellie peeled back the towel to reveal the gash on Alec’s head.

Leaning down, the coach peered closely at Alec’s brow. After a moment of silence, he gave a harrumph. “It’s barely a scratch, boy. Why are you bleeding like a stuffed pig?”

Alec shrugged. “I don’t know. It was a lucky shot. He must have just hit me in the right place to make it gush.”

The coach gave a snort. “Lucky. Yeah.” He dabbed at the blood on Alec’s brow before tossing the rag to the bench. “You’re real lucky that gamble paid off, or I’d be yelling up a storm.” He grinned. “Michaels got all wound up after that fight, scored us two goals.” He clapped Alec on the back. “Good job, kid. Good job.”

He waved toward the exit. “Now get your butt home before I decide two games isn’t a long enough suspension. Go on.” He gave Ellie a pointed look. “Get him home. I don’t want him driving with blood running into his eyes.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I’ll get him home.”

“Take care of him,” the coach added.

Alec shot an affectionate look in her direction. “Don’t worry,” he said in a low, husky tone. “She always does.”

* * *

Later that night, Ellie sat in her basement with Alec watching a replay of the Rangers and Devils game from the night before. Neither had said much since the puck dropped, and they were quickly approaching the first intermission.

Normally, a silence between them was companionable and easy, but right now, she could feel the tension in the air. It had been there ever since they’d climbed into the car after his game ejection. She hated it, but she wasn’t sure how to make it go away either.

As if he was oblivious to how uncomfortable she felt, Alec threw his hands up into the air and gave an indignant growl as the referee blew the whistle and issued a penalty for slashing against one of the Rangers. “Come on! He was going for the puck.”

Ellie attempted to subtly watch him out of the corner of her eye. Despite the gash on his face, he was a very handsome male specimen. She didn’t know why it had taken her so long to realize how good-looking he was. His smile had always had an effect on her, but recently it sent butterflies scattering about her stomach. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, so he was starting to get a little bit of scruff along his jawline. She’d always liked that. And his brown eyes were like melted chocolate, all heated and alive over his excitement for the game.

She was so intent on watching him that when he gave a frustrated sigh and tossed his arm to the back of the couch behind her shoulder, she jumped in surprise.

Alec’s head suddenly turned lazily in her direction. “What?” he asked. “You disagree?”

She hesitated. Here was everything she could possibly want, but she was too afraid to take it. Instead, she took the coward’s way out and focused on the penalty debate. “Um…yes. It was totally slashing.”

His eyes narrowed, and he turned his body so he could better face her. “No, it wasn’t.”

“It was. It was a good call.”

“You’re blind. He has a right to go for the puck.”

“True,” she argued. “But he doesn’t have the right to slash. He’s a shady player, and you know it. He’s always getting in trouble for crap like that.”

Alec’s eyes narrowed, and he looked so unbelievably hot that she blurted out her next comment before she could stop herself. “Can you help me learn how to kiss?”

He jumped back as if he’d been burnt. “What?” His voice was an octave higher than usual, and she noted the almost panicked look in his eyes.

Guilt welled up, but she squashed it down. She really wanted to kiss him. “I don’t really know what I’m doing…and you seem to be the expert. I just thought…” She shrugged, trying to seem shy and demure. “I thought maybe you’d practice with me…or teach me. Whatever.”

“When?” he asked, voice sounding pained.

She shrugged again before motioning to the television. “It’s almost intermission…”

Alec swallowed thickly before bobbing his head. Ignoring the rest of the period, he shifted closer to her on the couch and curved his arm around her waist. “Come here.” Pulling her in against his chest, he bent his head over hers.

Ellie watched transfixed as his lips came closer and closer to hers. She wriggled with anticipation as her heart hammered in her chest. She’d never been like other girls, chasing after boys and yearning for their attention, but she wanted Alec’s more than anything. A breathless sound escaped her as she awaited the touch of his lips to hers.

“Close your eyes,” he coached with a shaky laugh.

She did as instructed, and a moment later she felt the brush of his mouth against hers. She gave a soft, eager whimper, and her body became lax in his arms.

“Don’t do that,” he growled into her mouth as he lifted both hands to brush her hair back from her face. He continued to kiss her ever so gently, his fingertips stroking along her jawline as he shifted her hair.

“Don’t do what?” She whispered her reply between soft, slow kisses.

“Don’t whimper like that.” He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “Only make that sound if you’re looking for a full on make-out session. No guy can control himself after a sound like that.” He moved his thumb away from her lips before lowering his mouth to hers again.

Ellie closed the miniscule distance between them and leaned into his kiss. Giving another soft whimper, she lifted a hand to the back of his neck to deepen it. She knew she was running into risky, unfamiliar territory after his warning, but she wanted to know what it was like to lose herself in him. She wanted him to lose control.

Alec growled with arousal. His hands slid down to her hips, and he pulled her even tighter against him. He teasingly bit at her lower lip before nudging her mouth open with his own. “Mmm, Ellie…”

BOOK: The Dating Tutor
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