The Complete Adventures of Curious George (10 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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then he folded
both edges up,

brought the
ends together

and flattened
it sidewise.

Then he turned
one corner up,

then the
other one,

again brought
the ends together

and flattened
it sidewise.

Then, gently, he pulled
the ends open—

and there was his BOAT!

Now the moment had come to launch the boat. Would it float? It did!

So George decided to make some more boats. Finally he had used up all the papers and had made so many boats that he could not count them—a whole fleet.

Watching his fleet
sailing down the river
George felt like an admiral.
But watching his fleet he forgot to watch where he was going—


suddenly there was a terrible jolt: the bicycle had hit a rock and George flew off the seat, head first.

Luckily George was not hurt, but the front wheel of the bicycle was all out of shape and the tire was blown out.

George tried to ride the bicycle, but of course it wouldn't go.

So he started carrying it, but it soon got too heavy.

George did not know WHAT to do: his new bike was

spoiled, the newspapers were gone. He wished he had listened to his friend and kept close to the house. Now he just stood there and cried...

Suddenly his face brightened. Why—he had forgotten that he could ride on one wheel! He tried it and it worked.

He had hardly started out again when he saw something

he had never seen before: rolling toward him came an enormous tractor with huge trailers behind it. Looking out of the trailers were all sorts of animals. To George it looked like a Zoo on wheels. The tractor stopped and two

men jumped out. "Well, well," said one of the men, "a little monkey who can ride a bike bronco fashion! We can use you in our animal show tonight.

I am the director of the show and this is Bob.

He can straighten your wheel and fix that flat in no time and then we'll take you along to the place where the show is going to be."

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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