Read The Club Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #Paranormal/ Vampire/ Wereshifters

The Club (3 page)

BOOK: The Club
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Anton’s mouth completely covered her pussy as something sharp pierced the sides of her clit and he drew firmly on her sex. Before she could question what he’d done, she was coming in long, hard waves. One orgasm turned into two and blended into three.

Trae pulled out of her mouth.

, she’s ready for us,” Anton announced.

Through a haze of enchantment, she noticed Anton licking his lips. Her mind must have been playing tricks on her, because it looked as though he had blood on his mouth. When she refocussed her eyes, it was gone, and his handsome face hovered over her with a wicked smile and a brilliant, onyx gaze.

A drawer closed somewhere behind her.

Shucking off his pants and boots, Anton stood before her in all his toned glory. His cock was just as long and magnificent as Trae’s.

He came to the bed and covered her with his body. “Are you ready for the ride of your life, Olivia?”

“Oh, yes.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Anton’s thick cock pressed against her pussy. She arched her hips as he worked his length inside her, stretching her to accommodate him.

“Sweet, wet and tight.” He kissed her lips.

“Position her for me, Anton,” said Trae.

“My pleasure.” Anton scooped his arms under her legs and spread them wide. He rose, pulling her with him, their bodies still locked together. With grace and skill, he knee-walked them to the middle of the bed.

“Perfect.” Trae’s body dipped the bed down behind her.

Trae kissed her shoulder and stroked the crease of her ass with his slick hand. The sensation caused her to grind her hips against Anton.

“Oh, darling, you feel so good,” Anton whispered in her ear.

“I can’t wait to find out,” Trae murmured. He slipped one silky finger, slick with jelly, inside her and stroked the sensitive walls of her ass. She leaned against Anton, loving the hedonistic titillation.

Removing his hand, Trae spoke softly in her other ear, “Relax, baby, we’re going to make this good for you.” His dick pressed against her furrowed entry.

As Trae slowly pushed deeper into her ass, a burning sensation crawled up her spine. When she wasn’t sure if she could take any more, Anton pulled partially out of her pussy. Then Trae ground his length all the way in.

She cried out as Anton retuned, fully impaling her on them both.

“You are a dream, Olivia,” Trae murmured along her shoulder, squeezing her hips in his hands.

She liked the idea of being his dream, since both these men were her fantasy come true.

They began to move in tandem. As one pulled out, the other pushed in.

Fisting Anton’s hair, she gazed into his eyes. Eyes that only moments before had been black now appeared crimson, matching the colour of the heels she still wore. The thought that had been tickling the back of her mind, that something was different about this club, began to unravel and reveal what she hadn’t wanted to see. “Anton, what’s wrong with your eyes?” Her voice came out soft and hesitant.

“Hunger, Olivia. When I desire the taste of blood in my mouth. Sex makes me crave it strongly.” His lips drew back and she could clearly see his fangs.

A vampire
. She was screwing a fucking vampire, a clandestine figure of the night. In and out, he continued to thrust and grind against that spot that made her toes curl in her shoes. Her pussy gripped and shuddered around his cock.

Trae’s chuckle rolled along her shoulder. Whipping her head around, she expected to see a second set of red eyes. That wasn’t the case. His hazel gaze met hers. Rotating his hips, Trae slipped his dick deeper inside her ass.

He was human, then… But a low growl said otherwise. “You’re not human, either.”

“I’m a wolf, my little rabbit.” Pulling out, he pressed his length back in again, grinding his hips against her backside.

These men weren’t giving her a moment to catch her breath—the erotic play kept her on the edge of another orgasm, whether she wanted it or not. Her mind tried to revolt, even as her body yielded, ravaged by need. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t heard about paranormal beings living among them, but she’d always believed they stayed with their own kind, kept to the shadows. However, she’d willingly walked into their lair, their nest, crossed into their turf like a ready sacrifice. Damn Kelsey! She’d been so confident she’d found out everything they needed to know about The Club.

Looking from one to the other, she said, “But, you all don’t get along.” Was that another myth?

Trae glanced at Anton. “We’ve been known to come to a mutual understanding, when the need arises.”

“For you, Olivia, it definitely rises.” Anton shoved his cock hard into her and groaned.

. The word exploded in her mind like a grenade. Digging her nails into Anton’s chest, she attempted to shove away from them. This was all too much, too fast. She felt as if she needed a moment to get herself together, collect her thoughts and maybe…

Like two stone walls, they held their positions around her, unmoveable. She looked from one man to the other.

“If you don’t want this, we’ll stop and take you back to your friend,” Trae volunteered.

Both men halted their movements and began to pull out.

A moment’s relief was swamped by a sudden, aching feeling of loss. She whimpered. Her gaze locked with Trae’s. There was something in his eyes, as if a light radiated through them, coming from deep within his soul.

She began to shake. Her lungs contracted and she felt as if she couldn’t breathe. His heart beat drummed against her back, feeling as if it beat in time with hers. Strange. At that moment she couldn’t figure out the reason, couldn’t determine the bond with him, possibly with them both, but she knew in her core she shouldn’t leave. Couldn’t leave. Exhaling she made her decision and prayed it was the right one.

“No,” she insisted. This night had been more than she’d expected. Now every part of her being wanted to see it through. “Stay. This is my fantasy and I want it all.”

Trae kissed the nape of her neck.

“You’ve got it.” Still holding her thighs, Anton tightened his grip and he began to thrust deep into her pussy.

Trae kept a firm hold of her hips and fucked her ass.

She began to climax as Trae bit into the trapezius muscle above her shoulder and swept her further into paradise. When Anton sank his teeth into her neck on the other side and drank from her, her orgasm intensified. She screamed through her release as both men met her in the welcoming arms of ecstasy.


* * * *


Olivia lay on the bed, exhausted and pleased. Anton gingerly licked the side of her neck and drew designs along her breasts with his finger. Trae lay with his head pillowed against her belly and lightly caressed her thighs. Her red heels were now discarded on the floor. They’d just left the shower, where both men had bathed and pleasured her again with their mouths and hands.

She didn’t know why she wasn’t freaking out. Why she hadn’t gone screaming from the room in terror. Vampires were supposed to be scary creatures. Blood suckers that took lives and controlled people with their powers. Nobody she knew had ever even met one—they kept to the shadows.

Not to mention their arch enemies, the werewolves, who were reportedly just as bad, ripping to shreds anything in their path. From what she knew, they were creatures of the wilderness. She would never have expected to meet one in an urban nightclub, even one out in the middle of nowhere.

Trae and Anton were the things that people always talked about in the coffee shops after full moons. The reasons mothers locked up their teenage daughters at night—rumours abounded about how a vampire could persuade a young girl to flee everything and follow them.

Was that it? Was she under Anton’s spell? Was that why she’d stayed and let them do naughty things to her through the night? She stared down at both men, languidly caressing her body, and thought back to the things they had done together. She could have said no, and they would have stopped and walked away. No, she hadn’t been controlled by anything but her hormones.

She sighed. It was a shame this all had to end. That she’d never see either of them again unless she came here. It was a depressing thought.

Trae lifted his head and held her gaze with his hazel-eyed stare. For a moment, she experienced warmth flooding her insides. It was different from the arousal she had felt all night simply from being around the two men. It was as though there was a weird connection between them, a bond. The look was intense, but he remained silent and returned to lying on her again.

Leaning up, Anton gazed down at her, his eyes once again onyx. “As enjoyable as the time in your arms has been, I must leave now.”

Taking a deep breath, she slowly exhaled and tried to balance her mind.

Beyond Anton’s shoulder, she could see through the gap in the curtains the first signs that the night was coming to an end. It wasn’t daylight yet, but the darkness was starting to recede.

Glancing at him, she cupped his face. “Thank you, Anton. You helped make this night truly memorable.” She kissed him. “Maybe we’ll meet here again.”

Trae’s growl echoed through the room.

Lifting a sable eyebrow, Anton met Trae’s gaze. Olivia didn’t miss the intense vibe and the hidden message that seemed to be passing between the two men.

“Who knows? I’ve been around too long and know too much to make promises. Life is too unexpected.” He leaned lower and licked the side of her neck. “You were a true treat, Olivia.”

She couldn’t help but notice that his response, though pleasant, was casual—but maybe that was for the best.

As he got up, Trae’s voice taunted him. “Hurry along now. You don’t want to be up past your bedtime.” His words tickled her as his breath played across the skin of her belly where he lay.

Pulling on his pants, Anton flashed his suddenly red gaze at Trae. “Be glad I don’t like dog blood.”

Placing her palm over her mouth, she hid her smile. He’d drunk her blood, twice, and the thought made her tingle. Something inside her warned her not to hold on too tightly to it, because this was probably it for them. Anton had made that clear. She wouldn’t regret her time with him, though.

Propping himself up on his forearm beside her, Trae woofed, his voice taking on a menacing tone. “Be glad I don’t shift.” He didn’t move as he focused his gaze on the vampire. There was a clear note of threat in his words, as if he was giving Anton a cue. A warning.

At that moment, Olivia saw the intrinsic rivalry as the men faced off. She couldn’t deny the thrill of knowing they had put their animosity aside to please her.

“Oops, here comes the sun,” Trae teased, his body relaxing once again.

Anton glanced over his shoulder at the lightening sky, then turned to her. “Olivia.” He bent down and kissed her again. He stepped back and pulled on his boots, then spoke to Trae. “We will continue this later, pooch.”

Trae’s hand began making lazy circles on her body. “See if you can find me after dark, bat.”

Crossing towards the door, Anton paused briefly as he lifted his hand towards his coat, on a chair where it had been discarded earlier. The coat instantly appeared in his hand. He donned it, winked at Olivia, than was gone in a puff of black smoke without opening the door. She gasped, stunned by what she had seen—or not seen. She blinked repeatedly and frowned as she tried to figure out how he’d created the smoke. Even though she knew he was a vampire—he’d drunk her blood as he’d fucked her, after all—a tiny part of her rational mind protested that maybe he’d used something like magicians used.

“Parlour tricks.” Trae rolled his eyes as he moved up her body.

“A pretty good one, I’d say.” Turning away from the door, she looked at him.

“I’ll show you good.” Leaning down, he circled her nipple with his tongue. “Since I don’t have to cower in a dark room this morning, how about I take you out to breakfast?”

Food sounded great. She was famished after last night’s marathon of pleasure. “That would be gre—Ohmygod, I forgot about Kel—”

The ringing of her phone interrupted her. Scrambling from the bed, she located it in the back pocket of her skirt, where it lay haphazardly in the middle of the floor. “Hello,” she blurted.

“Olivia? Are you okay?” Concern laced Kelsey’s words.

Glancing towards the bed and seeing Trae’s nude, sexy body stretched out, she said, “I’m fabulous.”

Kelsey laughed. “I figured as much when I saw you head up the stairs last night with those two sex gods.”

Sex gods? More like a vampire and a werewolf. “You
don’t know.”

“No bragging,” Kelsey chided, and giggled. “What time will you be ready to head out?”

Trae beckoned her with a finger.

Unable to resist him, she crossed back to the bed. “How long till the club closes?”

“Thirty minutes,” Kelsey informed her.

Sinking onto her knees on the bed, she said, “I’ll be down in twenty.”

Trae shook his head and ran his hand up the inside of her thigh, then cupped her pussy.

She stifled a moan. “Make that twenty-five.”

His finger slipped down between her folds and entered her.

“Thirty,” Olivia barely got out as she pushed the red button and dropped the phone onto the night stand.

“I think that’s manageable.” Trae pulled her into his arms and rolled until she was beneath him. “This doesn’t have to end, Olivia.” Those hazel eyes captured hers with the same intense stare as before as he continued, “It’s possible that you didn’t
freak out
when you discovered the truth because somewhere inside you…” His voice drifted away as he tapped her chest above her heart. “You knew you were where you were supposed to be. With whom you were supposed to be.”

Her heart leapt.
Oh, shit, has he read my mind?


Shocked, she realised his lips hadn’t moved but she had heard him clearly. Now she
going to freak out. Wriggling beneath him, she placed her hands on his chest and tried to push him away.

Trae held fast. He lifted a hand and stroked her face, calming her. When she stilled, he began to kiss her. Not the passionate, all-consuming kiss he’d given her earlier. But one that was slow and gentle. This kiss was like a caress as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and met hers in an erotic, silky glide.

BOOK: The Club
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