The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

BOOK: The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek

The Cattle Drive

Michael Armstrong, the second of six brothers from Montana, is hell-bent on stopping his father from acquiring another ranch. Leaving his comfy job in Illinois, he moves to Texas to help a woman he knows nothing about.

Rachael Mason is the sole owner of the R & R Ranch in Cedar Creek, Texas. Living her life in the moment, Rachael is reckless and dangerous. When the land next to hers is sold, she soon finds her new neighbor might just be the next distraction she is looking for.

When unforeseen circumstances begin to threaten her livelihood, Rachael is forced to make a decision which could affect her whole way of life.

With breathtaking scenery, an old-fashioned cattle drive, and the arrival of the rest of the Armstrong brothers, Michael and Rachael embark on a whirlwind of lies, deception, discovery, and love.

Contemporary, Western/Cowboys

72,363 words



The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek






Rebecca Joyce










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2012 by Rebecca Joyce

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-788-9


First E-book Publication: November 2012


Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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The Cattle Drive
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To my husband, I would like to say thank you for all of the advice and opinions you have given. Without your support and guidance, I would still be living in the clouds.

To my children, who are extremely happy to see this finally come to an end…I am surprised you all survived! LOL…Love you guys!

To my ‘BESTIE’…Doro. Girl, you can breathe now. I won’t be calling you late at night anymore…well not yet, at least, and the next bag of M&Ms are on me.

To my dear friend Kelly. Without you, this book would have never been possible. Thank you for being there from the very beginning, encouraging and never giving up on me.


The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1


“Michael, are these the last of the boxes?” she asked.

Standing around, she looked at the empty house, looking for her son. Everything was eerily quiet. Walking down the hall into the kitchen, she found him standing at the back door looking out into the yard.

He stood there leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed and staring out into nothing. The sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. He was blessed with wonderful weather. The trees were still green, and all was as it should be, except for he was leaving. He was giving up his home that he had made for him and his son, to venture south toward Texas to save a woman he didn’t know.

Michael wished he could have found a way to change the circumstances that had occurred, but after racking his brain for days, he knew he was left with no choice. It just infuriated him so, that after all of these years, he could still be drawn into the chaos of his family’s affairs.

This was a move he was not looking forward to.

He hated cows.

She quietly walked over to him, putting her arms around him. “You don’t have to do this. You can stay here. You and Henry can live your own lives.”

Michael smiled, looking down at his mother. God she was still a striking woman. Her once soft golden hair was now shades of amber and silver. Her vibrant gray eyes shined brightly. The softness of her skin showed around her face. She was still a beautiful woman, who, unlike most women her age, aged gracefully. “I have to do this, Mom. He has to be stopped. Everything is already set. I won’t let him do this.”

“What about Henry?”

“As far as Henry is concerned, he thinks the move to Texas is so we can start an organic farm. I will protect him at all costs. I promise.”

“God help us if he ever finds out,” his mother whispered.

“He won’t,” Michael said firmly.

“So tell me. What have you found out, anything new?”

“Not much. The town is simple, around five hundred residents. She owns the third largest ranch in the county. She and her husband started it from scratch and made it a very profitable enterprise. After his death, she continued on. My investigator informed me three days ago she mortgaged the ranch for the drive. If she isn’t careful, she will lose everything. We both know that’s when he will make his move,” Michael informed her, turning his attention back out to the cityscape.

“He left last week for Texas. He said it was business.”

“He didn’t go to her ranch, did he?” Michael turned, looking at her.

“Let’s hope he didn’t.”

“Well, we better get this show on the road.”

“Okay then. I don’t want you driving through the night,” his mother said with a smile.

“We will be okay.”

Together they walked arm in arm through the house one last time, locking the front door as they exited. Standing next to the U-Haul, waiting patiently, stood a six-foot-tall, dark-haired teenager talking on his cell phone. He looked eager to get the show on the road. When he saw his father and Gram, he quickly hung up the phone. “It’s about time. Can we get going already?”

“What’s the hurry, Henry?”

“Nothing, let’s go.”

“Well, give your Gram a hug and get your ass in the truck.”

Henry walked over and pulled his Gram into a bear hug, swinging her around and kissing her cheek. “Now don’t forget, Gram. Christmas in Texas, right?”

“I wouldn’t let my two best men down, now would I?” she replied.

“I will call as soon as we get in, Mom,” Michael said as he jumped in the U-Haul.

“Love ya, Gram,” Henry said as he kissed her one more time and hopped into the passenger side, shutting the truck door.

“Are you ready?” Michael asked his son.

“Are you?”

Michael just smiled at his son, started the U-Haul, and then they were off.


* * * *


“Sheriff Mason! Are you there?”

“Go ahead, Connie.”

“Sheriff!” the young girl screamed into the CB radio.

“Connie, stop yelling! Something better be on fire, girl!”

“Worse. She is out again, and she’s tearing up the field.”

“Shit! Call Jimmie. Have him meet me out at the farm.”

“Okay, Sheriff.”


“Yes, Sheriff?”

“What’s she driving?”

“She’s in the BMW.”


She watched as the fields flew behind her. The top was down on her black BMW Z4 35i, the music was blaring “Doomsday Clock” by Smashing Pumpkins, and she didn’t give a damn about anything. She hit the gas, and the car took off like a bullet. She wanted to forget about everything, and going fast did that for her.


Wanting and needing more, she floored the pedal.

Her life had been destroyed two years ago. Losing everything that mattered most in her life, she delved into the ranch. Working long, hard days, seven days a week, she left no room to think or feel. The ranch was all she had left, and she ran it with an iron fist and a strong determination to see that it stayed a success.

Driven to the brink of madness on more than one occasion, she took refuge behind the wheel of her cars. The adrenaline rush did what her mind couldn’t do. It allowed her to forget, to feel human. Fuel filled her veins as hatred pumped her heart. She hated that she lived.

Taking a sharp turn, she made a wide arch in the field. Tearing up the ground beneath the tires, she sent a cloud of dust flying all around her. She hit the gas again. Reaching almost ninety miles per hour in seconds, the soft fields wheat fields whipped past her. She hit the brakes, making another wide arch and throwing herself into a 360 spin. Punching the gas, the car fishtailed and took off. Finally, with the drug she craved, she felt nothing.

The pain was gone.

The adrenaline filled her soul. The fix she so craved had finally arrived. Nothing mattered. She didn’t care. She was flying high once again, soaring out of her body and welcoming the feeling of nothingness.

BOOK: The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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