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Authors: Jordan Silver

The Brit (7 page)

BOOK: The Brit
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It was getting harder and harder to leave the warmth of her body after making love to her
, but there was something I had to do.

"I'll be right back sweet baby
; why don't you find something to watch on the tube until I get back?" She laughed and rolled around on the bed.

"What's so funny love?"

"The tube..."

She was off again;
it made me happy to see her so carefree once more, no cloud of worry in her eyes. Leaning over the bed I kissed the laughter off her lips until she was panting for breath.

"Hold that thought love." I smiled until I was out of sight
, and then I went looking for my prey. It was always best to deal with these things before they took root. Obviously my little talk when we first arrived hadn't done its job, so I was going to have to play hardball.

The family was
gathered in the anteroom before dinner as was usual.

Jonathan you're here, where's Joanna, is she not joining us for drinks before dinner?"

"Isn't she cons
idered too young in her country? Probably thinks we Brits are as misguided as they are across the pond." Natalie sniffed with disdain.

"Hello mother, in fact that, is the reason
I chose not to bring my fiancee down for dinner. I think we'll be dining in our rooms until I move us to my place in Chelsea." I pointed at the shrew.

, whatever do you mean son?" I knew that would get mum's attention. I didn't miss dad sitting up in his chair with a look of concern on his face.

"Well it seems
Joanna was made to feel less than welcome here..."

"What, she said that?"

"No mother, she didn't, in fact she tried valiantly not to share her discomfort with me, but I've grown to know her very well and she's not happy here."

"I don't understand
, was it something I said? maybe the wedding planning has overwhelmed her. I told her I was more than happy to take care of the details." Mum was starting to fret, but I couldn't change course now, not even to put her at ease.

"It's not that; it seems Nat
alie has been making her displeasure at my choice of bride known, so I think it best since I brought this young girl all this way, that I shield her from such venom. You see I find it rather heartless to subject her to such behavior, since she has no family or friends here to support her, only me."

"That won't be necessary son;
Donald I suggest you take your wife in hand before this gets out of control. Your brother has already made his feelings on the subject known, but apparently that wasn't enough. Natalie, you're my daughter in law, we accepted you into this family and have loved you as one of our own, but make no mistake. If the choice comes down to you or my son you'll lose every time. No one here mistreated you when you came into the fold, and I expect no less where Joanna is concerned. Do I make myself clear?" She nodded and ran from my father's wrath; he didn't lose his cool often, but when he did it was a thing to behold.

"I better go after her
, I'm really sorry about this Jon, I thought she was over this whole you and Melissa thing; I'll talk to her." I felt bad for him, but not bad enough to apologize. She was his choice; he needed to make her understand that where Joanna was concerned, I will not allow anyone to hurt her. It seems I have no tolerance for it.

"Maybe I should go see
Joanna and apologize."

"That won't be necessary
mum, we're still going to stay in our rooms tonight, maybe we'll see you at breakfast."

I left the room to the murmurings of my family, this way they'll know I was
dead serious about what I said. I refuse to subject her to any more bullshit. Taking a deep breath, I headed up the stairs once again, looking forward to spending some quality time with my wife to be.

She was howling with laughter when I pushed the door open; on the telly Edina and Pats were drinking Bolli and creating mischief.

"Oh no, this, this is what you found to watch?"

"They're hilarious."

"Just don't get any ideas from watching them; half of what they get up to is illegal in England."

I dropped down on the bed and drew her over to me.

"How do you feel about having dinner upstairs with me in our rooms?" I felt the tension leave her shoulders and wished I'd smacked Natalie one while I'd been at it. Not to worry, the next time the git did anything to hurt Joanna I would be sure to give her one, or better yet I'll let Joanna do it.

Chapter 19



The next few weeks
seemed to go by rather swiftly. Joanna finally overcame her anxiety, and had jumped into wedding plans with both feet. She was usually smiling and full of information when I came home in the evenings, which made leaving her every morning much easier. I was still working really hard on getting her with child, and I wondered if she'd realized that she hadn't had her monthlies since we'd started making love.

"Uh oh, what're you smiling about over there sir
Jonathan? I'm not sure I trust that look." Should I tell her about my suspicions, or wait and see?

"Come here baby." I was reclining on the lounger in our sitting room
, waiting for her to finish getting dressed. Tonight she would be meeting some of the family's closest and dearest friends, as well as the assorted aunt, uncle and cousins. Mum didn't think it was appropriate for these forty or so people to meet her for the first time at the wedding, which was only a few short weeks away.

"You look fucking amazing, how much time do we have again?"

"Oh no you don't Brit, you're always getting me into trouble."

"Come on
, its been hours since you've let me near you, I'll be quick I promise."

Jonathan...ugh, now you're gonna mess up my pretty dress and my hair." She pouted prettily at me, not realizing that that just added to her fuck me appeal.

"I won't touch your hair
, I promise, as to the dress...." I lifted the back of her dress up, but there was way too much material for me to just tuck it anywhere.

"I'll just hold it for you." She looked over her shoulder at me with a scowl; too late
, I was already releasing myself and was not about to be denied.

"Nice panties love too bad
..." I tore them from her body before rubbing my cockhead against her and easing in.

time was better than the last. I had to hold still and close my eyes against the riot of emotions that engulfed me at that moment. How could anything feel this good? Like she was made for me, like there was always meant to be an us.

Jonathan." I love the way she calls my name in that fuck me now voice.

"Yes ma'am." I started moving into her heat
, her dress held loosely in one hand as I used the other to pull her back onto my cock, nice and slow. The others could wait, some things just shouldn't be rushed.








The ball was in full swing, that's what Margaret called it. Not a party, but a ball. It was my presentation ball, kind of like a coming out party. I wish either Jonathan or his mother had told me that I would be meeting an Earl and a Duke, or that he himself was a Viscount; whatever that meant. Some of the guests were family members, but there were also longtime family friends here, like centuries long.

I have to admit to being just slightly intimidated; when
Jonathan was through violating me in the sitting room earlier, he'd presented me with a beautiful set of emerald and gold jewelry. It looked like something an empress of a bygone time would've worn. In fact, he said it'd been in his family for generations, like a couple hundred years. I was almost afraid to wear them after hearing that, but he just laughed and said when I became his wife I would own some that were even older.

My dress was an empire waist
, floor length, ivory gown, with cap sleeves and a gathered bodice. It was simply elegant, and made me feel like quite the princess. The fact that I was bare assed naked underneath was no one else's business.

, bless his heart, understood my anxiety and stuck close to me; everyone seemed nice enough, so that midway through the festivities, I relaxed a little.

That's when I decided it was okay to go to the ladies or the loo as they called it here
, all on my lonesome.

was with a group of women otherwise I would've asked her to come with, since the place was so huge. But I thought I should act like an adult and ease out from under Jonathan’s shadow; this way he wouldn't start feeling stifled and grow tired of his American bride.

The bathroom looked like something o
ut of an old thirties era movie. All gilded mirrors and marble pillars. One wall was all glass, with a marble sink top, with gold basins in the shape of shells. Everything was gold, or white marble with gold; simply gorgeous. Talk about intimidating.

Chapter 20



"Can you imagine that thing, trying to fit in with the rest of us? What a joke, I mean what is Jonathan thinking?"

I stopped in my tracks as my heart fell to my toes; I knew that voice
, I'd heard it the last time in the states. What was she doing here? I hadn't seen her on the dance floor, or anywhere in the hall; then again the place was so huge it was easy to get lost in the crowd.

"Just do as I say and eve
rything will work out just fine. Do you believe he had the nerve to try to set the family against me for her? Me, the one who's been here for years. The fact that Sir Avery admonished me was bad enough, but then later even Donald took her side as well, it's not to be borne. I won't have that tainting our family line. I mean think of my children, a long line of pedigreed ancestors and then that, Jonathan's yank slag, I won't stand for it."

I didn't know what to do
; they were around the corner from me, so they had no idea I was there. My first thought was to get the hell out of there; I wanted to cry and run all the way back home, but that's just playing into their hands. That'll just leave my man open for that beast to get her claws into him. So I did what any self-respecting yank would do. I reached into my little evening purse for my state of the art hundred thousand dollar cell phone that crazy Jonathan had got me, because heaven forbid I should carry an iPhone like everybody else, and I pressed the neat little button that let me record.

I got some good stuff on there
, and the whole time they were talking and plotting, I stayed as still as I could, after finally creeping towards the stall nearest them, just in case someone else came in and saw me. I'd watched enough TV to know how to be a sneak, so first I'd taken off my shoes and tiptoed into the stall. This place, as old as it is was so well run, that the door didn't make a peep when I eased it open, so it was no problem.

Of course I had to pee even worse now
, but I held that shit in. If they kept talking, maybe I could get them off my ass once and for all.

I waited until they were done and had left
, before taking care of what I'd come here for in the first place.

    When I got back to the ballroom
Jonathan scowled at me, he's so cute.

"Where were you
? I almost sent out a search party.” He pulled me under his arm and kissed my temple. I so loved when he did that, it always made me feel giddy somehow.

"I need to show you something
, it's important." He pushed me back and looked at me searchingly. I guess I hadn't been quite as successful as I’d thought, in hiding the strain from my voice.

"What is it sweetheart
, you okay?"

I happened to catch
Natalie's face over his shoulder; she was looking back the way I came with a concerned look on her face, probably trying to figure out where I'd come from. Good, let her wonder.

"Can you get your dad and your brother too
Jonathan please? Maybe Margaret too and Sandra, its a family matter, it'll only take a few minutes."

He was back to scowling again.

"What is this, you planning to break up with me or something?"

He joked
, but I could see he was really worried about what I was about to do or say.

"Don't be silly
, of course not; if I was gonna do that I wouldn't have come all this way in the first place."

"I don't know, maybe this evening have been too much and you've decided you don't want to bog yourself down with an old stuff shirt like me."

It was my turn to offer a kiss of reassurance.


"Okay then, let me go extricate the others and we'll meet in one of the libraries."

I stayed with him as he rounded up his family; the whole time I could feel
Natalie's eyes boring into my back. I hadn't seen her little playmate so my guess is she'd been hiding out somewhere and was either now gone, or was back in her hole.

“What's going on where's everyone going, if this is some sort of family thing shouldn't I be included?"

of course addressed Jonathan, like I wasn't there. The others had gone ahead to the room Jonathan had suggested, and since I'd had about all of this ass that I was going to take, I took this one.

"It's for the blood
line only, we'll get around to you soon enough."

Her face was comical and I could see I'd thrown
Jonathan with my words, as he looked at me like ‘what the fuck?’

I ignored that and just kept him heading in the direction of the others;
Natalie meanwhile was standing there mouth open, looking even more worried than before.

Good twit stew in your own worries and doubts
, I hope they kick you out on your ass.

"What's going on
Jonathan? this is a rather odd thing to do in the middle of a party."

"I'm sorry
Margaret it was my idea, I have something that I just didn't think could wait."

"Just let's hear what
Joanna has to say without interruptions shall we?"

intoned, after it looked like Sandra was about to ask me something.

I just pressed the button as I explained.

"This is what I walked into when I went to freshen up in the bathroom upstairs."

On the taped recording
Natalie and Melissa could be heard plotting to set me up with some guy that was apparently Jonathan's nemesis. Supposedly they were to catch me in a compromising position, pictures and all, and if they couldn't get me and this person in the same room together, there were always doctored photos.

There was a lot more said
, but that was the gist of it. I felt bad for Donald, poor guy, his face had fallen, and he looked like he'd aged ten years. He was the first to leave the room and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. What if I'd done the wrong thing? What if they got mad at me for dividing their family? maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

"I'm so sorry.

"What nonsense, why should you be sorry
? you've done nothing wrong. It is us who should be offering you apologies; that one of our own could think of doing such a thing. I hope you accept my sincerest apologies Joanna and believe me when I say welcome to our family. Now I have to go see about my son."

left, and Margaret and Sandra soon followed, after first hugging me. Jonathan still hadn't said anything as yet, but I could feel something weird gong on with his body, which was flush against mine. It felt hard as steel and tense.

I tried soothing him with a hand on his chest.

"It's okay love, no need to worry." He reassured me. I got another kiss to the temple, but one glance at his face told me all I needed to know. Jonathan was pissed.

BOOK: The Brit
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