Read The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel Online

Authors: Aishling Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel (5 page)

BOOK: The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel
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‘It doesn’t matter to me,’ he said, cutting in with a gesture of his hand, ‘although I might have to spank you for the lapse.’

Adam saw Elaine stiffen, but she said nothing and Mark continued.

‘Just be careful who you talk to, that’s all. The
News of the Screws
may have been closed down but that doesn’t mean we’re safe.’

‘Would they really take the trouble?’ Adam asked doubtfully.

‘Not for you,’ Steelhand answered, ‘and probably not for Sappho, unless there was some sort of celebrity hook. Me, they wouldn’t dare.’

‘Why not?’ Adam asked.

‘Let’s just say that I was at Cambridge …’ said Steelhand.

Adam made to reply to this, convinced that Mark was either a fantasist or an outright liar, but he could think of no way of proving his point and held back.

‘So, Mr Mistoffelees,’ Steelhand asked, ‘are you hoping to catch a kitty tonight?’

‘I think I’ll pass,’ Adam replied. ‘Somehow the atmosphere’s not quite right.’

‘You ought to try,’ Mark went on. ‘There’s a lot of talent out there, a lot of it new and some of it genuinely kinky, and it’s about time you brought in somebody. It’s not hard. In fact, I’ve just been talking to a little cutie myself. She should be joining us soon. Go on, give it a try. It’s not fair to rely too heavily on Lady Sappho’s indulgence, you know.’

Again Adam made to answer but thought better of it, sure that anything he could say would only leave him looking mean or petty. As always with Steelhand, it was easier to go with the flow than to risk confrontation. Caroline had brought him a glass of red wine and he took a sip to hide his annoyance, only to discover that it tasted as if the bottle had been left open in a hot room for several days before being served. Too polite to comment, he put the glass back down.

‘Maybe you’re right,’ he told Mark. ‘I’ll go and have a look around.’

A long balcony overlooked one side of the dance floor and he quickly climbed up to it, happy to admire the girls below from a better vantage point, and to avoid Steelhand’s company, but with no real interest in finding himself a new partner. Being allowed to play with Caroline gave him ample outlet for his more sadistic desires, while he occasionally got involved with other girls at clubs. An intimate relationship was sure to get complicated, and was very likely to spell the end of his carefree existence.

The floor below him was thronged with people, perhaps five times as many as the largest of the venues he was used to. At least half were women, united only by their exotic and colourful costume, but one immediately stood out. She was in a wedding dress – no mere white outfit with a veil and a few frills added for effect, but the full, classic costume, in pure white. The wide skirts were supported by petticoats and decorated with silk roses, the waist cut to accentuate her tiny midriff and make the most of a pair of small, high breasts on coy display within the bodice. A full veil of white gauze covered her face, but it was pinned up, with a spray of flowers, into her hair – an abundance of hair, long and ash pale.

‘That’s Jasmine,’ Adam breathed, and he was immediately pushing his way back towards the stairs.

As he made his way through the crowd he was telling himself that he must be mistaken, but he had to be sure. So he started across the dance floor, indifferent to those around him as he searched for her white veil among the sea of heads obstructing his view. She had been almost directly across the room when he’d seen her, and it took a moment to find her again, but when he did, all doubt was pushed from his mind. Now in a clear space beside the edge of the stage, she had moved her veil aside to take a pull from the bottle she held in one hand. There was no mistaking her elfin features, nor the mischief in her big, pale eyes, just as he remembered them from so many years before.

He stopped, searching for the right words, and as he watched, she reached back, laughing, to gather up the train of her beautiful dress until she had a great mass of pure white silk bunched up in the small of her back. Her little pink bottom peeped out beneath, quite bare but set off by the tops of extravagantly lacy stockings and a pair of taut suspender straps. It was obvious that she had no panties on, and as she began to dance once more, making a deliberate display of her naked behind, two of the security staff were already bearing down on her.

‘Jasmine!’ Adam cried out as he started forward once more. ‘Jasmine, it’s me, Adam Tyler!’

She seemed not to hear her own name and he wasn’t sure that she’d ever known his, but as she pulled aside the veil again, the look of surprise, delight and recognition on her face was unmistakable. Adam held his arms open and she came to him immediately, to cuddle up tight to his body and kiss him, open-mouthed and with an unrestrained passion to which he couldn’t help but respond, pulling away only when a heavy hand fell on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he found himself looking up into the face of a man six inches taller than him with a lumpy, broken nose and a completely bald head.

‘No nudity,’ the man said.

The other bouncer was also closing in, a black man, taller and heavier still. Adam made to speak, keen to defuse the situation, but Jasmine got in first.

‘Do go away, you horrible little man. Can’t you see I’m talking to my friend?’

‘No nudity, miss,’ the first bouncer continued patiently, then addressed Adam. ‘I think she’s a little drunk, sir. If you could ask her to cover up?’

‘Of course …’ Adam began, only for Jasmine to interrupt.

‘What’s the matter?’ she asked, in a tone of voice that took Adam straight back to the woods above Foxdens. ‘Don’t you like my bottom? I think I have rather a pretty bottom, but I suppose I might be a little bit too perky and round for you, if you’re gay. Are you gay?’

‘No, miss,’ the bouncer answered, ‘and now, if …’

‘Ooh, goodie!’ Jasmine went on. ‘Then you can all fuck me once you’ve given me a good spanking for showing off my bottom in public. Won’t that be nice?’

‘Um … I think she probably has had too much to drink,’ Adam put in, detaching Jasmine’s hand from where she was squeezing his cock through his trousers.

‘Only a little champagne, and this beer,’ Jasmine insisted. ‘Come on, boys, let’s have some fun. Adam knows how to handle me – a good spanking first, then a nice, hard fuck, and you two are so big and strong.’

Now she transferred her hand to the crotch of nearer of the two bouncers, the imposing black man, letting out a little squeal of delight as she took hold.

‘You’re huge!’ she declared. ‘And that’s what I need – a big, black cock to suck on while I have my naughty bottom smacked.’

‘Out,’ the first bouncer ordered, jerking his thumb towards the exit. ‘Now.’

‘Don’t be a meanie!’ Jasmine pleaded. ‘You can play too, even if … hey!’

The first bouncer took hold of her arm, ignoring her protests as he began to haul her away.

‘I’m sure this can be settled amicably,’ Adam began, only for the second bouncer to catch his elbow in a powerful grip.

‘You too – out.’

‘Spoilsports!’ Jasmine squeaked, now trying to kick at the first bouncer’s ankles with her dainty white silk slippers.

He changed his grip, twisting her arm into the small of her back, which dislodged the bundled silk and finally covered up her bottom. Ignoring her squeal of pain, he began to frog-march her towards the door.

‘There’s no need to be so damned aggressive,’ Adam argued. ‘She’s tiny, for Christ’s sake!’

‘Shut up and keep moving,’ his bouncer answered and tightened his hold on Adam’s elbow.

Jasmine was still struggling, but she was helpless in the big man’s grip, while other bouncers had moved to either side of them. Surrendering to the inevitable, Adam allowed himself to be hustled after her and ejected from the club via a side door which was immediately banged shut behind them. They stood in an alley, oddly quiet after the loud music of the club, and deserted but for a row of bins and a van that half-blocked the entrance.

‘Bloody gorillas!’ Jasmine snapped, brushing at her dress. ‘Anyway, it’s nice to see you, Adam.’

‘And you,’ he answered, choosing to ignore her behaviour. ‘What have you been doing?’

‘Never mind that,’ she answered, cuddling up to him once more. ‘Just kiss me.’

She pressed her lips to his and Adam responded, allowing his mouth to open under hers after just a moment. Her hand went back to his crotch, kneading his cock through his trousers in a way that was impossible to ignore, for all that they were outside, and after only the briefest hesitation, he took her in his arms. She began to knead harder still, with her other hand on his back to pull him even closer, then fumbled for his zip.

‘Not here!’ Adam managed, drawing back.

Jasmine ignored him but sank down to her knees, unfastening his zip as she went. Then he felt her burrow one small hand into his fly and pull out his cock. He sighed as her fingers closed on his shaft and then again as she took him in her mouth, sucking urgently and running her tongue up and down on the underside of his foreskin, a sensation too good to resist.

‘OK, if you must,’ he said, looking down to admire her as she worked on his length.

Her mouth was agape, her huge eyes turned up, her pale hair and the white material of her veil and wedding dress creating a picture of innocence utterly at odds with what she was doing. Adam moved the veil a little to improve the view, then took a cautious glance up and down the alley. They were invisible, with the bulk of the van to conceal them, though the way she was sucking his cock made it hard for him to care who was around. He was soon fully hard, and began to masturbate into her mouth, intending to come as quickly as he could and have her swallow, but she pulled back and stood up. Taking him in hand once more, she began to nuzzle at his neck, and to whisper to him.

‘That was nice, Adam,’ she said, her voice little more than a sigh. ‘I always wished I’d sucked your cock before, that day you spanked me, that day you took my virginity, my White Knight.’

Adam didn’t answer, already close to orgasm as she tugged at his shaft and rubbed the straining head against the silk of her wedding dress, but his mind had gone back to what they’d done together, to the single, curious encounter that had done so much to shape his desires.

He’d never fully understood what had been going through her head, and had always felt that in some way he’d abused her, or had at least taken unfair advantage, but she seemed to see it differently, her voice so soft he could barely hear it as she continued to kiss at his neck and nurse his cock.

‘You were so good, the way you spanked me so hard while you told me what a naughty girl I was, and then you just took me. Treat me like you did then, Adam, please? Spank me and fuck me and tell me off while you do it, please?’

As she finished, she knelt once more and took him back into her mouth, sucking more urgently than ever. Adam stole another quick glance up and down the alley, but there was no resisting her need, nor his own. He pulled out of her mouth then ducked down, caught her around the waist and lifted her bodily, to flip her across his shoulder with her dress caught up, presenting her bare bottom to the air. She gave a squeak of delight to be so roughly handled, then another as he sat down on the steps where a fire exit opened into the opposite wall, twisting her around once more, over his knee and into spanking position.

‘Please, yes, just like this,’ she sighed, before her voice broke to another squeak as he landed a firm smack across her naked bottom. ‘Oh yes, please … spanked in my wedding dress, that’s what I need. Spank me, Adam, spank me hard, make me cry, and then just fuck me.’

‘I see you haven’t changed at all,’ he grunted, now belabouring her bottom with powerful smacks. ‘You’re still the same bossy little madam you were back then, and just as much of a brat.’

He broke off as he adjusted her dress, turning it higher still to create a huge flower of silk and gauze, for which her pink rump made the perfect centre.

‘And no panties underneath,’ he went on as he began to spank her once more. What a little disgrace you are, Jasmine, parading around with your bottom on show in a wedding dress with no panties on underneath. You deserve your spanking, Jasmine. You deserve everything you get, you filthy, beautiful, darling little brat.’

A movement at the far end of the alley caught his eye, suddenly bringing home just how unsafe they were, especially with the smacks of his hand on bare flesh ringing out, and Jasmine’s sharp little cries, half-pain and half-laughter. A last half-dozen swats to her bottom, a moment to pull her cheeks apart to make sure the rear view of her cunt and her anus got a good airing, and he lifted her in his arms to press her firmly against the wall. Her own arms came around his neck and her legs encircled his hips, clinging tightly to him as he took hold of his cock, to push it up into ready wetness of her cunt.

She gave a long, deep moan as his girth filled it, and her eyes closed in bliss as her mouth sought his. Their lips came open together and they were kissing as they fucked, Adam jamming her hard against the wall with every thrust, his hands now cupping her hot bottom cheeks as her wedding dress splayed out around them. Her hair had come loose during the spanking and her veil was disarranged, hanging over one eye and adding to the picture of ruined innocence as she was fucked. This gave Adam the final edge of pleasure he needed to take him to orgasm, deep in her cunt and with no thought for consequences.

Even when he was done he held himself inside her, aware that he’d rushed her fucking but more conscious than ever of the possibility of getting caught. Only when she finally broke their kiss did he lift her from his cock and set her down on the ground. Her beautiful dress was now torn and grubby from her rough handling, but her mouth was set in a broad, sleepy smile.

‘That was just what I needed, thank you,’ she sighed.

‘My pleasure,’ Adam answered, grinning. ‘And as I don’t suppose the gorillas are likely to let us back into the club, perhaps you’d care for a drink, or even dinner?’

‘Dinner, please,’ she answered. ‘It’s been a long day and I haven’t eaten since breakfast.’

BOOK: The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel
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