The Billionaire Bachelor's Surprise Baby: A Billionaire Romance (2 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Bachelor's Surprise Baby: A Billionaire Romance
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turned into the exclusive gated community just off the coast of Los Angeles. The sun shone bright on this gorgeous spring afternoon and I wanted to open the sunroof and put the windows down, but my mother insisted on chatting from her office while I drove.

“Jenna,” she said. “Are you sure what you’re doing is a good idea?”

My mom was a little neurotic and liked to do things according to a plan. She didn’t like that I was dropping in on one of the city’s most successful, young businessmen and asking him to donate to a charity gala my mother and I were organizing for the hospital. House calls were a bit unorthodox, but so was society these days. What did I have to lose?

“I’ve contacted his office several times and he hasn’t returned any of my calls.” Kyler Barton was LA’s hottest bachelor. Rich, good-looking, perfect body, amazingly chiseled smile and single. Not that I followed that sort of thing, but he was in the society papers and splashed all over the internet on a regular basis. He was rarely photographed with the same woman twice. He was billionaire royalty and ripe for the charity pickings. “I’m just going to pop in, introduce myself and leave some information. His fitness clubs are exploding and this new wing at the hospital we’re raising money for is perfect for him. He’s the obvious choice for a benefactor.”

“He’s so young,” my mother reminded me. “Most of our donors are older and more established.”

“Is his money the same color as the older donors?”

“Good point.”

“His gyms are all over California and I hear he’s expanding. He’s stepped up his advertising in the last six months and he just signed a clothing line.” I hated to admit it, but I had developed a mini-obsession with him ever since I’d seen an interview with him last month. He was a great candidate to solicit for this charity, but I wanted to meet him. “What’s the worse he could say? No?”

“Just be careful. Don’t go inside.”


“We don’t know if he’s a serial killer.”

“I’m quite certain he’s not.”

“You don’t watch enough
Criminal Minds

“I’ll call you when I’m done. I’m not leaving without that donation.”

“Good luck, sweetie.”

I ended the call, checked my make-up in the rearview mirror and grabbed my bag. Kyler Barton had to be the hottest man in California. Maybe even in the country. If he looked half as good in person as he did in those fitness infomercials he was so famous for, I was in for some serious eye candy today.

After I rang the bell, I smoothed out my hair and tugged on the hem of my dress. Glancing down at my new killer heels, I smirked. Kyler had a type and I probably wasn’t it, but I was just as smokin’ as those girls in his infomercials. It didn’t take him long to answer the door. Once he pulled it open, my stomach tightened.

Oh, my...

The site of this spectacular man answering the door with a baby cradled in his arms, spit cloth draped on his bulging bicep and his lusciously thick brown hair tussled on top of his head was enough to make any woman’s ovaries explode. Even mine. His steel blue gaze burned into me, making me quiver all over. My knees buckled but I didn’t fall into some fangirl puddle at his feet.

“Mr. Barton,” I managed, hoping I wasn’t drooling. “I–”

“Come in.”

That was easier than I thought. Slowly stepping forward, I entered the massive foyer and looked around. This house looked like something out of a magazine. Sleek, modern architecture set in an open floor plan. The staircase spiraled up to a landing that boasted large windows throughout the visible hallway. The place was light and airy. It reminded me of a beach house we rented once when I was a kid.

The baby started to cry, so Kyler rocked him in his arms. Those solid arms with the attractive veins and muscles bulging out. He was more magnificent in person.

“You’re late,” he said as he walked down the hall. “I didn’t think you’d ever get here.”


“You were supposed to be here an hour ago.”

“Did you get my messages?” Did I tell his office I’d be stopping by?

“No.” He sighed. “But I have a call I have to take right now. They’re waiting for me and that’s bad for business.”

“I can wait.” I’d already gotten further than I thought, so I could wait if he had to take a call.

“I hope so.” He held out the baby. A sweet, little boy with chubby cheeks and a dark dusting of hair. “This is Mason.”

“He’s beautiful.”

“Thanks.” He brought him closer to me. “Here.”

“Oh.” I quickly put out my hands and took the little bundle in my arms. He was warm and cuddly and smelled new and fresh. My heart ached when I thought about not... don’t do this. Not now.

“I’ll try not to be too long.”

“You want me to, umm, while you’re on the phone?” That was bizarre. What kind of person handed over their kid to a total stranger? Maybe he needed to watch
Criminal Minds.

“Isn’t that the point?” He glanced at his phone. “I’ll just be down the hall. There’s a bottle in the kitchen and his portable crib is in the family room.” He pointed. “Through there.”

“I think there’s some conf–”

“Yeah, you’re late.” He ran his hand through his hair. “After you feed him, he should go down. I’ll discuss everything with you when I’m done with this call. I’m really disappointed with your company and their lack of communication. A nanny should be on time.”

“A nanny?” Mason cried a loud, ear piercing scream when I spoke. “You think I’m his–”

“He’s hungry.” Kyler looked at me with desperation in his beautiful expression. “Please.”

“Okay.” I nodded because I couldn’t keep the baby waiting.

“Thanks.” He quickly headed down the hall. “I won’t be long.”

Propping Mason on my shoulder and patting his back, I made my way to the kitchen. “It’s all right, sweet pea. I’ll get you your bottle.” I gently hummed as I maneuvered around the massive kitchen, wondering just how I had gotten myself into this. My mother was wrong. This man was no serial killer.

But who would have thought the billionaire bachelor had a surprise baby?


Thirty minutes later the Adonis daddy emerged from his study, glancing in the portable crib he found Mason asleep. I’d fed and changed him. Once I got him down for a nap, I began folding the laundry that piled high in a wicker basket. The place was a mess. Baby items everywhere. Nothing looked organized or seemed to fit in. It was almost as if he were babysitting at his house.

“I didn’t know I was getting a housekeeper and a nanny.” He bit the corner of his bottom lip before shooting a flirty grin in my direction. “Sorry about my disappearing act.”

“Yeah, about that.” Placing the last clean burp cloth in the basket, I smiled at him because this was a tad awkward but I had to tell him the truth. “I’m not your nanny.”






the hell did I just leave my kid with?

“I tried to tell you when I got here but you were so determined to have me take him, well how could I resist? He’s adorable.”

“Who are you?” I set my cell down on the coffee table wondering if I should call 911.

“Jenna Cranford.” She extended her hand, so I shook it. “My mother is on the board at the hospital and she’s organizing a function for a new wellness wing and we’d like your support.”

“Door to door solicitation?” It probably works when the solicitor looks like her. I’d write her a check.
Fuck, I handed over my kid.

“I’ve called your office three times, but you haven’t returned any.”

“I’ve been a little busy this week.” Had I had known someone as hot as her was looking for me, I’d have found time to answer her calls.

“So I see.” She patted Mason’s back. “He’s the sweetest baby.”

“Thank you.”

“Your fitness club over on Tanyard Road is busy too. I’ve been trying to get a membership there for two months.”

“We’re in the process of opening another a few miles from that location to accommodate the wait list.” I had carefully debated opening another location so close to an existing one, but after reviewing the demand for my club it was a no-brainer.

“Maybe I’ll have better luck there.”

“If you’re not my nanny that would mean the company I hired is grossly incompetent.”

“Maybe the person they sent had an emergency.”

“I’m in the middle of an emergency.” I threw my hands up in frustration. Would anything go right today? “I’ll be contacting them very soon.”

“Is Mason’s mom at work?”

“I haven’t seen her in a week so I couldn’t tell you. She sort of dropped him off on the day she introduced me to him and left.”

“That’s awful.”

“Her timing is very inconvenient. I’m in the middle of opening two New York City locations, negotiating a London deal, and my parents are on a month long cruise in the Mediterranean. It appears I don’t have a nanny and I have no clue what I’m doing.” Could I sound like more of a loser in front of this sexy woman? If I were her I would have been in my car and away from my brand of crazy.

“My father is a pediatrician here in the suburbs. Maybe he could offer you some assistance.”  

“Can he send me full-time help? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m in deep shit. I’ll pay whatever it takes.”

“Have you considered taking paternity leave?”

I couldn’t contain the laugh that just sort of fell out of my mouth, but when she stared at me with an odd expression I realized that was inappropriate. “Oh, you’re serious?”

She glanced at Mason as she nodded.

“This isn’t exactly a good time for me to step away.”

“Babies are inconvenient that way.”

“Tell me about it.” I rubbed my temples, trying to ward off that headache that insisted on coming back all day. Probably because I’d forgotten to drink my protein shake. My whole routine was off since... “I don’t mean to be rude but while he’s asleep I need to make another quick call.”

“How about I finish mixing those bottles I saw on the counter in the kitchen. I’ll let myself out when I’m done.”

“If you leave your contact information I’ll write your charity a check.” It was the least I could do and a wellness center sounded like something I would give to.

“I’ll do that and I’ll leave some information on what we’re planning. I think you might be interested.”

“Great.” I picked up my cell. “Sorry for the confusion. I’m really not myself these past few days. I’m tired, overwhelmed and completely in over my head, but...” Why was I telling her all of this? “Thanks for your assist. I owe you.”

“It was my pleasure.”

The pleasure we could have if we had met under different circumstances...


I finished my call and answered a few emails and to my delight Mason was still asleep. He hadn’t napped this long since he’d gotten here. I needed to call the nanny company but I just didn’t feel like dealing with them. In the mood I was in, I’d probably have them shut down. There was probably a good excuse for them not showing up, but that didn’t do anything to help me.

Hell, I looked around the kitchen. It practically sparkled. Normally I kept a meticulous house. My mother’s housekeeper, Anna, came twice a month to keep me on track, but since Mason had arrived I’d been disorganized and sloppy. The kid didn’t leave me much time for cleaning or much of anything else. How did people do this with more than one kid? Maybe I’d have to call Anna and ask her to come before her scheduled date.

I spied a sandwich and some fruit on a plate in the center of the table along with Jenna’s information. Not only had she cleaned my kitchen, but she’d made me lunch. I opened the bread to see what was between it. A turkey and cheese on wheat. One of my faves.

Who is this woman?


Day nine with Mason and I was no more used to being a parent than I was on day one. I fired that stupid agency. They apologized profusely about some computer glitch. I was a businessman, shit happened. I just didn’t have time for shit to happen now.

A soft knock on the front door pulled me from my computer screen. I’d taken to working at the island in the kitchen because it overlooked the family room where Mason’s portable crib was set up. My younger brother Caden had been popping in everyday to check on us, staying with the baby while I made diaper and formula runs. What happened to my beer and chick runs? Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was almost two. I’d worked right through lunch and Mason had been asleep a solid hour. Maybe he was getting used to his new digs.

When I opened the door I was pleasantly surprised to see my mistake nanny standing on the porch. The things I wanted to do to this woman should have been illegal. They weren’t. Just out of the question with my kid sleeping in the next room.

“Hi.” Jenna tucked her hair behind her ear. She wore one of those sexy little sundresses again. This time it was yellow. It was a stark contrast to her bronze skin, but the cut of the dress showed me she worked out on a regular basis. We had something in common. “I don’t mean to intrude, but I wanted to bring you this.” She pulled a bag off her shoulder. “I went shopping for Mason. I thought you could use some essentials.”

“That was cool of you.” I took the bag from her before motioning into the house. “Come in.”

“I don’t want to bother you.”

“You’re not.” Clasping her soft hand in mine, I gently tugged her inside before closing the door. “Mason’s sleeping and I was just about to take a break from my computer.” I led her down the hall and into the family room.

“Can I see him?”

“Sure, but if you wake him, he’s yours.” I was serious too.

“Deal.” She smiled, letting go of my hand and darting for the baby. “He’s an angel,” she whispered as she patted his back. “I thought about him all night.”

“Should I be offended?” Shouldn’t I have been the one to star in her dreams last night? “You didn’t come here to see me?” I placed the bag by the sofa.

“I did.” A hue of blush tinted her cheeks. “How are you both getting along today?” She glanced around the room, taking in the disarray of tossed clothes and unwashed bottles. “I thought your nanny would be here by now.”

“So did I.”

“They stood you up again?”

“I told them I didn’t want their incompetent people caring for my child. I think they’re more upset over the substantial amount of cash they’re not going to get that I’d initially offered when calling. People in jams will spend whatever it takes to get good help.”

“That nanny missed out.” Jenna reached into the crib and stroked Mason’s head. “Anyone would be lucky to be his nanny.”

You don’t say...

“Sit down.” I pointed to the love seat next to Mason’s crib. “Can I get you anything?”

“No.” She plopped down, crossing her long, slender legs so I couldn’t get a peek at her panties.



“Your exercise routine. It includes Pilates and some yoga.”

“How did you know that?”

“It’s my business to know that.” I smirked. “Your legs are very toned. Your body has a long, lean build.”

“You’re good.”

You have no idea.

“I wish I was that focused and could figure out what I wanted to do with my life.” She gazed out the patio doors, lost in thought for a few seconds. “Sorry.” She returned her attention to me.

“You don’t like working for the charity?”

“I’m just helping my mother while I figure myself out.” She rolled her eyes. “I graduated college almost three years ago and still can’t figure out what I want to do. I’ve tried several things but none of them seem to fit.”

“What is your degree in?”

“Ah...” She fidgeted with her bracelet. “Medicine.”

“Like a doctor?”

“That’s what I thought I wanted to do, but I didn’t go to medical school. It wasn’t for me.”

“I get that.” Medical school was a huge commitment especially if a person really didn’t want to do it.

“You have a degree in marketing.” She moved the focus away from her.

“How did you know that?”

“I read it online.” Her quiet giggle made me smile. “At least you put your education to good use.”

My life was a friggin’ open book because of the internet. Every move I made the tabloids were right there documenting all of my mistakes when it came to my social life. Just wait until they got word of my newest, no, I refused to call Mason a mistake. His mother was a huge mistake, but not him. He was mine and as unprepared as I was, I was willing to accept him. I would never abandon him the way Aimee had. Every time I thought about how she turned and walked away, I wanted to punch a wall.

“Opening my first gym was natural. I always liked to work out and I’m very into fitness. I had no idea that seven years later it would have turned into what it has.”

“Good for you.”

“I never expected to be juggling my life with a baby.”

“I’ve been thinking about that.”

“Is that why you stopped by?” He sat on the sofa across from her. “To get the story?”

“His mom.” She bit her lip and I wondered how much she really wanted to know. “I don’t want to pry but what happened?”

“She wasn’t my girlfriend or anything. It was just a few weeks of fun. I didn’t realize how young she was.”

“Legal, I hope.”

“Barely, but yeah. She told me she was twenty-two. I didn’t ask to see her license but that was a lie.”

Jenna dropped her gaze to Mason. Was she disgusted? I’m kind of disgusted myself. I had seen nothing wrong with all of my bed hopping antics. I’d always practiced safe sex or at least I thought I had. I’m lucky I hadn’t created more offspring. I hoped I hadn’t. Don’t go there.

“I met her at a lunch I attended after a round of golf. She was my waitress and we hit it off.” Hell, I took her home and fucked her until she couldn’t walk and then she kept coming back.
Maybe I should skip that part of the story.
“We were together just under three weeks. She was immature for me, and coming from me that says a lot.”

“You seem so responsible. Look at your business.”

“Running my business is easy. I like doing it. I also like partying and being social. When Aimee, Mason’s mother, started stalking me wanting to know where I was and who I was with, well, that became a problem for me. She was also very into my cash flow. I made the mistake of bailing her out of a jam with a late car payment and then she kept tapping me like an ATM. It wasn’t working for me.”

“You broke up?”

“I just told her I wasn’t feeling it and we left it like that. I ignored a few of her texts but in retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have done that.”

“She was trying to tell you she was pregnant?”

“I don’t know. She was casual in the messages. Very vague.” Looking back at the situation I probably should have answered those texts, but whatever. What was done was done and now I had to move forward. “Anyway, she Facetimed me when I was in London to break the news. I’ll admit I could have handled the situation with a little more finesse, but I was pissed. I thought it was another attempt to tap me for cash. She could have told me when she found out she was pregnant. She could have contacted me when she was in labor or right after she had him but instead she waited two months and then uses Facetime? Come on.”

BOOK: The Billionaire Bachelor's Surprise Baby: A Billionaire Romance
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