The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3)
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Crystal leaned back into Damien, her eyes fluttering open as she felt herself fill with more warmth as he entered her with one of his thick, muscled fingers. She leaned back against him and put her head on the crook of his shoulder, looking up into the stars as Damien pressed into her, finding that spot that could make her shout with glee, and as he stroked that spot, soon, she was seeing stars in a figurative sense too.

Crystal held onto Damien as her walls pressed against his fingers. “Oh, Damien!” moaned Crystal as her eyes welled with thick, warm, salty tears, of joy and relief, rather than sorrow. “Oh, don’t stop!”

Damien kept pumping his finger in and out of Crystal, rubbing her clit with the other hand, and holding her tight in his arms, against that throbbing cock, which, from all the rubbing of Crystal, back and forth, could barely hold back its own salty seas. Damien pressed his mouth to Crystal’s moaning lips and could no longer hold back the ecstasy. Damien’s cock let loose a torrent of hot white cum, all over Crystal’s back, but the water washed it away and Damien, even in the throes of passion, and he couldn’t help but moan the word, “Fuck,”, loudly, as he held onto Crystal, as she rode out the last of her climax.

Crystal’s body relaxed in his and he held her close to his chest. She looked up at him. “That was...amazing,” said Crystal, before she yawned. “Oops. Sorry.”

“Don’t be, you had quite the work out,” said Damien, giving her body a once-over with a loofah and body wash from the bin next to his edge of the tub. “Just relax.” He hit some buttons on the side of the Jacuzzi, and the juice-filled water was cycled out of the tub and replaced with fresh clean water. Damien dropped a large cream colored ball into the water, and it fizzed, soon filling the tub with the scent of milk and honey. Damien used a small ladle to get Crystal’s hair wet and washed it for her as she sat in his lap, relaxing. Crystal was just enjoying the feeling of Damien using his hands to work over her body, from her scalp down to the tips of her toes. His fingers were kneading her every curve, from her buxom breasts to her broad and ample hips, making sure every last bit of Seattle was washed off of her, leaving her fresh and clean. Damien got out of the tub and pulled on a robe before holding another large, fluffy, white robe in one hand, using the other hand to help Crystal out of the tub. He wrapped her up in the robe, put a large white towel around her hair...and then, he scooped her up, before carrying her out of the bathroom, her arms wrapped around his neck, out to the bedroom, where he opened the large, fluffy covers, settled her already sleeping head on a pillow, and wrapped her up in the blankets, holding her gently in his arms and giving her a kiss, as if he was sending the curvy woman beneath him on a journey, in a little rowboat, to sail a sea of dreams.

Chapter Five

he next morning, Crystal woke up, not to the sound of an alarm clock telling her she had under thirty minutes to make her way to the office for an all-staff meeting, but to the sound of birds chirping. Birds? That couldn’t be right. She opened her eyes. Large pastel green fluffy pillows? Matching sheets that were as soft as cashmere, and a mattress that didn’t feel like rocks? She definitely wasn’t in her apartment. And...out of the corner of her eye, was that natural frikkin’ light? Cloudy Seattle didn’t have that. She turned...and then, saw the sight that reminded her just where she was, and why.

A large body. Taller than most men she’d ever seen, with broader shoulders, and broad hips as well, with a barrel chest to match...and on that chest, a tattoo that was intricate and yes, matched the one she’d gotten with Tangie after she got her first raise as a celebration. Tangie had gotten a little starfish, and Crystal had chosen a star lily. A star lily, but in a geometric design. Above the tattoo, the firm strapping neck that led to the face of the man that had managed to seduce her, even though he’d been gruff and grizzly at first. He’d opened up to her, and her, to him, and last night...that’s right, last night he’d shown her an ecstasy she couldn’t’ve imagined was possible to experience, at least, before he’d shown her that paradise of pleasure, in that romantic tub...

And that face. Thick, brown hair topped his head, and there was matching stubble that by now, was longer than she’d expected it to be. Those handsome eyes were lidded, his thick brown lashes hitting the tops of his cheeks, and his lips were open, as he breathed in and out, the mark on his chest moving up and down with each breath.

That mark. It was the most gorgeous tattoo on a man that Crystal had ever seen. She pressed a finger to it. The tattoo felt raised slightly from Damien’s skin. Odd, but not entirely unexplainable. There were treatments that could make one have an interesting skin texture, like scarification, and maybe this was meant to cover up some old scar art. The tattoo, in plain black, just begged to be touch, and so Crystal ran her finger over Damien’s chest, tracing lines in an imaginary maze, leading in and out, left and right, over Damien’s chest.

She felt a breath against her clean hair. She looked up. Damien was up. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her up. “Having enough fun without me?” asked Damien, giving Crystal a kiss on the cheek.

“Not enough fun,” said Crystal, kissing Damien back on his cheek. “But I’m guessing you have more activities in store for today, given we could take baths and nap back up in Seattle.”

“Trust me, sugar, once I show you
Port Jameson, you won’t want to leave,” said Damien, stretching and pressing his hands behind his back as he stretched, moving his neck left and right before yawning and rubbing the last of his sleep out of his eyes. “So should we get ready?”

“Sure,” said Crystal, getting up and stretching too. “But Damien?”

“Yeah?” asked Damien, looking back at Crystal as he got up off the bed.

“I already don’t want to leave Port Jameson...ever,” said Crystal, pulling Damien close as he walked around the bed to their stuff before kissing him on the cheek and pulling him in for a big hug, pressing her cheek against his chest, even though she had to get on her tippy-toes to do so.

“I don’t either,” said Damien, running his hands through Crystal’s hair and smelling the top of her clean head. “I don’t either.”

Damien and Crystal got changed into fresh clothes before they headed into his SUV. The outside world was much brighter than it had been when they arrived in Port Jameson in the dead of night. It was nearly September and Port Jameson’s leaves were only just starting to turn. The air smelled fresher than the air of crowded Seattle, and their car was the only one they saw until they hit town, which had more people walking on foot than driving via cars.

“Tell me you’re in the mood for breakfast,” said Damien.

“Of course I am, we haven’t had anything to eat since last night,” said Crystal, clutching her empty stomach. “I’m famished!”

“Calm down, drama queen, I know just the place...but you have to promise you won’t leave a bite on your plate untouched,” said Damien.

“Of course I won’t,” said Crystal.

Damien drove them through the town, from one end to the other, where they pulled into an old-fashioned diner. “The...Bear Plate Diner?” said Crystal.

“They make the best marion berry pancakes in town,” promised Damien. “Trust me, after you have these, you won’t ever confuse marion berries and blackberries again.”

Twenty minutes later, Crystal and Damien had a stack of large, fluffy purple pancakes each, along with a healthy side of bacon and eggs, and two cups of coffee that, after last night’s fun, they definitely needed. “Why are the pancakes purple?” asked Crystal, as she buttered her pancakes.

“Well, you ever make blueberry pancakes?” asked Damien.

“Yeah, and they don’t turn out bright blue,” said Crystal.

“Exactly,” said Damien. “Because you just drop whole berries in the batter. Here, they actually blend a fruit purée into the batter, so you get this gorgeous purple color, and marion berry deliciousness in every bite.”

Crystal took a bite of the pancakes. Not only were they as berrylicious as Damien had promised, they were also hot and fluffy and melted in her mouth. “Oh, these are rich,” said Crystal. “Amazing. Trust me, I won’t leave a single bite untouched.”

“I knew you’d love this place,” said Damien. “Trust me, the day’s just beginning.”

Crystal and Damien, stuffed from a breakfast that was practically a brunch, headed down to Port Jameson’s main drag, where Damien parked the car, and the pair walked, hand in hand, window-shopping and dipping into small stores. Crystal looked at lots of things, from fluffy balls of specialty yarn to freshly-baked honey-buns, but didn’t buy anything, although Damien offered to get her things...but when he saw her take special notice in things, he took notes in his head to remind himself of these moments at a later date. By the time they’d visited every last store in Port Jameson, from fancy plus-size shops to a marion berry lemonade stand, the sun was near setting, and Damien had yet another surprise for Crystal.

They got back in the car and headed down to the town park, where there were a series of food trucks set up. Damien opened up the back of his car and pulled out a large duffle bag and two folding chairs, as well as a small folding table. He carried all the items and set them up on the park’s green, in front of what looked like a large inflatable castle, except it was just a single big grey monolith in the middle of the park, with two speakers flanking it.

“Is there a movie showing tonight?” asked Crystal.

“How’d you guess?” asked Damien sarcastically. “Can you watch our stuff? I’ll get the food.”

“Alright, that works for me,” said Crystal. “You know what I like.”

“Everything,” said Damien, with a wink, before he headed off to the food trucks.

Crystal went through the bags. First, she undid the chairs, and set them up on the grass. Then, she figured out which blanket should go on the ground (the one with a thick plasticky backing, of course), and she set up plaid flannel blankets on their chairs. The entire day had been great, and now, ending it with a movie was picture perfect.

Crystal sat in the chair and covered herself with a blanket. She looked over at the food trucks. There was a truck selling marion berries and lemonade, just like the stand on the main street, and there was a sushi truck, a Mexican food truck, a truck selling American fast food, and one selling carnival food. There was also a relatively large crowd, and it was hard for her to find Damien, because although he stood out in Seattle, he looked like a lot of people down in Port Jameson, especially from behind, given that all he was wearing that day was a plain white shirt and navy shorts.

“Hey,” said a voice. Crystal turned. In front of her were two men, tall, with matching brown and gray hair, although they looked to be around her age. They were tall, muscular, and had tattoos on their necks. Lean, with devilish grins, they were wolf shifters, no doubt. One of Tangie’s exes had been a wolf shifter, and she knew the look.

“Hey,” said Crystal. “Can I help you?”

“I’m sure you can,” said the other wolf shifter. “Or maybe, we could help you. After all, you look like you could use some friends.”

“Yeah, some friends,” said the first wolf. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing sitting here, alone? You know, you don’t look like you’re from around here...what’d you say your name was?”

“I didn’t,” said Crystal, turning back to look for Damien. Where the frikkin’ heck was he? The crowd was thickening by the minute, and the last thing she thought was that she’d run into this kind of trouble in Port Frikkin’ Jameson.

“Hey, pretty girl,” said the first wolf, walking closer and blocking her view. “Come on. Let’s play. If you’re nice, you can pet us...wherever you want.” The wolf grabbed at his crotch.

Crystal got up to leave. Damien would understand why she had to leave the spot. But, before she could walk away, the second wolf was in her face.

“Move,” ordered Crystal.

“Make me,” said the wolf.

Crystal turned, but the wolves circled her, refusing to let her pass. “Hey, move it! What’s the big idea?” asked Crystal.

“Come on, pretty human, just play with us,” said one of the wolves, licking his lips. All the spinning was making Crystal dizzy, and she couldn’t tell them apart.

“Stop it!” shouted Crystal. “Help! Somebody help me!”

Before anyone could answer Crystal’s cries, she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Damien. He was holding armfuls of food and searching and looking for Crystal.

“Damien!” shouted Crystal, hoping he could hear her, even though the park was loud and noisy with people hustling and bustling. “Damien!”

Crystal saw Damien’s head move as he angled his ears to hear her, and she then saw him turn to face their spot...and then, she saw Damien drop the items in his arms, and start running, not walking, not briskly walking, but running, over to the wolves...

...And mid run, she saw Damien do something amazing.

Damien got down on all fours and rolled, and mid roll, his clothes all came off. No, they didn’t come off...they exploded off of his body, turning into tattered scraps of fabric, as what burst forth was not a man, but a bear, and not just a bear, but a half-ton war machine covered in a layer of thick brown fur, sporting a set of eyes that weren’t warm and caring like the eyes of Damien the lover, but which were filled with fire and brimstone like a bear out of Hell, as this was Damien the protector, and he was pissed.

The two wolves backed away from Crystal, but not to let Damien get to her...but to shift into their forms. As soon as they stepped back from her, they shifted, into their wolf forms, the forms twice the size of a normal wolf, but still half the size of the bear. What they lacked in size they more than made up for in agility...and they technically had the numbers benefit.

The bear roared at the wolves, and locked eyes with Crystal and motioned for her to walk over to its side, but as soon as she moved, the wolves snapped at her and showed their fangs before growling.

Threatening the woman he wanted. That was all it took for Damien to snap. He lunged forward and swiped at the wolves, who turned and snapped at him. Crystal walked into the ring of people that had formed, a group that was oddly quiet. She looked: there was a shirtless man with a symbol on his chest. She carefully walked up to him and got his attention. “What do we do? We’ve got to stop them!” she said.

BOOK: The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3)
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