The Bad Boy Firefighter's Secret Fling (Red Hot Reunions Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boy Firefighter's Secret Fling (Red Hot Reunions Book 3)
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She was beautiful. Mesmerizing.

She was also going to get herself killed. Maddie might be a strong swimmer, but she’d also drunk an impressive amount of whiskey. As a friend, he was obligated to go in after her and make sure she didn’t drown.

Or so he told himself. His heart was in the right place, but there was nothing friendly about the hunger pumping through his veins as he stripped off his tee shirt and jeans and followed Maddie into the ocean, his cock so hard it pulsed with a heartbeat of its own. For a moment, the chilly water threatened to defuse the situation, but then Maddie turned to face him and Jamison’s flagging erection rallied with the enthusiasm of a long-benched player being called onto the field.

She’d waded in far enough for the waves to lap against the underside of her breasts, making it impossible for him to keep his eyes off the pale, round orbs. She was a D-cup at least, maybe a double D, and Jamison knew she’d feel perfectly full and heavy in his hands. He could already imagine the weight of her resting in his palms, her nipples tightening as he brushed his thumbs across her tips, making her moan his name.

Lately, he’d been fantasizing about Maddie calling out his name with disturbing frequency. No amount of logical thinking could seem to stop the younger Whitehouse sister from dancing, semi-clothed, through his thoughts and popping up in his most lurid dreams.

Maddie was one of his best friends. They’d been so close growing up she practically felt like family, and he didn’t want to risk losing her over a fling they both might come to regret. Not to mention that he had only recently recovered from the awkwardness inspired by the idiotic decision to make out with her sister, Naomi—his brother Jake’s ex-girlfriend—when they were teenagers.

The smartest call would be to stay far away from Maddie, her full lips, sparkling blue eyes, and irresistibly lovely breasts until the focus of his attraction shifted elsewhere.

But that was the trouble with irresistible things, they were so…irresistible.

Jamison waded deeper into the water, not stopping until he was close enough to Maddie to see that her nipples were pulled into tight buds and her lips parted in a silent invitation he knew he wouldn’t be able to refuse.

Still, he tried. “You’re drunk, and I don’t want to do something you’ll regret, but if you keep looking at me like that I’m going to kiss you.”

Maddie’s lips pushed into a pout. “Just kiss me?” She stepped closer, lifting her damp fingers to slide his St. Florian’s medal over his shoulder and trace a path down the center of his chest. “I’m practically naked, Jamison. Oh wait,” she continued, bobbing in the water as she reached down. A moment later her hand emerged with her soaking wet underwear, which she tossed out to sea with a flick of her wrist, sending more blood rushing to Jamison’s already aching length.

“Now, I’m all naked,” she said in a voice so sexy it felt like a tongue licking its way from Jamison’s stomach to his cock. “All naked and ready and willing. Don’t you want to try to lure me into your smolder-web?”

He swallowed hard, fighting to keep his hands to himself as she shifted closer and the waves swirled between his legs.

“I mean, considering your reputation, I expected more,” Maddie continued, tilting her head back to hold his gaze. “Don’t you want to touch me?”

Jamison bit his lip. “I want to do more than touch you.”

“You want to do me?” Maddie asked, somehow managing to make the expression sound sweet.

“It wouldn’t be like that, and you know it.” Jamison winced as Maddie moved even closer, so close he could feel her heat against his skin and her breasts were mere inches from brushing his chest. He was seconds from losing control, but he had to try to get through to her. He didn’t want to take advantage, or do anything she would regret when the whiskey wore off.

“This isn’t some casual thing,” he continued, voice ragged from fighting how much he wanted to touch her, unable to remember the last time he’d been this turned on. “You’re my friend. I care about you. This could ruin our friendship. Forever.”

“So you don’t find me attractive, is that what you’re saying?” Maddie asked, hurt flashing in her eyes. “Is that it? Because if it is, just say so, Jamison and I’ll—”

Jamison reached out, capturing her around the waist and pulling her against him, moaning when the soft curve of her stomach connected with where he was as hard as the shells beneath their feet. “Does that feel like I don’t find you attractive?” he asked, heart racing as Maddie leaned into him, her breasts pressing against his chest.

Her mouth was so close he could feel her breath feather across his lips when she sighed and her arms twined around his neck.

“I want you so much it’s killing me,” he said, pulling her closer, groaning when her leg looped around his waist and his cock responded with enough enthusiasm to make his balls ache. “But this is a bad idea, Maddie. A bad, fucking idea.”

“Speak for yourself,” she said. “I think fucking is a great idea.” She rocked her hips forward, grinding against him, and Jamison forgot about childhood friendships, and logic, and every other woman he’d ever held in his arms.

He crushed his lips to Maddie’s, his tongue swirling through her mouth as if he were determined to devour her from the neck down. She tasted like heaven, a mix of whiskey and Coke and a salty, sexy taste that was all woman, all Maddie, and more intoxicating than any alcoholic beverage.

Her kiss was delicious. It made him hungry to take his exploration further, to see if the rest of her skin was as addictive as her sweet, hot mouth.

“Jamison.” She moaned his name, her fingers threading through his hair as he shifted his attention to her breasts, cupping her in his hands as he teased his tongue across her tightened flesh.

Her breasts were a revelation, things of such beauty Jamison couldn’t get enough of them. Couldn’t get enough of her softness and the sweet smell of her skin, of the way she arched into him, offering her body to him with complete trust, complete abandon.

He swirled and sucked and nipped at her until her breath came in desperate pants and the mewls escaping from the back of her throat began to sound more pained than pleasured. Only then did he bring his mouth back to hers for another bruising kiss as he ran his palm down her stomach, over the curls between her legs, to push two fingers inside her.

“Maddie,” he breathed against her lips, hand trembling as he felt her slick heat coating his fingers. Even with the ocean swirling around their legs, he could feel how wet and ready she was, how much she wanted him.

“Yes,” she said, fingernails digging into his shoulders. “Yes, Jamison. Now.”

Without another word, Jamison lifted her into his arms. Her legs parted, wrapping around his hips with a desperation that matched his own. And then she was rocking into him, her body fitting against his as if they had been custom made to give each other pleasure. He felt her core pressing against the head of his engorged length and then, a moment later, she shifted, driving her hips down until he was completely encased in her tight, wet, heat.

“God, Maddie.” Jamison moaned, arms tightening around her, feeling like he couldn’t get her close enough. “You feel so good.”

“So do you,” she breathed, eyes meeting his, holding his gaze as he gripped her hips. “I didn’t think…”

“You didn’t think what?” Jamison asked, marveling at how right it felt to be inside Maddie, to be so intimately connected to a woman he’d considered purely friend material until a few short months ago.

“Nothing.” She gave a slight shake of her head. “I don’t want to think.” She leaned in, capturing his lips, destroying his ability to concentrate on words as she circled her hips, grinding against him.

Jamison let her set the pace, matching her thrust for thrust until they’d established a slow, sensuous rhythm that mimicked the rise and fall of the waves. The water flowing in and out between them made it impossible to move too fast, a fact Jamison relished as tension built in a slow, steady burn at the base of his spine.

Still, it wasn’t long before Maddie moaned into his mouth and pulled away from their kiss with a ragged breath. Her head fell back, her features contorting with pleasure as she neared the edge.

She was even more beautiful like this, wild and abandoned. It was almost more than Jamison could take.

He circled his hips faster, the desire building inside him nearing the breaking point when Maddie dug her nails into his shoulders and came with a soft cry. He felt her body gripping his cock in waves that threatened to send him over the edge along with her, but he fought the need to come, waiting until Maddie’s orgasm began to ebb before giving in and allowing pleasure to sweep him under.

He cried her name as he pulled out, pressing his aching length against her soft belly as he came in fierce jerks, clenching his jaw as he fought to keep from making too much noise. Even with the waves crashing onto the shore, he knew there was a chance someone might hear if he gave in to the urge to roar Maddie’s name to the stars blinking in the sky above their heads.

“You didn’t have to pull out,” she said a moment later, breath still coming fast as she pressed a kiss to his neck. “I’m on the pill.”

“I didn’t know.” He hugged her closer, not feeling the slightest urge to pull away from his partner the way he usually did once the main event was over. “I figured better safe than sorry.”

“Thoughtful,” she murmured, bringing her lips back to his and kissing him with her next words. “That was…amazing.”

“It was,” he said, brushing the damp ends of her hair over her shoulder, clearing the way for his hand to cup her breast in his palm. “I can’t wait to make you come again.”

Maddie’s breath rushed out as his thumb swept over her nipple. “Give me a few minutes to recover. I haven’t come that hard in years.”

“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Jamison said sincerely, brushing his thumb across her tightened flesh again, making her shudder and a moan escape her lips. “You are fucking beautiful when you come like that. I want to see it again. I want to watch your face when you get off.”

Maddie’s tongue slipped out to dampen her lips. “Jamison…”

“What, Mad?” he asked, teasing her nipple between his finger and thumb before dropping his hand back between her legs, summoning a soft cry from her throat that Jamison immediately decided was the sexiest sound he’d ever heard.

“Nothing,” she said, biting her lip as he began to circle her clit, gradually intensifying the pressure until she trembled in his arms. She leaned into him, burying her face against his shoulder, but Jamison was having none of that.

“Look at me, Maddie,” he whispered into her ear. “Let me watch you.”

A moment later she pulled back, whimpering as she met his eyes with such a vulnerable, naked look Jamison felt like he had crawled inside her skin. He could almost feel her pleasure rocketing through him as she came a second time, clutching his arms, making more of those sexy little sounds that absolutely destroyed him.

By the time she’d ridden out her pleasure on his hand, he was halfway to being hard again, and all the way to being sure he didn’t want this to be a one-night stand.

“Come back to my tent with me,” he said, cupping her bottom in his hands, relishing the way her curves completely filled his palms.

Maddie blinked up at him, obviously still a little dazed. “But what about your friends? Won’t they be able to hear us?”

“My tent isn’t that close to theirs,” Jamison said. “As long as we’re quiet they won’t hear anything.”

“I don’t know if I’m capable of being quiet.” Maddie’s tongue swept out to dampen her lips, making visions of its pretty pink length teasing over his skin dance through Jamison’s head.

“Well…you said you were interested in a blindfold,” Jamison said. “How about I tie something around your mouth instead?”

Maddie shivered and laughed a wicked, husky laugh that finished the job of reviving Jamison’s arousal. “But then I wouldn’t be able to kiss you, and I like kissing you.” She drove her fingers into his hair. “So maybe you should just cover my mouth with your hand, and I’ll do my best not to bite too hard.”

Jamison pulled her closer, resting his forehead on hers. “Don’t worry about the biting. I like biting.”

“That doesn’t surprise me,” Maddie said, smiling against his lips as he kissed her.

She might not be surprised, but Jamison certainly was. He rarely met a woman who could wear him out in the bedroom, but by the time he and Maddie finished rolling around in his sleeping bag two hours later, Jamison was so spent he could barely move.

“Are you always like this?” Jamison whispered as they were drifting off to sleep, Maddie’s head on his chest and her warm body snuggled against his side in a way that felt just right. “Or was that the whiskey fucking me within an inch of my life?”

She answered him with a snore, a soft, feminine snuffle that was so cute Jamison couldn’t keep from smiling up at the roof of his tent. He knew he should wake Maddie up and help her sneak back to her own tent before they were caught, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. It was too nice, lying there with her so warm in his arms, running his fingers through her hair, feeling her breath puff in and out against his bare chest.

He promised himself he’d wake her up in a few more minutes, still long before the rest of the camp would be stirring, and closed his eyes.

BOOK: The Bad Boy Firefighter's Secret Fling (Red Hot Reunions Book 3)
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