Read The Alaskan Rescue Online

Authors: Dominique Burton

The Alaskan Rescue (10 page)

BOOK: The Alaskan Rescue
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The remembrance drove him to his feet. He’d best leave. He
pulled up the comforter and tucked her in, and then with one last caress of her
cheek, he left.

He headed straight up to his lair, as he liked to call it. His
father, the architect, had enjoyed building this home. Cole loved all the
light-colored materials his dad had used downstairs and he particularly liked
the large windows. But he loved his bedroom with its Caribbean look. He even had
a palm-style fan over his bed with posters of tropical places on his walls.

The downstairs might be a tribute to Native paintings and Wild
West photos, but this was the real Cole up here. The tropics were what cheered
him up. He’d never live anywhere but Alaska, but for vacation, he sure loved
trips to the Caribbean and Hawaii.

He’d love to take Sashi with him, love to see her in a bikini,
walk the beach at night with her. They’d lie in a hammock watching the stars at
night while they talked about nothing, then make love until morning.

Cole removed his clothes, wondering how she was doing. But of
course he
how she was doing. She was fine!

He kicked his clothes away and headed for the bathroom and that
cold shower.

* * *

the bear. “No,
no, no!” She could see Kendra running up the tree. “Please, Kendra, NO!”

She sat up, thrashing in the sheets of the darkened room,
having no idea where she was. Panic seized her. “Help!” But her voice wouldn’t
work. She tried again. “Help!” Only a squeak came out. “Please.” Her voice came
out louder this time. “Help me!” There. Her voice was working again.
“Please...somebody help me!”

Sashi looked around the room trying to find her crutches or
walker. Where were they? Where was she? Where was Cole?

She got so scared she climbed onto the floor, careful not to
bang her leg. Thank heaven her arms were strong. She crawled out of her room
into the hall.

“Help, Cole! Where are you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
He’d promised he wouldn’t leave her. Where was he?

* * *

of the bathroom in pajama bottoms when he heard Sashi screaming for him. His
first instinct was to grab the gun he kept by his bed at all times in case of an
intruder, human or animal.

“I’m coming, Sashi!”

He raced down the stairs two at a time with his gun strapped
across his back. He could hear her continued screaming. It terrified him. He
couldn’t comprehend what on earth could have happened in the past twenty
minutes. When he turned the corner that led to the apartment, he flipped on the
lights in the main room. Farther away he saw Sashi lying on the floor of the

“Cole? Is that you?” she cried. “Where am I? What’s going on?
I’m so scared.”

“It’s me.” He turned on the bedroom light.

Sashi looked wildly around the room. “I’m sorry. I had a
nightmare. I get them every night. There’s this bear coming for me. I’ve talked
to Dr. Samuelson about it. He said he was going to prescribe medicine to help me
not dream, but it doesn’t work. Every time I close my eyes, I relive Kendra
dying.” Moisture bathed her face.

“Is that a gun?” she asked as he put it behind the door. He’d
hoped she wouldn’t see it.

“Yes.” He crossed to her and picked her up. There was no way he
could leave her in this kind of condition. She was terrified and needed comfort,
and he was just the man to give it.

Chapter Seven

It was an amazing sensation to be pressed against Cole
after her terror. Sashi had danced with many men before, but had never seen such
a beautiful male body before. He had a rugged build with a smattering of blond
hair across his pectorals. He had the physique of a man who lived outdoors,
strong and lean.

She pulled herself together. “What were you doing with a

His gaze met hers. “We’re in Alaska. When I heard you scream
like that, I grabbed my gun to be ready for anything. I told you I’d protect

“So where are we going?”

“My room,” Cole said calmly.

“Your what?” Sashi could barely believe her ears.

“My room. After this experience I’m not going to be able to
sleep with you downstairs. With you having posttraumatic nightmares, you need to
be watched. I’m going to take care of you.”

“But in your bed?” Sashi’s body filled with heat.

“If you’re uncomfortable with that, I’ll put my air mattress
next to the bed. I know how bad those nightmares can be. I had them for years.
I’m sorry. I should never have left you alone in a house you weren’t familiar
with. I blame myself.”

“Please don’t.” She touched his cheek. “I should have told you
about the nightmares.”

He wanted her forgiveness. “No, I should’ve read your charts
more thoroughly. It’s my job as your doctor to make you comfortable while you
stay here.”

They reached his room, which was a complete contrast to the
rest of the house. Cole placed her on top of the sea-green duvet. She took in
the whole island theme and loved it. “This room is you, Cole!”

He smiled. “You think so?”

“I know. After listening to the music in the car and your
carefree attitude, this room suits your personality completely. Who decorated
the bottom floor of the house? It’s beautiful, but more like a showplace.”

“My dad, he’s the architect,” Cole replied. “My mom chose the
furnishings. It looks like a miniature of their house. I drew the line at my

“You must be proud of your dad to let him come in and build
your home.”

“Are you sure you didn’t get your degree in psychology?”

Sashi laughed. “No, maybe then I wouldn’t be an in-debt dancer.
I just figured that a child who would let his parents design and decorate his
house must be proud of them. Or he wants their approval?”

“Maybe a little of both.”

“And that’s okay,” she said.

“Do you want to change into one of my T-shirts to sleep?”

His question reminded her of the precarious arrangement, but
she’d been in this outfit for most of the day, and something else to sleep in
would be nice. She hated being a coward, but maybe having someone close by would
help with the nightmares. Cole seemed pretty adamant about her sleeping with

“Sure. Could you help me to the bathroom since I don’t have my

Cole rummaged through his drawers for a shirt. She stared at
his back, aching to really touch him. She’d touched some of him when they’d
kissed back at Marshall’s with their clothes on. Those kisses...when he was
around she couldn’t stop thinking of them.

In a minute he put on some music she hadn’t heard before, a
soothing jazz number. As she looked around his bathroom she saw various pictures
of him with friends and two different beautiful women on the wall. He was a
grown man.
Of course he’s had girlfriends. Don’t be

Focus. But as she did, she realized she’d only been to the
Caribbean once with Kendra and her family. The trip had been an absolute blast.
Life with her best friend had always been a blast. She would always miss

“This is peaceful,” Sashi said.

Cole nodded. “Do you dance to jazz?”

“I do, actually.”

He grinned. “But I prefer music from abroad more. I love exotic
vacations, and some
taught me and my
buddies some fun types of dancing.”

Sashi took that as her cue to back down. Cole always played the
friend card. “Well, the music’s very soothing.”

“I thought it might calm you down. I know music used to help me
get my mind off my problems.”

Of course. He was doing what a doctor would do. Find a
treatment to calm the patient so she’d sleep.

“Thanks, Doc,” she said. “Will you help me to the bathroom?
Sorry to be such a pain.” Sashi felt foolish sitting on his bed like a child.
She wished she had her crutches. “Hey, Cole, you know? You’ve made me feel much
better, so I think I’ll be fine on my own back in my room.”

* * *


. There was no way he was
going to let Sashi out of his sight tonight. He was still trying to recover from
seeing her lying there on the floor terrified. Then to find out she was
suffering badly from post-traumatic stress disorder. He wished Daniel had told
him more. Had he known, he would’ve slept on the couch in her apartment.

What had upset her enough to want to go back downstairs? It was
probably the talk about
He was such an
ass. He’d been trying to show her that the
meant nothing to him. Instead he’d made her think just the opposite and now she
probably felt foolish.

“I can’t let you leave, because I’m not comfortable with the
idea. Come here. Let’s get you ready.” He could see the reticence in her eyes.
“If you don’t come over here, you can sleep in your dress. It’s your

She finally scooted over and let him pick her up. This time he
couldn’t help himself. He gathered her in his arms almost in time with the
music. While one hand slid up her back possessively, she let him caress her leg
like he’d wanted to do all night.

Her expression revealed she could tell the difference in his
mood and her body melted into him. Her free hand moved up his bare arm with
purpose, forming an arc until it found the spot on his neck to place for
dancing. She ran her other hand up his chest and behind his neck. His body
leaned into hers.

With little effort he picked her up, but this time he held her
upright, wrapping his arms firmly around her. He let her left foot rest on his
right foot as their bodies began to move to the music. Their eyes met and the
attraction that had been between them at the beginning was still there. Sashi
clung to Cole. Soon he was swaying her body to and fro so easily it felt as
though they were one.

He couldn’t believe how well the two of them fit. It was as if
they were meant to be together. He held her close with one hand, then gently
positioned her face so he could see those lips he’d been longing to kiss.

Cole rubbed his cheek against hers. Sashi let out a moan of
pleasure and moved her lips closer to his. And then he kissed her.

* * *

and deepened
the kiss. This couldn’t be happening. She was in heaven. She was dancing. Her
body was moving and she was kissing the man of her dreams. It hit her then that
she was in love with Cole. But did he love her? He constantly played this game
of hot and cold with her. She didn’t think she could handle it when he went back
to being the caring doctor.

“We need to stop,” she murmured, and pushed him away. “I don’t
know if you’re simply feeling sorry for me right now, but I can’t handle it.
Will you take me to the bathroom and get me my crutches?” She was breathing
fast, but her heart was pounding faster.

“I’m sorry, Sashi.”

“Save it! Can you give me some privacy? I have pajamas in my
suitcase. If you’ll grab them for me, too. Do you have any idea how much I hate
depending on you like this?” Anger had replaced her passion.

“I can only imagine. And for that, all I can say is how sorry I
am.” Cole carried her to the bathroom and put her down right next to the counter
so she could have something to hold on to.

She was feeling too emotional. “I’d really like to go back to
my room.”

“I promise never to hurt you like that again. I’m worried about
you being alone. PTSD is serious. Until we find the right meds to help you,
night can be the worst of times. It doesn’t matter where you sleep, I’ll be in
the room with you in my sleeping bag.”

Sashi’s face fell. “Fine. Will you just go?”

After he left, she splashed water on her face and used her
finger as a toothbrush. She’d been insane to let Cole kiss her again. That and
the dancing. It had felt good to move to music. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to
dance again. Everyone said she would, but what if she was broken forever?

She had to stop feeling sorry for herself. Mary had told her
she’d be dancing one of these days. She was a wonderful physical therapist and
Sashi trusted her. She had to fight her attraction to Cole and somehow come to
understand that she wasn’t responsible for Kendra’s death.

Again the tears came. She rested her head on the counter.
Kendra had been her best friend. This whole mess could have been prevented if
Sashi had stopped her from going into the woods. How would she ever let go of
the guilt?

Here she was stuck in Alaska with a man who at first had felt
desire for her, but then had changed and felt only obligated to help her. Why
he’d kissed her tonight made no sense. Like he’d said, he was sorry. She needed
to remember that.

* * *

. Can I come in?” Cole

She lifted her head. “Yeah. Just put them on the floor.”

Cole felt like a heel. When he opened the door, he could see
that Sashi had been crying. The woman had been through too much and the last
thing she needed was to receive mixed signals from him. He put the clothes on
the floor next to her. Understanding her need for independence, he propped her
crutches against the counter.

While Sashi got dressed, Cole pulled out the sleeping bag he’d
brought up. He rolled it out on an air mattress on the floor next to the bed,
grabbed a pillow and lay down.

A few minutes later Sashi came out in a faded blue T-shirt and
a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. He thought she looked sexier than ever.
Obviously anything the woman wore turned him into a hormone-driven teenager. He
watched as she climbed into his bed, trying not to imagine all kinds of things
he shouldn’t.

He reached for the glass of water and pills. “These are
supposed to prevent the dreams. They helped me some nights when I was

She looked at him and took a pill, gulping it down with the
water he gave her. “Thanks. Have a good night’s sleep, Cole.”

“You, too.” He climbed into his sleeping bag and for what
seemed like hours listened to her breathe. At last he fell asleep.

* * *

an exhausted Sashi entered the group therapy room using her
walker. No one was here yet. She sat down and thought about her long day. She’d
spent the morning working with Mary while they exercised her arms and good leg.
Then she’d read until it was time for group therapy this afternoon.

Living with Cole was difficult. She found the daily routine
tedious, as though they were going through the motions. There were looks of
interest, moments their eyes found each other. Then they would slip back into
the awkward friendship they’d created between them. Who gave a damn about the
weather anymore? Sashi felt as if she was going to go crazy. Her attraction to
Cole was growing stronger every day.

At some point she would need to fly to Prince of Wales Island
and face Freddy. She was waiting for the DNA results to come back confirming
that Freddy was indeed the father of Kendra’s child. She’d told Trace about the
pregnancy so the coroner would be cognizant of it before the autopsy.

Sashi was still mourning her friend and missing her family.
Life was never going to be the same again—a difficult concept she had to come to
terms with. In truth, Cole was just a person passing through her life, not
really a part of it.

“Good afternoon.” Dr. Samuelson walked in, dressed impeccably
in a dark suit with a red tie.

“Hello, Doctor.”

“How are you doing?” He took in her appearance. “You appear to
be getting stronger.”

“I am. Mary pushes me hard. And I push myself harder. Dancing
is my life. I’m going to make my dream true.”

She was still flushed and sweaty after working out. Luckily her
leggings and T-shirt wore well. She’d pulled her hair into a tight bun.

“I can see that. There’s new life in your cheeks and

“I’m fighting a war with myself. I know I can win, but it’s

“In what way?”

“Panic attacks at anytime, terrible loneliness, nightmares,
feelings of impending doom and depression, for starters.” Sashi reached for a

The door opened and in walked Cole. He was in scrubs and his
white lab coat. Damn him. Nothing he wore made him unattractive.

“Glad you could join us, Cole.”

“Sorry to be late, Daniel. There was a bad accident down the
road. I had to prep a patient for the O.R.” Sashi noticed the dark smudges
beneath his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping and she wondered why.

“In emergencies we can postpone your therapy,” the doctor
assured him.

“I know, but today is special. Sashi is finally ready to tell
her story. I didn’t want her to have to wait any longer than necessary.”

“You look tired. Are you sure you don’t need a break from

“Can we talk about me later?” Cole shot him a look that said he
was done talking.

The tension in the room made Sashi feel claustrophobic, like
being trapped inside a blanket.

“I don’t think I can talk about anything with all my bad
feelings.” She buried her face in her hands. “I just don’t want to talk.”

BOOK: The Alaskan Rescue
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