Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2)
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Hm…Looks like the party is already going on and is in full swing. I wonder if John is here yet or not.

You will only know if you go out there right now, and look for yourself, Emily.

She eased herself away from the window, and walked over to the back door of her granny’s home. Her right hand gripped onto the door knob, and eased it open after she let out a soft breath of air. Emily gathered her wits about her, and managed to push her nervousness beneath the surface of her face prior to removing herself from the house, and pulling the door behind her.




Chapter Thirteen




              Pulling up outside of his boss’s house in the pick-up truck that he worked his ass off to afford, John parked it beside another truck, joining a line of them in front of the front porch. His right hand pulled the key out of the ignition, and slipped it into his front right pocket of his jeans while his other one opened up the driver side door.

Time to get this party really going!

His body was wanting to burst with the amount of excitement that was coursing through his entire body. He felt like a kid about to be let loose inside of a candy store with no one to stop him or tell him what his limits are. The party would be the store, and sweet Emily Withers would be all the candy he can want in one curvaceous form.

Beaming from the intense amount, John climbed out of the cab of his truck, and kicked the door closed behind him with the bottom of his boot. He took a few moments to let his hand smoothen out any wrinkles that might be on his shirt and pants before his tall frame started to stride down a line of vehicles before him. His piercing gaze moved over each one, taking in their different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some were better than his while others needed some serious work done to them. Moving past a shiny, snow white 2014 Toyota pick-up, his eyes fell upon a very familiar sight.

Parked right next to the tall, vehicle, Emily’s cherry red Pontiac was parked with not a single scratch, dint, or speck of dust on it. It looked in the same pristine condition it was in when her ex and him were having a little ‘chat’ outside of the store.

At least Dave managed to get it here, and in good time as well.

John moved to the driver side door of the car, and peered in it to see where Emily’s car keys were left for her to find.

Nestled on the driver side seat, her large key ring that had various silver frogs hanging amongst a few keys, was found to be on top of a folded up piece of white paper.

Hm…I wonder what this is all about.

Curious about the mysterious paper and unable to remove his thoughts from it, his right hand pulled open the door, and reached inside. He took the folded up note off of the cushioned seat, and lifted it up, opening up to expose the words upon it.

John, I am sorry to inform you this, but your friend, Dave, was unable to drop Emily’s car off due to him falling back to sleep. However…I managed to do the very job that he wasn’t man enough to do. Perhaps we will get to talk to one another tonight after I have a few dances with Emily amongst the others here tonight. See you soon, John. Sincerely…Johnathan Warrens.

His heart dropped down into the pit of his stomach at finding that no only had her ex-boyfriend drove the Pontiac there, but that he was planning to steal Emily away from him.

In this brief moment of despair and disbelief, his shock turned into almost a blind rage from the thought of someone, especially Johnathan Warrens, moving in and stealing his woman away from him.

Tonight…Hell’s gates are wide open, and all of the fury and evil that dwells within them is about to be unleased on the stupid bastard who thinks that he can steal my woman from me.

Slamming the door back, John threw the piece of paper down after crumpling it up, and ran in the direction of where the party was being held with desperation to get to Emily before her ex did and hatred for the very man that was wanting to steal something precious from him fueling him.




*                            *                            *




              Moving about the crowds of people that were standing around with one another on the edge of the dance floor, Emily kept her hands at the sides of her dress with the palms pressing against its red and maroon fabric. Her eyes moved around the area she was heading into, soaking up the atmosphere.

Various groups of people that were of different ages, races, and sexes were conversing with one another, enjoying the refreshments or letting loose on the dance floor. There were young, old, thin, fat, wealthy, poor, black, white…All kinds of people at the even that was going on, and they were enjoying each other’s company.

This is certainly different from the kind of party that I thought I was fixing to head into.

A smile danced across her face at how inviting the vibe of the party was. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves and not restricting themselves to their own groups warmed her spirits.

I believe there is I fact nothing to worry about. Tonight is looking to be a really great and wonderful-

“Hi there, sweetheart.”

The warmth that had started to sweep through her entire being turned ice cold the second her ears caught the unmistakable sound of Johnathan’s voice speaking directly towards her, and using the word ‘sweetheart’ with extra emphasis on it. Something that he always had a habit of doing when they were seeing each other.

Emily turned her head just enough to peek over one of her shoulders in the direction she had come from, and found her ex-boyfriend, the very man that John had slammed down onto the hood of his own prized sports car, to be standing behind in the same outfit he had on in town with a dark smile on his face.

“You are looking great tonight.” Johnathan said, deeply. He moved a few steps closer to her as his voice took on a more leering and perverted sound. “However…You are always looking good to me.”

Before he could get any closer to her backside, she spun herself around to face him, and took several backwards steps to keep the space between the two of them. Her eyes glared in his direction as she started to speak up.

“I am pretty sure that my grandmother didn’t invite you here, Johnathan.” Emily said. She allowed her voice to show the intense amount of frustration and fear she had burning inside due to finding him being there in front of her and amongst the others at the party. “And I damn sure didn’t invite you!”

“Is that any way to talk to your boyfriend?”


boyfriend, Johnathan.”

“You are just saying that-“

“Oh no I am not! It was a mistake to go out with someone as abusive, uncaring, and hateful as you. You are not my boyfriend now, and you will never be my boyfriend again.”

“I am pretty sure that a few dances on the floor with me will change your mind about that.”

She clearly saw that he was not going to back down, and that he would be damned if he didn’t get to dance with her, as well as not getting her to admit that he was her boyfriend. The visual of him looking at her with a dark possessive look on his face and body caused her alarms to go off at the same time having her body to tremble like a leaf blowing in the wind.









Chapter Fourteen




Moving around the corner to the backside of the house, John’s tall frame came to an abrupt stop at the sight of Johnathan and Emily on the dance floor, facing one another.

Oh no…I am too late to stop them from dancing with one another.

A small amount of sadness started to sweep throughout his entire body. The visual of his southern angel and the very man he had tossed onto the hood of his vehicle standing with each other on the crowded dance floor with one another started to cause his heart strings to pull and tighten.

Keeping is eyes on the scene unfolding before him, they captured the sight of Johnathan reaching for one of Emily’s shoulders, and Emily slapping it away from her body with the intent of keeping him far away from her.

Wait a minute here…She is not wanting anything to do with him, John.
His conscience spoke up to him with a tone of urgency.
It is not what you were thinking. Johnathan is trying to make his move on her, but Emily is not wanting anything to do with it or him.

He watched her former boyfriend’s face start to fill with hatred at her refusing to be touched by him for a few moments before his eyes caught sight of his same hand grabbing onto her shoulder he had reached out for, and digging his fingernails in it so tightly that it was causing Emily’s body to encounter an intense amount of difficulty in its wish to remain standing up right.

That bastard…He is going to pay for doing that to her!

The sight of Johnathan bringing pain to Emily after she had refused his advances gave him the last bit of inspiration that was needed on his part. John took longer strides across the earth floor, erasing the distance between the pair and him much more easily and efficiently.

Keeping his eyes on them, they captured Emily moving in the struggle with Johnathan to where his back was facing the direction he was moving in, and hindered the eyes of her ex-boyfriend from catching sight of him.

Perfect…Now it is time to really put this douche bag in his place once and for all.

John made his way through the crowds of people that were around him, and strolled right up behind the man he had targeted. Not saying a single word, his right hand reached out, and grabbed onto the back of his neck with enough force and surprise that it caused him to let go of her right away. He turned him around to face him, and shot an ice stare in his direction while a fierce tone escaped out into his deep, southern voice.

“Didn’t you hear what I told you in town, asshole?” He asked, almost growling the words out of his mouth.

“Emily is mine!” Johnathan shouted out at him, hoping to catch the attention of the people there at the party, and it would be enough for them to step in, and let him be spared. “No one else will have her but me!”

Not caring if anyone was paying close eye to what was going on, John used his free hand to punch him in his gut with enough force to knock the air out of him. He drew his hands back from him, and stepped back to where Emily was standing. His eyes remained fixated on him while one of his arms slipped around the back of his date’s curvy frame.

“Like I told you in town, Johnathan, Emily is not yours anymore…” John turned his head towards her for a moment during this rant, and had her to look deep into his eyes as he said the words to her that he had said to her ex in town. “…because she is already mine.”




*                            *                            *




              Emily’s heart nearly stopped all together when she heard him tell Johnathon, as well as herself, that she didn’t belong to her ex-boyfriend anymore because she was already his. She didn’t expect him to tell her former boyfriend that she was his now, and certainly not in front of the crowd that had gathered there for her grandmother’s Mid-Summer party.

On one hand, the rational part of her conscience felt insulted and offended by what he had said, and took great offense to being labeled ‘his’ as if she were his property.

On the other, the passionate side of her conscience was consumed with a need for him unlike anything else she had ever felt before. Being looked upon in the way that he was and getting special attention from him made her feel wanted, something she hadn’t experienced by another man in a long ass time.

Even though both sides of her mind was battling for control, and each had their own arguments about what was going on, a tender, loving smile danced across her face in his direction. She couldn’t ignore how wonderful her body shivered with delight in knowing that she was needed badly enough to have John inform everyone around them that she was his woman, and no one was to mess with him on the subject.

The soft sound of something moving against the ground in the manner of someone getting up caused her to lose some of her eye contact with him, and move her attention over to where Johnathon had fell to the ground out of the corner of one of her eyes.

Moving to be squatted down close the ground, Johnathan shot an icy glare of unadulterated hatred and rage in John’s direction while one of his hands pressed down against the ground, stabilizing his frame.

“You won’t be saying that once I run you down,” Johnathan growled, “and drive your ass down onto the ground with enough strength that you will be knocked back into the pit of hell that you crawled out of.”

Her body’s feelings of enjoyment for what John had said evaporated, quickly, the second she caught what her ex had whispered. It frightened her to know what was fixing to happen right in front of her, and left her with the feeling, as well as the sensation, that it was up to her and only her to stop him from rushing forward, and taking John down to the ground with a spear.

Believing that she only had a few moments left to spare to save him, her body went to move in front of John’s tall frame when she discovered her grandmother to be moving in front of her.

Granny, what are you doing?! Get out of the way!

She widened her eyes out of fear, and went to scream out when they witnessed Johnathan rushing forward with no mercy, and drove one of his shoulders into her granny’s stomach with enough force that it sent her flying back several feet, and landing on her back.

“Granny Belle!”

Screaming out in unbridled despair, Emily’s red and maroon dress swayed side to side, quickly, as she dropped down beside her fallen grandmother, and looked at her pain stricken face.

Oh no…What have I done?

Tears started to fill her eyes at finding her mother’s parent to be in pain and it was because of her. If she didn’t refuse Johnathan, this would not have happened at all.

Her moment of despair only lasted a few brief moments due to finding Belle lifting her head up, and turning her gaze in her direction. Emily held one of her hands while her ears listened to the sound of her trembling voice speaking up in a firm, deadly serious tone.

“John…Tear that little punk’s ass apart!”




Chapter Fifteen




              Catching what his boss cried out to him after she had been speared down in the midsection by her grandchild’s ex-boyfriend, John found all the inspiration to tear him apart in that brief moment in time.

He gave a nod of his head towards Belle’s direction before his eyes snapped in the direction of where Johnathon was standing with a scared yet defiant look in his eyes, as well as the rest of his body language. His own body started to tremble with unadulterated rage at what this little prick did to Emily’s grandmother in just a few seconds what he would have done more than likely to the southern beauty that had been at his side.

“It will be a pleasure for me to deal with this little douche bag, Belle.” John spoke back to his boss with an animalistic growl in his voice, showing no hesitation about what he was planning to do next. “The only number that someone will be dialing will be the mortician when I get done with him.”

BOOK: Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2)
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