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Authors: Jordan Silver

Texas Hellion (5 page)

BOOK: Texas Hellion
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“Stay your ass inside and don’t make me come after you. You’ve already destroyed my evening so don’t make it any worse than you already have.” He’d lost his damn mind if he thought I was going to be spoken to like a recalcitrant two year old. I was halfway out the door before I found myself lifted off my feet and practically dragged back inside.

I took a swing at his head, but the idiot ducked and I missed. Next I tried kneeing him in the balls, but he seemed to be anticipating my every move, so I missed that one as well. “Dammit.” I pounded my fists against his chest in frustration until he grabbed both my arms and held them behind my back. This only served to bring us into closer contact, smashing my breasts against his well-defined chest.

I’d never been this close to him, and with all that was going on I was caught in a whirlwind. My emotions were running the gamut from anger to frustration to self-pity. Now add a healthy dose of lust to the mix and you had a recipe for disaster. Not now. I tried talking my body down, but it was no use, already I could feel the liquid pooling between my thighs. Please don’t let me embarrass myself.

I fought hard to hold onto my composure even as I felt my face go up in flames. Struggling only made things worse as it rubbed all my pertinent parts against his and I so did not need to feel his bulge pressing against my sweet spot at this very moment. While there was a fire of another kind blazing down below, we were both breathing hard and shooting daggers at each other with our eyes.

From the look in his eyes I could tell he was spitting mad, that’s why I was so unprepared for what happened next, talk about combustion. It was everything I’d always imagined and so much more. I don’t think I remembered how to breathe for the first minute or so, while his mouth devoured mine.

Everything stopped, except for the sudden ringing in my ears and the slow molasses feel of my blood as it moved through my veins. I should be pulling away, but somehow I couldn’t. It wasn’t that easy to turn away from the one thing you’ve wanted most for such a long time. It was like locking a drunk in a distillery and expecting him not to drink.

I’m not sure who moved towards whom, but that first feel of his lips against mine will stay with me for a lifetime. We were both like starving animals the way we attacked each other. No one had ever kissed me like that, except him that long ago day in this very kitchen; my body had never felt so out of control. I think if he’d taken me then and there on his kitchen floor I would’ve let him.

Chapter 4




Well you’ve gone and done it now haven’t you-you idiot. It’s too soon; she needs time. Even my little pep talk wasn’t enough to make me release her lips. I hadn’t meant for this to happen. I was only trying to shut her up, and now I had her pinned against the wall with one leg between hers, her feminine heat searing me through her clothes and mine, as our mouths danced together.

I inhaled her taste, like heaven. And the feel of her in my arms, the way it overshadowed all that had been there before? My survival instinct was screaming at me to pull away, I knew what this could mean, knew where this might lead. And yet, I stayed there, glued to her, my arms going around her, holding her even closer. It was the wrong place and time, but none of that seemed to matter.

I pressed her ass down hard so that she was essentially riding my thigh, before it became too much and I shifted us so that she was now caught on the bulge in my slacks. We both groaned out loud at the contact, before I took my knee away and just rested my full length against her. “Tell me to stop.” I took my mouth away long enough to plead with her for both our sakes.

“For fuck sake Camille, tell me to stop.” Her eyes had that glazed over look women get when they want a man inside them; it only made shit worse. Instead of the refusal I had asked for, she pulled my head back down to hers and went in search of my tongue. I gave it to her, letting her suck on it until I missed the taste of hers in my mouth.

When I lifted her and her legs went around me I knew for sure where this was going, but was powerless to pull back. In the hallway leading to the stairs I could’ve stopped. At the head of the stairs, before I made the turn for the bedroom and the king sized bed there I could’ve turned back, head to safety. But I didn’t, instead I carried her to the bed and laid her down the way I had imagined doing a million times over the years.

I didn’t think, didn’t let anything else intrude, but the feel of her flesh under my hands. The lust was coursing through me like a live thing wit teeth and I had to rein myself in just a little bit. This was Camille. I couldn’t treat her the way I’d done so many others. She was different this was different.

The light coming through the curtains on the window gave her skin a soft glow and all I wanted was to get my hands on her. It felt like I’d been waiting forever, a lifetime to have her like this.

I opened my mouth to give her one last chance to protest, but she seemed to know what I was about and lunged up from the bed to cover my mouth with hers. Hands were everywhere, mine, hers; we were both wild in our haste to get the other naked. I took all of five seconds to take her in; all that tanned beauty in the moonlight, before I was falling on her like a starving wolf.

I wanted my teeth, my tongue, my dick; I wanted it all on her, in her, at once. I tried to slow things down a little when the scenes in my head were out pacing reality, but she wouldn’t let me. It was as if she was afraid that I would stop, and so she kept me locked to her in an embrace that threatened to cut off my air. “Wait baby…” If I fucked her at this speed, full steam ahead, it’ll scare the shit out of her for sure; I didn’t want that. I never want her to be afraid to be under me.

“No.” Now she became the aggressor, it was her nails that dragged down my back in a wordless cry of need. Her knees that came up and caged me in. Her hand reached down between us and fondled the heated steel between my thighs that was harder than ever before. When she rubbed my tip over her wet entrance I thought I would howl at the moon.

Still I had the presence of mind to pull back, to make sure she was ready for me. This isn’t how I envisioned our first fuck. I wanted to give her more, not this hasty coupling with the day’s events between us. But her feverish movements and the soft fuck me noises she made kind of sealed the deal.

I tested her with my fingers and the pool of liquid heat was more than enough to convince me. “Fuck baby, you’re so wet.” Even if I’d wanted to go slow, the feel of all that wet heat just waiting for me begged me to fuck and fuck hard. I ran my cockhead over her open slit, using it to stretch her for me. She was tight as fuck around my dick, just the way I like.

When she shifted her body beneath mine and moaned I thought that was her way of telling me to get on with it, so I slammed into her, sending my cock into her belly. “Oh shit.” I held still in a state of disbelief as a million thoughts ran through my head. Her body shook in a semblance of shock and I knew I’d hurt her.

The unreality of the barrier that met my cock had me pulling back to look down at her in wonder. “You’re pure?” How the fuck was that possible? I’d seen her body, that siren’s trap that was made for loving. She’d been about to get married for fuck sake. All these things ran through my head in the space of a few seconds until I looked down at her and the damage I’d done. Are you hurting, did I hurt you?” I felt like a green boy as I tried to assess the extent of the shit I’d done.

“Don’t you dare treat me like I’m wounded.” She has no idea how off she was. “I’m not, just let me take care of you.” My heart was doing all kinds of crazy shit in my chest. I wasn’t prepared for any of this, not for the feelings she’d awakened in me, and definitely not for her innocence.

How could someone who looked, talked and acted like she did be a virgin? But the evidence was all over my dick. I hadn’t seen that one coming. I pulled out and away, sitting on the side of the bed with my head in my hands. What the fuck had I done? I’d been a beast; her blood was on my dick for fuck sake.

I had a running argument with myself as I sat there almost afraid to look at her. I finally turned to her and the look of mortification on her face sliced me in two. I reached for her and had to fight her when she stiffened up on me again. No way was I ever letting her go back to being that way with me, not after tasting her fire.

“Look at me.” She kept her head buried in my chest and I had to be satisfied with just holding her for now. “I’m sorry I almost took you like that, but you deserve better.” I sounded like a dick but it was the best I could do, I was still in a state of ‘what the fuck’ myself. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that she would be untouched. If I thought I felt for her before, nothing compared to what I was feeling now.

“You don’t have to make excuses Grant, I know why you stopped.” There were tears in her voice and I wondered what the hell was going through her head. “What…?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, just let me up please.” I looked at her bent head for a minute before giving into her wishes. She hurried to get back into her clothes and I felt like a heel. There was no doubt that she felt I had rejected her, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

I watched her as she kept her head bent and her face turned away from me. She looked so small, so pitiful that it made my heart clench. As much as I didn’t want to take her innocence like this, I knew that if I didn’t, if I let her leave like this, I’d do more damage than good. I didn’t want her thinking for one second that I didn’t want her, but I guess I’d just have to show her since she was in no mood to listen.

I knew what I was doing, knew the changes I would have to make in my life if I took her under me now. She started in surprise when my hands went to the zipper of her jeans and pulled down. I didn’t say a word as I lifted her top over her head, being gentler now than before. There was no rush to my movements this time, my mind was clear. “So fucking perfect.”

I let my hands play over her body, taking in every detail. In the back of my mind was the thought that I had never in a million years imagined us being here, I’d dreamt of it, but never thought it would come to pass. Now that I had her here, I was almost afraid to touch her, she was an innocent. There weren’t enough words to describe what that shit did to me.

I laid her back on the bed again, never letting my eyes or my hands leave her amazing body. I used soft words of comfort to try to undo the damage that I’d done. I doubt she knew that the words were coming from my heart, that the things I whispered in her ear were things I’d wanted to say to her for a long time.

“This is all mine.” My hand went between her thighs and cupped her so there was no mistaking my meaning. She must’ve seen the change in my face when I leaned over her about to mount her.


“Shh, let me have you.” I placed soft kisses down her middle in the pale moonlight that filtered through the windows. She was so small it was hard to believe that she could take me. That was a new worry of mine, but not one that would stop me. I wasn’t a small man neither in height nor the length of my dick, and my hand spawned the width of her from hip to hip, so tiny.

I let my cock rest against her hot thigh, leaking and throbbing in anticipation of what was to come. Taking her hand, I placed it around my meat and was amazed that it barely fit. Her heart picked up speed against my chest and I sought to soothe her. “Don’t be afraid hellcat, I promise not to hurt you.” I hope to fuck I can keep that promise; I’d already seen her blood on my dick.

I ignored the raging need inside and took my time, making love to her with my lips and tongue. Her skin was soft and sweet as I tried to remember every moment of this first time together. I didn’t rush, didn’t make any fast moves, just let things take their natural course, even though I wanted to climb between her thighs and fuck into her until this lust that was riding me abated.

When I reached the vee between her thighs I inhaled her scent, taking it deep into myself. “You smell fucking amazing. I can smell your need for me, your heat.” It was true; the scent of her arousal was potent. Here face went up in flames and she tried closing her legs against me, but I persisted and kept them open wide.

When my tongue touched her for the first time bells went off in my head. “Fuck, I knew you were going to be the end of me.” I lifted her to my mouth before she could question me, sinking my tongue deep. Her pussy was small and tight around my tongue and her legs could barely open wide enough to fit my shoulders. I could already imagine the feel of all that tightness around my dick and it was making me crazy.

I lifted her legs high in the air and licked into her pussy, damn near growling with each taste of her on my tongue. This was some bullshit to be sure, to be brought to this by a virgin, Mr. Cool and in charge, but fuck if she wasn’t made just for me. There comes a time when you just know when you’ve found the one, and had I not been lusting after her ass for damn near ever, this right here would’ve cinched it.

I sucked her juices into me letting my tongue fuck her the way I imagined my cock doing. Her fingers came down and grabbed hold of my hair, pulling hard enough to sting, but that didn’t stop me. I was like a man possessed, I couldn’t get enough of her taste or the feeling of having her bent under me, at my will.

When her legs started to shake uncontrollably I let them drop to my shoulders so I could tongue fuck her to completion. When she screamed and came all over my face I lapped up her essence, digging deep with my tongue, searching for more.

Sucking her juices into my lungs only made my dick thump harder against the bed and I left her pussy long enough to climb up her body until my raging hard on bobbed over her lips. “Have you ever done this before?” The idea that she’d ever been like this with that boy or anyone else had me grabbing a fistful of her hair forcefully.

“Ouch you’re hurting me.” I looked down at her fiery eyes and heaving breasts, she made quite the picture, but I needed to know.

“Answer me.” She looked up at me and shook her head shyly. The band in my chest loosened and I led her mouth to my cock. “I’ll teach you.” And that’s just what I proceeded to do.

She was a fast learner, which was no surprise, but I still took it easy as I fucked her face nice and slow, leaking all over her tongue. “Try taking me into your throat now.” I eased into her throat until she gagged then pulled back before going back in. I kept that up until her cheeks relaxed and she was able to take me easier. My tight fist in her hair didn’t ease though as I used that to hold her in place while I looked down at the sight that I’d never thought to see.

Her cheeks were stretched beyond recognition, but she appeared not to notice the pain, as she seemed to enjoy having me in her mouth. I eased up on my strokes into her mouth finally and let my dick rest on her tongue as it leaked copious amounts of pre-cum. There was more than enough to ease my way into her tight virgin pussy without doing too much damage this time.

“Enough.” I used my hand under her chin to lift her mouth off of me, and was on her before she had time to take a breath. I covered her mouth with mine, driving my tongue with her taste deep inside. She was hungry and wild as she chased my tongue with hers, the little mewling sounds she made telling me that she was close to fever pitch.

I tested her with my fingers, and though she was still wet from my tonguing, I wanted her wetter. I wanted her too far gone to feel anything but me when I entered her untried body for the first time. I fingered her until she clenched around the fingers I used to stretch her and swallowed her cries in my mouth.

I tried to hold back, to take things slow. To give her all the gentleness she deserved, but she had other ideas. She pulled me over on top of her, her legs widening to accept me. “Shh, calm down baby.” My little hellion was in heat no doubt about it, and she had no idea what to do with herself. She used her nails and her teeth on me to get me to do her bidding, but if I took her now like this, I knew I would hurt her.

BOOK: Texas Hellion
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