Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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Finally giving up on sleep, I dragged myself from my bed and pulled back the curtains to watch the sun rise. It was beautiful. Such a difference from yesterday. The clouds looked as if they were painted across the sky in beautiful shades of lavender and pink.

After I changed and put on some make-up, I headed downstairs. Alaine had everyone gathered in the main area at the bottom of the stairs, going over the final plans for the next four days.

“Why aren’t they flying into Fairbanks? It’d be so much faster to get them from there,” Caleb asked from the top of the stairs. I glanced over to him. I hadn’t seen him since I’d left for the Underworld, and I was glad to see he was looking healthy.

He glanced at me and smiled.  

“It is closer to us, but Fairbanks is a place where Fallen and Darkling are known to hang out. There is a much greater chance of being attacked if we go up there. The Fallen don’t like places that are heavily populated, so Anchorage is the safer route, even if it takes hours to get there.”

Per Alaine’s instructions, we were taking two cars. Dominic would be driving Malachi, me, and Kade. And Samuel would be driving the second car with Ethon and his goons. This was just to make sure we were fully protected. The second car wasn’t supposed to be seen.

Only Kade, Dominic, and Malachi were allowed to be shown or present for the next four days. This was to minimize any unnecessary questions. If questions did arise, they were relatives visiting for a week.

It seemed like an eternity since I’d last seen my friends. My life had changed so much, and I wondered if they would notice the change in me. I could not only feel it, I could see it when I looked in the mirror. The trip into the Underworld stripped most my humanity. I was different on the inside. Stronger. Braver. But still in pieces. I knew it would eventually heal and come together, but it just wouldn’t be anytime soon.

Jeremy and Lia were very fragile. They didn’t like scary things, and I knew I’d have to keep them close at all times. They probably thought they were coming up to explore the Last Frontier, but the exploration would mainly be in Alaine’s home. Maybe a few other places close by.

I was glad to have Ethon’s backup. Maybe, because he was here, Jeremy and Lia could still have a safe, eventful trip.

After Alaine’s debriefing, we all had breakfast, and then left on our long journey to the airport.

The lack of sleep was catching up to me, and Kade, being as perceptive as always, wrapped his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt his warm lips on top of my head. He left them there, breathing in my scent. It wasn’t long before I fell fast asleep. 


It felt like I’d just closed my eyes when I was nudged awake. I opened my eyes, and we were already at the airport.

“Whoa. I knocked out.”

“Yeah you did,” Kade whispered.

“What pretty boy here failed to mention is that you snored.
A lot
,” Dominic said loudly.

“No way. I don’t snore,” I huffed.

“Well, you kind of did, but it wasn’t loud,” Kade tried to assure me. 

“Hell, yes it was,” Dom asserted, twisting his head back. “Damn Emma, you were snoring like a drunken sailor.”

“Shut up! I was not!” I blushed.

Malachi chuckled.

“Malachi, was I snoring?” I asked.

“Yes, but it was kinda cute,” he said.

“There is no such thing as a cute snore,” I mumbled from beneath the hands covering my face.

“Yeah, thank God for the music. It drowned out most of your horn blowing,” Dom added.

I gasped, hiding my face in Kade’s shoulder. “Kill me…just make it fast. If you loved me, you’d put me out of my misery.”

“Oh, come on now, you know I tell it like it is,” I hear from the front seat. I looked up in time to see Dom wiggling his eyebrows at me in the rear-view mirror.

Kade came to my rescue.

“We should start heading in. They land in about ten minutes.”

Three of us would be going inside, and Dominic would be staying.

As we started to head into the terminal, I noticed the other black Hummer parked across the lot. I knew Ethon was inside, watching. It made my insides twist, and made me feel a bit nervous. This was a completely new emotion. I’d never had the affection of two different boys.

Kade took hold of my hand and laced his fingers in mine. Perfect fit. As always.

Malachi quickly took his position on the other side of me.

As we walked into the airport I had a sudden feeling of déjà vu. It wasn't long ago I was here, with Kade and Malachi on either side of me, walking through this very place. I thought back and remembered how clueless and hopeless I was. I had been in pieces, damaged, weak, and vulnerable.

“You alright?” Kade whispered in my ear. The warmth of his breath caressed my cheek, soothing my growing anxieties.

“Yes, just having an unpleasant flashback,” I replied.

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. He never failed to comfort me.

“Well, I should warn you here and now – I’m not allowing you to use the bathrooms here."

“Don’t worry. I’m never, ever using another airport bathroom again," I promised.

He laughed, and his laughter made me laugh. I loved being around him. He brought out the best in me. I could completely be myself, and he still loved every part of me, including my snoring, unfortunate Hell-smell, or even my ugly cry face. Now that meant something.

There was no trouble as we made our way in. The air was clear of stench, except for a large woman who walked by, crop-dusted with her old lady perfume. It was so pungent and thick I felt like I was chewing it.

We made our way to the information board and confirmed their flight had just landed.

Kade and I made our way up the escalator to greet them, while Malachi stayed down near baggage claim. 

It seemed forever before we started to see signs of arriving passengers making their way toward us. My stomach twisted with anticipation, I couldn’t keep still.

“I’m going to stand over there,” Kade said, pointing to a column a few feet behind us.

“You can stay here with me,” I smiled. “They won’t bite.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, maybe Lia will, but it’s not her fault. Have you seen your ass?”

“Well, in that case, I’ll park it against the column,” he laughed.

God he was gorgeous. His hair was disheveled to perfection, and I just noticed how he was wearing nicely fitted blue jeans, and a light gray sweater. His hazel eyes seemed to mimic the gray, but were swirled with green, blue, and flecks of yellow.

“What?” he grinned. 

I blushed, knowing I had been checking him out a little too long. “Oh nothing. You just look really – nice,” I said nodding my head in approval.

“Thanks,” he gleamed. Then he pivoted and walked toward the column dramatically swaying his hips back and forth drawing attention to his rear.

I laughed out loud, and my heart filled with warmth.
He was something else.


As soon as I turned my head, a familiar face rounded the corner, followed by a high-piercing scream. Lia bounded down the hall with her arms spread out like an eagle. Her large, pink backpack bounced up and down on her back, making her run completely awkward.

“Emma!” she screamed.

“Lia,” I called back, and ran to meet her.

We almost fell as we crashed together and hugged, spinning in circles.

“Oh my God. You are alive. And you look…you look like you just woke up,” she said, as we stopped. I had to blink a couple of times because even though we had stopped, the world around us hadn’t.

I laughed. “You are correct. I slept the whole ride in.”

“Figures,” she answered with a huge smile.

Jeremy came up behind us with a bright orange shirt, matching knee high socks, and khaki shorts. His beady brown eyes smiled from behind his matching bright-orange rimmed glasses. 

“Hey sunshine,” I said, holding my arms out to him. 

“Hey Emma,” he said, pressing his glasses back on his face. “Looks like we came just in time. You look like you could use some sunshine.”

“Come here, you,” I said, wrapping him in a hug.

“I’m glad to see none of the wildlife has taken a bite out of you,” he noted.

I laughed, and then started crying. I didn’t plan on crying, it just happened. It was probably the fact that I finally saw their awesome faces. “You don’t know how good it is to see you both.”

“No tears, girl. We’re here for the next four days. Happy faces. Only happy faces allowed during this trip,” Lia scolded.

“You’ve got it,” I said, wiping my tears.

They each put an arm around me and we headed down the escalator toward baggage claim. 

Kade stayed a distance behind giving us our privacy. 

“So, Emma, why the
didn’t you contact us for
four damn
months?” Jeremy questioned, walking toward the luggage carousel. “Lia thought you were dead. She wanted to call the Alaska State Troopers and the FBI.”

“It’s complicated, and I seriously don’t think either of you would believe the stories if I told you,” I huffed.

“Well, we’re here for four whole days. That’s ninety-six hours for you to spill,” Jeremy noted.

Lia looked over my shoulder. Her eyes widened, and she squeezed my arm tightly. “Holy hell, Emma. Is that Kade?” she rasped.

“Ouch,” I said flatly, trying to loosen her grip. “Yes, it is.”

“Sorry! But, oh my God! He’s even hotter than I remember. And, who is that mean looking guy next to him?”

“That would be Malachi. Don’t stare. He hates when people stare at him, and will not hesitate to come over and hit you.”

“Oh my God! Are you serious?” she whipped her head back to the front. Her hand flew up to her chest, and her eyes widened with fear.

I burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding, Lia. He’s harmless, and just a family friend.”

“Damn you, Emma,” she said slapping me. “I almost freaking peed myself.”

“Well, you better hold it,” I said.

“Why?” She questioned. 

“Because the bathrooms here are deadly.”

Lia rolled her eyes at me. “Right. So what is there to do here? I’ve heard there are tons of things.”

“Oh, I’ve been on quite the adventure since I’ve arrived.”

Lia eyed me. “Did Kade take you on this adventure?”

“Parts of it,” I smiled.

“Stop right now. I don’t want to hear any of this,” Jeremy said, glaring at us.

“I seriously missed you guys,” I laughed, throwing my arms around their necks again.

“We were really worried about you,” he admitted.

“There were a few bad things that did happen, but I’d rather not talk about any of that right now. Right now, I just want to spend some fun times, and make new, happy memories with my best friends.”

“Sounds good to me,” Lia chimed. “Sooo, does Kade have a brother? Like a twin? An identical, or slightly hotter twin?”

“Lia. Focus,” Jeremy huffed.

“I am, Jeremy, can’t you tell? Laser focus. Anyway, I’m on vacation and away from my parents. Let me be free.”

“Oh God. You two are going to give me a heart attack.”

“Whatever, Jeremy. Maybe Kade has a sister for you,” she teased.

“Yeah, and with my luck, she’s probably a slightly bigger, manlier version of Mr. Beefcake over there…No, I don’t need any of that. I just want a vacation.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Lia giggled and turned her focus back to me. “So…does he have any brothers?”  She was dead serious.

“Actually, he does have a few. They aren’t blood brothers, but they are very close, and they are very handsome.”

“Are they sexy handsome? Like Kade? I mean, have you seen his ass?” Her eyebrows wiggled.

I giggled, hoping Kade heard that last comment. “Yes. Very sexy,” I confirmed

“Can we go now?” Jeremy sighed, collecting his luggage from the carousel. “Luggage, Lia. Focus. They won’t think you’re sexy when you’re wearing the same clothes for four days.”

“Oh, fine. It’s the turquoise zebra print coming around,” she said, pointing to her bag.

After we collected their luggage, we all headed back out to the parking garage.

“Whoa, check out that Hummer,” Jeremy said, gawking.

“That’s our ride,” I chimed.

“No way. Are you serious?” He questioned. A smile widened on his face.

“Dead serious,” I winked.

He exhaled hard, obviously impressed.

And that was a huge score.

As we neared the car, the doors unlocked. Malachi pulled open the rear passenger door, and I suddenly watched Lia freeze as she caught sight Dominic.

“Lia, are you okay?” I giggled.

She swallowed, and turned to me. “No wonder you didn’t call me. You were holding out. Don’t worry, I would have done the same,” she said softly.

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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