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Authors: Alexa Riley

Tempting the Law (3 page)

BOOK: Tempting the Law
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Chapter Six

out a deep breath as I exit the pool house. I can’t believe I just did that. My whole body is buzzing with excitement. My plan has to work. I put a smile on my face, even though a little part of me wants to run and hide. I don’t know how I kept myself in check. Part of me wanted to run in embarrassment, and the other part wanted to climb him like a tree and do all the things I’d dreamed about doing over the years. It took everything in me to do that. I can’t believe how bold I was, but it’s something I’ve wanted for so long. Just to touch him again. To even just be near him made me feel like I was where I was supposed to be.

I almost died when I saw he came to the graduation. My heart had been racing since he’d left the ceremony. I was fearful that he might not show up to the after party. I was almost in a panic. I don’t know why I doubted it. I should have known he’d come. He will always save me. I know that with every part of me. From the moment I’d jumped from that window, I’ve known he’ll always be there for me when I need him. And I need him now.

I don’t care that he was pushing me away in the bathroom. At least his words were. That gave me a spark of hope. He might have been able to say those things, but he didn’t pull away from me. I even felt him lean into my touch when I placed my hands on his bare chest. I’m simply going to have to push back. Or push him to act. I saw how his face turned to stone when mentioned being with someone else. I’d never actually do that because I belong to him. But I could use his jealousy to make him see reason.

Making my way around to the other side of the pool, I glance over my shoulder to see Coen exiting the pool house, his eyes trained on me. I try to put a little more wiggle into my step, hoping I don’t trip over my own feet. I’m not a temptress. Or at least I’ve never tried to be one before today, but I’m going to give it everything I have, because one way or another, I’m leaving with Coen today.

“Eden.” I look over at Taylor waving me over to one of the food tables. I’m surprised to even see him here, but I’m guessing his parents made him come. People will do anything to get an invite to be around my stepfather. To rub shoulders with a senator.

His eyes run over me, making me feel naked. It feels nothing like when Coen did it in the pool house. It takes everything in me not to cringe, but I have to do this. I know it’s the only way. I have to push if I want Coen to act. To take me like I’ve always dreamed he would.

Away from this place. Away from my stepfather, who makes me more than cringe and whose touches have begun to linger a little too long lately. My mother doesn’t appear to notice. She’s never around, and when she is, she just doesn’t care.

“Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here today.”

Taylor puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him like we’ve been lifelong friends. We’ve lived down the road from each other for years and he’s barely said two words to me in that time. We didn’t go to the same private school but we were both in the same grade. He’d graduated last week. He went to the co-ed private school, and I was put into an all-girls academy.

I could barely breathe without someone watching me. The only time I could be alone was at home, but then my stepfather would just show up. I felt like it was his life goal to make me feel uncomfortable. If it is, he’s winning.

I glance over at Coen and see his eyes are still on me. He looks pissed, but now my stepfather is talking to him. Coen doesn’t stop staring at me while he carries on the conversation. I can see from here he’s breathing heavy. John follows his line of sight, and I look away.

“Couldn’t miss little Eden on her big day. Not only was it just your birthday, but a graduation, too.” His eyes drop to my breasts. “Guess you’re all grown up now. Maybe your daddy won't keep you so locked away now and you can come out and play.”

I look up at him and smile. I’m not sure what else to say. I don’t want to lead him on; I’m only using him to make Coen break.

All the girls at school talk about Taylor. He’s well known around here. He plays some silly sport with a ball that all the girls at school went all goofy-eyed about. But I’d probably do the same if it was something Coen did.

I don’t really get the appeal. He’s a little on the tall side for the boys around here, but anything is tall compared to me. He’s got nothing on my Coen, though, who’d tower over him. Taylor has that clean-cut Abercrombie look with wavy blond hair, bright blue eyes, and that whole super fit thing going on. What do they call them? Washboard abs? Not a trace of body hair on him anywhere.

But he looks like a boy. Not like my Coen. He felt like a man under my touch. Coen’s built like a truck, and nothing about his face is nice. He’s hard all over, and I’m sure he doesn’t even have to try to look like that. He made me feel small next to him, and I can’t help but think if his big hands grabbed me, he’d take me in a firm hold. Not an arm thrown over my shoulder and a teasing smile.

“I’m out right now.” I smile at Taylor, who raises his eyebrows. “We can play all you like.” I pull away from him, taking a step back towards the pool. “Catch me if you can,” I tease, before I turn to jump in the water. Taylor is hot on my heels and jumps in behind me.

I hit the water with a splash, and Taylor is on me, pulling me to him as soon as I surface. I slip away, and he chases me across the pool until I’m standing in the shallow end at the other side. He comes up behind me, grabbing me by my hips, and I look up to see Coen’s eyes. He’s staring right at me, and he looks like he’s about to explode. I wink at him and smile.

Chapter Seven

over and see the expression on John’s face as he watches his daughter. It’s then I remind myself that this is his stepdaughter and the look he’s giving her is less than fatherly. He reaches down and I can see that he’s trying to hide how he’s adjusting himself. He’s getting hard watching her, and it causes anger to flare inside me. He’s supposed to be caring for her, not sneaking looks and getting hard at the sight of her. I can only wonder how long he’s had these thoughts about her, and I guarantee it didn’t start the day of her birthday.

I should be ashamed of myself, but I’m not a father figure to her. My cock throbs and aches for her touch, but I’m the one who can have her. The only fucking one. Looking back over at her in the pool with the boy, I see she’s making a show of rubbing herself against him. His trunks are wet, and he’s furtively keeping his lower half below the water line, no doubt to hide his own excitement for her. She looks like a cross between a Hustler spread and a pin-up girl with her curves and obscene bathing suit. I could look around the pool and see all the dads and young men leering at her, but it would only make me angrier. I’ve got the ability to stop this, and I’m going to. I’m tired of everyone seeing what should be protected and covered. And if I’m being honest with myself, I’m tired of people looking at what’s mine.

Breaking John off mid-sentence, I casually make my way to the side of the pool where Eden is playing. I don’t want to cause a scene, and there are enough people with other things going on that I can do this without anyone noticing. Except her stepfather, I’m sure. He can’t seem to take his eyes off her.

She watches me as I walk, and she knows what’s coming. Yet she doesn’t make any move to get out of the pool. She bites her lip, and the guy in the water with her tries to get her to go in deeper water with him.

Calmly, I stand on the side of the pool and hold out my hand. “Eden. Out.”

She doesn’t hesitate to pull away from his grip and come to me. I feel triumphant as she does what I say and leaves the boy behind. I look over her shoulder and see he’s agitated, but he doesn’t make a move to come out of the pool. His little prick is probably still too hard. I want to hurt him for putting his hands on her, but he’s a young guy and I don’t want to go to jail for assaulting a child. I know Eden was pushing the line to tease me, and it worked. I should have never let her leave the pool house to begin with. As much as I hate to admit it, when it comes to her, there’s nothing I won’t do.

She puts her hand in mine, and I help her out of the pool, grabbing a nearby towel and wrapping it around her. I want to have a talk with her, but I want it to be in private so no one can hear us.

“Where’s your room?”

She looks up at the house and starts to walk that way, and I follow her. Once inside, we take a set of stairs and walk down a long hall. She opens a door at the end of the hall and we step inside. I shut it behind us and look around.

Her room is pink and frilly and looks like it belongs to someone much younger. She looks at me and shrugs as if to say she likes it.

“It’s cute,” I say, and she beams at me.

“Come see this.” She pulls me over to a wall with nothing but framed pictures on it. Some are of us when I caught her that day, and some are just of me when I was in the news. “I saved all the clippings and every picture I could of you.”

Looking down at her, I entwine our fingers together, and I see a blush hit her cheeks. “I saved what pictures of you I could find, too,” I admit.

“Really?” She looks so hopeful and excited when I nod.

“I think I’ve been waiting all this time for you to reach out to me. You’re so young, Eden, and I shouldn’t feel this way about you. But you’ve had a piece of my heart since the day I saved you. And now, seeing you and being next to you like this, I have all these protective feelings that aren’t innocent.”

She turns to face me and uses her free hand to loosen the towel, dropping it between us. She presses her body against mine. Neither of us is fully clothed, so the feel of her bare skin against mine is incredible. It’s like we’re almost naked.

“I don’t want you to be innocent with me, Coen. I’m yours. Your little bit.”

I cup her cheeks and looking into her baby blue eyes. “I want you too much, Eden.” I finally confess out loud what I’m feeling, and it feels good to be able to say the words out loud.

She lets go of my hand and places her palms on my chest, rubbing across the hair. “Then take me.”

“Once I have you, I won’t be able to let you go, sweet girl. You’ll be mine, and there’ll be no escape. Ever,” I tell her, but I don’t think I could ever really let her go, even if she told me no right now.

She pushes impossibly closer, and I feel her breath against my skin. “Good. That’s exactly what I want. For you to take me from here and keep me by your side. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

Her words are a trigger and I can’t hold back anymore. Picking her up, I push her against the wall, next to the pictures of us, and claim her mouth. Her arms and legs wrap around me as our lips connect. She parts her mouth for me, and I sweep my tongue in, stealing her breath and claiming her. I don’t wait for her to kiss me back. I take control and taste her sweetness. I bite her lips and feel her legs tighten around me as my hard cock is crushed between us.

She grinds against it, her small curvy body trying to find some relief. I’m so far gone that I keep her pinned against the wall with my hips, pumping against her like I want to fuck her.

“Take me, Coen. Push my bathing suit to the side. I’m soaked, so you can slip in easy. I want you inside me.”

My mouth moves down her neck and I growl at her words. “You want me to take that cherry, sweet girl?”

“Yes,” she gasps as I thrust hard against her another time.

“You on the pill? If you give me that little pussy, I’m not pulling out.” I don’t think I could if my life depended on it. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to pull out of her.

“No, I’m not on anything,” she whines, need in her voice.


I reach between us, already thinking about cumming in her tight virgin womb. If I plant my seed there then she’s mine forever, no matter what. Getting her pregnant means she’ll have no choice but to stay with me, because I’d never let her leave. Not that I would give her a choice otherwise. I should be stopping this or slowing down, but I feel the rush to do this now. To plant my baby in her as fast as I can before someone can stop us.

Once my cock is free, I untie the strings at her hips and pull the material away. Her bare pussy against the thick tip of my cock feels like silk. Her sticky syrup, the evidence of her arousal, coats me.

“Fuck, you’re soaked. You always get this wet when you think about me?”

She bites her lip and nods, pushing her pussy against my cock as she begs for me to enter her. I’ve got her held up against the wall with one hand, but she weighs nothing. I should probably put her on the bed behind us, but I can’t wait the ten seconds that would take. Instead, I move my hips so my cock is at her opening, and grip her waist with both my hands.

Slowly I lower her onto my shaft until I feel her cherry. I give her one quick kiss before I pop through it and thrust all the way inside.

“Shit,” she says through her teeth, and I try not to cum.

Her tight pussy squeezes me, and I hold still as she tries to relax. “Just breathe, sweet girl.” I trail kisses down her neck, then reach up to push her bathing suit top out of the way and let her big tits spill out. Once her hard nipples are exposed, I latch on to one, sucking on it hard to get her attention away from her aching cunt.

“Coen, oh God, that’s it.” She grips the back of my head and holds me to her tit as I suck on one nipple, then the other.

Slowly, her pussy releases some of the death grip it has on my dick, but the fit is still tight. I’m going to have to break her in so I can ride her easy whenever I want.

“I’m gonna move a little and test out this pussy. It’s mine now, so I get to do what I want, but I’m going to treat her real good, sweet girl.”

I drag my cock out inch by inch, feeling her tight grip. She doesn’t want me to leave, so I push back in and hear her moan.

“One thrust and you already don’t want me out of your cunt.” She’s addicted already, and I am, too. I’ve got to pull out so I can go back in and make it good for both of us. “I want you to make that virgin kitty cum all over my cock.”

Her juices coat my cock, and I look down to where we are joined. There’s a small tint of pink combined with her arousal, and it makes me even harder. She waited for me and wanted me to be the first and last to have it, and that thought makes my aching cock leak cum inside her.

My trunks are still up around my hips with just my cock out, but her lower half is naked and her tits are on full display as I thrust in and out of her against the wall. After a few strokes she’s completely relaxed and meeting me every time I enter her. I feel little tremors in her legs as she starts to near her climax, and I keep a steady rhythm, getting closer to bathing her pussy in my seed.

Suddenly there’s a slight noise behind us and I hear her bedroom door open. I lean forward, blocking her naked body from view. With my body in front of her, there’s no way anyone could see around me.

Looking over my shoulder, I see John standing in the doorway, looking at us. He can’t see what we’re doing, but it’s pretty obvious. She’s got her legs wrapped around my waist, so it’s not like we’re knitting.

The bastard actually looks disappointed when he sees me, and then jealousy crosses his face. I want to cut his throat for trying to walk in on her, but I don’t dare move.

“Get the fuck out of here. She’s mine,” I growl. The message couldn’t be clearer.

I turn back to Eden and thrust inside her, going back to claiming her. The sooner I get my baby in her, the better. She has a look of shock on her face, but I hear the door click closed behind us, and then she relaxes.

“You’re mine,” I say through clenched teeth, and my thrusts begin to become more erratic. I’m losing my cool because I want to breed her and I want to kill him all at the same time. “No one will ever touch you but me.”

“Coen,” she moans, her hands coming up and resting on my shoulders.

She clenches around me hard, and I feel her back arch away from the wall as she gives me her orgasm. She cums on my cock, and the rush of juice runs down my shaft, coating it with each thrust. I pump one final time and hold myself deep inside her as I empty every single drop into her little greedy pussy. I feel her pulses suck up every drop, and something settles in my chest. I’ve done everything I can to make her mine, and now I want to take her from this place. I want to bring her to my home to protect and care for her until the end of time.

“You’re coming with me, Eden,” I say, pressing my forehead to hers. “I want you to pack your things up. You’re coming home with me. Today.”

BOOK: Tempting the Law
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