Read Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2 Online

Authors: Kristin Michelle Adams

Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2
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I woke the next morning alone and a note on the pillow next to me.  I smiled at that and excitedly picked it up to read the letter.


Dearest Heather,

              I didn't want to wake you up you looked just too beautiful for words. Thank you so much for the amazing weekend. I had the most wonderful time and can't wait to see you again.  I will pick you up tonight at seven O'clock for dinner. Wear something dressy we are going out. If you need to get a hold of me please feel free to call my cell at any time (555)555-1243. I'll see you tonight. I can't wait!



Aw that was just the cutest thing. Looking over at the clock it was going on seven thirty.   Shit I have to get ready for work or I'll be late. 

After work I called Krystal and told her all about my weekend and how well her planned worked on Saturday.  I made sure to let her know she was holding back on me.  She just laughed. 

"So when are you going to see him again?"

"He is picking me up at seven for a date so, I have to get off the phone soon to start getting ready." I wonder what dress I should wear. Well, I'll figure it out.

"That's great you should invite him to the wedding."

"I don't know Krystal.  Don't you think it is to soon for that?"

"Not at all just ask him."

"Okay Krystal I'll ask him but, I have to go talk to you later."


9 Connor



I picked Heather up promptly at seven o'clock.  I was very nervous I have never actually gone on a real date before.  I mean I went to places with women my "johns" really but, those weren't dates.  I was getting paid for those so therefore it didn't count. Right? I followed Woody's advice and went to the flower shop and pick up a dozen red long stem roses with some baby's breath.

Roses in hand I knocked on the lion door knocker with all my force to make sure it could be heard even in her room.  Within a minute I heard her sweet voice. "Coming. Be right there." I chuckled damn she is just too cute.  I quickly decided to hide the flowers behind my back at the last minute. I wanted to surprise her.

When Heather opened the door I must have just stood there opened mouthed for five minutes.  She looked amazing.  I gulped and handed her the flowers.  I saw that her face was turning red and she started to look down at her toes. Way to cute I wish she would stop doing that.

"Here I got you flowers and if you can't tell by my gawking and my tent in my pants you look simply amazing tonight." Heather was wearing a tight formfitting spaghetti strapped crimson red dress.  She had her hair down and curled.  I was simply blown away by how beautiful this girl is. And thankful that she is all mine. 

"Thank you for the flowers they are beautiful. Let me put them in water before we go." A minute later she was back and ready to go I decided to take my car tonight thinking it would be easier on Heather.  I ran over to my nineteen sixty seven Chevy Firebird and opened the passenger door for her.  I noticed her eyes bug out a little when she saw my car.

"I didn't know you owned a car."

"Well, I got it a few years ago out of the junk yard and Woody and I rebuild it ourselves.  I don't drive it much if I can help it. The fewer miles on her the more money she is worth.  Besides I do love my bike.  I love the wind in my hair and everything. 

"Makes sense I love the color choice also."

"On what the bike or the car."

"Both actually I love that your bike changes colors in different lights and I love the sexy cranberry red on this firebird just stunning."

"You knew this is a firebird? That I can't believe."

"My dad has one in the garage over there." Looking over I could see that there was a four car garage on the left side of the house.  "He has a thing for older cars. He also has a nineteen twenty five Ford model T and a nineteen fifty five Chevy coupe."

"Wow! I would love to see those sometime. Are you ready to go?"

"Sure where are we going anyways?"

She looked excited. I love it. "It's a surprise but, I will let you know that you will love it." I was excited I never been to this place before but, I made sure first thing this morning to call and get a reservation in.  It is the most expensive place in town and well known for their Italian food. "

I pulled into Bella Sara's and watched Heather's face light up.  I knew just then that I made the right choice. 

"Bella Sara's!? This place is just too much Connor.  You don't have to bring me here to impress me. Really."

"I know but, I wanted to take you here.  I have never been and I wanted to go for the first time with you." She was biting her lip like she was thinking of something to say. "What is it baby? What's wrong?"

"Connor, you should just let me pay for my own tonight okay?" What! She wanted to pay for her own! That is just unheard of. "I wouldn't have asked you on a date tonight if I couldn't buy my beautiful girl a meal." I can see she was considering what I just said.

"Okay." She whispered.

"Good." shaking my head I couldn't get over the fact she wanted to pay for her own meal.  What is wrong with her? "Stay here." I told her and I quickly got out of the car and ran to her side to open the door for her.  Giving her my hand I helped her up to make sure she didn't fall. Looking down at her as she was rising was a big mistake I was able to get a great view of her breast in that dress.  Great! Now I was going to have to walk into the restaurant with a partial boner. I threaded her arm into the crook of my arm and lead the way up to the building.

We walked up to the hostess stand and I told her reservations for O'Neal.  She looked up at me then back down.  "Yes I have you right here. But, sir I can't let you go in without a tie."

"Oh I almost forgot laughing a little." I pulled out the tie that I had shoved in my pocket because I couldn't figure out how to tie it.  I heard Heather giggle.  Looking at it I could understand why.  The tie was white with piles of poop all over the place.

Laughing I said," Woody bought it for me. But, I don't know how to tie it."

Giggling still "here let me." she quickly tied my tie and we turned back to the hostess.

"Okay I have a tie now." Rolling her eyes she said, "Follow me."

The girl sat us down at a little table in the back of the restaurant.  I 'm not sure if it was because it was the only place for two or because she didn't want everyone to see my tie. I pulled Heather's chair out for her making sure she sat before I took my seat.

"Wow! Was it something I said or was the hostess a total bitch?"

Heather's eyes opened wide and she looked around before saying. "Your right she was out of line. I love the tie by the way."  She winked.

"Thanks! I'm glad it made you laugh I was hoping it would lighten the mood around here a little bit. The place seems kind of stiff."

The waiter came up to us and asked if we would like to see the wine menu. I shrugged and looked at Heather for her answer. " I would love a glass of your moscato d'asti please."

"And for you sir." he asked not even looking at me." I will also have a glass. Thanks you." He walked away giving Heather and I time to look over the menu to see what we wanted.  I couldn't even figure out what most of the items where.  I decided I was just going to be simple and get the spaghetti with meat balls. 

When the waiter came back and placed our drinks down Heather ordered her dinner first then I ordered and he was off again to leave us in peace. I couldn't help but, think does everyone in here have something shoved up their asses?

"So, how was your day anyways?  Have a good day at school?" I said laughing. Trying yet again to brighten up the mood in this place.

"Yeah it was pretty good not too much happened today to be honest.  I did have one boy that came in with a bump on his head.  Poor thing the knot was the size of a baseball.  I guess another kid pushed him into the metal monkey bars."


"Yeah but, he was a tough kid.  Didn't even cry I couldn't believe it. He cringed just a little when I put the ice pack on his head but, that was it."

"Oh wow I would say he is a tough little guy for sure then.  I would have been crying for sure."

"No you wouldn't." She said bashfully.

"Oh how would you know if I would of or not."

"Well, you are just so strong there is no way you would of let a bump on the head effect you."

"You do have a point." I said grabbing her hand and putting a soft kiss on the top of it. She looked me in the eyes and started to blush.  Fuck she has to stop doing that. 

"Hey what are you doing next Saturday?" she asked nervously.

"Well, I usually work on Saturday night but, if you need me for something I can change days for you.  So to answer your question I will be doing whatever you want me to be doing that day." She looked even more nervous. "What is it Heather, you can ask me anything."

"Well, you remember Krystal right?"

"Yeah the bride to be. What about her?"

"Well, her wedding is this Saturday and I would love it if you would be my date."

Oh, out of the million things she could have asked I didn't expect that.  I have never been asked to go to a wedding before but, I know it is a big deal to Heather.  I should be happy that she asked me to be her date to her best friend's wedding. I took a deep breath and blurted. "Of course I would be happy to go with you."

"Oh good thank you! What you have on is fine but, I think maybe a different tie though."

"What! Poop isn't okay for a wedding." I said laughing.

Heather started to giggly more and then she snorted. She quickly buried her face in her hands. "I can't believe I just snorted.  I like the tie but, no poop tie has to stay at home if that is okay with you."

Damn the snort was even cuter than the blushing she was doing.  "Fine I'll buy a new tie. No problem."

"Would you like to head over to my place for a while for some fun?" Please say yes, please say yes.  I can't help myself I want to be in her so bad it hurts.

"I would love to." she said giggling and blushing. Fuck she is too damn cute.  I can't wait to get her home and have my way with her sweet little pussy. Yummy.

Upon walking into the apartment I found both Riley and Woody on the couch playing Duck Hunt. "Do you guys ever do anything else besides play video games?" Woody looked over his shoulders at me and said "Not really." Figures.

"Heather you have met Woody already and the other douche is Riley my other roommate." Woody was looking Heather up and down like she was lunch. God he has to stop doing that before I kill him.

"Nice seeing you again Heather you look delicious."

"Thanks Woody," she said blushing.

"It's nice to meet you Heather and here I thought Connor and Woody made you up," Riley said laughing. 

"Are they joining us tonight?" Heather whispered in my ear for the guys not to hear. Fuck did I want them to join tonight.  I kind of wanted Heather all to myself me being the selfish bastard that I am but, I do want Heather to be happy and no matter what I know I will have fun with whatever she wants to do.

"Only if you want," I said back to her.

"Hey guys if you want you can join Connor and me in the bedroom. I think there will be more than enough room." Both Woody's and Riley's heads shot up and stared at the both of us to make sure we weren't playing some kind of game with them.  Just then the little dog jumped up and down on the screen.  I guess they were too distracted to shoot the ducks.

I guess they both decided she was serious and jumped over the back of the couch and followed us into the bed room. Not giving the game a second thought. Good thing I know who she really belongs with other wise I would have to kill one of the bastards if not both. 

Heather was in front of me and I came up behind her holding her.  I began to lift her dress up and over her head and kissing the nape of her neck.  She shuddered.  I love it that I can make her do that.  Riley came around to the front of her somehow he was already shirtless and his pants where unbuttoned showing off his Spiderman boxers. Nice I thought to myself.

I was holding Heather snuggly in my arms while Riley was kissing her neck and at the same time unclasping her front clasp bra.  I slide her red lace bra back and down her shoulders letting it pool on the floor.  "Mmm." She moaned and reached around to intertwine her fingers into my hair.  I continued to kiss and suck the nape of her neck loving every moment of contact.

Riley was kneeling down on his knees in front of Heather kissing her belly right above her matching red lace panties. I watched him gently slide a finger just under her panties.  Heather giggled. But, I held her in place while Riley seductively removed her panties and let them fall to the floor next to her matching bra.  

Woody was behind me and I could tell he was already naked and enjoying the show.  I was able to feel his massive erection pressed up against my back side.  He moved his hands to my front and started to slide my suit jacket off of me. I was enjoying the feeling of having both Heather and Woody sandwiching me in between them.  I leaned back into Woody to give him better access to my shirt for him to unbutton it. 

BOOK: Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2
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