Read Taunting the Dead Online

Authors: Mel Sherratt

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #Traditional, #Romance, #Contemporary

Taunting the Dead (28 page)

BOOK: Taunting the Dead
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As soon as his fist connected with her face, Terry regretted what he’d done to Carole. Not for the pain he’d caused her but for the stupidity of his actions. He sat down in his study and seethed. Why the fuck hadn’t he hit her somewhere that it wouldn’t be noticeable? He could have thumped her in the stomach and it would have had the same effect. He only needed to get rid of her. Then again, he shouldn’t have hit her at all, really. Shit, he was losing it. Last week he’d lashed out at Phil with the wrench in the cellar and now Carole. But how dare she think she could blackmail him with those text messages? Did she really think she could get one over on him, the stupid bitch?

His hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his palms. He unclenched them suddenly and glanced at his hands. Damn, he didn’t need any cuts or bruising on them. Not now.

Calm down, Terry, he chastised himself, or it’s all going to go tits up. He opened a desk drawer and dialled Carole’s number on the pay-as-you-go phone. Surprisingly, she answered.

‘One word of who did that to you and there will be more of it, lots more of it.’ His voice was calm but menacing. ‘Do you understand?’




After taking the phone call from Terry, brute strength must have got Carole home to The Orange Grove. She parked the car around the back of the building as best she could but, braking too late, she clipped the front bumper on the wall. Gasping for breath, she didn’t even register it. Now that she was safe, relief engulfed her and she started to cry again. Tears poured down her face. She dared to look in the rear-view mirror. Already her right eye was beginning to close, bruising appearing almost as she looked. What the hell had she done to deserve that?

She’d thought Terry was ringing to apologise but all he’d been interested in was saving his own skin. Now all she could think about was saving her own. What the hell was she going to tell Shaun? How could she explain what had happened and why? She’d have to make something up. There was no way she could tell him the truth. She sat there until she thought what to do.

Seeing that the back door was unlocked, despite their good intentions, she went in that way. One look and Shaun flew across the kitchen towards her. ‘Ohmigod, what’s happened?’

‘I – I –’ Even though she’d worked out something to say, she still couldn’t lie to him straightaway.

His concern and shock made Carole cry even more. Not for herself, but for deceiving him. Shaun was her saviour. In the twenty years they had been married, she knew he’d never strayed. Lord knows she’d pushed him away often enough to give him the chance. And what had she done? Screwed someone they both knew. Which made her a selfish, thoughtless, heartless bitch and she had no one to blame but herself.

She clung to Shaun as he helped her upstairs, fearing that if she let him go, he would leave her. Guilt overrode her usual ability to feel safe in his arms. She knew if he found out what had really happened it would break his heart. Not only would their business be ruined but also their marriage.

Shaun pushed the bedroom door open and helped her onto the bed.

‘I’ll get you something to wipe yourself with,’ he said and disappeared.

As she waited for him to return, Carole wondered what had got into Terry to attack her in such a violent manner. Oh, for sure she knew about his ‘hard man’ reputation but she assumed that would be against other men. In all the years she’d known him, she’d never thought he was capable of this type of behaviour with a woman. How could she ever have slept with that – that beast? Worse, how could she ever have been so taken in by Terry Ryder the Smooth Guy?

‘What happened?’ Shaun asked again when he returned a minute later.

‘I’d called into the Spar shop on Granville Road and was getting out of the car when someone tapped me on the shoulder.’ Carole let him dab away at the blood gently. ‘I – I turned round and he – someone punched me in the face.’


‘I – I think it was a man.’

‘Did he take your bag?’

‘Yes,’ she lied, having hidden it in the boot of the car for now. She’d have to remember to shift it as soon as possible and hope Shaun would be too concerned about her to go looking through the car. ‘But my keys were in my coat pocket. He took my phone, my money and my credit cards. There was nothing I could do.’

‘Did you get a good look at him?’

‘No,’ Carole started to cry. ‘I know it was light but he – he –’

‘Shush, you’re okay now,’ Shaun soothed. ‘Did anyone else see him?’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘You mean you didn’t report it?’ Shaun frowned. ‘Why ever not?’

‘I was too shocked, I guess. I just got back in my car and drove. I wanted to get home.’

‘Well, I’ve rung the police. They’re sending someone over.’

Oh God
. ‘No!’

Shaun cried out in exasperation. ‘Some bastard robs and assaults you and you want him to get away with it?’

‘No, but I – I don’t want to talk about it yet. If I talk to the police, I’ll have to relive it and I – I can’t.’

‘But you’ll have to do it at some point.’

‘But please, not now.’

Shaun paused. Carole’s right eye was swelling by the second, already the bruising coming through; it looked so painful. Despite him wiping away dry blood from her face, there was more down the front of her blouse. And all the time that bastard Lee Kennedy would be laughing at him. That stupid fucking bastard! Not only was he insistent on blackmailing him, even after a kicking he was determined to get one over on him by hitting him where it hurt. Or more to the point, hitting the one that he cared about the most. Well, he wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

As Carole’s heart sank, Shaun’s sank even further. He caught his reflection in the dressing table mirror. His face was grey, his hair a mess where he’d run anxious hands through it. Carole’s blood was all around the collar of his shirt too. His eyes filled with tears as he touched it. Fuck, what a mess.

And all because of his lies.

‘You need to see them now,’ he insisted.


Allie had called in at The Potter’s Wheel to see if any more witnesses had come forward. The landlord was taking a list of telephone numbers and the team had been working through them. So far it had proved fruitless, but she knew everything could change with one tiny detail coming to light. She sat in her car, trawling through the names.

Surprised to hear the shout go out for The Orange Grove, she called in to say that she’d deal with it and headed off. She was there ten minutes later.

Shaun stood waiting on the doorstep. ‘Carole has been mugged,’ he said, his face etched in angst.

‘When did this happen?’ Allie asked. It wasn’t an hour since she’d seen her at Terry’s house. She wondered if Shaun knew that.

‘About half an hour ago.’ Shaun ushered her in. ‘She’s really shook up, can’t remember much but I wanted someone to come as quickly as possible. I’m really worried but she won’t let me take her to the hospital.’

Allie followed him upstairs to the bedroom. Shaun tapped on the door.

‘Carole?’ Shaun spoke gently. ‘DS Shenton’s here.’

Carole started to cry. Taking her tears of self-pity for those of fear and shock, Shaun held her close and shushed her again.

‘I won’t keep you long.’ Allie sat down on the side of the bed. ‘But I really need to ask you a few questions while everything is still fresh in your mind.’

Shaun moved away. As Carole turned her face towards her, Allie tried not to flinch at the state of it. Carole’s eye was a swollen mass, so much so that she seemed to be having trouble seeing through it. Her nose was swelling. Whoever had done this had hit out in temper. Then she frowned. Had Terry Ryder got anything to do with this?

‘What happened?’ she asked, getting out her notepad.

‘I didn’t see who it was,’ Carole told her sharply. ‘I can’t give you a description.’

‘It’s okay. Take your time and we’ll run through it all. Let’s start with where you were.’

‘I went to the Spar shop to pick up a few things.’

‘Which one?’

‘Granville Road.’

‘Had you been anywhere else before this?’


All the time she lied, Carole willed Allie not to give her away. Shaun stood beside them, his arms folded, face like thunder. She had to contain the lie or else he’d find out about her affair.

Thankfully, Allie made no mention that she’d seen her over at Terry’s that morning.

‘So you got out of your car and then what?’

‘I –I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and he – he –’ She glanced at Shaun. ‘Do I have to do this now?’

‘A few more questions and I’ll leave you in peace. Mr Morrison – Shaun – would you mind if I had a few minutes with Carole alone, please? I’m sure she’s upset because you can see her like this.’

Shaun nodded. Allie waited for him to leave the room, waited a few more moments to make sure he was out of ear range and then moved closer to Carole.

‘Right, then,
Morrison. Cut the bullshit. Why don’t you tell me what really happened?’


Carole’s heart sank. She knew the minute the police were called she would be found out. Maybe Shaun wouldn’t think anything of the attack at the Spar shop. She’d only lifted a story from
The Sentinel
that had stuck in her mind ever since she’d read it. But this was Allie Shenton. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fool her too.

‘What happened?’ Allie prompted.

Carole had two choices. She could either continue to lie and look stupid, or she could admit what had happened to the police and tell Allie how scared she was that Terry would kill her. But then that would get back to Terry. And she had those photographs to think about. She couldn’t let anyone see them, never mind Shaun.

‘Did Ryder do this to you?’ Allie asked.

At the mention of his name, Carole flinched.

Allie placed a hand gently on Carole’s forearm. ‘You have to tell me what happened. You can’t let him get away with this.’

‘Would you get me something, please?’

‘Look, I really need to –’

‘Please.’ Carole pointed to the dressing table. ‘Would you pass me that?’

Allie looked behind her. There was a small hand mirror. She picked it up and gave it to Carole.

Carole took a deep breath and held it up. She cried out loud when she saw the damage done with one punch. Tentatively, she ran a finger over the swelling in her nose. Her right eye, puffy and closing, had shades of red and purple appearing. She put a hand to it and drew it away quickly when it hurt.

‘How could he do this?’ she looked at Allie, trying not to cry again.

As Allie remained silent, Carole realised she was beat.

‘It was him,’ she said quietly.

‘Excuse me?’ Allie couldn’t believe her ears. She hadn’t thought for a moment her notion would be true.

‘It was Terry Ryder. I’d seen him a few times before Steph died. It was when he fancied a quick fumble and Steph was either too pissed or not around. But it’s not as if it’s a full-blown affair.’

‘Is there any difference?’

‘Don’t you dare judge me!’

Allie lowered her eyes for a moment. If Terry hadn’t been on her mind so much, she wouldn’t have said that. Annoyed that she’d let her private feelings into the conversation, she turned back to professional talk.

‘Look, I need to get the facts,’ she said. ‘I want to find out who killed Steph as much as you do and what you’ve just told me needs further investigation.’

‘All I can see is his face after he punched me and knocked me to the floor,’ Carole sobbed. ‘I’ll never forget it.’

‘You’re saying that Terry Ryder did this to you?’ Allie had to corroborate that she was hearing right.


She wrote it down in her notebook.

Carole put a hand on Allie’s arm. ‘Please don’t do that. I don’t want to press charges.’

‘I don’t care. I still want all the details.’

‘But he’ll find out!’ She sat up further. ‘What happens if he comes after me again? Look at me! Look what he did with his hands! Imagine what he’d do with a… You have to help me.’

‘I’ll help you if you tell me the truth. Were you with Terry the night Steph was murdered?’

Carole nodded slowly. There was no point lying now.

‘He texted me while I was in the pub with Steph. He said he was back in town and wanted to see me. I sent him a message to say where we were and he said he’d be in Brooke Lane at half eleven.’

‘Brooke Lane?’ Allie looked up from her notepad at the mention of it. ‘What time did he send the message?’

‘Just after ten.’

‘So you met him outside? At half eleven?’

‘Yes. I got into his car and…’ Carole turned her head. She felt cheap and stupid enough as it was.

‘Can you remember how long you were with him?’ Allie felt her heart racing as she wrote down the details.

‘Twenty minutes at the most. When I went back to the pub to find Steph, she wasn’t there. I asked a few people who had sat near to us but no one had noticed her leave. I stayed for a while but then I assumed she’d gone home without me. That’s when I left on my own.’

Allie sat with her thoughts for a moment. ‘Did you see anyone else there that you knew, someone who could be associated with either Steph or Terry?’

‘Only Phil Kennedy. He was often around at the end of nights to take us home.’ Carole stopped to see if Allie had made the connection. ‘You know that Phil Kennedy was having an affair with Steph?’

Allie looked up from her notes again. If that was true, could Phil Kennedy be the mystery father?

‘Did Terry know?’ she said.

‘He asked me about it a couple of weeks ago. Said he had his suspicions. I was so taken aback by his question that by not saying anything, I suppose I gave it away.’

‘Did you know Steph was pregnant?’

‘Not until I overheard you telling Terry.’

‘You were listening?’

‘I hadn’t quite gone! And don’t come all innocent with me. He only had eyes for you as soon as you showed up.’

Allie stopped writing again. ‘I hope you’re not insinuating anything with that comment.’ She frowned but Carole wouldn’t elaborate. ‘So Steph hadn’t told you about the baby?’

BOOK: Taunting the Dead
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