Read Taught to Kneel Online

Authors: Natasha Knight

Taught to Kneel (4 page)

BOOK: Taught to Kneel
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“No,” he said simply.

She stopped and looked at him, confused.

“Pull them up. Hold them while you walk over and learn to obey my instructions the first time around.”

She flushed red, but bent and pulled them up her legs. She held them just below her bottom and slowly made her way to him, too ashamed to meet his eyes.

He tossed a large wooden spoon onto the bed.

“Why are you crying?” he asked while unbuttoning his shirt-sleeves and rolling them up to expose powerful, tanned forearms with a dusting of dark hair. She followed his movements and when her eyes came to rest on his hands, he imagined she was more than a little nervous about her impending spanking.

“I'm scared.” Her answer called forth more tears.

He took her chin in his hands when she dropped her gaze. “Look at me,” he said, easing her face up and meeting her eyes. “Just breathe and let yourself feel everything. You've said yes, now all you need to do is let me take care of you.” He hoped she understood the tenderness he intended with his words.

She nodded, still crying.

He sat on the edge of the bed so she stood facing him. Reaching out, he ran his fingers through the dark triangle of hair at her pussy. That would have to go, but only if she decided to see him again after tonight. He pulled at it before his hand traveled beneath to find her moist sex. “Spread your legs,” he said.

She did.

He tugged at the hair some more. “I'd like you to shave your pussy for me next time.”

She nodded.

He glanced at her face as he caressed her, slipping a finger inside and pulling slowly out. “You're very wet,” he said. He looked at her. “But tonight is punishment. You won't be allowed to come, not from my hand or your own, do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Do you remember how to address me?”

She nodded again.

“Then please answer me with words and with proper address.”

“I'm sorry. Yes, Sir.”

He pulled her over his knee, settling her torso on the bed. He tugged her panties down further, to her knees, and draped one of his legs over the backs of hers, knowing he'd have to hold her down once things got going. With his left hand, he rubbed her back, comforting her but also making sure she couldn't get up. “Put your hands over your head or under your chest, but do not move to cover yourself.”

“I'll try,” she said.

He didn't want to restrain her, not the first time.

He then turned his attention to her bottom. He didn't speak as he cupped the cheeks, tickling the crease of her thigh. Her buttocks were soft, round mounds, whiter than the rest of her. The skin was smooth and reddened quickly when he pinched it lightly.

She gasped as he did this and he circled his palm over both cheeks before beginning.


* * *


The first slap came swiftly and surprised her after his gentle caresses. She caught her breath and immediately moved to straighten, more from surprise than pain. His hand between her shoulder blades, however, held her firmly in place. He followed with a second stroke to her other cheek and she imagined her buttocks flattening under his palm before rebounding, waiting for the next spank.

He continued as she pulled her hands under her chest, unsure she'd be able to keep from covering herself. She'd forgotten how loud a spanking could be. He increased his pace and the power behind his strokes, turning her surprise into pain, although it wasn't unmanageable. She eyed the wooden spoon next to her and knew he was just warming her up.

She squeezed her eyes shut while he spanked one cheek then the next several times before pausing to rub them, which only served to intensify the sting of his palm when he struck again. He held her more tightly when she began to squirm and she counted to herself, tears springing from her eyes. The blows became harder but it didn't stop moisture from coating her pussy and making her thighs sticky.

He paused. “Your ass is a pretty pink,” he said.

“Is it over?” she asked, knowing it wasn't.

“Not yet. I plan to turn it bright red. I don’t have any of my implements with me, but this should work,” he said, picking up the spoon. “This is going to feel a little different but I'd like you to be still and take the punishment you deserve,” he said, holding it for her to see.

She opened her mouth to protest but he ignored her and began again almost instantly.

She tugged on the bed covers. The sting of the spoon was sharper, more intense. It hurt much worse than his hand had. “It hurts! Please,” she begged.

“Please what, Gabrielle?” he asked while he continued spanking. “Why am I doing this?”

Her answer was an attempted kick of her legs but he held her too tightly for it to have any effect.

“Why?” he asked again, striking the same spot several times in quick succession. “Be still and tell me why.”

She groaned and pulled her arms under her chest, but quieted her struggles. “Because I need to be punished,” she said, breathless. The words were true but hearing herself say them out loud still surprised her.

He paused for a moment, circling her reddened buttocks with the soft surface of the spoon. “Why?” he asked before striking again.

“Ah!” She almost wished he would just keep going without pause.

“Why?” He repeated his question, focusing on her upper thighs.

“Oh God…” Her face was wet with tears. “Because I deserve it. I cheated.”

“That's right. I'm punishing you because you had an affair. You hurt a lot of people with your poor choice and you need to be punished.”

She nodded through her tears and wiped the back of her hand across her face while he lifted her to sit on his lap.

“Are you now ready to take your punishment without struggling against it?” he asked. “If I have to hold you down, then I can't believe you're accepting this punishment as a consequence of your actions. Are you truly ready to do this, Gabrielle?”

She knew what he said was true. As long as she fought and he had to hold her down, she wasn't taking responsibility.

She nodded and he slapped the side of her thigh.


“How do you address me?”

She looked at him, confused for a moment, and then remembered. “Sir. Yes, Sir. I'm ready.”

He smiled and she suddenly became very aware of the thick shaft of his cock through his pants. She put her palms flat against his chest, wanting suddenly to kiss him. His smile grew wider and he quickly flipped her back over his lap.

“Put your hands on the floor. I don't want to ask you to be still again,” he said. He'd adjusted his position so she no longer had the bed for support of her torso. The tips of her toes and her palms touched down and she found herself raising her buttocks higher.

He hit both sit spots quickly. She clenched her buttocks and pressed her thighs together.

He rained blows down and she wailed. “Unclench your bottom. Take your punishment.”

“I'm trying. I'm sorry, Sir”

“Spread your legs,” he said.

She complied quickly and he struck her thighs. She closed her fists on the ground and concentrated on the pain. Squeezing her eyes shut, she followed the sharp exhales of breath as painful stroke after stroke landed, but she no longer struggled.

“Good girl,” he said. “Almost done. The next ones are because you didn't keep your nose to the wall like I asked.”

The floor was wet with her tears. She prepared herself for the last of it even though some part of her didn't want the spanking to end. It hurt and her ass burned but it also felt good and she was very aroused.

“Lift your ass up to me.”

She shifted her body as he asked and he waited while she put some weight onto her toes. “Good girl. Ten more strokes for tonight. Count them out.”

He didn't give her a chance to think. He focused almost entirely on her thighs, waiting for her to count each one before delivering the next. She was sobbing when he finally stopped.

He shifted her onto his lap once again and as rough as he'd been just moments ago, he was as gentle now. He pressed her face into his chest, one arm wrapped across her shoulders and the other hugged her to him.

He didn't speak but held her tightly, making soothing sounds while he caressed her hair. He held her until sobs no longer wracked her body and her breathing leveled. He pushed her hair away and wiped her tears, smiling down at her. He then kissed her forehead, just brought his lips to it and held there. She reached up to hold his face. She wanted to kiss his mouth, but he stood, lifting her with him, and carried her to the bed. He pulled the blankets away while she lay limp in his arms, and laid her down. He covered her, tucking the blanket under her chin. She made some noise and looked at him for one moment before she drifted off to sleep.


* * *


Julian looked down at her for a while, tucking her hair behind her ear while she slept. He then went into the bathroom, ran the shower and stripped. Stepping underneath the stream, he grasped his cock in his hand. The water made his skin slippery while he massaged, savoring the mental image of her body bent as it had been over his lap, her ass red with his handprints, her pink, wet pussy peeking out from between her soft, round buttocks.

He leaned against the wall and moaned when he came. He'd been a disciplinarian for several women in the last few years, but he'd never had these feelings for any of them before Gabrielle. She touched him in a way he hadn't been touched in a long time.

Chapter Four



Gabrielle woke before him just as the sun was coming up. Her bottom felt tender and she recalled the events of the prior evening. She blushed red as she rose from the bed and gathered her clothes, quietly pulling her dress over her head before slipping out the door.

Quickly she made her way to her room and ran the shower. She grabbed her razor and stepped under the steaming water, still processing the fact that she had let him spank her. She had let a perfect stranger spank her. But maybe she needed a perfect stranger to force her to look at herself honestly and face what she'd been running from for too long now.


* * *


Julian watched her leave. He was awake, but wanted to give her space, let her process what had happened between them last night. Let her digest what she'd allowed him to do to her. She'd reacted as he'd hoped last night and although he knew she needed more before she could truly forgive herself and move on, he hadn't wanted to push her too far the first time.

She'd been so compliant, so submissive, as soon as she'd decided. He liked those qualities very much in a woman. He wanted to know what it was that had pushed her to have the affair that had eventually ended her marriage. He wondered what kind of man her husband was and appreciated the fact that she spoke of him kindly and not with the bitterness that usually comes from divorce. But he also knew she had to heal and the first step would be for her to forgive herself for her mistake. Julian wondered at that small imperfection in the human psyche and it baffled him. Kindness toward ourselves often seemed a more difficult thing than kindness toward others.

He pushed the covers off and got dressed. He'd help Gabrielle, he'd hold her hand and carry her when she couldn't walk herself. His methods might be considered harsh or old fashioned by some, but for others, a firm hand was what it took.

He knew she'd be embarrassed when she saw him today and he smiled at that as he walked out the door. She'd have to get over that. Last night was only the start of his plans for her.


* * *


Three tables were full at the restaurant when Gabrielle arrived to find Julian sitting with a cup of coffee, an empty seat beside him. Blushing when she met his eyes, she dropped her gaze and walked over to him, sitting down. She winced when her bottom made contact with the hard seat.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning.” He reached over and kissed her cheek.

Luciana walked out of the kitchen toward them, greeting her warmly. “Would you like a cappuccino, an American coffee, some tea?” she asked. Gabrielle could almost hear Luciana's brain working, wondering about the pair.

“Yes, please. A cappuccino sounds perfect. Thank you.”

Luciana went back to the kitchen.

“How do you feel?” Julian asked.

“A little embarrassed,” she answered honestly. It was all she could think to say. When she'd allowed him to do what he'd done last night, they'd crossed a boundary she'd never even known was there. She wouldn't try to hide from him at this point. She couldn't.

He took her hands and made her look at him. “No judgment. No shame. I'm giving you what you need and that satisfies something in me. What we did isn't wrong or embarrassing, do you understand?”

She considered him. “What am I satisfying in you?”

“Besides the fact that it's sexually gratifying for me to have power over you?”

She nodded, shaking her head internally at this second strange conversation.

“I've let go of the guilt I felt over my divorce. I've forgiven myself for what I couldn’t do, who I couldn't be at the time. I suppose being able to give you what you need gives me some comfort, reassurance.”

She smiled.

He took her hand. “I want us to be completely honest and open with each other. I don't want lies and I don't want you to hold back whatever thoughts or feelings come up when we're together intimately. Giving yourself over to someone, submitting to punishment, is about as close as people can get. It's about trust and I want to nurture that trust. What are you feeling for me right now? No judgment, just open communication.”

She considered. “I…” She was going to say that she didn't know, but that would be a lie. “I feel safe with you. You know, you're the first person to have the courage to tell me the truth. That I deserve to be punished. I hadn't really gotten beyond that part though, to the part that I also deserve to be forgiven.

“I don't want my marriage back. I just want to be free of this guilt. I feel… better… since last night. I haven't slept so well in a long time. I don't think I'm through it yet, but it's something. I don't know if this is normal, to trust someone so quickly.”

BOOK: Taught to Kneel
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