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Authors: M. J. Carnal

Taming the Playboy (13 page)

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Thank you so much to my husband and daughter.  You gave me time to write (sometimes).  I appreciate the quiet evenings when I needed them
. You are my world. C, I love that you keep telling me you are going to write a book and put Alex on the cover.  You make me laugh every single day. Thank you for being mommy’s princess.  You are the best thing I have ever done in my life. 

Mom, always my cheerlea
der.  Thank you for the party when the first book came out.  Your excitement and encouragement kept me going.  I loved going to the SC Book Festival and having you introduce me as your daughter, the writer.  I love you more than you will ever know.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally every single day of my life. 

Michael Turner.  What can I say? There are just no words. You are a beautiful person, both inside and out.  The photos for the book covers were more amazing than I ever imagined them.  Thank you for being one of my biggest fans!  You shine on this cover and you are a wonderful Ryan West.  But no matter what, you will ALWAYS be my Mark Moretti.  I have enjoyed our friendship more than I can ever express.  BOOM!!  Find out more about Alex at

Ashley, I love you to pieces.  Thank you for stalking me on nights when I didn’t want to write.  Thank you for remembering my characters and my scenes better than I do.  You have earned your best friend title this year for sure.  Thank you for loving me enough to be there for me.

Eric Wainwright.  I loved your photos before I met you and I love them even more now.  Thank you for giving me the hottest covers ever! Working with you in Portland was a dream come true and I cannot wait to see what you do on the next books.  Find out more about Eric at

Amanda, if I didn’t have you in my life, I would be lost.  Thank you for making me laugh, making me cry, and for being my number one Partner in Crime. Thank you for believing in my dream. PICs forever. 

To my readers.  You amaze me every day.  I wouldn’t be anywhere without you.  I have loved hearing from you, listening to your suggestions, hearing your stories and just being a part of your lives.  Thank you for supporting me and for loving these Moretti boys so much.  I love our Facebook page and being able to share my thoughts and teasers with you.  You are all AMAZEBALLS!!

To Levi!  Always a fighter, always motivating and the definition of a pure heart.  Cancer didn’t stand a chance against you kiddo!

And finally to my family of authors on Facebook.  Our indie community is rock solid and I love our cram sessions,
writing marathons, emails, laughs and tears. 

About the Author

MJ Carnal lives in Lexington, South Carolina with her husband, gorgeous daughter and two loving and super furry dogs.  She spends her days in the world of neurosurgery but her nights in a world she creates on paper.  When she isn’t writing, you can find her watching episodes of The Walking Dead with her hubby, having tea parties with Princess Caroline, Singing karaoke for anyone that will listen and reading just about anything she can get her hands on.  “Taming the Playboy” is the second published book in the Moretti series but her first series was written at the age of eight and illustrated with crayon.

She loves to hear from fans, fellow writers and book lovers.  Find her online at
or on Twitter @mjcarnalauthor. 

Taming the Boy Next Door Chapter 1

“Are you really making me do this? 
No way I’m going to pull this off, Moretti.”  Caleb shifted his weight back and forth.  The front porch light was off and he struggled to get his key in the lock. 

“Just act surprised.  Mackenna and Sophie have worked hard on this surprise party.  Just jump and smile.”  Mark patted Caleb on the back and laughed.  “You only turn thirty once and there wasn’t a chance in hell they were going to let you off the hook.  Let’s go.”

Caleb smoothed his shirt, ran his hands through his sandy hair and took a deep breath.  “Fine.  But payback is a bitch.” 

He turned the doorknob and entered his dark living room.  He smiled briefly as he waited.  As the lights flipped on, they all jumped from their designated spots and yelled.  Caleb laughed.  He tried to act surprised but seeing their faces, so full of determination, he couldn’t help himself.

“Did we surprise you baby?”  Mackenna jumped into his arms.

Smiling, Caleb reassured her. “You did.  Thank you for this.  It’s amazing.”

Steve cranked the music and the party kicked into gear. 
People gathered in every corner of the house.  Drinks were flowing and laughter filled the room.  His favorite people in the world were gathered in one space. Caleb couldn’t help but feel blessed. 

Growing up, he had been wild and rebellious.  Being unruly made him the life of the party and the loose cannon of the Moretti gang.  And as his grades slipped and his all star status on the soccer field was in jeopardy, reality kicked in. His UCLA days were spent studying and he graduated with honors three years later.  Now, he spent his days as one of the most prestigious editors in Los Angeles. 

Mackenna had been the girl next door growing up.  He had chased her nonstop through high school.  But the chase might have been more fun than the catch.  They had been together for three months.  And although it had been fun, Caleb couldn’t commit himself fully to the relationship.  He had been honest with her.  But she had told him it didn’t matter and that forever was something that happened slowly.  She had agreed to an open relationship when he found himself pulling away. Almost daily, his mind wandered back to the days when Mark was in the hospital.  The experience had been one of the worst of his life.  But the gorgeous Dr. Jena Turner had been a bright spot in those dark days. 

“Did you hear me?”   Mac’s  slurred voice broke through his fog and she laughed.  Losing her balance, she fell into him.  “Where were you just now?”

“Sorry.”  He took a sip of his beer.  “Why don’t you give me your drink and go sit down on the couch?  Andi could probably use a friendly face.  She looks a little nervous.”

His sister, Andrea, had moved to Los Angeles a few months prior and was doing her residency in oncology.  After weeks of twisting her arm, she had moved into his guest room and Caleb loved having her close. 

They were from a traditional family.  After thirty five years, his parents were still happily married and that was exactly what he was looking for in a mate.  Unfortunately, he knew Mackenna was not it. 

He walked down the hallway toward his bedroom.  He had to get out of his suit.  He felt like it was choking him.  The door to the bathroom opened and she walked right into his path.

He bumped into her hard and she stumbled backwards.  Caleb grabbed her arms to steady her.  As he looked up, their eyes locked.  “Jena.” He breathed.

“Happy birthday, Caleb.”  She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I didn’t know you were here.”  He did not let go of her arms and she made no effort to pull away.

“I wouldn’t have missed it.”  Her smile lit up her face and Caleb tried to swallow around his heart, currently lodged in his throat and making it impossible to breathe.

“I miss seeing you.  God, I think about you every day.”  Her blush deepened so he kept going.  “You are more beautiful than I remember.”

His hands ran up her arms and he gently pushed her back into the wall.  They stood almost face to face.  She was tall and tanned and her legs went on for miles.  Her skin broke out in goosebumps under his touch. 

Her breathing changed.  “I missed you guys too.”  Her voice was sensual and smooth.

He leaned into her, pressing his body softly against hers.  When she didn’t push him away, he pressed harder.  “You smell amazing.”

Her fingers wrapped through his belt loops and pulled him as close as she could.  She knew he was dating.  Layla had told her they were not serious but she had stayed away to allow Caleb to explore his feelings for Mackenna. The shots that Ryan had served her fueled her desire.  She needed to make her feelings known before her courage was lost once more. She could feel his arousal against her leg and she longed to touch it.  His face was so close.  His blue eyes sparkled and his lopsided grin sent butterflies through her body.  She shivered.

“It’s my birthday.  Do I get to make a birthday wish?” He wiggled his hips against hers and her eyes closed.

“Yes.”  She moaned.

“I want your lips.  I stared at them for weeks and I have dreamt of them for months.  I want to know what they feel like on mine.”  His hand found Jena’s hair and pulled her face toward him. “Can I have that Jena?”

Mark cleared his throat and they flew apart.  “I hate to interrupt.  But Mac is drunk as hell and she has just announced to the whole party that your penis is pierced and you like some kinky shit.  Any way you could come retrieve her?  And please, for the love God, get that image out of my head?”

He looked at Jena and her eyes were wide.  “I’m so sorry.  I need to go handle this.  Can I get a rain check?”

She nodded her head but stayed silent. 

Caleb laughed as he passed Mark in the hall.  “From now on, I expect you to call me sir.”

Table of Contents
BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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