Read Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover) Online

Authors: Cathy McAllister

Tags: #romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Elves, #Romantasy

Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover) (2 page)

BOOK: Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)
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Chapter 2

erlon clenched his
fists as he watched the beautiful redhead leave the club through the back door, with a man. The bloke had to be the club owner that she was involved with. She was not wearing a wedding ring so at least she was not married. It was against the law to get involved with women who were bound according to human law.

He looked at the big, broad-shouldered bloke that the sweet redhead was with. The man had long brown hair, tied back at his brawny neck. Merlon guessed that he was in his mid-forties, but he was still very fit. He was attractive – in a dangerous, cold way that a lot of women would probably find appealing.

“I hope you know what you’re in store for tonight, Cherry,” Merlon heard the man bellow, and it took a lot of self-control for him to stop himself jumping at the man’s throat.

“Justin, please. I know you’re not in a good mood today, but I …”

Justin dug his huge hand into Cherry’s wonderful mane and brutally pulled her towards him. Cherry screamed in pain. Merlon uttered a threatening snarl – he was finding it very difficult to keep his inner beast in check. Justin stopped and looked round, but he could clearly not see Merlon who was hidden.

“There’s some bloody mongrel running around in here. I’ll shoot him if I set eyes on him,” he said, and he pushed Cherry towards the yellow Ferrari parked under some trees.

Merlon wanted to kill this man, but he knew that he was not permitted to do that. The only thing that he could do was temporarily snooker him.  He concentrated his mental power and forced his way into the man’s consciousness.

Justin clutched his head. His face contorted as if he were in pain, then he shook his head and turned to Cherry.

“Get in, damn it!” he commanded her, and she obeyed.

Merlon watched the Ferrari leave the yard and speed away. He was not at all happy about letting Cherry be driven away, but he was consoled a little by the fact that the blackguard could not do her any harm. Every time Justin tried to hurt Cherry he would get an excruciating headache. For now that was all Merlon could do to protect his mate. Somehow he had to get her away from this pig. He would have to think something up. Every day that his mate had to spend with this man was one day too many.


Cherry was lying wide awake in bed next to Justin, staring at the ceiling. The neon sign on the building opposite was throwing colourful shadows onto the wall and ceiling. She could not sleep – she was too agitated. Justin had been about to assault her again, but had suddenly cried out and clutched his head. After that he had passed out and now he was sleeping next to her, snoring. But it was not her problems with Justin that were keeping her awake. Instead her mind was filled by a man that she had seen in the club.

She had been cleaning glasses when she had suddenly felt as if someone was watching her. The urge to look round had suddenly become overwhelming and she had given in to this urge. Then she had seen him. His dark eyes had bored directly into hers and she had felt as if her heart had stopped beating. He was the most attractive man that she had ever seen – big and broad-shouldered with black, shoulder-length hair and an angular face. His eyes had been in the shadows so she could not see the colour of them. But she would bet on them being dark blue. It had been difficult to pull herself away from his gaze but she had managed it. Anything else would have been pure suicide. Justin would have first killed the man, and then her. He was very possessive and quick to flare up. It was better to give him no reason for jealousy.

She sighed quietly. She must have lost her mind. Even if she set aside the fact that Justin would never let her go, she would definitely never enter into another relationship. She had sworn that to herself. If she did somehow free herself from Justin, she would never allow another man into her life. She would never again risk having someone hurt her. Cherry sighed again. What foolish thoughts. Justin would never release her and he had an iron constitution. The only thing that could release her from him was if he were to have an accident or if someone were to kill him.

Cherry closed her eyes and immediately saw the stranger before her again. A fluttering sensation spread through her belly and her nipples tingled. What sort of magic was making her feel so much for a man with whom she had not even exchanged a single word?


“Two Bloody Marys,” Jim called to her, and Cherry set about mixing the drinks.

“Here you go!”

She put the drinks on a tray and Jim took it as he walked by, thanking her with a smile. Cherry watched him rush to the table of two middle-aged women who had ordered the drinks.

She pushed a strand of her red hair out of her face. It was warm in the club and they had been flat out for three hours. She had barely stopped. Lost in her thoughts, she was polishing the freshly-washed glasses when she suddenly felt a tingling sensation in her belly. Cherry stopped in the middle of her work and raised her eyes towards the door. Her hands began to shake slightly and she nearly dropped the glass that she was holding. It was him again! He was just coming through the door and his gaze fell upon her. He was looking right into her eyes. Her heart leapt.

Justin was with a few friends down in the snooker room and Cherry was relieved about that. He would be able to tell straight away that she was fascinated by the stranger. She could not look away from him as he slowly made his way towards the bar. Since he had entered the club he had not taken his eyes off her for a single second. Cherry swallowed hard. This man was out of this world. Somebody should be running ahead of him with a warning sign: Warning! Hot and sexy!

Cherry’s gaze slid from his eyes to the rest of his impressive figure. She took in every single detail. His lips were sensually-formed, his face was angular with a large nose and high cheek bones. His shoulders were broad and his arms, showing from beneath a tightly fitting t-shirt, were muscular and ended in large hands which she would have all too happily felt upon her body. These were hands that could have taken the fullness of her breasts. The very thought of this made her nipples grow hard and she suppressed a sigh. His chest was broad and she wondered whether it was smooth or hairy. Her gaze moved down to his hips and his tightly-fitting jeans and she was sorry that she could not see his behind which was certain to be mouth-wateringly firm. She swallowed hard and moved her gaze upwards again – he was now standing right before her, an amused smile on his lips and his eyes sparkling.

“Hi,” he said in a voice that was as sensual as the rest of him.

“Hi. What … what can I do for you?”

She was trying not to stare at him, but not quite succeeding. She could not stop looking at him even if her life depended on it. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

“I could think of quite a few things that you could do for me,” he said huskily, and a sensual smile caused his lips to pucker.

She blushed.

She was suddenly much too warm and her legs felt as if they were going to give way. She steadied herself on the heavy wooden surface of the bar to stop herself swaying.

“I … I mean, what would you like to drink?” she uttered, faltering.

“Give me a beer.”

She was still standing there as if hypnotised, staring at him. Her brain seemed to have turned to mush. She was not able to think clearly let alone give her body the necessary commands to fulfil his wish.

His eyes were of such an unusual blue, the likes of which she had never seen before. They were so bright, almost turquoise. She simply could not take her eyes off him and she felt her knees weakening. She heard him make a growling sound. Did he really just growl? It sounded unbelievably erotic and she wondered involuntarily whether he would also make such sounds in bed.

The man actually came closer to her, leant over the bar a little and raised an eyebrow.

“My beer?” he asked with a slightly amused undertone. Again the corners of his mouth puckered and his eyes were twinkling mischievously.

“Oh! Oh, yes. Of course. Right away. I’m sorry … I …”

“No problem,” he assured her and gave her a beaming smile, showing his perfect white teeth.

Her heart leapt. He was stunning when he smiled – not that he was not already stunning enough. She had to pull herself together right away. Her knees shaking, she went to the tap and pulled his beer. She was fully aware that he was watching her and her heart began to race. If only she were free, then … No! Even then she would not get involved with him. He was attractive – no question about it. No! That was a complete understatement. He was more than attractive. He was exciting, stunning and ridiculously sexy. He would hurt her – sooner or later. She could not trust men. She had had to experience that often enough in her life. Justin was not the first man to have treated her like a piece of dirt.

She put the beer in front of him without looking at him.

“That’s three dollars.”

He put the money onto the bar. She took it and quickly turned away. Her heart beating fast, she began to put glasses onto the shelf. When, after a while, she cautiously turned round, he was gone. Against her will she felt slightly disappointed, despite knowing that it was better this way.


Merlon was pacing up and down his apartment. He simply could not get Cherry out of his head. She was, of course, with that wretch, but he had seen no ring. She also had a different surname from him. He had managed to find that much out. So, as he had already suspected, they obviously were definitely not married. He just did not know how he should approach her. He did not want to cause trouble for her. But he could not wait much longer. It was driving him mad not being able to be close to her. He wanted to have her with him all the time. When he had ordered the beer from her the night before, he had detected that she was interested in him. He was certain that there was something going on between them. It was not only one-sided. But she would not let herself take a step closer. He had sensed her fear when this bloke was near. She was afraid of her boyfriend and she was sure to have good reason for that. He had already found out some information about Justin Carter. This character was well-known for his brutality. He had already hurt more than one prostitute because he was apparently keen on sadistic sexual acts – but up to now he had smoothed the matter over with money. Not one of the women had reported him. Merlon’s informant was certain that Justin paid well for ‘damages’ suffered.

For the moment Cherry was safe from violent attacks because Merlon had manipulated Justin’s brain. But Merlon could not maintain this manipulation for much longer as that would lead, sooner or later, to insanity and then death. It was against the rules for elves to kill humans unless in self-defence. There was only one possibility – somehow Merlon had to get Cherry out of there.

“Damn it!” Merlon swore and hit the wall, making the plaster fall away.

He was frustrated and restless. If only he could work something out. He did not want to shock Cherry, though. He could hardly take her from there by force and compel her to trust him. He would only frighten her and turn her against him. There must be a way. He just needed a little peace to think something up. Perhaps his friend Volcan would have some advice. The Guardian of Fire had been his friend since their school days and Volcan always used to have good ideas.


Merlon materialised in a clearing in Ignigena. This land belonged to his friend Volcan. The clearing was one of the guardian’s favourite places and Merlon had felt his presence there. He could in fact see Volcan lying on the grass not far from him.

“You’re back?” asked Merlon once he was standing in front of his friend.

Volcan opened his eyes and looked at him.

“Only briefly,” he answered and sat up. “I’m not staying long.”

Merlon sat down on the grass next to his friend.

“Homesick?” he teased.

“I need a little peace and quiet,” answered Volcan.

Merlon raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“That doesn’t sound like you. What’s wrong? I thought you were wooing your bride.”

Like all guardians Volcan had to win the heart of his human intended before he could completely take over his reign. There were four guardians. Volcan was the Guardian of Fire, then there were the Guardians of Water, Air and Earth.

“That’s the problem!” answered Volcan, sighing, and Merlon was none the wiser. His friend should be happy, not a picture of misery.

“What’s the problem? Isn’t she pretty?” he asked.

“She is pretty – much too pretty. I can’t keep my hands off her.” Merlon looked at his friend, a little confused.

“So I don’t understand your problem.”

“She’s keeping me waiting,” complained Volcan in frustration.

Merlon threw his head back and laughed out loud. He could no longer control himself. It was great seeing his friend, otherwise so self-confident, now so desperate. At least he was clearly not the only one who was frustrated because of a woman. That was a consolation.

Volcan glared at him and growled in warning, but Merlon was not going to be put off by this.

“She’s giving you the cold shoulder. Volcan, the hottest lover of all times?” he snorted, gloating. “That’s great!”

“It’s not that she doesn’t want to.” Volcan defended himself. “She’s just afraid because she’s already been hurt. She no longer trusts a single man and blocks everything.”

“If she wants you why don’t you just take her? Afterwards she’ll be so in love with you that she’ll be eating out of your hand,” suggested Merlon.

“No! That would be wrong. I want her to come to me of her own free will. I’ll give her the time that she needs, but it’s not exactly a piece of cake. That’s why I’ve come here, to regenerate – and definitely not so that you can make fun of me!”

“I understand. Unfulfilled passion can be painful. It’s hard walking around with a constant hard-on, isn’t it?” chuckled Merlon.

BOOK: Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)
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