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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Talk to Me (9 page)

BOOK: Talk to Me
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guy I'm working for
? Every inch of his tal , muscular frame looked tempting, even though he remained almost ful y dressed. She wanted to run her

tongue from the top of his head al the way to his feet in the worst way.

Jamie didn't have time for a more thorough inspection. He kissed her. She tasted his desire, his desperation, and his power. He poured

everything he had into her mouth, and she grateful y accepted al of it. His cock drew slowly in and out of her in time to the thrusts of his tongue and

the cadence of his voice as the promo continued to play on Repeat. She could feel his erection pulsing and knew he couldn't be far from orgasm.

The way he was kissing her, the rush of his short, harsh breaths, and the possessive, almost frantic hold he had on her brought a rush of satisfaction

to her sex-addled brain.

She was making Drew Milan, a wel -known womanizer, practical y pant with excitement. The knowledge was enough to send her over the edge,

her pussy clamping down on him hard as she began to orgasm. Her eyes closed, and she clawed at the wal in front of her as a low keening sound


Drew felt his bal s tighten with the familiar surge of pleasure when Jamie started coming around him. His knees, which had taken a beating

when he was playing, were kil ing him from holding both of them up, but he wasn't about to break contact with this magnificent woman. “Oh, baby,

yes, that's it, come for me,” he cooed, and she moaned again. “I want to feel you coming al over my cock. Coat me, honey.” He had been trying to

hold off his own orgasm until she came, resorting to reciting sports scores in his head, but it was next to impossible to maintain any sort of control

around Jamie.

She turned back toward the wal and pushed her ass out again. His cock slid even deeper into her, the sensation taking him by surprise, and his

orgasm tore out of him in waves until he was final y spent. He grunted as he poured himself into the condom.

When the pulsing of his dick final y stopped, he pul ed out of her and stumbled backward, tripping over his jeans, which had made it only to

midthigh in his hurry to get inside her. Barely catching himself before he took an embarrassing fal , he clipped his hip on the table. Laughing in spite

of the pain, he glanced up to find Jamie had deflated in front of him.

“Are you laughing at me?” she mumbled.

“No, definitely not, sweetheart,” he assured her, leaning in to give the back of her shoulder a quick nip with his teeth. “I'm laughing because I

almost took a header. My jeans tripped me up, since I didn't even take them off in my hurry to bury my cock inside you. I came pretty hard too, so I'm

feeling a little light-headed,” he admitted, grinning at her as she turned around. She reached down for her clothes, and he quickly disposed of the

condom, thankful there was a smal box of tissues in the room. He could just imagine someone finding the condom if he didn't hide it wel enough.

He shuddered at the thought.

They didn't say much as they put themselves back to rights. He wanted her in his bed, there wasn't any question about that, but wasn't sure how

to broach the subject. Usual y a simple “Come home with me” would suffice, but there was nothing about this situation that was usual. He never

mixed business and pleasure—the women he fucked knew what he wanted, and if they were game, it was pretty much settled. He stared at Jamie

as he contemplated his next move.

When she refused to meet his gaze, he frowned. “Look at me, Jamie. Christ, we just fucked like rabbits, and you won't even look at me?” She

raised her head and looked at him. He was taken aback when he saw a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. Did I hurt her? Did she regret what happened?
Fuck. What have I done? I just pushed her against the wall and rammed her like she was some fifty-dollar-a-night call girl. I knew

she wasn't that kind of girl, and I still did it. Real smooth, Drew. You lady-killer. She deserved better.

He didn't want to hurt her feelings any more than he already had, and he definitely wanted her in his bed, but he had no clue what to do with a

woman who was looking at him like that. He made it a rule to only screw women who were in it for the same reason he was—to get off. Jamie

looked like a woman who wanted more—more than he was wil ing or able to give.

Figuring he'd better say something quick, he was at a loss as to what to say. He felt like a total prick. And for some unfathomable reason, he

couldn't stand the thought of her hating him for what he'd done. Sure, he wanted their working relationship to be pleasant, but it was more than that.

He blew out a sigh, ran his hands through his hair, and said, “I'm sorry everything went down like this. When I saw you, I just couldn't control

myself, but you deserve better. Hel , you deserve way better, but at the very least, a bed. I acted like an animal in heat.” He chuckled, but it sounded

bitter even to his own ears. “Maybe that's why I got my nickname. You deserve better than me, but I'm a selfish bastard, and I want you again. If you'l

give me another chance, I promise, I'l do a better job by you.”

Where had that declaration come from? He had no idea, but he waited impatiently to see how she would respond.

“A better job?” she echoed faintly, a smal smile playing on her lips. “I don't think that's possible. I'm stil seeing stars.”

He exhaled hard in relief and turned the ful force of his smile on her, placing his large hands on the sides of her delicate face, forcing her to

continue to meet his gaze. Quietly, enunciating each syl able so she would know exactly what he had planned, he told her, “You haven't seen anything yet. I'm going to make you scream so loud and for so long that you're going to be hoarse for days, and I'm going to keep at it until you pass


She blinked, her eyes grew wide and her pupils dilated. She didn't look scared now—she looked hot. Aroused. He'd do anything to keep that

look on her face. He went in for the kil . “Come home with me. I want you in my bed. Wel , also on my table, in the shower, and anywhere else you'l

agree to let me have you, but my bed is a good start.” He smiled at her again, his fingers playing over her cheeks gently, marveling at how soft and

smooth her skin was compared to the cal uses that were a permanent part of his hands from playing hockey for so long.

“Yes,” she answered, unleashing a truly dazzling smile of her own—a smile he had never seen before but would do damn near anything to see

again. His already aching knees nearly gave out with the force of it. It was like that smile was only for him—made for him and him alone. What kind

of mushy crap is that, he berated himself. Play it cool.

He knew one thing for sure—he didn't feel at al cool at the moment. He was sweating, and his cock was announcing its presence again. He had

to get her to his apartment. Now. He remembered his car service. Shit, how long had his driver, Dave, been waiting? Was he even stil there?

He pul ed his phone out of his pocket and asked, “You didn't drive here, did you?” He continued after she shook her head. “I have a car service.

With any luck, Dave's stil waiting downstairs.” Turning toward the door, he opened it and then stepped back, motioning her through first. She turned

off the tape player and then squeezed past him to leave. His treacherous erection pulsed again.

His sex drive was bigger than most men's, from what he'd heard, if eavesdropping on women's conversations in bars was any indication. He

liked to eat alone and had heard plenty from women who were disappointed in their sex lives. If he was turned on, and he was on ful -fucking-blast

right now, he could go for hours and hours. When was he going to have enough of her? Would he ever have enough? The thought should've chil ed

him to the bone, but it hardly touched the fire racing through his blood.

Jamie tiptoed out of the production studio, checking quickly to see if anyone was around.

Normal y there wouldn't be any staff there later than she and Drew, but if anyone was, they might have heard the noise even over the sound of the

promo playing and probably would've investigated by now, so she was probably safe. She scurried to her desk, grabbing her coat off the back of

her chair and her purse out of the bottom drawer as Drew waited behind her, the warmth from his body seeping into her pores even from a distance.

“If you don't stop bending over like that, I'm going to have to fuck you again, right here on top of your desk, and I'm not sure it can take the

weight,” he drawled as he ran a hand down her back. “Frankly, my bed is a whole hel of a lot more comfortable.”

He slapped her on the ass, and she turned to glare at him in mock reproach. God, he was a sight to behold with hair so dark brown, it looked

black in the low light of the office, those amazing cheekbones, ful bottom lip, and the kicker, at least for her—his gorgeous light blue eyes that she

now knew turned a deep indigo when he was aroused. When she'd Googled him, she'd learned he was Italian American.
Italian stallion, indeed.

Drew led her into the elevator, his hand settled possessively at the base of her spine. As the elevator began to descend, she briefly considered

the consequences of getting involved with Drew, but when he pul ed her to him for a scathing hot kiss, she decided she didn't give a damn—she

wanted this. When he pul ed away, they were both panting for air.

She'd never been involved with a force like Drew: a “man's man.” He was bigger than life, and he lived that life more by instinct than by any set of

rules—that had been clear from day one. Jamie's list of rules was entirely too long, and she was tired of it. She wanted to lose herself in this night, in

this man.

Don't overthink this. Just follow his lead and have a good time.

She smiled at Drew as they exited the elevator and made their way to the street, where a long black limousine idled at the curb. She could do

this—she could have unplanned, spontaneous sex. And if she was going to do this, who better to indulge in some fantasies with than Drew Milan?

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seven

Drew helped Jamie into the car and slid in after her. He was so busy staring at her luscious mouth and making plans for it that his brain completely shut down. She asked him something, but al he could get out was, “Huh?” Forcing himself out of his reverie, he had to ask her to repeat

Way to impress her, you moron.

She laughed. “Do you always use a car and driver to get around town?”

Drew grinned. Even if he couldn't impress her with his extensive vocabulary, he could with his money. Chicks always liked money. “To and from

work. Otherwise I take cabs.”

“No subway for you, huh?” She smirked back, and it was plain she wasn't berating him, just teasing. He decided to give as good as he got.

“Subways are for the little folk,” he answered, turning his nose up into the air but throwing a wink her way.

She snorted. “I take the subway—does that make me a little person, as you so eloquently stated?”

He reached for the side of her face and softly stroked it with the pad of his thumb. He was surprised how much he wanted to simply touch her, to

run his fingers over her skin.
It's so soft... I wonder if the rest of her feels like this
? He hadn't had much time to explore her body earlier, and he

planned to change that.

She looked at him, clearly waiting for an answer. He sighed. “Sweetheart, taking the subway would be fine if it were possible.”

“Why isn't it possible?”

He gave her a wry look. “People recognize me. I'm sure after dealing with the cal ers into the show, you can see where that would get to be a

drag after awhile. I'd never get anywhere. I appreciate my fans, and I know who buttered my bread, but I like my privacy too.”

Jamie nodded, a little smile playing at the corners of her lips—lips he was hoping to hel would be al over him very, very soon. Maybe they could

play “show me your soft parts and I'l show you mine;” not that he had many soft parts, especial y at the moment. He shifted in his seat to take some

pressure off his dick, which was trying to make a break for freedom.

“Of course,” she answered, seeming to take his answer at face value.

“Now, I have a much more important topic to discuss.”

“What's that?”

“Ever been fucked in a limo?”

“No, I can't say I have,” Jamie admitted, raising her eyebrows.

“Wel , it's too bad we're so close to my apartment. I'd rather have you in my bed than here in the limo, though it is tempting to tel Dave to drive

around for a while.” He touched his index finger to his chin as if he were actual y considering it, which, of course, he wasn't. He wanted this time to

be a little more classy than against the wal in the production room or stretched out in the backseat of a limo. Why he cared about being classy, he

wasn't sure, but he couldn't stomach her thinking he was some kind of sex-crazed playboy looking to put another notch in his belt.

Jamie punched him in the arm. “I'm not one of your normal women, am I? You know, big breasts, hot bodies.” Drew looked pointedly at her

generous cleavage, and she laughed in response. “Wel , okay, I have the big breasts, but other than that...” She didn't finish, and when he looked in

her eyes, he saw the same uncertainty he'd seen earlier.

Why does she seem to think she's not as hot as my usual women? She's, well, she's a fantasy in stilettos
. He couldn't figure her out. He had

no idea what she should feel insecure about, but he couldn't shake this strange need to reassure her. It seemed important he distinguish her from

BOOK: Talk to Me
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