Read Taking Tessa Online

Authors: Aria Cole

Taking Tessa (6 page)

BOOK: Taking Tessa
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I swallowed her giggle with my mouth, making sure not a drop of my love for her was going to waste by sinking inside her again. I couldn't get enough of Tessa, and I was the luckiest bastard on earth because it seemed she couldn't get enough of me either.


* * *

for a little fishin' in the dark?" Cage entered my vision, tackle box and fishing pole in hand.

I crossed my arms with a smile. "You wanna go fishin'?"

"Not fishin'. Fishin' in the dark. Totally different thing." He dove in for a peck on my lips before pulling away and nodding towards the stream running along the backyard.

"So if we're not here to catch fish, what are we here for?" I asked as we approached the dark water, lit with strips of moonlight. Cage bent on one knee, and the image of him proposing someday just like that flashed through me.

My heart thrummed at the thought, and I wondered what I would say. Yes. A thousand times yes. I knew it down to the depths of my heart. I knew we were rushing into this, I knew my life had done a complete one-eighty in under a week, but Cage made me feel the best I'd ever felt—not just as a woman, but as an equal.

"Got something on your mind, beautiful?" Cage's devastating, cocky side grin was visible as he peered up at me and threaded line through his pole. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

"I was thinking I kind of like you down on one knee." I could feel the flame on my cheeks, but the way his smile deepened made all the embarrassment worth it.

"Can't say I mind it myself." His eyes flashed, and he licked his lips as his eyes burned up and down my body, consuming me with his gaze like a fast-moving forest fire. My thighs shifted as I suddenly wished we would skip the fishing altogether and head back into that house to get naked.

Cage stood then, his smile still consuming my body with flames. He cast the line out into the water, letting the weight sink as the bobber hung on top of the current before propping it against a large rock and turning to me. "Now we wait."

His hands smoothed up my torso, catching my face in his hands before he kissed me, pulling me down onto the ground with him. My thighs spread instantly, his hips nestling comfortably as his thick cock pressed against the seam of my pussy.

"What if…the pole…?"

"Told you, fishin' in the dark isn't about the fishin'."

"Cage…” I pressed my hands into his hair, arching as his hands pulled down my jean shorts and his fingers sank into my hot pussy. I sighed, feeling at home with his palms on me, his lips caressing my skin and lighting every nerve into an inferno of wild, raging need.

"Oh God."

"Mm?" he hummed, his lips attaching to the faint outline of my nipple through my cotton shirt. I groaned, eyes rolling back in my head as he sucked with enough pressure to make my clit buzz with bolts of lightning.

"God, Cage…"

"Fucking sing for me, sweetheart."

"Cage…Cage…" My nails dug in as he sheathed himself in my needy body. Every sensitive nerve ending in my body buzzed with one thousand different sensations as he thrust and groaned with pleasure.

"Can't wait to make you my wife, Tessa. I know that's what you were thinking back there. I could see it in those pretty eyes of yours." His lips were against mine, plunging and humming in equal part. "It's coming sooner than you expect, baby. I can promise you that."

While Cage consumed me with his body, he made love to me with his words, sending my orgasm washing through me in slow, strong waves that curled my toes. In all the orgasms he'd given me thus far, none had been like that. So pregnant with passion, love, and raw emotion.

"I love you, Cage," I whispered against his lips as my orgasm loosened every muscle in my body.

"What I've got for you is so much more than love, Tessa. It's my whole existence. I'll love you as long as there's breath left in me." His body went rigid then, his thrusts turning short as he came in hot, pulsing jets deep inside me. The warmth of our skin melding, our bodies joining sent happy tears floating behind my eyelids. He was the man for me. From this day until our last.

"I'm so glad you took me fishing." I sighed, his body weight comfortable and safe against my own. I loved feeling him pressed against me. Our love felt impenetrable, his strength steadfast and sure.

"It's not ’bout the fishin'. It's about finding another reason to be alone with you, to touch you, to love you." Pressing his lips against mine, he pulled out of me, the slow drag of his cock sending delicious waves of pleasure through me. "You look good with my cock in you."

I sighed, feeling like I was luckier than I deserved. "I feel good with your cock in me."

"God, little lamb. You just signed your life away to me. How am I going to get a thing done if all I'm thinkin' ’bout is gettin' inside you again?"

I smiled, tracing my fingers across the sharp line of his shoulder, admiring the stretch and pull of his muscles. "I hope you never get sick of me."

"I could never get sick of you." Cage curled me up in his arms, our forms tangled in the grass. I gnawed on my bottom lip, thoughts weighing me down again. "Tell me what's running through that head of yours."

"I'm thinking there's so much I want to do and so little time."

"You've got all the time in the world, sweetheart."

"I'd like to enroll for classes."

"What do you want to go to school for?" I could hear the concern bleeding through in his voice. No one had ever listened so attentively or cared so deeply about my wishes before.

"I’ve always been interested in nursing, something where I can take care of people."

"You'd be perfect at that. You would be perfect at just about anything. You are perfect." He pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

"But that's at least four years of school, probably more. And I always thought I'd have a family, too."

"Nothing saying you can't do both. You know I'm here to support you."

"Yeah, but you have your job, and your work is so important. You help so many people. I can't ask you to give out more than you already have."

"I haven't given up a single thing. I'm eleven years older than you, Tessa, I've spent my years roughin' it to get where I am. I make a good living. The only thing missing was you. I want babies with you, loads of babies, and I can help out at home so you can study and go to school. I have family money, we can hire a nurse to help out. There are no limitations anymore, Tessa. I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of."

His words brought tears to my eyes as I clutched his hand in mine, so grateful he'd shown up at that door when he did, thankful I'd had the courage to open it, and even happier I'd made the decision to leave with him.

Cage was the start of my new life.

"How ’bout we cross another first off your list?" He dragged fingertips across the swell of my breast.

"What's that?"

"Skinny dipping? Don't worry, the water is shallow, I have you. I won't let anything ever happen to you again." He snatched me from the grass, pulled the shirt over my head, and slowly entered the water while holding me in his arms. Cool relief washed over my heated skin as his hands worked across my body. I locked my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, and kissed him with everything I had in me. All the love, passion, lust, and gratitude made my body sing and nearly made my heart burst.

"This has been the best night of my life," I breathed into his ear.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Cage whispered, and his lips were on mine again, love crashing between us with every beat of our frantic hearts.


* * *

est weekend of my life
," Tessa murmured as my bike pulled to a slow stop inside my garage. We were home after a quick two-day trip, my hands no more tired of her body than they had been when we'd left, though if her sleepy gaze told me anything, I'd worn her out a few times.

"There are plenty more trips in your future, babe." I pulled her in front of me, her legs straddling my waist as my cock nudged at her denim-covered cunt. Christ, I hated when a single scrap of fabric came between us.

"You're too good to me," Tessa breathed as one slender hand slipped between us and rubbed at the bulging head of my cock. Thoughts of taking her consumed me at every moment, but having her on the back of my bike with her thighs clenched around my body was a whole new kind of hell.

My hands pushed under the fabric of her shirt, peeling it off her skin so she sat between the handlebars of my bike, her body facing mine, the flesh of her beautiful tits making me hungry to have them in my mouth. To taste her pretty pink nipples on my tongue. "Thought about fucking you on this bike the entire ride up." I bit at the flesh of her gorgeous tit, sucking at the nipple and making her sigh.

I pressed both her tits together, determined to get my fill of her in one full bite. "I want to trace every inch of this body with my tongue."

Tessa hummed, her eyes flashing as she stripped out of her shorts, my jeans falling to the floor before she was sitting on the bike and I was slipping inside her body as I punched the garage door mechanism to close it behind us. Thank god I didn’t have neighbors across the street.

"I love taking you anywhere and everywhere as much as possible, but damn if I want anyone else's eyes looking at what's mine," I growled, then thrust into her body savagely, her tits bouncing as her rosy little buds glistened from the trail of my tongue.

"You feel so good," she breathed, one hand in her hair as I fucked her body into submission with my hungry cock.

"Touch yourself," I ordered, eyes careening across her skin, all too delicious I didn't know where to land first.

"What?" she asked, surprised.

"I want to see you touch yourself. I want to watch you get off while my cock is buried inside you."


"Do it, little lamb." At those words, her hand pushed between us, my cock jerking violently when her sweet fingertips grazed the root of my shaft. I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth when her fingertips began a slow rhythm around her clit. "God, that's it, baby. Show me how you like to touch that pretty pussy."

Her body arched and her fingers picked up their speed before her moans grew louder, echoing around the four walls surrounding us, my cock battering her until I couldn't see straight. My hands thumbed the peaked nipples of her breasts and ate up her succulent skin one inch at a time.

"Cage, Cage, Cage," she sang like a prayer as her thighs locked around me and began to quake. I watched as she drove that little pussy to its breaking point, her cum soaking my cock as she came in waves of bliss.

"Jesus, sweetheart," I called when my own release ripped through my system, waves of release pummeling my body. It was like being battered by a tidal wave. With a sated ache pulling at my muscles, my release eased away until all that was left was her pretty face, our bodies joined where it mattered most, our love pulsing between us with the leftover passion that filled our orgasms.

"That was incredible,” she breathed.

"Better than I even imagined." I dusted a fingertip across her erect nipple, enjoying the shiver that coursed through her at the contact.

"It's kind of cold in here." She shivered again and crossed her arms over her chest, the flesh of her tits spilling out over her small forearms.

"I'm kind of enjoying it." A rakish grin cut across my face, and I pulled her into my arms and hauled her off my bike, walking her in easy strides across my garage and into my home. Our home.

"Whaddya say I draw you a bath?"

"That sounds perfect," she purred, closing her eyes with a content sigh.

I turned the corner into the main hallway, my eyes landing on a thousand tiny shards of sparkling glass. "What the fuck?"

BOOK: Taking Tessa
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