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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #lolita erotica, #alpha male


BOOK: Taken
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Jordan Silver
Smashwords Edition
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Copyright © 2013 Alison Jordan


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Chapter 1



If she doesn’t stop her shit I’m gonna fuck
her, hard; that’s all there is to it there’s only so much a man can
take after all. I know she knows what she’s doing too the little
cock tease, lying there with her legs bent as she pretends to watch
television while giving me crotch shots of her almost naked pussy.
My cock was hard as fuck and looking around for a pussy to plow and
if the hot little number who was even now tormenting me didn’t
watch out she was going to end up nailed to the fucking hardwood
floor with eleven inches of man meat shoved inside her almost
certainly virgin twat.
I watched her as she swung her legs up and
down and side to side, every once in a while she’d peek up at me to
see if she had my attention but each time my focus would be on the
“Nikki what are you doing?”
“Hmm?” She turned innocent eyes to me from
her place on the floor where she was reading a book while I watched
the game, she was alternating between watching and reading as her
legs waved up and down, giving me flashes of her naked shaved bald
pussy. At eighteen I’m pretty sure she knew just what the hell she
was doing, I just wasn’t sure if she understood the consequences,
I’m a man not a boy and if I took her up on her offer she’d run
screaming for bloody murder I’m also pretty sure my good pal and
his wife would not appreciate me drilling their barley legal
daughter while she was in my care.
“Don’t hmm me young lady what are you
She blushed and looked away which told me
she knew exactly what I was talking about.
“Nothing.” Her voice was small and soft but
I wasn’t buying it for a minute I knew all about her wild ways; her
parents had been regaling me with their tales of woe for the past
year. It seems the little beauty that I’d known since she was a
babe in swaddling had come into her own in the last year or so and
had gone buck wild. Her parents had sent her here to me in a last
ditch effort to try to rein her ass in. My position as a major in
the marines had given me the rep among my peers as a hard ass, it
was true I didn’t fuck around but I knew fuck all about curbing
little girls’ sexual appetites, I was just as likely to fuck the
shit out of her as anything else but they didn’t seem to get it
because they’d dropped her off here this morning and taken off for
parts unknown with her younger siblings, proclaiming to need some
peace and quiet. Now here she was trying her shit on me.
“If you keep flashing your pussy at me I
hope you’re ready for what you get.” Her mouth fell open and she
gaped at me.

What? No one ever called
you on your shit before? Well I’m not one of those high school boys
you’re used to torturing, if you keep that shit up I will fuck

Good hopefully I’d put the fear of hell in
her little horny ass and she would calm the fuck down. I’m not her
father I don’t have to tiptoe around this shit and I don’t need to
bite my tongue.
I got up out of my recliner game forgotten
as the woody she’d given me throbbed in my gym shorts. Heading out
back where I had an obstacle course set up I went to work on my
pull-ups first. I was a cut one eighty five, six three with dark
blonde hair cut short and navy colored eyes that looked almost
black in certain lights.
Women were always throwing pussy my way so I
guess that means I was somewhat appealing and I certainly wasn’t
hurting for female companionship, but the truth of the matter was
that little girl I’d just left on my family room floor was hot as
fuck; she was a gorgeous red headed minx with a rack to rival any
porn star’s and an ass that looked ripe for fucking.
Fuck, my cock wasn’t going down anytime soon
unless I could get my mind off of pussy, her pussy to be
I heard the back door slam shut fifteen
minutes later from where I was and lifted my head to see her sashay
into the back yard headed for the pool. The fuck is she up to
I almost swallowed my tongue when she
dropped the see through robe thing she was wearing to reveal the
two pieces of…fuck if I knew what to call it; there was a string up
the crack of her ass and two pieces of lace over her nipples, her
pussy lips actually plumped out around the material between her
legs in front. There’s no way her mom had bought her that, I’d
heard about the clothes thing too, apparently she was into
returning the stuff her mom bought her and exchanging it for slut
wear which she hid at her friend’s house. There were wild parties
and drinking, at least that’s all her parents knew about so far;
poor things, Stan and Pamela were scared shitless their little
darling was gonna end up in a bad way. She was about to end up on
the end of my cock if she kept this shit up.
I watched from under hooded lids as she made
a big production of spreading the towel she carried on the chair
before sitting with legs spread, she was slick but not slick enough
as I caught the sly look she sent my way.
Oho, so you want to play do you little girl?
Okay fine let’s see who wins this game of cat and mouse.
I understood better than she what was going
on here, her little pussy was hot and she needed cock but she was
going about it all wrong, that little town they lived in was no
place for a young girl with such a high libido to spread her wings
and test out her newfound cravings. It was a sure fired way to gain
a poor reputation especially if you kept searching for the right
fit, the right cock to make you settle the fuck down. That’s all
that was going on here, but parents didn’t necessarily think along
those lines, they wanted her to stay their precious little angel
forever. As an outsider looking in I saw the hot little bitch on
the prowl for a good bone deep fucking. So far she was only
suspected of being a terrible tease, but that could be wishful
thinking on her parents’ part for all I know the little tart
could’ve fucked her way through the local high school back
She grabbed a bottle of sun tanning oil and
started rubbing it into her legs slowly as if she knew she had an
audience, my dick was hard enough to pound nails but still I stayed
where I was doing my pull ups while keeping my eyes locked on that
place between her thighs where her pussy lips were on full display,
their plump pinkness begging for my mouth. I think somewhere around
the time she reached her upper legs is when I decided we were gonna
fuck; I had no qualms about taking her, she was of age after all
and I wouldn’t be breaking any taboos, my leaking cock was very
happy with the decision as he seemed to settle down a little with
the knowledge that yes he was going to get a chance at the hot
little pussy that was even now teasing the shit out of him. He was
a mean bastard when riled and I knew the young girl had no idea
what she was fucking with but she’d soon learn.
I changed from doing pull ups and went to
push ups next and watched as her eyes followed my every move before
laying back and with her legs spread and bent opened them letting
the warm sunlight play over her no doubt hot pussy.
I could see her ass from here and my mouth
watered as I did my reps before jumping to my feet. I was about to
carry out the rest of my routine but then she flipped over to her
stomach with her ass in the air while she removed her top and flung
it aside. Again she looked over her shoulder to see if she’d caught
my attention and again I pretended not to notice. I saw the look of
frustration that crossed her face as she huffed and laid back
I knew it wouldn’t be long before the quiet
and the warmth of the sun lulled her into a sleepy state, that’s
when I’ll make my move, I was going to give her what she was
begging for yes but on my terms, when I was through with little
Nikki she was going to know better than to fuck with a real
Chapter 2


I continued with my routine biding my time I
wanted her to have the whole experience of what happened when she
played with fire this first time. I say this first time because
little Nikki was with me for the whole summer and I’m sure I was
gonna have my cock in her belly every chance I got.
When I was sure she had drifted off a little
because her twitching had stopped somewhat I made my move. Moving
as quietly as possible I approached, losing my shorts on the way,
there were no nosy neighbors to witness what was about to happen. I
hate fucking nosy ass people so I’d plunked down a nice piece of
change for my little corner of paradise, it was far enough away to
grant me the solitude I needed but close enough to the nearest town
to give me the best of both worlds.
I was over her my body casting a shadow as I
blocked the sun, my hands went straight to her bottoms and pulled,
she started and tried to turn over but I put my knee in the small
of her back.
“Stay where you are.”
“What, what are you doing Major
She looked over her shoulder at me but I
paid her no mind as I tore the bikini bottoms down her thighs.
Lifting her ass in my hands I sniffed her
pussy before sticking my tongue out and tasting her for the first
time, fuck young pussy has a taste all its own. Sweet and spicy
with just a hint of musk. I opened her with my fat wet tongue and
pushed inside as she made halfhearted protests, which I completely
ignored. My cock’s pre cum was dripping onto the tiles that
surrounded the pool area as I ate her little pussy like it was a
meal. Later I’ll have her blow me but for now I wanted in her
pussy, I needed to show her who was in charge around here. I licked
inside her pink walls until she flooded my mouth and I sucked up
all her juices until I was satisfied, I love a good pussy in my
mouth and hers was fucking spectacular with just the right amount
of plumpness around her labia and the sweet inner walls that hugged
my tongue like a glove. I tongue fucked her to two more orgasms
until my cock protested he wanted to fuck.
Getting to my feet I took my rod of steel in
hand and led it to her cunt opening while she protested futilely
once more, too late my chin bore the evidence of just how much she
was enjoying my attentions.
“No sense in pleading now I warned you what
would happen if you teased my cock now prepare to get fucked.”
I started easy on her little pussy, I knew
grown women who’d had trouble taking me in the past so I was pretty
sure her little virgin or close to it pussy was going to suffer,
fuck if that was gonna stop me though.
I pushed into her the bulbous head of my
cock spreading her tight pussy lips.
“You’d better hold on babe, this is in no
way going to be easy.”
I pushed forward another few inches.

Oh shit what is that, take
it out, oh fuck it’s too much.” She tried looking over her shoulder
to see what I was fucking her with, it’s the reason I hadn’t let
her see me naked I didn’t want the fear to make her tense up before
I even got started.

“Ssh, ssh, it’s just my cock you can take
it, in fact I’m sure before the day is over you’ll be able to take
me in all your holes now relax and let me fuck.”
I eased in farther even as I wanted to plow
into her depths, when I felt the barrier inside her something
strange happened to me, something unexpected, it was warm and
tender and scared the fuck out of me but that was for later, right
now I wanted in this pussy.
“Please, it’s too much you’re killing me.”
She tried working her way off my cock that was nestled nice and
snug inside her, I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything so good
around my meat before damn.
Grabbing her hips I gritted my teeth and
busted her cherry, she screamed loud enough that if I’d had
neighbors they’d be calling the cops for sure. I didn’t see the
sense in stopping now the damage was done so I continued on and
pushed the other six inches home. Fuck I was in the tightest pussy
I’d ever felt around my cock she was strangling the shit out of me
but it felt fucking amazing. My balls were already drawing up ready
to blast off but I wouldn’t do that to her, I had to give her some
pleasure her first time, even if my cock left her feeling a little
wounded afterwards.
BOOK: Taken
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