Szereto, Mellanie - Two from the Triangle [Bewitching Desires 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Szereto, Mellanie - Two from the Triangle [Bewitching Desires 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Our time on Earth is limited, and she cannot know what is in your heart if you hide it from her.” Pushing up from her chair, she set her empty cup on the tray that held the coffee pot. “Will you escort me to the dining room? Breakfast is ready.”

As Heath rose to offer her his arm, a woman appeared in the doorway. Her long dark hair, intelligent eyes, and high cheekbones matched those of Heléna. Was she a sister or cousin? “Good morning, Great Grandmother. Oh, I didn’t realize you had company. Shall I set another place for breakfast?”

“Good morning, Rebeka. Yes, Mr. Ulrich is joining us.” When the woman nodded and hurried away, Romána smiled. “She is Heléna’s oldest sister. You will dine with me so we may continue our conversation?”

Although the rise of her voice indicated she asked a question, her penetrating gaze demanded Heath accept her invitation. “Yes, thank you.”

The walk to the dining room brought them closer to a hum of voices that hadn’t been there minutes before. Most of the seats were filled, and the room quieted except for the giggles of several babies. A sea of eyes turned toward them as he escorted his hostess to the head of the larger table.

Romána gestured to the chair to her right. “Blessings on our bounty, my children.”

Heath remembered his manners enough to help her into her seat. A scan of the tables as he sat immediately negated his thoughts that Kilpatrick was behind the rescue. Every female but one shared at least a couple of Heléna’s facial features. He recognized Flóra and Agnes as well as Rebeka, the oldest sister. She was seated between two men, each cradling a blue blanket-wrapped bundle. A pair of guys also flanked the only black-haired woman—and her very pregnant belly.

Sure he was imagining the unconventional groupings, Heath turned his attention to the other table. A woman with short, cropped hair kissed the broad-shouldered Goliath on her left before doing the same to another hulking strongman on her other side. She caught Heath staring and cocked her head. Her eyebrows rose in a way that reminded him of Heléna. Could she be the older sister?

Who the hell cares? Those kisses weren’t of the casual acquaintance kind.
Lack of sleep—not to mention his discussion with Owen about sharing Heléna on the island—had to have affected his brain. Unless he’d been transported to a place that allowed polygamy, he was seeing things that weren’t there.

Romána leaned toward him. “The heart has an endless supply of love, whether for family, friends, or lovers. Does it not?”

The answer was beyond the scope of his experience. He’d had a few girlfriends, but he’d never been in love, even with those he’d had sex with. Being a flyboy had only hardened his attitude against women. They didn’t give a damn about anything but being able to say they’d screwed a pilot. Add to that, his mom had deserted him and his dad on his fourth birthday, and fifteen years of heavy drinking had turned his father from dead drunk to a dead man. No wonder Heath didn’t trust women.

He shrugged and held the platter of fried potatoes for Romána. “Leaves you open to people walking all over you.”

“Ah.” She didn’t elaborate as she scooped a helping onto her plate and then did the same for him.

“Thanks.” Handing the dish to the gray-haired man to Romána’s left, Heath hoped she would drop the subject.

With a nod, she gave him another of those disconcerting looks. “Learning to accept love can be more difficult than giving it.”

Piling scrambled eggs on his potatoes, he clamped his lips together to hold in a sarcastic retort. Surrounded by her family, the old woman couldn’t possibly understand having nobody to rely on but himself. Owen was the only person Heath ever allowed to fly while he was monitoring the dials. Even then, he hated relinquishing control. The emergency landing had almost cost him his sanity. Without Heléna strapped on his lap, he wouldn’t have hesitated to grab the yoke and take over landing the plane.

More plates of food made their way around the table before he finally relaxed. Romána didn’t speak about love again, but she aimed her unsettling gaze at him several times throughout the meal.

He drained his coffee cup, washing down the last bite of breakfast and waiting for the moment one of the family distracted her. Luck seemed to be with him when the shorthaired woman approached Romána. Both men shadowed her, each carrying a sleeping baby.

The younger woman leaned down to kiss the old woman on the cheek, but her eyes never left Heath. “Good morning, Great Grandmother. I see we have a...guest.”

Any chance of a quick escape deserted Heath when Romána turned her attention back to him. “Mr. Ulrich, this is Heléna’s other sister. Lujza, say hello to Heath Ulrich.
please, daughter.”

The sister rolled her eyes. “I’m always polite.”

He’d been correct in his guess about her relationship to Heléna and Rebeka, and Flóra hadn’t been exaggerating about her middle daughter’s less-than-sweet disposition. “Good to meet you, Lujza.”

“Hello, Heath. You hurt my little sister and I’ll—”

“Must I remind you of your manners again?” Romána gave her great granddaughter a quelling look.

“No, ma’am.” Lujza extended her hand and pasted an obviously fake smile on her face. “The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure.”

Both men behind her snorted. They had to possess unlimited patience and a boundless sense of humor to put up with such an outspoken woman.

The darker man offered a smile. “I am Amalric, and this is Ranulf. Welcome to the Macska estate.”

Giving a nod, Heath surrendered to the delay. Although he was fairly certain Amalric didn’t really welcome him, Heath gave him the benefit of the doubt for now. The idea that Kilpatrick had brought him to this place was laughable. The greedy bastard would never allow his daughters and multiple husbands to live under his roof. “Amalric. Ranulf. Thanks for the welcome.”

Romána opened her arms to accept one of the babies. “Heléna will be waking soon, Mr. Ulrich. You must rest while you are able.”

The old woman’s sudden permission to excuse himself caught him off guard, but he didn’t hesitate. As he rose from his chair, an unexpected wave of exhaustion had him wishing he’d already climbed the stairs to the third floor. He had to concentrate on his words to speak clearly. “I appreciate your hospitality, Romána.”

Not waiting for her response, he focused on walking back to Heléna’s rooms. His legs grew heavier with every step, and when he crawled into bed beside her, his whole body sank into the cloud of a mattress.

She rolled over to settle her head on his chest, erasing his earlier frustration. Her silky hair caressed his neck, and he let sleep take him.

Chapter 8

She had to be dreaming. Nothing else could explain the body heat and masculine scent surrounding Heléna. The unbelievably realistic nightmare about Kazmer creating a hurricane to kill her on a tropical island had morphed into a delicious fantasy.

A long, hard cock pressed against her hip, and a hand cupped her breast. Male pheromones filled her senses. That rich, musky drug kept her from opening her eyes and discovering she lay between bunched-up pillows and blankets. She wasn’t ready to face reality.

The palm slid over her nipple, sending a riot of electrical sparks to her pussy. Would arching into the erection ruin her wonderful waking-dream? The urge won, but instead of the disappointment of discovering covers that moved with the pressure, the stiff length pushed back. A low moan accompanied the movement.

Her eyes flew wide at the vibrations traveling along her spine. A familiar face lay in front of her. Almost afraid to look over her shoulder, she swallowed a jolt of panic and prayed to the Goddess she hadn’t slept through losing her virginity. How had she ended up in her own bed with Heath and Owen? Did they know they weren’t stranded on a cay in the Bahamas anymore?

Warm lips touched her temple. “Feeling okay this morning?”

Is Owen asking because we had sex? I’d remember
, wouldn’t I?
No soreness nagged at her vaginal muscles. “Um, sure.”

“I was worried you might have a headache from that nasty bump.” He kissed a line from her cheekbone to her neck. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

The bump.
The nightmare hadn’t been a bad dream. Kazmer really had tried to hurt her and her pilots with a violent storm.
No, not
“I’m fine.”

“Then I guess now’s as good a time as any to tell you Heath and I agreed to share you.”

Her heart stuttered, and her brain tried to make the jump from his asking about her medical condition to suggesting a threesome. Too shocked to speak, she probably looked like a gaping fool.

“You still want both of us, don’t you?” His fingers brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

“” She glanced at Heath, finding him awake and watching her. Running away wasn’t an option.
Be brave for once in your life, Heléna!

Lifting his hand from her breast, Heath ran his thumb along her jaw. The seriousness in the line of his mouth made her stomach roil. If he’d changed his mind, she’d never survive the rejection. “Are you
? Don’t say yes because you think that’s what we want to hear. I’d rather have the truth.”

Confusion warred with relief. He thought she’d lie to him? Or maybe he thought she didn’t truly want him. “I’m sure. I want both of you. I
both of you.” Reaching for his hand, she tugged it back into place over her puckered nipple. Even through her clothes, his touch made her uterus contract. “Undress me. And undress.”

Owen tossed back the blankets as he sat up. Hooking his fingers in her waistband, he eased it downward as he lifted her hips. Her panties slid with her skirt, and his lips curved into a wicked grin. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on your sweet ass.”

His words set off another contraction. Desire flooded her entire being, burying her insecurities and inhibitions. Hormones swarmed every cell in her body. “I want more than your hands touching my ass.”

One eyebrow rose as he slipped her clothes past her feet. Interest glowed in his intense gaze. “I’m up for more. What do you have in mind?”

Glancing at a now-naked Heath, she saw the same curiosity. “I’m going to ride Heath’s cock while you fuck me from behind.”

Heath frowned. “You want both of us in your pussy at the same time? That would hurt you, and—”

She shook her head. “I want you both inside me, but not that way.”

Owen’s cough and Heath’s wide-eyed stare told her they finally understood her meaning.

Heath swallowed before he spoke. “Are you sure?”

Looping her hand around his neck, she pulled him closer. “Yes.”

A slow caress up her leg drew her attention to Owen. He traced a path along her inner thigh with his fingertips, and she spread her knees to give him full access.

“You’re the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me, Heléna. We’re not just sharing

sharing yourself with
.” He stripped off his breeches and then settled on his stomach with his face inches from her pussy.

She didn’t have a chance to answer him when Heath covered her mouth with his. His groan vibrated through her jaw, scattering her thoughts. Too impatient to wait for his invasion, she pushed at the seam of his lips, aching for more of a connection. He met her tongue with a forceful glide, and she gave as good as she got. Every stroke drove her deeper into the well of passion she’d been denied last night.

Last night?
Their previous encounter seemed days ago. How had she survived so long without physically joining with Heath and Owen?

Fingers spread her pussy lips, and Owen’s warm breath replaced a momentary rush of cool air on her clit. “Mm, you smell delicious. Mind if I take a taste?”

BOOK: Szereto, Mellanie - Two from the Triangle [Bewitching Desires 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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