Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1)
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He went over to the bed and he found himself wincing at the damage his father had done
She’s mine,
he thought to himself. Shaking his head, he fixed her jeans and then lifted her up.

Going for the door though, her eyes shot open and when they met with his, her hand farther from him came up and knocked him in the face. It caught him off guard and she dropped to her feet.

“Oh you little bitch.” He touched his lip as a few drops of blood covered his fingers. Becca tried to get to her feet and go for the door before the shock wore off. As her hand grabbed at the door knob, he got hold of a fist full of her hair and he yanked her up.

“Nice try, sweetheart.” Caleb pulled her down the corridor. She tripped and stumbled as he kept a strong hold in her hair.

“Better start making yourself at home, darling. Because you aren’t going anywhere.”

Chapter 11






Caroline hurried into the house, Miranda and Markus following close behind her. They had no idea what had Caroline or Craeden so panicked. Whatever it was though, they made sure to stay close.

Caroline’s motherly instincts took her to William, and she embraced him. But his already growing agitation with her and the betrayal he felt made him push her away.

Hurt, she stepped back.

Danny stood in the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed and a disgruntled look on his face. Caroline sighed, already realizing that the damage had been done by the few secrets her son had already unraveled.

“Does he know much?” She looked past William to Danny.

“He knows enough to be angry, sister,” Danny replied.

William’s, Markus’ and Miranda’s jaws dropped. That was news to them.

“Sister?” Markus questioned, looking to his mother. He was beginning to doubt her. “What is he talking about?”

“You need to start talking, mom. What the hell is going on?” William demanded, pacing the room in front of her. He didn’t have any patience left. His mind wasn’t even fully there; it was with Becca and her safety.

“Alright, just sit down, William.”

Caroline was hoping he would let her comfort him. She sighed before taking a seat on the leather couch in the center of the room. William never moved but glared at her impatiently, waiting for her to speak.

“Or not.” She redirected her eyes. “There really isn’t any easy way of unraveling twenty years of secrets and lies.”

“Yeah, like the fact that we are the Heir and Heiress,” he blurted out, not thinking of Miranda or Markus. They both gave him an unbelieving stare. “How ‘bout Becca? Hmmm? Think Caleb would have been able to get to her had we known?”

“Whoa, wait a minute! What the hell? What is he talking about?” Markus demanded. She hung her head. “Mom!”

Caroline looked over at Danny, who was standing in the doorway still unwilling to budge or be a part of it.

“You’re not helping.” Caroline directed at her stubborn brother.

“Because had you listened to Craeden and me twenty years ago we wouldn’t be in this mess.” He threw his hands up in frustration. “Come on Caroline, you know it’s true.”

She pinched the spot between her eyes. “Where are Nikki and Z?”

“They are out enjoying probably their last night as humans. I’ll call them when I’m ready.”

Danny wanted to protect them for as long as he could. It was too late for Becca, but he was going to be damned if Nikki and Z were going to find out like that. “Figured we could deal with the ones that at least know what they are before we crash Nikki’s and Z’s world.”

He knew they would be crushed when they found out that the man they called father wasn’t one at all. For Danny it was a sacrifice worth making. He had the three of them to show for it and that made him proud. But he was unsure if Z would ever forgive him.

“Answer me, mom.” Markus demanded. “What is William talking about? The Heir and Heiress?”

“The three of you and Becca, Nikki and Z are the rightful heirs to the Bottom throne. Twenty years ago, when the Heir and Heiress were murdered. Not by your father…” She shot William an adamant look. And he still showed no willingness to accept it.  “You six were the last firstborns.”

“Who in the hell are Nikki and Z?” Miranda asked. “And Becca, why would Caleb take her? She’s human.”

Miranda had only just learned of William’s misgivings with the human girl. But unlike his brother, she was willing to accept anything as long as it meant William being happy for once.

“They’re your sisters,” Caroline revealed. “And Z is my son.”

Markus jumped up from his spot and crossed the room. Now he understood why William was so upset and so frustrated. He had figured out the truth but not soon enough. His fingers pushed through his hair and he turned back towards his mother.

“We have a brother? Why, mom? Why lie to us? Keep secrets from us?” Markus popped off the questions one by one.

“Because we had to protect you from Viktor and the Council. The royal bloodline was being targeted and picked off all the way up to the Heir and Heiress. And when that happened, Tobias and Merrick sent us to the Surface, and the two of them went into hiding before they could be killed too. Your fathers were the last of the royal line.”

“Yeah but you failed to mention how well you knew Tobias. That the three of you had grown up together your entire lives. Or is it the four of you? Becca’s mom?” William questioned.

“Fathers? Craeden is my father,” Miranda interjected. Caroline turned to her and took her hands into hers.

“No, Miranda he isn’t. Tobias Lorde is your father.”

She pulled her hands away and pushed up from the couch, and went to join Markus and William now. Caroline pursed her lips and looked back to her sons. “Yes, Merrick, Tobias, Sarah and I have known each other since we were little kids.”

“You let Becca believe that both her parents were dead. Do you know how fucked up that is?” William raised his voice. “You know what, I won’t sit here and do this.”

He threw his hands up and went out the door. “I’m going for Becca.” The door slammed hard behind him.

“William, no!” Caroline went after him, catching him just before he reached his truck. “William, you can’t.”

“Why? Why does it have to be dad? Huh?”

William was angry and the Beast within him was fighting more and more to get out. It was as strong as ever, and that’s when it occurred to him that it had been a few days since he had fed that addiction of his. Becca had come to the forefront of all else, becoming the most important thought in his mind. Everything else had fallen into the background without a second thought.

“Did you not hear me when I told you the stories growing up?” She threw her hands up. “William, the six of you are the last firstborns. When an Heir and Heiress die they embody the next born Vampyrs. Don’t you understand, William? Aside from your father, you are the last of the bloodline, and the Heir and Heiress made sure that when they came back…they would come back with power and vengeance.” Caroline desperately wanted him to understand. “If you go down there you risk everything we’ve done to protect you.”

“I love her, mom.” William leaned up against his truck. “I’ve only known her for a week and I love her.”

“I know, baby. It’s the way it was supposed to be. You and Becca were always meant to be together,” his mother revealed. “Sit down here with me.”

She motioned to the curb and he resisted. William wasn’t ready to let his mother in any more than he already had.

“Oh for goodness’ sake, William Merrick Marks, you sit down here right now.” She used his whole name and it made him cringe. He was named after a man he despised. Finally he lowered down to the concrete and rested his elbows on his knees.

“We always knew which ones would end up together. Markus and Miranda, Z and Nikki and of course, you and Becca. You guys were inseparable.”

The farmhouse, he thought. They had been together there and now the picture hanging in Becca’s room made more sense. The feelings she’d had inside the house. And more importantly, their reciprocated feelings for each other. The familiarity that coursed through them each time they saw each other.

“The farmhouse?”

“Until you were six or seven. Sarah and I raised you all right here in Raymont, and then the Drifters’ Order came. And we knew then what we had to do. So we separated you. You, Miranda and Markus were already Maturing. Once that starts you can’t take it. So we altered your memories and took you to the Dimension.”

“And Becca? Nikki and Z?”

“We were able to bind them because they weren’t Maturing,” she said.

“Oh mom, you should have told us. If we had known, none of this would be happening right now.” William buried his head into his hands. The need to rescue Becca grew. She had been down in the Bottom too long as far as he was concerned. A second with Viktor was one too many.

A puff of smoke appeared in the yard and Craeden stepped out of it. The two turned and were met with a grim look from him.

“What is it, Craeden? Did you find Merrick?” Caroline stood to meet him.

“Viktor took Sarah two days ago. Tobias and Merrick were already gone when I got there. Somewhere in the Bottom,” he said.

“How? They were in the Dark, Craeden. How did Viktor get to her?” she asked.

“Sarah came out of the Dark because she found out that Caleb was poking around William and Becca. He caught her before she could jump from the Bottom to the Dimension. She was coming to us.”

“They don’t know. Tobias doesn’t know his daughter is down there.” Caroline was in a panic. “And Sarah. What if Viktor has already…?”

“Caroline, don’t think like that. Okay, Sarah is fine I’m sure,” Craeden insisted. “Too much piss and vinegar in her to go down that easily. Besides, Viktor thinks he can use her to find Tobias.”

“Yeah but Craeden, if Viktor figures it out…If for a second he thinks that Becca is the Heiress, it could all be over,” she said.

William jerked his head up and then jumped from the front step.

“I’m done,” he said, going for his truck. “I’m going down there.”

He turned around towards the house. “Miranda, Markus, get out here now!”

The two emerged from the house and Miranda glowered up at Craeden. He looked over at Caroline and she shrugged with remorse.

“Miranda, honey.” He took a couple of steps towards her and she took one back. Putting Markus between them.

“You lied to me. I don’t want to talk to you, hell I don’t wanna see you,” she said.

“What are we doing, William?” Markus asked, not giving either of them any more attention.

“We’re going to the Bottom,” William said as he got into the truck.

Miranda and Markus didn’t give it a second thought as they pushed past Caroline and Craeden, diving into the truck

“You’re just gonna let them leave?” Danny protested, escaping out the door just in time to see William’s truck speeding out of the driveway.

“You wanna try and stop them?” Caroline asked. “Besides, Viktor has Sarah.”

Chapter 12






“What’s the plan?” Markus asked, pulling the seatbelt across his chest and securing it in place. There were a few things that were certain when it came to his brother. And two of those things were that William had a temper, and William drove like a maniac at times. Mix the two together and Markus wasn’t taking any chances.

“Go back to the farm and then to the Bottom.” William pushed the truck hard again. It whined and protested against the abuse.

“Why the farm?” Markus asked, stealing a glimpse of his brother. Sweat was forming on his brow and there was a glint of red in his eyes. “Oh never mind.”

“What? What is it?” Miranda looked back and forth between them.

“How long since your last?”

“Sunday I think.” William bit at the inside of his lip, struggling to maintain the rabid Beast within him. He could feel his heart racing in his chest. His entire body pulsing for the fix.

“Damn it, William. This is exactly what I was worried about,” Markus scolded him.

“What is the matter?” Miranda demanded, leaning forward between the two front seats.

“He’s having withdrawals because he’s stupid.”

“Markus, don’t start,” William warned. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his arm and swallowed hard. The truck felt like it was going in slow motion, no matter how far his foot pressed down on the gas pedal.

“Are you going to make it to the farm house?” Markus asked, growing concerned at how fast William was spiraling out of control. His brother’s hands held tightly to the steering wheel, showing the whites of his knuckles. He was sure if he pulled his hand away they would be shaking now. “William!?”

“Just do your thing and find our father,” William said. He could feel tension building in his shoulders now. His hands gripped the wheel as tightly as he could to keep from shaking. The last time he had gone through withdrawals was in his earlier years, when he had first started feeding. When he didn’t know any better.

“Are you going to make it?” Markus pushed again.

William’s hand came back and hit the steering wheel hard. “Just find Merrick, okay?! Please!”

Markus gave Miranda a nervous sideways glance; she shook her head and shrugged. Focusing his energy, he closed his eyes and tapped into his internal GPS. A skill he had learned and honed over the years. Where Miranda was superb at conjuring or dissolving just about anything, he could locate anyone if he focused enough.

He pictured his father from the photos his mother had shown him over the years, pushing to feel what his father may be feeling. An image of the Bottom flashed into his mind and he pushed further. It was a bar, no it was an underground meeting place. His eyes shot open.

“They’re hiding out in Julep’s.” he said, recognizing the spot almost instantly. Miranda and he had been to the place a handful of times. It wasn’t often either of them went to the Bottom world, and when they did they wanted their privacy. Julep’s gave them that.

“Okay good.” William nodded. It gave him some relief at least knowing where they were. Now he just had to make it to the house and feed his addiction before he lost it.

The truck barreled down the dirt driveway towards the house. William slammed on the brakes and didn’t wait for his brother or Miranda to catch up as he jumped from it. His mind was focused on one thing and that was satiating the Beast. Pacifying it long enough to let him focus and regroup himself to get to Becca.

He walked with intent through the kitchen, not bothering to turn any lights on, and to the cellar door hidden in the back of the room. Jerking the door open, he took the stairs almost two at a time, a feat for anyone but he needed what was down there. On the other side of the room was an upright fridge; his hand closed around the handle. Inside were a dozen untouched bags of blood, acquired from a blood bank in Atlanta. It had cost him dearly to attain but it was worth every penny. William picked one up and uncapped it, throwing the plastic piece to the ground. He tilted his head back and emptied the entire bag into his mouth.

It slid down his tongue and to the back of his throat, and then took off through his system. The Beast growled into submission as it lapped up the powerful substance. It recoiled with each drop it took in, giving William back control.

His hand pressed up against the fridge door and he took in deep breaths. The drug-induced high peaked quickly and leveled out as the blood made its rounds through his system.

“Do you know how freaking stupid you are?” Markus stood at the bottom step watching his brother. “I mean do you really know?”

“Not now, Markus!” William turned and started for the stairs. Markus’ hand grabbed hold of his arm and stopped him. Their eyes met.

“Then when?”

“After I get Becca back. That’s when.” William jerked his arm away. “Let’s go.”

Markus wanted to grab hold of him and shake the sense into him. Make him see how irrational and reckless he was being. But he tucked the feeling away, promising himself that he would make him see when they returned. He was done watching his brother unravel in front of him. When they got back he was going to end it once and for all.

They met Miranda in the kitchen and she offered a hand to each brother. William rolled his eyes, already silently protesting to Traveling.

“Do you want to get her back or not?” Miranda asked. He took the hand and readied himself for the assault on his body. “Julep’s, right?”

“Yep.” Markus nodded, taking her other hand.

With the circle closed, she gave it nothing more than a quick thought. She let her mind set on the look of the building, feeling of the atmosphere, and in a blink the three vanished into darkness. Every side of the universe pulled at them and crushed them, threatening to set their bodies on fire as they thrust through the layers of the earth.

Their feet landed on hard ground and William stumbled back, holding to his chest. “I fucking hate that,” he growled.

Behind them was an old abandoned building, the windows dark and lifeless. The street they stood on, like an alleyway, was empty. A few bystanders stood at the very end, not giving much attention to their arrival. Beneath the building they could hear chatter, laughing and music. The sound was coming up from a flight of stairs that sank down into the pavement, a door waiting for them.

“Shall we?” Markus motioned towards it.

William led the way down the stairs and through the door. The music pulsed more loudly from the live band on the other side of the room. The room was packed tonight, people lining the bar and tables inside. Unlike humans, vampires and other species didn’t have the same emotional effect on them. It was there but wasn’t debilitating like human emotions and energy.

“Can I help you?” a man asked from behind the bar, eyeing the three of them. William went over and leaned against the counter.

“Maybe, we’re looking for someone,” he began. “Two men. Might know them by name. Merrick Marks and Tobias Lorde.”

The bar fell silent almost immediately as he spoke their names. Markus and Miranda exchanged glances and took a step backwards.

“Now what would make you think two wanted criminals would be here in my bar?” the man asked, sizing up William.

“Why would you ask that question if they weren’t here?” William countered with a smirk. “Now where are they?”

“I suggest you three walk away now,” a heavily tattooed man said, rising from his stool.

William narrowed his eyes at him. The man was from the Beast Nation. He could tell that much almost instantly.

“I’m not going anywhere until you produce Merrick Marks. Just point the way.”

William stood toe to toe with the man, who was a good six inches taller than him. The biker looking man looked at the bartender.

“Who are you?” The biker asked

“I’m his son,” William said firmly, without emotion. But there was conviction in his tone.

The bar filled with murmurs at the revelation. And the bartender nodded with a sigh.

“Toby, Mik! Better get out here!” he yelled behind him. “Think there is someone here to see you.”

A door at the end of the bar swung open and two men came out. One taller than the other. Merrick, being the taller one, had the same dark brown hair as his sons, and piercing green eyes. Two-day-old stubble covered his face. The other man, Tobias, was shorter with golden blonde hair and brown eyes. They both froze as their eyes came upon their children.

“Markus? William?” Merrick lifted the hinged partition next to him to come out from behind the bar. He shook his head as he went to them, Tobias behind him. “What are you doing down here?”

“Did you actually plan on going to get Sarah? Or better yet…” William paused and made eye contact with Tobias. “Becca.”

“What are you talking about? Becca’s in the castle?” Tobias felt a flood of emotions hit him at the news.

“Yeah. Caleb came and took her not three hours ago,” he said.

“Why? How did he even know who she was?”

“Guess your secrets are all out on the table now.” William tightened his lips.

“We gotta go. Now!” Merrick declared. “We can’t wait any longer.”

“What the hell were you waiting on in the first place?” Markus through his hands up. “For Viktor to announce the public execution?”

“It doesn’t matter.” William turned and went for the door. “Let’s just get this done and over with.”

Tobias and Merrick reluctantly followed them out and into the street. A light rain had started while they were inside. It made it hot and muggy as the street cooled from the day’s hot sun beating on it.

“Was there a plan?” William asked.

“We can’t travel or portal in. The castle is cloaked. Our only feasible option is to go through one of the back entrances leading into the prison cells,” Merrick said, keeping a close eye on William.

“Okay and then what?” Markus asked.

“Open a portal door back to the Surface in the clearing behind the castle. We can all slip through without anyone knowing.” Tobias hid the smile he had for Miranda. She looked more like him than her mother. Long blonde hair, brown eyes. But it stopped there. She had Sarah’s light skin with barely a touch of tan. Freckles lightly touched her exposed shoulders.

“Then let’s do it,” William said. “Miranda? Travel?”

“Sure.” She nodded, offering him the same hand as before.

“Son?” Merrick started, but the daring glare he met stopped him.

“Don’t,” William said through gritted teeth. “Just don’t.”

The five of them disappeared into the darkness, set on rescuing Sarah and Becca from Viktor’s grasp.

BOOK: Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1)
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