Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) (7 page)

BOOK: Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)
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She wiped her tears. “Like what, Jason? You were kissing her. I saw you.” By the way she kept pacing, he could tell she was trying to control her anger. “I know we haven’t had sex in a while, but that doesn’t give you the right to cheat. I came to surprise you, but I guess I got the surprise.”

“Kay, she kissed me. You were right—she has a thing for me, but I would never betray you like that. I love
much to do something like that. I love you, Kay.” He tried to grab her wrist.

Kay stared at hi

Don’t touch me, Jason.”

“Baby, please listen to me. I would never cheat on you.”

“No, Jason, there’s nothing to talk about. You can go back to your dear Susan.”

He got closer to her. “If you want, I’ll fire her right now, Kay.”

“I can’t believe you have to ask.” She was now furious. She turned and stormed back into the building. He followed, trying to keep up. They both got into the elevator, and she stabbed the button for his floor.

As they came off the elevator, John was speaking to Susan. Kay didn’t hesitate. She walked over to Susan and slapped her so hard her fingers were imprinted on the woman’s left cheek.

“You bitch,” Kay yelled, to John’s obvious

Susan grabbed her face in pain and looked at Kay in amazement. “You hit me.”

“You bet I fucking hit you.” Kay went to swing at her again, but Jason came around the desk, picked her up by the waist, and carried her into his office. He put her down and closed the door. Kay was angry. She still couldn’t look at him. She walked over to the couch and sat holding her face in her the palms of her hands.

Jason sat down next to her. “Can I touch you?”

“I need some time.” She pulled away.

“Baby, I only want you. Please don’t let this come between us.”

There was a knock on the door. “Come in,” Jason said, not breaking eye contact with her.

John walked in. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay. John, I apologize for the way I acted. You know that’s not me.” She got up and walk
to the door. “I have to get back to work. Please don’t follow me.” She turned and left.

Jason got up to follow her, but John held him back. “Let her go. She needs time to think. What the fuck happened? Susan ran crying to the bathroom.”

Jason shook his head. “
Susan kissed me and Kay saw it.
I should have listened to you, but I really thought it was harmless. I hope Kay believes me.”

“I think she believes you, that’s why she slapped Susan and not you. If she thought you were lying, you would be the one hurting right now. She loves you, man. Remember, she’s been through a lot. Now, Susan’s a problem. What if she sues us, or your wife?”

Jason stood up. “I don’t care about that right now. I’m going to go find Kay.” He rushed out of his office and stopped to look at Susan, whose red lips formed a round, tense O.

“Pack your shit and leave.” Jason headed straight to the elevator.




Jason walked into Kay’s office, she was typing on her
keyboard looking at her
computer. She looked up, and they stared at each other.

“I told you not to follow me.”

He turned, locked the door, and walked toward her desk. “Kay, please listen to me. I would never do anything to jeopardize our marriage. Please believe me, baby.”

She looked away from him. “I believe you, Jason. Do you think I would let her ruin everything we’ve worked so hard for? But I saw this shit coming, the way she looked at you.”

He strolled over to her, sat on the edge of her desk, grabbed her hand, and entwined his fingers with hers. The difference in their skin tones looked so exotic. “Are we okay?”

She looked up. “Yes, we’re okay. When I first saw her kiss you, I lost it, but when I went downstairs, the fresh air made me open my eyes. I lost it, I apologize for that, but she had it coming. She might sue me for assault.”

“Don’t apologize. And if she does, I know a great lawyer.” He said the words with a smile, then kissed her on the lips. “Keisha came out to play.” He couldn’t control his laughter at the use of his wife’s middle name: it was their moniker for the in-your-face personality she so rarely showed. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to give me your surprise.”

She stood up. “I still have one left. It’s right here.” She pointed at her lips and gave him a gentle kiss. She
shaking, pulling away. “Baby, I love you. You’re all mine.”

He grabbed her waist. “Yes, ma’am. I’m all yours, now and forever. Are you sure we’re okay?” He stared at her. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m sure. I just got a chill.”

her closer. Sh
e gently moved
, a bit tense. He
back. “Woman, you’re incredible.” He walked her backward to her black couch in the corner, and straddled her. “Happy birthday to me.”

back. “Let’s go home.” He said trying to get up, but she wouldn’t let him.

“I can’t. I have an appointment in about ten minutes.”

Her assistant buzzed. She got up and walked toward her desk while straightening her skirt suit. “Yes, Miriam?”

“Your two o’clock appointment is here.”

“Okay I’ll be out in a second.”
Saved by the bell

over to her. “I can’t
out there looking like this.” He pointed at his erection.

“I’ll help you with that later.” She gave him a peck on his lips and winked at him. He watched the way her ass swayed as she
toward the door. “I’ll see you later, birthday boy.”

behind he
r and
she kissed him on his cheek goodbye, before stopp
in front of her client.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Finch. How are you today?” She shook his hand and
him to her offic
. T
she looked back at Jason and mouthed. “Bye”.

He got in the elevator and thanked God for his wife’s understanding. Now he had to go back to his office and confront Susan.




Later that evening, Jason met Kay, Angel, his parents, John and Amy at the Columbian Cuisine restaurant. When he arrived the hostess walked him over to the private room where his family and friends were waiting for him.

When he walked in Angel smiled and yelled, “Happy birthday Daddy,” and ran to him.

He bent down, hugged and kissed her. She held his hand, led him to his chair next to Kay. He sat down and kissed his wife on her forehea
d, as
she tilted her head to the side and whispered. “Happy birthday,” and gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled and said hi to everyone. Everyone order
hey talked about family and work. After a while John
about how excited he was about having a baby, and rubbed Amy’s big stomach. A few minutes later the food arrived. Jason didn’t talk much knowing what Kay and he had gone through earlier that day. He remembered the look on Susan’s face. She’d apologized, then seen the look on his face and immediately
packing. He’d gone into his office and called the HR department, just in case. He did feel sorry for her. She’d been one of the best secretaries he’d had in years, but he had to let her go. Kay, squeezing his thigh, made him
came back to reality.

She said with a smile, “It’s time for
.” The waitress came in with a
with candles, and they all s
e blew out the candles and made a wish.


Angel said.

He smiled at her. “What gifts?” He looked at Kay.

“Daddy, Daddy open mine.” His little one got up on her chair, leaned on the table, got her present and handed it to Jason. “Here, Daddy.” She kissed him on the cheek. He open
her wrapped gift. “Do you like it, Daddy?” He smiled when he finally saw what it was.

“I love it, sweetheart.” It was a picture she’d drawn of the four of them, Kay, Angel, the baby, and him, along with a bracelet she’d made that said
Number One Daddy
. He pulled the picture and the bracelet up and showed the others. He asked Angel to help him put on the bracelet.

His mother asked. “Can I see that picture again?”

He handed the picture to his mom. “Who’s that baby in the picture, Angel?”

“My baby. Mommy and Daddy said I’m going to be big sister,” Angel answered.

Everyone looked at Jason and Kay. They hadn’t told anyone except Angel. She’d kept their secret until now.

“Well,” his father said.

“We’re having a baby,” Kay confirmed, excited.

They all smiled and said congratulations. His mom jumped out of her seat, kissed and hugged them both. “I’m so excited—another grandbaby.” She sat back down and hugged her husband. “This is wonderful. Christmas in July.”

John handed him a white envelope. It was three VIP tickets to a football game. “Thanks, guys.” His parents handed him a big, brown envelope. Inside was a gold picture frame of his grandfather and him when he was a baby. It brought tears to his eyes. He walked over to his parents and kissed them. Coughing, he walked back to his sea
sat down and
his piece of cake. Kay cleared her throat.

“I have something for you, too.” She picked up a gift bag and handed it to him.

He smiled and kissed her lips. Oh, how he missed her soft lips. “You didn’t have to.”

“Yes I did! What kind of a wifey would I be?” she smil

He looked into the bag and
pulled out a box
, opened it
was surprised. It was a gold Rolex with his initials engraved on it. He hugged her and
whispered in her ear
. “This is too much, Kay.”

she said,

or the man I love
nothing is too much. I had to work a lot of overtime.”

“I’ll show you how thankful I am later.” He kissed her on the lips.


Chapter Seven


Two months later


Jason turned in bed, feeling for Kay’s warm body, but once again he’d woken up alone. He wondered if she’d even come to bed last night. Ever since Kay had been attacked they hadn’t had sex. He understood she needed time, but he needed his wife. He got up, went to the bathroom, and did his morning ritual. Walking out of their bedroom, he came into the living room to find Kay sleeping on the sofa. Her baby bump was
to show. He stared at her and thought
why are you out here?
He turned when he felt tiny fingers pulling on his T-shirt
he smiled down at Angel and picked her up.

“Good morning, Daddy.” She chuckled and kissed him on the cheek.

“Good morning, sweetie. Are you hungry?”

“Yes, Daddy. Can I have chocolate pancakes, please?”

“Okay,” Jason said, putting her down on the floor. She always knew how to make him say yes. “Are you going to help me make them?”

She followed him into the kitchen. “Yes, Daddy.”

cooking the pancakes and singing.


When Kay woke up, she went to the bathroom and then walked toward the kitchen. She smiled when she saw her baby and her husband working together making breakfast. She kept quiet for a while enjoying watching the two most important people in her life.

“Good morning.”


“Good morning, Mommy. Daddy’s letting me put chocolate in the pancakes.”

Jason looked up at Kay, slightly disappointed, then
looked away

“Can I help?” She walked over to the stove and
stared at

and answered. “No, we’re done, but you can eat breakfast with us if you’re not too busy.”

stared at
him a bit confused. “I’m never too busy for you guys.”

BOOK: Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)
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