Read Stripped Bare Online

Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

Stripped Bare (10 page)

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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Shane nodded as he knelt in front, as the other man spread his legs wide for him, bringing his legs up towards his shoulders. “As long as I get to be inside you, I don’t care,” he whispered.

“Shane.” Matthew’s voice was quiet. “It’s been a while since I did this. I’m out of practice.”

Shane leaned down and kissed him. “I’ll be gentle, I promise. At least to start with. I’ll get you there. Trust me.”

He rolled the condom on. Then he took the lube and squirted a liberal amount onto his fingers and applied a thick layer to Matthew’s entrance. His fingers gently rubbed the lube into the crack and Matthew hissed at the cold between his cheeks.

“Stop being such a baby,” Shane chuckled. “I’ll soon warm you up. Or rather my dick will.”

Gently he rubbed the opening, his finger slowly slipping inside, stretching the other man. Matthew hadn’t been wrong. He was very tight, but Shane knew he’d get him where he needed him to go. He rotated his finger gently around, hearing the man’s gasps at the sensations.

“Everything all right, Matty?” He hoped the answer was yes because he had no intention of stopping.

“Yes, Christ, it’s fine. Just keep doing that. I’d forgotten how good it feels.” Matthew’s voice was strangled. His hands were once again gripping the bedspread.

Shane was gratified to note that once again Matthew’s dick was gaining traction and starting to harden as he manipulated the man’s opening. He inserted another finger, rolling it around, then as he felt the muscle start to give way, another finger until he had a squirming Matthew just where he wanted him. He decided to spice things up a bit, so he moved around inside until he found the sensitive spot he was looking for and pressed hard.

Matthew almost levitated off the bed with a fierce yowl, and Shane couldn’t help a small wicked chuckle.

“Hell, Shay, do that again. Christ, I
forgotten how good that felt, no word of a lie.” Matthew panted in short gasps, and Shane obliged him, loving the sound of a man close to the edge. He was pretty close himself, having controlled himself so far, but he wasn’t going to last much longer.

His dick felt like it was going to split in two and ask each other to dinner. He moved up over Matthew. The sweating face of the man looking up at him, his grey eyes trusting and full of want, was all he needed.

“Ready, Matty?” The other man nodded and Shane pushed inside him gently. Matthew gasped and pushed back, urging Shane on. Shane held back, not wanting to go too fast when what he really wanted to ram himself full tilt into Matthew’s tight passage. He pushed deeper, his neck muscles straining with the effort to control his depth. He withdrew and slid in again, deeper this time.

“Shay, just do it already! Stop pussyfooting around. Fuck me, for Christ’s sake!” Matthew’s agonised voice spurred Shane on. He pushed himself into the other man, hearing his shout of both pain and pleasure as he buried himself up to the hilt in the man beneath him. His balls slapped against the man’s backside as he thrust in and out.

Matthew’s hands grasped his hips, pulling him deeper and deeper inside. The incredible feelings as Matthew’s muscles closed around him flooded his body, his groin. He felt his backside prickling with sensitivity as the other man’s fingers dug into his flesh.

Shane moved the angle of his body to spear Matthew and hit his sensitive spot.

He grinned as Matthew yelped and jerked, nearly driving him through the roof.

Matthew’s strangled voice sent shivers down Shane’s spine. “Do
again, too. Don’t bloody stop, you animal. You
good at this, aren’t you?”

Shane gave Matthew a wicked smile and moved himself as directed. Matthew was powerless to speak, his hands clutching Shane, his eyes dazed. The two men grunted in unison as they moved as one. Time seemed to stop; there were only the sounds of heavy sighs, moans, and pants and the slap of flash against flesh.

Shane thought no one watching them would believe they’d just met. They just fit together so well.

Shane was ready to explode. The man beneath him was groaning uncontrollably, the sound turning Shane on more than he could bear. He looked down at Matthew to see those wonderful eyes staring up at him with an unfathomable expression whilst Matthew stroked himself.

It was the last straw. Shane felt his orgasm building and the tightness that was Matthew constrict around him causing an unbearable pressure. He cried out as he climaxed, his ejaculate flooding the condom, as his body trembled and racked with spasms in the final throes of his orgasm.

He heard Matthew gasp and felt warmth flood his stomach. He looked down to find Matthew had come too, his warm semen showering Shane, leaving white trails of come down both their bodies.

“Hell, Matty, that’s not bloody fair,” he gasped. “You’ve come twice now. You owe me one.” He collapsed on top of his partner, his mouth finding the other man’s. As they kissed, he felt a sense of belonging he’d not felt in a long time. This man was something special, he knew it. He wanted more than one night with him.

“Shay? You’re bloody heavy. Do you think you can get off me now?” Matthew’s muffled voice echoed in his ear and he chuckled, withdrawing slowly from the man and lying back on the bed.

“Sorry, but I was pretty comfortable.” He rolled to his side to face Matthew, who was watching him with a strange expression. He wasn’t quite sure whether it was a good or bad one.

“What is it? Did I hurt you?” He leaned over and brushed a strand of dark hair from Matthew’s face. The other man shook his head.

“No,” he said. “You didn’t hurt me. That was incredible though. Thanks for trying to take it slow. But I liked the rougher bit better.” He pushed Shane onto his back and looked at him critically. “Men seem to make a habit of coming all over you, don’t they?”

The semen was already drying on Shane’s stomach, but as he watched, Matthew leaned over and started to lick him with his tongue, like a cat cleaning its partner.

Shane had never seen anything so erotic in his life and certainly no one had ever cleaned him with their tongue before. He held his breath as Matthew licked the semen off his body, his mouth warm and wet. Shane finally needed to breathe, and he took a great gulp of air as he watched the man finish licking up all his own bodily fluids. Matthew crawled back up to Shane and kissed him, and Shane sighed in pleasure at tasting him on his mouth. Perhaps in a while they could go another round.

“That was different,” he murmured in between kisses. “You’re quite the enigma, Mr. Langer. Who taught you that little trick? I like it.”

Matthew stiffened and rolled away. He lay, tensed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Matthew didn’t answer, but Shane saw his quick glance at the gold wedding band on his finger. The room was deathly silent, the atmosphere heavy. Finally, after the quiet got too much to bear, Shane sat up, puzzled.

“Matty, what’s wrong? What did I say?”

A look passed over Matthew’s face and he sat up suddenly, his back muscles rigid. “Nothing. I need to get home, Shane.”

No more ‘Shay,’ no more teasing or erotic tricks, just a curt comment that sucked all the air out of Shane’s lungs.

He moved over to Matthew, kneeling behind him as his hands touched Matthew’s shoulders. The man flinched.

Shane kept his hands where they were. “Matty, talk to me, damn it. What just happened?”

Matthew stood up, shaking Shane’s hands off him and walking through to the en-suite bathroom. He closed the door behind him and Shane heard the sound of him peeing. He waited until the man came out then eyed him carefully.

“I at least thought you might stay over, Matthew. I didn’t figure you for the ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ type.” His voice was steady but it sounded hurt, even to him.

Matthew sighed. “I’m sorry, Shane, but I think I should go. This was fun, but let’s not make a big deal of it. I need to go get my clothes and get dressed.” He walked out of the bedroom, leaving Shane staring open-mouthed at the sudden lack of Matthew in the room.

“Screw this for a bloody lark,” he snarled. He grabbed a robe from his bedroom door, shrugged his shoulders into it and went out to find Matthew. The man was bending down to pick up his jeans. Shane let rip and slapped the man’s bare behind with a fierce
. Matthew jumped a foot in the air and turned around, his eyes blazing.

“What the hell was that for? Jesus, that stung, you bastard.”

“For being a son of a bitch. What the hell is wrong with you? We have a great night then you go and turn into the Hulk and tell me not to make a big deal of it. By just wanting you to stay over, that’s a big deal?” Shane stood in front of Matthew as he dressed. Matthew didn’t answer.

“Is this because of Sam?” Shane hadn’t meant to mention the man’s name. He winced as he realised what he’d just done. He couldn’t let the man know he’d been investigating him.

Matthew’s face went white, his lips thinned, and he glared at Shane. “How do you know about Sam?” he hissed.

Shane fidgeted but saved his bacon by remembering an earlier comment. “You mentioned his name back at the night club earlier. I saw the wedding band. I just put two and two together.”

“Sam is none of your bloody business,” snarled Matthew as he pulled on his sweater. “I appreciate the evening, Shane, but it’s over now.”

“You’ve had your itch scratched; now you can go back to being the control freak?” Shane spat. “Fine, run away then. You seem to be good at that.”

Matthew drew himself up and moved over to Shane, the extra couple of inches of height giving him a commanding presence. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean? What the hell do you know about me?”

Shane pressed his lips together, refusing to be intimidated. He didn’t want things to go from bad to worse.

Matthew looked at him. “You don’t know anything about me.”

Shane wanted to tell him he did but he knew that would be suicide. “You run away when things get emotional,” he said. “You did it at the club, and you’re doing it now. It’s easier to turn tail and pretend things didn’t happen and that people don’t make you feel things, rather than accept them and deal with it.”

Matthew laughed harshly. “An escort and a psychologist,” he said. “You could charge double rates for that, Shane. In fact—”

He took out his wallet and counted out a bunch of notes which he placed on the hall table. Shane watched the gesture in disbelief, feeling sick to his stomach.

“There. Now I’ve paid the price. I don’t know what you normally charge but three hundred should do it. If not, send me a bill.”

Shane clenched his fists at his side, not wanting Matthew to see how much that gesture had hurt. “That’s the second time you’ve done that to me. Get the fuck out of my home, Matthew,” he said, his voice seething with anger. “Before I punch you.” He picked up the money and went to the front door, throwing it out into the corridor to drift like coloured leaves onto the polished flooring in the hallway. “Get the fuck out.”

Matthew was breathing heavily and looked as if he wanted to say something but he left. Shane slammed the door behind him and leaned against it, his hands shaking.

God, that man was such a bastard. Such a mixed-up son of a bitch. Why the hell had he ever gotten involved with him? Well, it wouldn’t be happening again, that was for sure. The man was a complete emotional wreck, and life was too short to be with someone like that.

With a heavy heart, Shane made his way back to his bedroom. He opened the French doors and stood gazing out over the London skyline.

Regret, Remorse and Make-Up Sex

Matthew left Shane’s flat, took the lift down and soon found himself on the street. He started walking back toward his home in Chelsea. It was a couple of miles, but the walk would do him good. He could get rid of all the frustrations and guilt he was carrying.

How the hell could he do something like that to Shane?

He could still see the hurt in the man’s eyes as he’d put the money down on the table. He’d truly thought he’d get decked.

Even in that Shane had been the better man. Matthew felt a shame in his soul the likes of which he’d never felt before. He stopped, considering whether to go back and apologise. He decided things were too raw. Better to wait until both of them were less emotional. Matthew stood against the railing on the river bank, staring out across the water at the twinkling lights of the other side. He’d had the best night he’d had in a long time. He’d got laid by a man who had taken his needs into consideration, he’d had the best couple of orgasms he could remember, and then he’d treated another human being like dog shit.

He wanted this whole thing to stay superficial, non-committal. And somewhere deeper he knew it might not end up being that way with this man.

When Shane had asked the innocent question about the licking thing, memories had come flooding back. Sam had introduced him to that. Matthew had always found it intensely satisfying and a real turn-on. He’d wanted to do the same thing for Shane, something he’d never done with any man except Sam before. He had no idea why he felt this strongly about Shane Templar, just that he did.

He’d glimpsed his wedding ring on his finger and realised that he hadn’t taken it off. He was studious about removing his wedding ring before he went with another man. It was disloyal to Sam’s memory to wear it and screw someone else. But tonight, in the heat of the moment, and his overwhelming lust for another man, he’d forgotten. Seeing it still on his finger, knowing he’d just performed that most intimate act with Shane, a man he barely knew had driven him temporarily insane. That was the only excuse he had because Shane sure as hell didn’t deserve what he’d been given at the end.

Matthew passed a trembling hand over his eyes and continued his walk. He’d have to contact Shane and try to talk to him tomorrow. If Shane would talk to him. He had his doubts. But he’d have to try. He couldn’t let things lie as they were.

Matthew reached into his pocket and fingered the money he’d picked up from the corridor outside the flat. His felt his face flush. He’d treated the man like a common prostitute. He could never forgive himself for that. He wasn’t sure Shane would either. Emotion had got the better of him once again and cemented the fact he really needed to be in control.

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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