Read Straight Roommate Online

Authors: Mandy Harbin

Straight Roommate (7 page)

BOOK: Straight Roommate
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Mitchell slowly unfastened his jeans,
the rasp of the zipper’s teeth biting into the quiet night. He’d
gone commando to make things easier, so as soon as the zipper was
lowered all the way, his cock sprang free.

Kayden’s sudden intake of air didn’t
go unnoticed.

Mitchell liked knowing this was
affecting the other man and felt a little more encouraged. He held
the bottle above his penis and let a couple drops land on his
shaft. He groaned at the cool sensation and immediately wrapped his
hand around himself. He relaxed against the back of the couch and
let his hips angle out as he began to stroke. He shut his eyes
briefly, but then opened them. He didn’t want to close himself off
from Kayden and he needed to be sure the other man was with him all
the way.

He glanced down, letting his eyes
enjoy the journey up Kayden’s body. The bulge straining his jeans
stirred fiery tingles in Mitchell’s gut. He wanted to put it in his
mouth and suck on it until Kayden shot down his throat. Mitchell
groaned as he looked away and squeezed his penis, trying to slow
down the heat building within. But when he met Kayden’s stare, he
gasped, biting his bottom lip as he increased the pace. Kayden was
panting, his face flushed, his neck strained.

Do you wanna—”

Mitchell didn’t get to finish
extending his offer of touching his dick to Kayden because the man
beside him knocked his hand out of the way and grabbed his dick the
moment Mitchell had opened his mouth.

Mitchell threw his head back and
thrust his hips up. “Oh fuck.” “You like that?” Kayden

Mitchell whimpered and nodded right
before he blindly reached for the other man’s zipper. Feel. He
wanted to feel Kayden in his hand, in his mouth, in his

Kayden pushed Mitchell’s hand away.
“Not yet, babe.”

He squeezed harder, handling
Mitchell’s cock so roughly it was just this side of painful. It
felt better than any other man touching him had before and he knew
he wouldn’t be able to last long. God, he wanted to hold out and
enjoy the delicious friction for as long as possible, but that
would be a losing battle. Mitchell reached up and squeezed Kayden’s
arm as he turned his head to stare at the man who mastered his cock
with just a hand. Sweat beaded Kayden’s brow as he watched what he
was doing to Mitchell’s dick with steely determination, rapt in his

Their eyes met and Mitchell couldn’t
ignore the need that burned in Kayden’s gaze. He leaned over and
took Kayden’s mouth with a kiss as rough as the hand on his dick.
The barely there stubble of Kayden’s jaw only added to the burn
Mitchell felt all over, and he forced his tongue as far into
Kayden’s mouth as he could get it.

Kayden squeezed his cock harder,
frantically jerking at it. Mitchell’s balls tingled, grew heavy,
and he knew he couldn’t fight off the inevitable any longer. He
groaned into Kayden’s mouth as his dick got impossibly hard just
before a shiver rocked through him. He felt the explosion of cum
rushing to the tip and ripped his mouth away to shout his release
with a litany of curses and praises.

Mitchell moaned with the last twitch
of his penis and slumped against Kayden’s side. After several deep
breaths, he noticed Kayden’s erection still fighting the seam of
his jeans. Mitchell’s ass flexed with need, and he didn’t want to
wait any longer to have that man in his body. He kissed Kayden’s
arm where his head was resting and made his way up his neck. While
Mitchell peppered kisses along a path to Kayden’s lips, he slipped
his hand along Kayden’s stomach, down his taut muscles and onto his

No one has ever made me
feel like that before.”

Kayden tensed against him. The man was
probably just as nervous as he was. Maybe he should make his
company understand how much he wanted this.

I want you to make me
feel better. Fuck me. Please don’t make me wait.”

When Kayden didn’t relax or say
anything, Mitchell looked up and caught myriad emotions dancing on
that handsome face. He recognized some and understood them— fear,
hesitation, desire were emotions he’d suffered tonight. But
Mitchell also saw cockiness and shock. Did the man have a big ego?
Was he fully aware that he was just that good? Mitchell didn’t
know, but there was no denying Kayden knew how to satisfy a man.
But then why was he shocked by that? It didn’t make

Kayden jumped up, almost knocking
Mitchell on his side since he was leaning heavily into the man who
had just given him the best orgasm of his life.

I’ve got to

What?” The sudden shock
of Kayden’s action made Mitchell’s voice screech.

Kayden bolted to the kitchen and
grabbed a towel to wipe his hand while Mitchell fumbled around with
his pants as he tried to stand.

What’s wrong? If you want
me to top, I can do that if you give me a little time. I just
figured since you hadn’t—”

No.” Kayden tossed the
soiled towel on the table. “I, er…sorry. I have to go.” “You can’t
be serious,” Mitchell said incredulously.

The door opened and slammed shut.
Kayden was gone.

Mitchell stood there staring at the
door, not understanding what the hell just happened.

* * * * *

Kayden sat in his office, staring
blankly at more ideas of sex toys. After last night, he really
didn’t want to be here. But it was because of last night that he
didn’t have any choice.

He’d had every intention of following
through with having sex with Mitchell and using the afterglow to
get the man to confess what he’d put in the lube. Once he knew what
was in it, he would then blow off the guy and submit Butt Butter as
his idea to Beau. But Mitchell had been so sincere in his words, so
raw in his actions, that it had left Kayden flustered, which wasn’t
something he was used to. He had second-guessed his plan in that
moment, and even now he felt like a royal prick for running out on
Mitchell. The new product development specialist might just be a
master of deceit, but Kayden’s attack of conscience couldn’t be

He felt creepy and dirty just
considering going through with that plan because being with
Mitchell had awakened something in him he hadn’t felt in a long
time. Desire. Not just the need to fuck or get off, but the urge to
explore for something more, something deeper.

Something he couldn’t have.

He’d been up half the night going back
and forth on what he should do, and the only option he felt was
right was one that caused his current headache. He’d have to tell
Mitchell the idea he’d submitted wouldn’t work and pick something
else. In the meantime, he’d given Logan and Xavier tasks that
required Mitchell’s involvement and would keep them busy most of
the day. He couldn’t run the risk of Mitchell making a surprise
visit. It bought him some time to discover a better idea, and then
he would be ready to email Mitchell the news.

Yeah, he was an ass, but he didn’t
want to face the man and cause a scene. That was problem number
two. Problem number one was actually finding a good idea for a new
product, knowing there wasn’t a better idea. Butt Butter was the
best option by far, but that didn’t matter now. Kayden would have
to redouble his efforts to find the perfect product to

A quiet knock sounded on his door and
Kayden cracked his knuckles and loosened his neck. Zeke had
requested a meeting to discuss an idea, and Kayden had been eager
to see him. He couldn’t wait to hear the proposal.

Come on in.”

Zeke walked in, wearing
jeans and a grunge band t-shirt. He didn’t have any notes or
prototypes with him, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Mitchell had
carried his idea in his pocket.
thinking about him!

Hey there, Kayden. Thanks
for seeing me.” Zeke walked up to Kayden’s desk and took the seat
on the right in front of it.

Sure thing, man. Whatcha
got?” Kayden leaned back in his chair, clicking his pen rapidly. He
looked down, forced himself to stop the nervous action, set it on
his desk and steepled his fingers instead.

I’ve been a bartender a
long time, and one thing I’ve learned is people love to drink. Gay
men especially. We love to make games out of it, drink new and fun
drinks and just socialize.”

Yeah, I agree. So does
Beau. I don’t believe he’d own a bar if he didn’t bank on

Uh-huh, and gay men also
love hooking up.”

I think all men do, but
go on.”

Zeke chuckled. “Right on. Um, so my
idea is to combine the two.”

Sex and alcohol? Hate to
break it to you, man, but those things have gone hand in hand since
the beginning of time.”

No, I mean literally. My
idea is to create a dildo that secretes alcohol from the tip.”
Kayden stared at the man across from him. Was he fucking serious?
He shook his head, partly as a response and partly to clear it of
all the colorful words floating around, wanting to be

I can see why it may seem
like a good idea, especially if a couple were into feltching, but I
have to think of practicality, and marketing a product that inserts
alcohol into one’s rectum presents hygienic issues…and possible
legal ones.”

No, no. It would be an
oral toy. Picture it—a man sucking a dildo at a party and he’s
getting cheered on. Only when enough time and the right amount of
suction power is exerted would it release the drink. It’d be like
climaxing, but releasing alcohol instead of cum. It could be a
drinking game, a competition to see who could make the dildo
release its load, so to speak, the fastest. I even have a name for
it. We’d call it the Phallus Chalice. Get it?” Zeke chuckled.
“Because it’s a vessel to drink from but in the shape of a

The Phallus Chalice? Good God. It took
great effort for Kayden not to roll his eyes. He should’ve known
Zeke would suggest something involving liquor. That man honestly
expected them to manufacture a dildo that squirted alcohol. This
had been a bust in a big way. He opened his iPad and started

I’ve got you and your
idea down.”

You don’t like it.” It
wasn’t a question.

Kayden sighed and looked up. “As a
drinking game it’s a good idea. But Beau wants something that’d
appeal to as many men in our demographic as possible. Not all gay
men play drinking games, Zeke. But it is unique, I’ll give you
that. I’ll note it, and if it doesn’t get picked for the initial
launch, Beau might be interested in producing it later. If so, I’m
sure you’d get some form of credit.” Kayden wasn’t sure how true
that was, but he just wanted the bartender out of his office. The
idea was dead in the water for this project and that was all that
mattered to him at this point.

His office phone rang and he glanced
at the LCD screen to see who it was. He gritted his teeth,
immediately recognizing who was calling. The billing department at
the hospital.

I need to deal with this
call. I’ll let you know when a decision has been made.”

Zeke sighed as he stood and turned for
the door. Thankfully the look on his face showed he wasn’t
expecting to be awarded the bonus money. At least he didn’t have
his hopes up for something that wouldn’t come. Once he exited the
office, Kayden turned his attention to the phone. On the last ring
it went to voicemail.

Just as well. He didn’t
know what those people expected. What was it his grandma always
You can’t get blood out of a
If he didn’t have the money to pay
extra on the medical bills, he just didn’t have it.

You know how to get ten
He shut his eyes, forcing that
thought away.


Author’s Note


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Slick Competition
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About the Author


Mandy Harbin is an award-winning,
bestselling author of several books across multiple romance genres
ranging from contemporary to paranormal erotic romance. She is also
the number one bestselling author in teen romance under the pen
name M.W. Muse with her popular Goddess Series. She is a Superstar
Award recipient, Reader’s Crown and RWA Passionate Plume finalist,
and has received Night Owl Reviews Top Pick distinction many times.
She studied writing at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
earned several degrees, and even pursued an MBA until she realized
becoming an author did not have to remain an unfulfilled dream.
Mandy is a PAN member of the RWA and lives in a small Arkansas town
with her non-traditional family, and although she is a direct
descendant of British royalty, they refuse to call her princess.
When she’s not penning her latest book, you can find her hanging
out online where she loves to connect with fellow readers or
stalking Mickey Mouse at Disney World.

BOOK: Straight Roommate
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