Stepbrother Romance: Stepbrother Accused (Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult Suspense Taboo Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: Stepbrother Accused (Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult Suspense Taboo Romance)
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She started to sob. Sunny held her in his arms.


“It’s okay, he’s gone. You’re safe now.”


“Thanks but I want that creep to pay dammit.”


“Wow, that was a quick recovery,” said Sunny. “Do you think it was Jed?”


“I don’t know.”


“If we contact your phone company and tell them you were assaulted, we may be able to find out the address.”


“That’ll take ages,” said Sarah. “I got a better idea.”


She marched straight into Jane’s house.


“What do you think you’re doi-“


She stopped once she saw Sarah’s condition.


“What happened to you?”


“Your husband happened. He attacked me.”


“That’s not possible, Jed would never do something like that.”


“Really? I told him where I was, that I had information about his son’s death, he was the only one who knew.”


Jane opened her mouth but no words came out.


“Please leave now.”


Sarah ignored her and kept going.


“Why did you scribble over Jed’s face in all these photo’s? Something’s going on that you’re not telling me Mrs. Thompson.”


“I said get out.”


“Fine, I’m leaving, but if I were you I’d expect a visit from the cops pretty soon.”


“What? You’re not going to the police are you?”


“I was assaulted, of course I am, and I’m gonna tell them exactly who I think it was.”


“Wait…what is it you want exactly.”


Sarah smiled. A few moments later she emerged from the house where Sunny was waiting outside.


“What happened?” he asked.


She took out a piece of scrunched up paper from her pocket and handed it to him.


“Jed’s address?”


“Yup. See much quicker than getting the cops involved don’t you think?”


Sunny smiled. It seemed that there was just no end to Sarah’s bag of tricks. While Sunny was away, she had flowered from an innocent girl into a confident woman, and it was leaving a strong impression on him. More than an impression, he was falling for her too.


“Let’s call it a night,” she said.


“Good idea, we can go to his address in the morning, and this time I’m definitely going alone.”


“No way!” said Sarah. Hey I’m the P.I.”


“I can’t let you get hurt again Sarah, I’d never forgive myself.”


“Then don’t, you’ll be with me right?”


“Yeah but-“


“So it’s settled.”


With that she walked off. Sunny watched her, eyeing her up and down, he wanted to take her right there, in front of every one to see. Even though she was just a few feet away, the distance felt like an eternity for him.


“Wait, at least let me walk you home.”




As they walked Sunny began to think out loud.


“Sarah, none of this makes sense.”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean about Jed, why would he assault you? And what happened between him and Jane? I don’t really understand what it’s got to do with Eddy’s death.”


She looked at her feet and thought as they walked. After some consideration she thought she’d take a shot.


“Maybe Jed killed Eddy? That would explain why him and Jane split up, and why he’s desperate to keep it all under wraps.”


“hmm, maybe, but that still doesn’t explain
he killed Eddy. I mean it’s gotta be something fairly big to make a father wanna kill his own son right?”


“I suppose,” said Sarah, suddenly feeling deflated.


“Also,” he went on, “it doesn’t explain how he got my gun.”




Sarah was enjoying this, she felt like she was involved in some kind of dark mystery. If it didn’t involve Sunny she would have enjoyed it a lot more, but it gave her the motivation to keep digging, to prove her stepbrother was innocent.


“Well, looks like we’re here.”


They had reached her house and were now standing a few feet from the front door.


“Oh,” said Sarah. “I didn’t even realize.


The door opened and Sunny’s dad came out. He was wearing a robe and tried his best to look as masculine as possible in front of Sunny.


“I told you to stay away from him Sarah.”


She ignored him and kissed Sunny on the cheek.


“Are you gonna be okay?” he whispered.


“I think so, but could you wait here for me?”


“Sure,” he replied.


She walked passed their father and ran upstairs. Evan stared at Sunny and didn’t budge from his position on the steps. Sunny thought it might be a good opportunity to try to reason with him.


“Look dad I don’t blame you for thinking I kill-“


“Shut up,” said Evan in a quiet voice. “I don’t wanna hear whatever you’ve got to say, you’ve let me down ever since you were born. Prison was the last straw; as far as I’m concerned you are no longer my son. And if you ever come back here agai-“


Before he could finish Sarah came back dragging a small suitcase behind her. Evan’s jaw dropped and he watched in shock, not sure if he was dreaming. She took Sunny by the arm.


“Don’t worry, I won’t,” said Sunny. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah,” replied Sarah, “but my heart is beating like crazy. What about you? Are you okay?”


“I am now.”


He took her suitcase and once they couldn’t hear Evan’s voice they slowed their pace to a stroll. Sarah felt excited, she’d never left home before and it felt like a fresh start. She was expecting to feel nervous but she didn’t, not even a bit. Being with Sunny just felt right. She knew he’d keep her safe, protect her, and look after her.


As they walked a cold breeze swept across the road. Sarah shivered and folded her arms. Without saying a word, Sunny took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders. She looked at him with loving eyes and pressed her cheek against is chest as they walked.


“Wow look at the moon,” she said, “it’s so big.”


Sunny laughed.


“You’re like a child sometimes.”


As soon as the words left his lips he bashed his right shoulder against a tree.




Sarah laughed.


“I’m like a child?”


“Alright, we’re both children.”


They reached Sunny’s apartment and once inside Sarah stretched and yawned for a full minute before curling up on the sofa.


“Hey what are you doing?”


“I’m…sleeping,” said Sarah half awake.


Sunny watched her curled up, he looked at her face then her butt. He wanted to squeeze it so bad, to spank it.


That’d wake her right up!
He thought.


He considered it for a few minutes and then decided not to. He picked her up gently and took her to his bedroom. He put her in his bed and then kissed her on the forehead. He went and fell onto the sofa, thinking about everything that happened in the last few hours. There was a persistent niggling feeling in his mind that he was missing something.


Jed, Jane, Eddy, my gun…what’s the connection?


Before he had any more time to think he suddenly realized that Sarah was standing over him, wide awake.


“Are you okay? What’s wrong?”


She didn’t reply and instead slowly made her way to the couch and sat on top of him. She lifted his shirt up and put her hands on his chest. She leaned in and kissed him.


“I’ve been thinking about it too,” she whispered.


“About what?”


“About making love to you. I’ve been thinking about you for a while now. I want you to take me.”


She pulled her dress over her head and started to unbutton his pants. Adrenaline was coursing through Sunny’s body and he was aching to touch her, to explore her. This girl that had always stayed by his side. That had always believed in him. She straddled him and he watched as her breasts bounced. She kept going, filling him with a strong yearning to take control, filling him with passion and a deep desire that he had not felt in what seemed like forever.


“Do it,” she said, as if reading his mind.


He grabbed her by the hips and threw her face down on the couch. She let out an excited yelp as he did so and he began to pound her. Sarah felt a wave of orgasmic pleasure and she screamed into a cushion. She loved the feeling of his hands, his big strong hands; she loved how they grabbed her hips preventing her from wriggling free.


“Spank me,” she said softly.


“Are you sure?” asked Sunny.


“I’m sure.”


He slapped her ass and she screamed, and then giggled. This was everything she ever wanted, not just to make love to Sunny but also to be with him, to feel him. It felt like it was too good to be true.


They made love through the night, sometimes slow and passionate, and sometimes rough and full of lust. They explored each other’s body, free of inhibitions and hang-ups. Not worrying what the other thought, just accepting each other as they were. After what seemed like a marathon session, they both lay on the couch naked. Sarah played with the tufts of hair on his chest.


“Could you stay like this with me forever?”


“Do you even need to ask?” he replied.


She smiled.


“What, you mean you can put up with my silver tongue?”


She licked his chest and he burst out laughing.


“You really are crazy aren’t you?”


“Yup,” she replied.


The next morning Sarah woke up to find the bed empty. She began to worry and quickly got up. She could hear voices coming from somewhere in the apartment. It took her a while to figure out it was the radio and she followed the sound. As she came to the kitchen she saw Sunny dancing and whistling with a frying pan in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other.


“Oh morning sleepyhead.”


She rubbed her eyes and yawned a couple of times.


“Erm…morning, what’s going on?”


“What does it look like? I’m cooking breakfast stupid.”


“Okay but why so happy?”


“Because I’m free!”


They both sat and ate the omelets that he overcooked.


“Are you ready?” he asked.




“Wait,” said Sunny, “the dress, the one you were wearing when you were at Eddy’s house, have you got it with you?”


“Yeah, but why?” she asked.


They both got dressed and headed to Jed’s house.


Jed was asleep on the armchair when he heard the knock on the door. The can of beer dropped from his hand and would have spilt everywhere, if it weren’t already empty. He slowly got up.


“I’m comin’ I’m comin’, hold your horses.”


He opened the door and once his eyes adjusted to the bright light outside he realized that Sunny and Sarah were standing there. As soon as he did he tried to slam the door shut, but Sunny stuck his boot out in the gap before he could. He pushed the door open and Jed fell to the floor.


“Hello Jed,” said Sarah with a smile.


“Murderers, you killed my son.”


He tried to get up, but was so drunk that he immediately collapsed again.


“Relax Jed, I promise you I didn’t kill him,” said Sunny. “But we are trying to find out who really did. We’d just like to ask you some questions.”


“Leave me alone, please, just leave me alone.”


Jed pressed his forehead against the carpet and began sobbing.


“Look,” continued Sarah, “if you answer our questions we’ll leave, it’ll only take a few minutes of your time.”


“And if you don’t we’ll be forced to call the cops,” said Sunny, trying to be the bad cop.


He eventually picked himself up and sat back down in the armchair. Sarah went over to the sink and poured him a glass of water. They all sat there in silence, until Sunny broke the ice.


“This is nice huh? Just three friends having a chat.”


“So, what is it you wanna know? Let’s get this crap over and done with.”


“Where’s my stuff?” asked Sarah.


“What stuff?” replied Jed, looking totally confused.


“Stop playing dumb,” she shouted as she grabbed his collar.


“Sarah, just calm down,” said Sunny. “Lift your foot up.”


“My what?” asked Jed.


Sunny took his leg and raised it up onto the small table beside his chair. He then took out Sarah’s dress and held it next to the sole of Jed’s shoe. The print that was left on her dress didn’t match the pattern on Jed’s sole.


“It wasn’t him.”


“What?!” said Sarah, “then…then who?”


“Where were you last night?” asked Sunny, “why didn’t you show up?”


“I…I couldn’t go through with it, I texted you, didn’t you get my text?”


Sarah and Sunny both looked at each other. A moment ago they were almost certain that Jed was involved in all this, that he may have even been responsible for his son’s murder, but now they were completely lost.

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: Stepbrother Accused (Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult Suspense Taboo Romance)
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