Read Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series) Online

Authors: GP Joyner

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #stepbrother and stepsister

Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series)
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Margo then winked at me and walked away to
make sure her other guests were entertained. She stopped on her way
to whisper something in Gavin’s ear and to the normal human eye;
they made the happy perfect couple. I looked at Gavin and for the
first time noticed that he had worn exactly what I had hoped. My
thoughts were however brought back to earth by Aunt Mary who poked
me in the ribs with her elbow and smiled her usual cheeky

“So Yvonne, do you have a man in your life”,
she asked.

“I’m fine, thank you Aunt Mary, thank you for
asking”, I replied.

“Now that we are done with the pleasantries,
do you have a man who keeps you warm at night?” she asked

“Some nights, I use my covers on the rest of
the nights”, I replied and watched the perfect white teeth display
that Aunt Mary gave me after I answered her.

I spent the rest of the evening listening to
Aunt Mary’s very vivid and disturbing descriptions about her past
sexual escapades, drinking wine and occasionally attending to
Shantell. I could see and choose not to hear the other women
pointing at me and asking why I was not helping them in the
kitchen. One of them made a comment about me not having a man and
being a loner. It was simply the usual conversations that always
rang in people’s ears at every family gathering. The ones everyone
pretends not to hear or know about. More and more it seems like the
glue that holds my life together now. The night drew near and I
needed to leave, I had work to do and I knew Shantell had already
made up her mind about staying over at Gavin’s. I looked around for
Margo but could not find her and decided to leave after saying a
short goodbye to her husband.

Once in the car I checked my mail and
realized that I still had time to drive around and probably get a
drink or two at my favorite local bar that was about ten minutes

Chapter Three

The place was not so lively,
being a Sunday night and all. I threw my gaze around and looked at
the crowd. I could spot a few equally lonely souls in the crowd and
I silently wondered if it was by choice. I sat at a corner booth
and sipped on a martini by myself as I thought of Margo’s
revelation. That woman had an unusual sexual appetite without a
doubt. I accepted a few drinks from strangers and acknowledged
their knowing looks. My attention was not really on them all along
as I thought of Gavin. I wanted him, my body wanted him, and I
wanted him to make love to me and the sweet ache that was calling
out from between my thighs only longed for him. I pulled out my
cell phone from my purse and placed a call to Gavin.

“Hello Yvonne, how are you?” he asked and I
immediately got the code. I could tell that he was not able to talk
to me at that moment but I simply did not acre.

“How is Shantell? Has she put on her braces?”

“She is alright, fast asleep”, came the reply.

“I want you, I want you to come over and make love
to me”, I pleaded.

“Okay Yvonne, I will let her know that”, Gavin
replied so casually.

“I want you to ripe off my clothes and do whatever
you want to me”; I went on in my drunken state.

“Ok, I was actually heading to the office, I will
pass by and get her insurance card”, he answered.

“Ok, I will be waiting for you dressed in my sexy
lingerie, you know the sky blue one, the one you love the most”, I
went on to answer him.

“Alright, I give you a call when I leave the house
as I head to the office”, Gavin said as he hang up the phone on

I knew what was going to transpire next and got to my
feet immediately. I ignored the few business cards that had come my
way and rushed over to my car. I was being driven by my desire and
wanted nothing more but to feel him inside me. There was no traffic
as I rushed by a few stops signs and headed straight for home. I
checked the time on my phone and knew that Gavin would be a few
minutes behind me. I screeched onto the driveway and I rushed
upstairs to the bedroom.

Something was off.

As I turned the knob to my room and found it

“That’s strange”, I said out loud as I turned it
open and slipped in “I thought I had closed this door”.

Speaking to myself was a common practice I had
acquired from living alone. I switched on the lights and there
perched on my bed was Margo staring at me through devilish

“Jesus”, I shouted when my eyes landed on her.

“I am sorry Yvonne, I did not mean to scare you”,
Margo said and did not move a single muscle. It made me question
the sincerity o her apology. I could feel my heart pumping blood
very fast through my veins as I had a million and one questions
that ran through my mind all at the same time. The first thing that
ran through my mind was Gavin who was driving over. I reached for
my cell phone that was well tucked into my purse and attempted to
text him before Margo’s voice stopped me.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”, she echoed and
the commanding voice forced me to look up and stare into the end
point of a gun that was in her right hand.

Chapter Four

I lay in my bed stark naked,
held captive by my stepbrother’s wife because I’m sleeping with
him. Never in all my years would I dream that any of that statement
would be true. She had ordered me at gunpoint to strip and lay on
the bed before handcuffing me to the bed. My right hand’s wrist was
quiet sore because of the struggling and I could only begin to
imagine what Gavin would walk into. Margo walked around the room
with her gun as she went through my drawers.

“What do you want Margo?” I asked.

“Yvonne, I know you are a lot of things. A cheat,
adulterer, fornicator, liar…” she answered as she walked over to
the window and separated the blinds with the tip of the pistol.
Just enough to looked out.

“But you are not a fool”.

I heard the screech of tires and the halt of an
engine come from my driveway and I knew that was Gavin.

“You have been sleeping with my husband, Yvonne”,
Margo said and focused a challenging gaze at me. I simply laid
there and did not say a word as I looked at her. The cold night air
was biting down hard on my skin and I could feel my blood freeze in
my veins.

“You cannot even deny it”, she went on to say and
let out a sarcastic laugh.

“How long have you known?” I asked her as I tried to
shift my weight on the bed in an attempt of making myself warm.

“About three years now, the two of you will burn in
the deepest and most hollow part in hell”, Margo said as she fixed
me a cold stare. “You have not been very good people… incestuous
adulterers, fornicators”.

She paced around the room again shaking her head in
disbelief as she listened to her husband’s familiar footsteps climb
up the stairs. She went silent and stood behind the door as she
listened to him slightly tap on the wooden door in excitement.

“Yvonne, are you in here?” Gavin called out as he
slipped into the room and looked around. He let out a smile when he
saw my naked body lying on the bed and assumed that I was waiting
on him. A smile lit up on his face as he slowly walked towards me,
pulling the top of his belt out of the loop. Margo waited for him
to completely walk through the door before pointing a gun to his


The gun cocked.

“Hello my dear husband”, Margo said from behind him.
I could almost pinpoint the exact moment in time Margo’s voice his
Gavin’s brain. He came to a halt as I saw the blood drain from his

“Margo, what are you doing here?” he asked as he
stared right at me and I could only imagine his disappointment of
my naked display.

“Strip”, was all that Margo said.

“Come on honey, we can come to an arrangement”,
Gavin started to say before he was rudely interrupted by an angry

“Strip!” she barked and Gavin had no choice but to
obey her. He started taking off his white tea shirt that he had
earlier worn to the barbecue followed by his khaki shorts. At least
the belt was already undone.

I was dumbfounded as I looked at both husband and
wife, I didn’t know what to say but more importantly I didn’t know
what Margo’s intention was.

I watched as Gavin slowly stripped and marveled at
his wonderful masculine body. It would have been such a turn on at
any other time but I was more scared that Margo might take a blade
to a part of Gavin I’ve grown to know so well.

“Now I want you to get on top of her”, Margo
instructed with her gun still pointed at her husband’s back.

“Margo, really?” Gavin asked before he turned and
looked at her. Margo responded by aiming her gun to the roof and
firing away twice. Both of us cowered and Gavin rushed over to me
and mounted me.

“I want you to show me how you cheated on me”, Margo
went on to say.

“That would be kind of hard to do. How am I supposed
to get up with a gun in my face?” Gavin roared as he looked at his
wife disbelievingly. I could feel the instant regret of that

“Then you might just have to get creative”, Margo
replied and pulled a seat that was at arm’s length and watched the
two of us even closer. Gavin looked at Margo then looked at me; he
must have thought that he was dreaming as he stared at both of

“Today love”, Margo spoke, so calmly, it was

“Margo, what are you looking to get from all this? We
can always come up with some sort of arrangement” I intervened.
Knowing full well it was futile.

“Shut up, harlot!” she shouted back and pointed the
gun at me.

“I will use this as leverage for the rest of your
miserable lives”, Margo announced as she dug into her black trench
coat and pulled a cell phone. She fumbled as she tried to get the
camera to work and Gavin took this as an advantage. He swiftly
lurched over to her and without warning slapped the gun from
Margo’s hand. The gun must have gone off as I heard a loud
thundering noise envelope the room. I curled myself in a ball on
the bed and thought of what was going on.

“You fool”, Margo shouted and I could hear both of
them struggle. They were both on the floor and thanks to the
handcuffs I was not in a position to help Gavin. For a woman, Margo
put up a strong fight and I only looked up when I saw Gavin get to
his feet. His arm was circled around Margo’s neck as they both got
to their feet and faced me.

“Where are the keys?” Gavin asked and I knew he must
have been referring to the handcuff.

“By the table”, Margo whispered in defeat. Gavin
walked slowly in reverse to get them. He took them and threw it my
way. Margo had only cuffed, my left wrist and I slowly uncuffed my
hand and set it free. I sat up and waited for the next course of
action, wondering what to do next. The cold air that blew past me
from the window reminded me that I was naked and I immediately
started fishing around the room for my clothes.

“Gavin, I thought you loved me”, Margo shouted
amidst tears that her eyes couldn’t contain anymore. “How could you
do this to me?! Cheat with your own sister?!”

“In his defense, we are only related through
marriage”, I answered. I had somehow gotten my courage back now
that the tables had been turned.

“Have you no shame?!” Margo directed the question at
me and again I searched my heart. I tried to feel guilty, maybe
Margo’s tears would move me but that was not the case. I felt
disturbed but not remorseful, I wanted them to take the drama
elsewhere but I was not sorry. I looked around the room and
wondered on whether I should leave it or not. It was my house, they
were the ones trespassing. Gavin however looked guilty, I guess it
was because Margo was the mother of her children and that fact was
always impaled in him.

“I’m sorry”, Gavin mouthed. His arm was still around
her neck and she would occasionally struggle to go free.

“Don’t be babe, she is having an affair with two
other men”, I said. I felt jealous and it was an ugly feeling. For
the first time in my life I decided not to roll over and get
stepped on. I wanted to claim what was mine or what I thought was
mine rather.

“Is that true?” Gavin asked a silent Margo and from
the look on her face it looked true. She looked over at me, angry
and spat in my way. I looked up at her and had a sinister smile
plastered on my face, I felt like a hero or winner of some

“True or not, I am better off sleeping with whoever
I want than the two of you. You are so pathetic, have you no
boundaries?!” Margo asked and I knew what she had said was true. I
looked at Gavin and searched his face; I couldn’t tell whether he
was feeling sorry or remorseful. He had no emotion on his face and
I wondered if he was to choose which side he would fall on.

Margo tried wriggling out of Gavin’s firm grip but
it was not so easy for her. I however kept my distance and watched
her squirm.

“The two of you are disgusting!” she went on to say
bitterly “I am going to file for divorce and I will let you tell
everyone else why. I will make both your lives miserable”.

“Good luck proving that”, I said.

“I found out that you have been sleeping with each
other for the last three years, do you think I have no evidence?”
Margo said.

Her words got my attention this time and my heart
froze for a second. I looked at Gavin and then focused my attention
back to Margo. Suddenly she got my interest and from the look on
Gavin’s face, his as well.

I didn’t know what to say and before I could do
anything I watched Margo reach into her trench coat and stab Gavin
in the thigh. Gavin let out an earsplitting howl as he let go of
Margo and fell to the ground.

She then turned on him and flung the knife again at
him, this time into his shoulder. I winced as I listened to Gavin
scream again and looked at Margo. She had a dangerously deathly
look on her face and without warning I launched my weight forward
at her and landed on her back. The knife was still in her hand and
the look on Gavin’s worried look got me scared.

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: After Mine (Contemporary Stepping Book Series)
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