Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the light had turned green. Annoyed pedestrians jostled her as they rushed to cross the street. Startled, Ayala moved along with the crowd until they’d crossed the wide boulevard and she was standing at a brick and wrought iron fence surrounding a quadrangle of four large buildings. Even if there hadn’t been a sign proclaiming the Foundation for Infertility and Reproductive Medicine in big, black letters, she’d have no trouble identifying the correct building. The FIRM may have been designed to blend in with the adjacent buildings, but the modern façade and materials contrasted with the original structures in the complex.

Dozens of people passed through the iron gates, walked up to various doors, and stepped inside. Some were smartly dressed, some were wearing jeans, and some had white lab coats thrown over their street clothes, but they all had one thing in common—they were human. In her
and white
blouse, Ayala blended in. Only she knew how unique she really was. Upon reflection, the Alpha had been right to send her here. She didn’t feel quite so alone knowing there was at least one other person like her in Philadelphia. Roy had all the qualities she admired in a man. He was handsome, educated, and he didn’t seem at all controlling. Not that she was falling for him, not even close, but he was someone she could trust. Knowing he waited inside the building made all the difference.

Time to start her new life.
The glass doors slid shut behind her, blocking out the street noise.
Her flats barely made a sound on the tiled floor of the reception area, but Roy looked up immediately, smiled broadly, and beckoned her over. Of course he scented her as soon as she walked in. He might look different, so professional in his lab coat, but he was still wolf.

“This is Lucy, my administrative assistant. Lucy, this is Ayala. I’ll be training her personally.”

The tall, curvy redhead standing next to him was not at all friendly. Ms. Sourpuss looked Ayala up and down disdainfully as if she were an inferior rival, and her lips twitched in a fake smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Perhaps Lucy was surprised that Ayala would report directly to Roy.
Tough. Get used to it, Lucy. There’s a new girl in town.

* * * *

Roy smiled at the little spitfire sitting across the desk from him. Alex had said Ayala was more hellcat than wolf. If that were true, he would enjoy taming her. She looked good in her clothes, and she would look even better out of them. Planting his seed inside her would not be a hardship.

Oddly enough, Alex had sent Ayala to him at just the right time. Besides his need for a research subject, his taste for human flesh had all but disappeared. Sick of his redheaded lover, he craved a wolf in his bed, and if he couldn’t have Alex, he would make do with Ayala. As soon as he’d laid eyes on the little bitch, he wanted to fuck her, but it wouldn’t do to rush things. He’d take it slow and seduce her. He didn’t want her crying to Alex about the big bad wolf in the city.

He’d already fucked up once in the Alpha’s eyes. He’d dated Janis Outlaw when she lived in Philadelphia and managed her brothers’ apartment building. The first time he stepped foot in her apartment he’d seen a picture of her twin brothers and their wife, Sable. Sable looked like a she-wolf, and he’d contacted Alex immediately. The Alpha had sent Noah and Wade to Black Wolf Gorge, and they had confirmed his suspicions. Roy had ordered the two Lycans to kidnap Sable and her twin infant boys. Janis and the rest of her family came to their rescue. Those idiots Noah and Wade decided Janis was their mate, and Alex suddenly developed a conscience. Now the human female was living with the pack and had borne a half-breed daughter. The Alpha had blamed himself, not Roy, for the kidnapping, but Roy didn’t want to make waves again. He needed Alex’s financial backing and his approval. He was in love with him, had been since the day Alex found him in Boston. So he intended to handle this little bitch very carefully. Before long she’d be eating out of his hand and begging to be part of his research.

“What’s my position here?” Ayala asked.

On your knees, sucking me off.
“Anything and everything. Unfortunately I’ve decided to let Lucy go. She’s been an excellent assistant, but she’s not one of us, and I need someone I can trust implicitly by my side. Someone I can confide in. Someone who knows our people intimately and can assist in my research. That someone is you, Ayala.” Her lips parted, and he imagined his tongue thrusting between them.

Ayala’s eyes opened wide. “I’m flattered, Roy. I hope I can be everything you need.”

“There’s not a doubt in my mind.” His mouth twitched in a wry smile. “You’re exactly what I need.” He stood up and came around his desk. “You’ve seen everything, the private offices and consultation rooms and the main laboratory upstairs, but now I want to show you my private lab.”

She followed him through a door on the right that opened to a hallway and the other areas of Roy’s suite: two exam rooms, a conference room, and a bathroom. He stopped in front of a private elevator at the end of the hallway. “This will take us down to my lab where the real research goes on.”

* * * *

Inside, Ayala cringed. She hated confined spaces. If the doors didn’t open in the next five seconds, she might turn tail and run. “Can we take the stairs, Roy?”

“Sorry, this is the only way down. Too many access points make it easy for intruders to get in.” He studied her with a curious intensity. “Only one other person knows about this lab, and that’s Alex.”

“I won’t tell anyone. You have my word.” She stared at her smudged reflection in the metal doors. Wolf eyes stared back at her, slanted, amber, and predatory. What the hell was she scared of?

Roy took a ring of keys from his pocket and used one to unlock the door. Then he stood aside so Ayala could enter first. He was counting on her. She lifted her chin, resolved not to show an ounce of discomfort. The doors slid shut behind them like the jaws of a metal monster. Ayala had to give Roy some credit for looking so at ease in this airless death trap. He pressed a button, and the car started to move down. She lifted her head to watch the number display, but there was none. As if she weren’t claustrophobic enough. She clutched the metal handrail as the elevator lurched to a stop, and the doors opened to a small vestibule.

“There are patient rooms through there.” Roy pointed to a hall on the right then led her straight ahead to the laboratory.

Ayala wrinkled her nose at the scent of bleach and antiseptic. Her gaze swiveled over file cabinets and a desk with computers and other equipment. Security cameras were mounted on the walls. The large area was divided into smaller sections by counters and cubicle walls. Everywhere she looked she saw equipment, microscopes, racks of vials and beakers, syringes, and much more she had no idea what they were.

It was all Greek to her, but Roy assured her he would teach her everything she needed to know. They ended up in an exam room and she tried not to let on how intimidated she really felt.

“If you want to change into scrubs, that’s fine. Or you can wear a lab coat over your clothes.” Roy opened a closet, took out a white coat, and held it out so she could slip her arms into it. Twirling in front of a mirror, she admired her reflection. She smiled up at Roy.

He smiled back. “You look like you belong here.”

Chapter Eight

Lying on a paper-covered exam table, with her feet in metal stirrups and her legs spread, was a new and unwelcome experience for Ayala. She had no false modesty, but this was an awkward position to be in if she wasn’t here having sex. When Roy enlisted her help with his research and told her there would be medical procedures, she had no idea they’d be so invasive.

Through the years their Alpha had collected samples of blood and other bodily fluids to be sent to Philadelphia for testing. Ayala had assumed this would be more of the same. Roy had shocked her the first time he told her to get undressed and climb up on the table. Lycans rarely got examined. Their kind didn’t get sick. She’d never been poked and prodded so much.

Roy had explained that medical research always involved clinical drug trials. Without them, the humans wouldn’t have discovered the cures for many of their diseases. He told her that people fought over the chance to be test subjects.

When he took her medical history, she had to admit she’d been taking birth control pills. He’d been furious, telling her she was harming her body and possibly destroying any chance of getting pregnant in the future. At first she became angry, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind. He was the doctor after all. She handed them over and promised not to put anything into her body unless he okayed it.

But now doubts were beginning to creep into her head. Hopefully, it would all be worth it one day. Roy had promised to fund her education. She could study to be a real nurse, or even a doctor. Then she’d be able to understand the true value of Roy’s work, and they would be real partners. She would have the life and career she always wanted and make a real contribution to her people at the same time. It was her dream.

“Everything looks good.”

Ayala forced a smile and pushed against the stirrups to straighten her knees and slide back on the table.

Roy watched her like a hawk. It made her uncomfortable. “Roll over.”

Ayala sighed and did as she was told, pillowing her head on her arms and steeling herself for the prick of the hypodermic.

“Good girl.” Roy massaged her ass where he’d injected the drugs. He’d told her it helped to disperse the drug and
minimize discomfort, but there was no minimizing what she was feeling today.

Warmth spread from the injection site to the surrounding tissue until her entire pelvic region throbbed and burned. The liquid heat Roy dispensed flowed like lava through her veins and warmed her extremities. Her sensitive skin flushed pink and prickled with sensations unlike anything she had ever experienced before. A surge of pure animal lust made her cunt weep to be filled, and she ground her throbbing pussy against the table. The
of stiff paper
didn’t offer enough relief, and she squirmed under Roy’s touch.

“What’s wrong, Ayala?”

“I don’t know,” she whimpered. “I feel…different.”

“Tell me.” Roy grabbed her chart from an instrument table and made a note. “Describe everything you feel.”

She couldn’t bring herself to tell him how suddenly aroused she was.

“Don’t be shy. It’s important to our research that I know everything.”

“Oh, God…” Her breathing
got heavier as she wiggled her hips against the paper. “Roy, I…I’m burning up.”

“Turn over, Ayala.”

She couldn’t bring herself to move and lose the pressure of the table on her heightened nerve center. Roy gripped her roughly and rolled her onto her back.

Her hands went immediately to her sore, swollen breasts, and she couldn’t contain a moan as she rubbed the distended nipples. Her skin flushed redder as her arousal went up another notch. “What did you do to me?” Ayala whimpered.

Roy ignored the question, instead reaching between her legs to examine her throbbing pussy. She jerked at his touch. “Keep still,” he snapped. “Or I’ll restrain you.”

Surprised, Ayala stilled immediately and looked up at him. He’d never spoken to her like that before. Something had gone wrong, and he must be worried about her. Alarm bells went off, and her body broke out in a cold sheen of sweat as she anxiously endured his examination.

He spoke to himself, as if she were no more worthy of attention than a lab rat. “Labia extremely red and swollen, clitoris is prominent.” His fingers slid inside her, and he licked his lips. “Excellent. There are internal
changes such as the shape of the vagina and the position of the uterus.” He cleaned his hands with a towel and added some notes to his clipboard.

Ayala tried again. “What’s wrong with me?”

A broad smile lit his face. “There’s nothing wrong with you. This is all good. You’re in heat.”

BOOK: Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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