Read Souls ReAligned Online

Authors: Tricia Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Souls ReAligned (6 page)

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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For the next several minutes, they exchange crude comments about the girls who kept them entertained last night. Ethan notices a perplexed look on Scott’s face as he reads something on his phone.

“Everything okay, Scott?” he asks concerned.

Scott scratches his head, “I’m not sure. I have a text message from Rachel, for you.”

“For me?”

“Yes, it says…
Tell Ethan I said he’s welcome.

Ethan narrows his eyes, “For what?”

“Dude, I have no idea. I married her but I can’t figure her out half the time.”


Olivia rolls the Challenger in along the curb and parks in a spot available right out front of the hotel. The parking gods are smiling on her today, that’s always a good sign. She takes a deep breath when she sees the boys standing out front of the building, laughing and roughhousing like teenagers. Stepping out of the car, she watches Ethan, trying to judge his mood, and still wondering about the reason he never called last night. He’s not wearing a suit today. The black cotton shirt, unbuttoned casually at the neck is decorated with large ornate pockets and is tailored to narrow in at his trim waist. As always, he looks hot in jeans and these black denim ones are no exception, hugging his hips and clinging to his magnificent Irish ass.

She can’t shake that dream from her mind. The sight of him starts that fire deep down inside her. Her pulse races as she thinks about his kisses. It feels like forever since he’s held her captive with his lips.

Swallowing hard, trying to stop her confidence from slipping, she starts toward him. The breeze gusts in circles between the buildings making her dress blow dangerously in the breeze. Rounding the front of the car, she smooths it down over the top of her thighs. Still sporting his aviator glasses, she takes short sexy steps in her heels, swaying her hips and trying to ignore the nervous feeling in her stomach.

An extremely handsome businessman, passing by, stops and holds out his hand, helping her to step up onto the curb. As the breeze makes the alluring scent of her perfume drift in his direction, he smiles at her seductively.

Aware that he’s still watching her walk toward the hotel she regains that feeling of her powerful femininity. Her growing aura is one of pure, raw sexuality and it shows in the way she moves.

Scott stands frozen, watching her approach. Nigel whistles his appreciation, causing John to look up. Blinking his eyes, he gives his head a shake to make sure that he’s not seeing things. Brian slaps Griff on the chest to get his attention, and then nods in her direction. One by one, she captures their attention; everyone’s except Ethan’s, that is. He’s on the phone, arguing with somebody. She can tell by the way his jaw is tense and that vein in his temple sticks out.

“Hey, baby!” Trevor calls out.

The white halter dress with the romantic black and lilac floral pattern gently flows around her as she sashays toward them with an exquisite grace. Her full round breasts, sway enticingly with her movements; commanding their virile thoughts.

Letting out several more catcalls while she approaches, they carry on like a bunch of horny teenage boys.

“Hey, girl!” Brian calls out, “Have you heard about the luck of the Irish? I’ve got something lucky for you in my pants.”

Scott and John look at each other nervously. Ethan isn’t paying any attention to them right now, but when he realizes that they’re talking about Olivia, it’s not going to go over well.

“Don’t listen to him, girl,” Griff says as she nears, “He’s all talk, small cock. Me, on the other hand; I can take care of you.”

“Guys!” John starts.

Scott shakes his head, stopping his warning.

Olivia is focused on one man. The one who makes her burn with a powerful desire. Ethan O’Connell.

With his back to her, ignoring the nonsense around him, Ethan busies himself with messages on his phone. Completely engrossed in what he’s doing, he’s unaware of what’s going on. Exiting the building, Carter heads out to join the boys, stopping abruptly when he sees her. “Holy shit!”

Ethan glances over at Carter, narrowing his eyes at his behavior. Curious about the words he just muttered, he turns to see what’s stopped him dead in his tracks. He’s not prepared for the shock of seeing Olivia James heading toward him. At least he thinks it’s her. She looks… different;
really different!

“Well, I’ll be fucked!” Ethan says in shock. Watching her approach, he’s stunned by her beauty. His eyes settle on the V-shaped neckline that plunges low between her breasts, revealing her ample cleavage.
Lord have mercy! How short is that fucking dress?
The sight of her sends a jolt of energy through his body like lightening. Lowering his gaze to the banded waist that accentuates her assets, he watches as the skirt flows gently in the breeze, revealing her thighs. Angst washes over him as he considers that a brisk gust of wind would bare her most private parts to all his friends. That’s something he does not intend to share with any of them.

All the air has seemingly vacated his lungs. Inhaling deeply, he tries to calm the impulse to grab her, manhandle her into the hotel, force his way between her legs and possess her. Finally claiming her as his own. Only his! Jesus, this woman brings out the dominant man in him. He has no idea how much longer he’s going to be able to maintain control.

Ignoring the stares and crude comments, Olivia walks right up to Ethan leaving the other men speechless, open mouthed, and stunned. Tipping the sunglasses to the top of her head, she puts her hands flat on his chest.

Standing perfectly still, his eyes slide down her body in a slow perusal, drinking in her beauty.

Slowly she rubs her hands all the way down his chest, her eyes following their movement. She knows every tensed muscle by memory.

Neither of them says a word, they don’t have to. The air around them is charged with their powerful energy. It’s as if the touch of her fingertips sends electricity into his body, bringing to life every blood vessel, every twitching nerve ending. That very touch confirms that her fingerprints are truly on his soul, marking him as hers forever. Every muscle in his body tenses and flexes involuntarily. As she reaches his waist, Ethan has to remind himself to breathe. His chest expands as he parts his lips to allow air to flow in.

Licking her lips, and then biting at the bottom one in anticipation, she re-establishes eye contact with him. Her hands follow the same path upwards, feeling every taut muscle of his abdomen. Skimming across his chest, she brushes across the rigid definition of his pectorals. The way he tightens his muscles under her palms has sparked that fire inside her, pulsing outward through her veins. The tension between them, right now, is so powerful that she’s certain she could come right here, just from having her hands on him and that look he’s giving her. It’s that same hot panty-melting look he gave her the first time they met.

Her eyes follow his Adam’s apple, as he swallows hard and tries to maintain his breathing. Reaching for his collar, she grabs it firmly on both sides and pulls him toward her. His heart pounds as she brings her lips to his, hovering there. Leaning in, Ethan tries to claim them, but she moves slightly, denying his advance. Knowing that she’s sending him a message, he closes his eyes and breaths out. He’ll gladly give her complete control,
Moving in again, Olivia brings her lips so close that he can almost taste her. The anticipation is driving him wild. She knows that she’s won when he doesn’t move this time.

Tightening her grip, she pulls him all the way into her. Leaving no space between them, she rewards him with a very passionate kiss. Lips part and her tongue invades his mouth, dancing along his tongue, licking and teasing. Instinctively, he brings his hands to her hips and holds her there, forcing her body to rub deliciously against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him even closer, her lips crashing against his in a rough possession. He returns her kiss with equal desire, panting for air when she breaks it and pulls away.

Putting down the sunglasses, Olivia turns and walks away, leaving him standing there with the beginnings of an erection straining in his pants.

On the way back to the car, her dress blows in the breeze, raising his anxiety. Ethan turns to look at his friends, who are now standing with their mouths wide open; eyebrows raised in disbelief as they watch her sway her hips back to the car. Reaching her destination, she turns to lean her back against it, waiting for him to follow. All eyes now turn to Ethan who discreetly tries to adjust his arousal. Although it seems that, there’s no way to be discreet about it. He glances over at Scott, “Thank you, Rachel, indeed!”

Scott nods his head in agreement.

“Well, fellas, my ride is here!” He wastes no time joining her at the car.

Trevor turns to Scott, “Who the hell is that?”

Scott grins, “THAT… is his girlfriend.”

Griff’s head snaps in shock. “His girlfriend? What the hell does a girl like that see in O’Connell?” he asks aloud.

“I’ve been asking myself the same question,” Carter admits, looking over at a disapproving look from John.

Griff suddenly becomes fixated on her, staring at her.

“Well, it’s no bloody wonder he wouldn’t do the blonde last night.” Brian starts to laugh.

A villainous grin curls at the corners of Griff’s lips. It’s positively wicked. Malevolent.

“Hey,” Brian continues, “maybe, if we’re lucky, the wind will pick up and we can get a peek at what keeps O’Connell coming back for more.”

“Shut the hell up, Brian,” Carter warns.

“Did you see those gorgeous tits?” Trevor asks, looking at his friends as they all nod their acknowledgement.

“I was too busy looking at her ass,” Nigel says, “I’d love some of that action.”

Six foot-two of tensed Australian muscle vibrates with anger at the conversation taking place right now. Carter is disgusted at their vulgarity. Not that it surprises him, but they’re talking about Olivia; and that, he won’t tolerate. “How about, I knock out the teeth of the next asshole that opens his mouth and says something crude about her?”

Silence washes over them as they note the anger in his voice.

Scanning the group, he establishes eye contact with each one of them, confirming with a glower that he’ll keep his word. Nigel holds up his hands in a surrendering gesture. “I’m good, Brant. Not another word.”


Olivia leans her back against the Challenger, expressionless as Ethan approaches. Pressing his body against hers, he smirks from ear to ear. Putting his hands on the car on either side of her, he captures her there and leans in for another kiss.

“Are you driving?” he asks curiously.

She tries to hide her laughter, “Ummm, No… do you know how hard it is to drive in these shoes?” She twirls the key fob on her finger.

Reaching over, he takes it out of her hand, and then very carefully removes the sunglasses from her face, revealing her eyes in the brightness of the sun. Dark green rims with the most delicious flecks of brown and gold. They sparkle at him like jewels. He’s lost in them for a moment, craving the journey they promise.

Taking her by the hand, he gently leads her to the passenger door and helps her into the seat. Watching him make his way around the front of the car heightens her excitement. He’s the sexiest man she’s ever seen. The perfect balance of well-honed muscle and absolute masculinity; all held together in flawless bronzed skin. She can’t wait to touch him; it’s been too long.


By the time he pulls into traffic his friends have gone back to their male bonding, hardly noticing that he’s left. Scott however, managed to get the entire thing on video. He sends it to his wife with the subject line. “Are you responsible for this?” After he attaches the video, he types… “Ethan says THANK YOU!”

A few moments later, he receives Rachel’s reply. “OMG! Hurry up and get your ass home!”

Chapter Five

There’s a strange tension between them as they make their way out of the city. Many things were said the other night that they would eventually have to deal with, but not today. This tension is sexual, the result of their attraction to each other. It’s there whenever they’re together. For Olivia, it’s there even when they aren’t together. She can’t deny the effect he has on her. The way her body is drawn to him; needs him. She can’t fight it anymore. She’s not sure if she has ever really fought it. She’s never been able to hide it from him.

When they stop at the traffic lights, he leans over and brushes his fingers on her cheek. She turns to look at him with an air of innocence, so pure and utterly feminine.

“You’re so beautiful. Looking up to see you walking toward me, looking like that…absolutely took my breath away,” he says, watching her face flush with color. He grins at her reaction. “Look at that beautiful blush.” Running the back of his hand across her cheek, he feels the heat. “You’re okay with wearing a dress like that, but you blush at a simple compliment?” he teases.

Her blush continues, her face a bright red hue now. Looking into his eyes, she gives him a coy smile. When the light turns green, Ethan hits the highway and takes advantage of the powerful engine, shifting gears, and maneuvering through the traffic.

Olivia is overwhelmed by the desire she feels for him right now. Reaching over, she presses the back of his hand under her palm, lacing her fingers between his, so that when he shifts gears her hand moves with his. There is something virile and purely masculine about the way he changes gears.

Glancing at her sideways, he swallows hard, a clear sign that he feels it too: the connection, the energy wrapping around them, binding them together. When he hits a steady speed, he lifts his hand off the shifter. Placing it on her thigh, he brushes his fingers across it gently. Caressing her from her knee to her thigh, he slides his hand under her dress. His touch makes her squeeze her thighs together, trying to appease the ache that’s building there. Ethan moves his hand away, holds on to the steering wheel, and squeezes it tightly.

Olivia frowns. “You don’t like my legs?” she asks in disappointment.

“I love your legs, but I need to concentrate on driving. The sooner I can get you home, the better.”

“Oh? Why are you in a hurry to get me home?” she asks sheepishly.

“I’m going to lay you down on my bed and get my cock as deep as I can inside of you, until you scream my name and beg me repeatedly to make you come,” his face is stoic, serious. There’s no sign that he’s even remotely joking. These are definitely his intentions.

Olivia squirms in her seat at the thought of it.
Could this drive take any longer?


When they pull into the driveway she’s so distracted by the thoughts of getting him inside her, she anxiously jumps out of the car.

“Olivia!” he scolds her, as he walks around the hood and meets her half way.

She looks at him with apologetic eyes, knowing that he’s not impressed with her impatience. In impossibly high heels, she stumbles on uneven ground and backs up against the car to regain her balance.

Ethan takes the opportunity to capture her there. Moving between her legs, he places his hands on either side of her, forcing her back against the warm hood of the Challenger. “I have half a mind to fuck you right here.” He presses his hips against her, his erection rubbing against her stomach.

“I have half a mind to let you,” she says, licking her lips to prepare herself for him.

As he leans in to kiss her, his phone rings and he quickly glances at the display. “I’m sorry, Love… but I have to take this.” Stepping back, he releases her.

Gahhhh! Stupid cell phones! Frustrated with the interruption, Olivia moves toward him, bringing her body against his. Pressing her breasts into his chest, she leans in and sucks his ear lobe into her mouth, nipping it gently with her teeth. Her hand trails down his body and rubs his cock as it strains against the fabric of his jeans. Gently blowing her warm breath into his ear, she whispers, “Don’t keep me waiting.”

There’s a pause in the conversation as Ethan struggles to regain his train of thought. All the blood from his brain has just rushed straight to his cock.

Taking the keys out of his hands, she walks toward the house, her dress swaying around her thighs. Unable to take his eyes off her, he watches her seemingly long legs make their way up the pathway. The short length of her dress flirts with his control.

Turning to find him watching, she beckons him to follow with one finger. Knowing exactly how to unravel him, she grasps the hem of her dress. Slowly dragging it up her thigh, she reveals her pink panties.

That’s all it takes. Want, courses through his body, relentlessly. The person on the phone no longer has any part of his attention.

“I can come by and sign it in the morning, but there’s something that needs my attention right now, and it can’t wait.”

Olivia lets herself into his house and tosses his keys on the table. When she comes out of the bathroom she’s startled to see him standing right outside of it, leaning against the opposite wall, arms folded.

“I need to talk to you.” His body language indicating that he’s not impressed.

“Okay… about what?” she asks nervously, wondering what could have happened between the car and the house.

“I’m angry with you.”

Confusion shows in her expression. “You are?” she says, making a sad face. She had hoped she could avoid discussing the ‘day of destruction’ until AFTER he made good on his promise.

“The sad face isn’t going to work this time,” he warns.
Christ, she is so fucking adorable.

“Please, don’t be angry. I…”

“Ah, but I am; and I think you know why.”

“Because of the other night?”

Ethan sighs, “No, I’m equally responsible for that disaster.” Noting the confusion on her face, he elaborates, “I’m angry because it seems that you’ve forgotten to put on your pants.” Not looking pleased at all, he gestures down toward her legs and the length of her dress.

“It’s a dress, Ethan. Pants aren’t supposed to be worn with it. And it’s not that short.” Crap, if the length of this dress causes him anxiety he’s going to freak when he sees the other one.

“It doesn’t cover very much.” He scolds her like an errant child. “We’ve talked about how I feel about other men seeing you half dressed.”

Gah! The nerve! “Half dressed? Now wait a minute,” she begins as he closes the space between him.

“Did you think I’d be pleased about all those guys looking at you?” His tone is dark and his movements are commanding.

Finding it exhilarating, Olivia is unable to deny the part of her that has always been submissive. She’s always felt that it’s wrong. No matter how hard she tries to fight it, it consumes her and Ethan knows it. He knows that she’ll fall in line, and follow his command. Her eyes look to the floor, confirming it.

His hard body moves against her, as he leans his mouth down to speak directly into her ear, “Answer me. Do you think its okay with me that other men saw you in this dress?”

“You’re overreacting,” she begins, looking up at him annoyed.

Ethan’s body stiffens against hers. Right now, he wants her to submit. He needs it. Leaning back, he gives her a warning look that makes her vagina twitch. Halting her protest, she looks back down to the floor.

His hands skim across her skin, the gentle touch of his fingertips making sensitive nerve endings tingle. “Answer me,” he encourages, trailing his finger along the neckline of her dress, and then sliding his hand underneath the edge to palm her breast.

She stifles a moan and closes her eyes as his thumb brushes across her nipple. He’s making it incredibly hard for her to concentrate on what he wants her to do. Focus!

“No. It’s not okay with you,” she whispers. Feeling warm, her heart races with such an ardor that it feels like it’s about to burst out of her chest.

“That’s right, its not. I know what they were thinking about doing to you.” Overcome by his powerful desire to claim her as his own, he lifts the hem of her dress, making her tremble with excitement. Running his hands along the waistband of her panties, he gently slides them down over her hips and lets them slide to the floor. Looking down at the small pile of pink lace is almost enough to unman him right then.

With a heavy intake of breath, Ethan relinquishes control to his dominant desires, backing her up against the wall so that she can’t move. Grabbing one of her hands, he pins it above her head. She breathes out all the air in her lungs as he reaches down, grabs the other one, and does the same. He holds them there, his large hand wrapped around both wrists, stretching her against the wall.

“I don’t like the thought of other men trying to get a look at what’s mine,” his voice is low and sensual. Lowering his lips to her neck, he marks his territory, nipping the skin and leaving behind several small bite marks.

As desperately as she needs to submit to him, she challenges his domination, trying to regain some control. “Well, it’s
yours!” she blurts out in protest. In a very bold move, she lifts her head to look into his eyes and waits nervously for his reaction.

“NO?” he says mocking her. “What a ridiculous thought.” He’ll just have to prove it to her. Undoing his pants, he frees his large, thick cock… hard as steel and pulsing. A ghost of a grin passes over his lips as he lifts the hem of her dress. Pressing his hips against her, the tip of his erection rubs between her legs. Moaning out loud, she proves his point.

“You're about to find out otherwise, Princess. Right now! It does belong to me. In fact, it’s
for me.”

Every nerve ending in her body thrums with arousal, as he drags the heavy head of his cock across her. Longing to feel that fullness when she tightens around him, she adjusts her position, trying to guide him in.

“I don’t want to hear any more about dating other people,” he says, his Irish brogue, heavy with desire. “You’re mine now. Do you understand me?” Rolling his hips, he rubs against her in a slow tortuous rhythm, “Say it!”

Soaking wet and begging for his attention, she writhes beneath him, meeting every stroke of him on her throbbing clit. Moaning, her body keens against him, anticipating that moment when he finally enters her.

Waiting for her confirmation, he continues to tease her, gliding against her opening but denying her what she so desperately wants. “You’re killing me,” he growls, “would you just say it!”

Her eyes look downward, pleasing the part of him that needs to dominate her. Her submission is so beautiful that his excitement coils tighter inside him.

“Look at me,” he instructs, his authoritative tone startling her. “Show me your eyes.” He tangles his hand in her hair and pulls it back with gentle force, making her lift her chin.

Clenching her thighs together no longer soothes the aching need there. She needs him inside her to fulfill this desire.

“Say it!” he asks again, with a gentle command, fearful of pushing her past her limits. Loosening his grip on her hair, he rakes his fingers through it, brushing it off her face.

She tries to speak but the words are stuck in her throat, making her stutter. “I… I’m your girlfriend,” she says finally.

A wicked grin forms on his lips. FINALLY! “Damn right you are. From now on, I’m the only man you’ll be seeing. I’ll see that all your needs are met.”

Released from his hold she instinctively lowers her head again, but he presses his finger under her chin and gently forces her to look up into his eyes. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Ethan. I understand.” With her gaze locked to his, her excitement burns like the hottest coals of a campfire that blaze and crackle, fuelling additional hot spots that rise up and burn hotter inside her.

Ethan lowers his lips to hers and hovers over them, not touching her.

She can’t stand the suspense anymore. She didn’t like seeing him with Hannah. She doesn’t want to share him either. She’ll submit to him. Whatever Ethan wants. Anything he asks of her. She’ll figure everything else out in time. At this moment, she finally understands what he’s been trying to tell her. Their souls belong together.

Pressing urgently against his mouth, she makes him part his lips, letting her in. Pulling away gently, he bites at her lower lip. Slowly tracing circles around her nipple, he teases her with his finger before grasping it roughly and giving it a little twist as he tugs on it. She gasps, experiencing a strange combination of feelings, taking her to the edge of pain then morphing into pleasure.

The sound she makes raises excitement within him, making him push against her firmly, trapping her against the wall and reminding her who’s in control. His lips, now feeling an insatiable hunger for her, claim her with deep passionate kisses, barely allowing her to breathe between them. Pulling away from her lips, he leaves her panting and feeling weak.

“I’m glad that we’ve finally come to an understanding about that then,” he says with a pleased tone in his voice. A slight smile forms on his lips, almost villainous and strangely erotic. “Upstairs. NOW!” taking a step back from her, he motions his head toward the stairs.

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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