Read Sons of Amber: Michael Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Sons of Amber: Michael (9 page)

BOOK: Sons of Amber: Michael
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    “Yes, master.” Her breath came in short pants as her head hung down over Michael’s thickly muscled legs.

    He smacked her hard, soothing between the open-palmed slaps with circular rubbing motions. He alternated cheeks, hard hits with softer ones, then when she thought this couldn’t get any more embarrassing—or arousing—he cavalierly spread her thighs apart and delved into the wetness gathered there with strong, knowing fingers.

    “Look at this brother,” he talked over her head to Ty and a moment later she felt other fingers probing her cunt. Ty stuck two fingers right up her pussy, stroking deep and rubbing that secret place within her channel that brought her the greatest pleasure. She tried to bite back a moan, but wasn’t entirely successful.

    “The wench likes her discipline, Mikel. You’re a lucky bastard. And her pussy’s tight as a drum.”

    “These human wenches don’t see a lot of action with all their males gone. I’ve had quite a few cute little virgins in the past weeks,” one of the pirates boasted from behind Michael. Leah looked up through her hair to see the man’s face. When this was all over, she’d personally like to kick him in the balls. She’d remember what he looked like and if she got her chance later, she’d take it.

    Michael regained her attention with a few well-placed swats to her ass and lower, on the edges of her pussy. That made her squirm and flood the fingers still rubbing her clit. Ty was certainly getting a handful. Leah wanted to die of embarrassment. Either that or pleasure. Who knew being spanked in front of a room full of alien men and two eager Sons of Amber could make her this horny?

    The fingers left her and Michael tossed her back to her feet so quickly, her head spun. She brushed hair out of her face with shaking fingers, her eyes glued to Michael’s. His face nearly glowed with satisfaction. She’d done that. Her submission to him had put that look on his face and she reveled in that for just a quick moment. Michael placed one strong arm around her waist and pulled her close, nipping lightly at her nipple and tugging it taut with his teeth. The sensation made her tremble and reminded her of the predicament they were all in as the pirates hooted and called out encouragement. She felt heat rise to the surface of her skin as she blushed, probably just as Michael had intended. The man was an expert at getting her to respond in just the way he wanted. The thought should have annoyed her, but it didn’t really. She’d do anything for Michael and she really didn’t mind that he knew it.

    “Now,” he said in a voice the brooked no argument, “go sit on the table in front of my brother and spread your legs for him. Use your fingers to spread yourself. Show him your pussy.”

    She wanted to protest, but she also didn’t want another spanking. Sitting on the hard table would be uncomfortable enough after just a few stinging swats of Michael’s hand. She didn’t want to disobey again and earn more. At least not right away.

    Rubbing her sore cheek, Leah sat gingerly on the table, shifting around Ty, who didn’t move to make her life easier. No, he sat there, making her brush against him and work around his muscular bulk, lifting her leg high in the air, over his lap. He surprised her by catching her calf in one big hand, coaxing her to place her foot on the edge of the table, then lifting her other foot to the same place on the opposite side. This position opened her wide, exposing both pussy and ass as he used his hands to spread her legs as wide as they’d go.

    “She’s a flexible little thing,” Ty commented to Michael, talking over her in a way that drove her crazy, but also made her hot.

    “Use your fingers, Lilla,” Michael reminded her. She balanced on one hand, leaning back slightly, using the other to hold open the outer lips so Ty could get a good view. All the pirates rapidly filling the space behind his chair were also getting a good show, she realized, but she knew Michael wouldn’t let anyone touch her…without his permission. She wondered just how far he’d go in proving his worth among these alien pirates and how far he’d push her.

    So far, everything he’d done and asked of her had only driven her arousal higher. She hadn’t known she would ever engage in this sort of behavior, but it felt good. Better than good if the sticky liquid flooding her pussy was any indication. She never knew she had exhibitionist tendencies, but then she’d led a pretty tame life since joining the military. The absence of men made sexual self-discovery a bit difficult at best.

    She wobbled on her precarious perch and Ty covered her hand with his own. “It’s all right doll. I’ll take over from here.” She moved her hand back as Ty’s large fingers began stroking up and down, around her pussy. He lingered on the sides of her clit, never quite touching as he dipped his blunt-tipped fingers into her well over and over. One, then two, then three fingers found their way up her channel, spiking her arousal higher as she pressed back against the hard table, squirming against the pleasure. “I bet she tastes sweet,” Ty shocked a gasp from her as he winked. “Most human cunts do.”

    “Try her and find out, brother.” Michael’s off-hand permission stunned her, but the fire in his eyes when she looked over at him ignited a fire in her womb. He was enjoying every moment of this—her compliance with his wishes, her submission.

    She held his gaze until Ty’s lips closed over her clit, shocking her into a convulsive shudder that took her by surprise. The pirates laughed and cheered as Ty rode her through a small completion. She felt him licking at her cum, probing her hole with his tongue and stroking her clit as he ate her more thoroughly than she’d ever experienced. The man had talent.

    Leah panted as Ty came up for air, his concentration seemingly total on her pussy as he inserted one finger from each of his hands into her channel. He tugged gently in opposite directions, perhaps to see how wide she’d go, perhaps to open her up for later. She had no idea, but she loved the sensation, creaming for him again and again as he spoke encouragement.

    “She tastes good, brother. She has a sweet cunt and a hole wide enough for either of us—or both.” That shocked her eyes open, but Ty only winked, his devilish expression telling her he was teasing. Wasn’t he?

    “What about her ass? What do you think of it?” Michael’s lazy question didn’t fool her. He was probably hard as a rock beneath the table, ready for action.

    “I’m not sure. Let’s see.” With shocking speed, Ty rearranged her legs and had her off the table, twirled around to face it. Gently he pushed down between her shoulder blades until her torso lay on the table, her ass sticking up in the air between Ty and Michael’s chairs. Two very different male hands stroked her cheeks. Michael’s touch was possessive, Ty’s merely arousing.

    Ty’s hands moved, spreading her cheeks as she was pressed forward against the table. “Looks tight,” he commented as Michael’s fingers moved within the crevice to tease her.

    “That can be remedied.”

    “Brothers, allow me to give you this.” The pirate leader rolled something across the table at Michael. Leah couldn’t see what it was, but when she looked up, she saw other human women already being fucked by the pirates all around. The leader of the group had a wench riding his cock as he sat in his chair and his second in command stood over another girl who lay writhing on the table as he rammed an impressive organ between her legs. Other women were being similarly used all over the large room. It was a full out orgy and Leah guessed she and the little show Michael was making of her was one of the main entertainments.

    She understood his plan all at once. In order to keep her safe from being jumped by every pirate in the room, he made damn sure they were all too hot to wait. He’d used her body and her reluctance to show it as a way to inflame the jits, letting them watch her be punished then pleasured until they found women of their own to take the edge off. Michael’s slow and very public path to pleasure ensured that Leah was left to them—Michael and Ty alone—for as long as they proved good entertainment. Little did the jits know they’d tangled with a sexual master. Sons of Amber knew how to prolong pleasure. They were probably the most skilled males in all the universe at such things. The pirates would tire long before Michael ever ended this little show.

    A tongue shocked her back to the moment. Ty, she guessed from the angle, was licking her ass! The thought should have disgusted her, but the sensations riding up her spine were anything but disgust. She felt an object—cold and wet—swirling through the juices of her pussy and upwards as Ty moved away. The object warmed as it spent time next to her skin, but it was definitely foreign.

    She gasped as Michael’s sure hand slid the hard thing partway into her ass. It was some kind of dildo, she guessed, or a plug. Yeah, it had to be a plug of some sort, intended to train her to take a cock back there.

    She’d never thought of doing such a thing before, but suddenly she wanted to try whatever Michael wanted. He was the expert, after all. If he thought she’d enjoy taking a cock up her ass, she was willing to give it a try. He was her trusted guide on this journey of sexual discovery.

    Michael leaned over her as his hand pushed the plug deeper, little by little. He breathed in her ear, whispering low as his chest brushed her bare back.

    “Take it for me, baby. Push out and accept this. Accept me. Accept all that I am and all that I want of you.”

    His hot words fired her soul as the plug inched deeper. Michael pressed tight against her back, pushing her into the table, placing a bit of his weight on her, trapping her in his desire.

    “That’s good, sweetheart. So good. It’ll be even better when it’s my cock up in there. Good and tight and a sweet, sweet burn.” He eased up as she sucked in deep droughts of air. “Or maybe it’ll be Ty’s cock up your ass while I’m in your pussy. What do you think of that, Lilla?” His voice sounded louder now and she looked up to find the pirate leader’s eyes riveted on her body as his muscles tightened and he shot his load into the pretty girl riding his cock.

    Leah moaned as Michael played with the plug. It burned, creating sensations she’d never even guessed at before. It was strangely pleasurable, but mostly because of the pleasure it gave Michael. Her subservience was firing him higher, she could feel it in his touch and see it in his eyes. She’d never seen him so impassioned before unless it was in anger, but this wasn’t anger at all. This was desire. Stark, brutal, steaming desire. For her.

    The thought made her knees weak.

    The plug in her bottom seemed to get bigger and she squeaked, unable to hold back her surprise. Michael chuckled low in her ear.

    “This toy grows, Lilla. Every time you accept a new level of entry, it pushes you for more. Just like I will. Until you’re mine in every sense—in every orifice—in every way.”

    “Master!” She gasped as the plug grew larger again. It seemed also to secrete some kind of lubricant that kept replenishing so she was never dry, never too uncomfortable.

    “I like the sound of that,” Michael growled, moving back to sit behind her, his hands never leaving the round planes of her butt. “Now come here and sit on my lap.” His hands guided her gently, brooking no argument when she tried to ease down on his lap. The plug gave her pause, but Michael wouldn’t let that stop him as he pushed down steadily on her waist until she was seated on one powerful thigh.

    He had one arm casually draped around her shoulder, plucking at her nipple with a relaxed rhythm that did nothing to calm the escalating fire in her loins. Michael was playing with her, teaching her body how to respond to him and she liked it all too much. She could easily become his slave in truth if she weren’t extremely careful, but that could wait. For now, she was enjoying his touch—and his orders—too much to complain about much of anything.


    Chapter Nine

    The pirate captain, Nik’ael Jetsurat, was finished with his woman for the moment and leaned back to appraise Mike. Sure, he was looking at the pretty picture Leah made on Mike’s lap, but the Son of Amber knew the other warrior’s eyes were assessing what he could see of the new man in his midst. Mike knew how to play this game. Don’t give an inch and don’t make trouble. As a Dom he was good at the first part. It was the second half of the equation he sometimes had problems with.

    But his steadying influence was perched naked on his knee. Like nothing else, Leah’s presence here warned him to keep his cool. He would do all he could to keep her safe, including swallow his pride. For her, he’d do anything.

    “Your woman,” Nik’ael gestured with a full mug of beer towards Leah. “Where’d you get her?”

    Mike thought fast. “I came across her ship about a month ago. A luxury yacht, if you can believe it. She’d taken off on her own. Just this one and a co-pilot that I gave to a friend on the way. I thought I’d keep this one,” he hoisted her a bit higher on his knee, setting her breasts to jiggling enticingly, “for myself. It’s taken a while to train her and she still has lapses, but eventually I’ll get her to obey.”

    “You like them submissive then? It’s not an easy road, brother.” The pirate shook his head as if he knew of whence he spoke. Mike looked at the man with fresh eyes. This was a man who’d tried to dominate a woman and failed utterly. Out there somewhere was the woman who had bested this pirate chief. The idea gave Mike hope, for if a man had once known defeat, he would have either learned from it or remained foolish. This man looked like nobody’s fool, though he struck Mike as an odd sort of pirate.

BOOK: Sons of Amber: Michael
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