Sold to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Sold to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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“Shhh, relax,” the blond said. “It’s all right.”

“So lovely,” Daegan added, running a single finger down my arm, sending shivers through my entire body. “Do ye like our touch, lass?”

I blinked at him, afraid to nod or shake my head. A part of me liked it, and a part of me knew I shouldn’t. It was all happening so fast.

“You’re ours now, Brenna. We bought you because we wished for a woman to share our bed. We believe you are the one,” Samuel said. 

“Obey us, lass, and we’ll cherish and protect you, and give you pleasure.”

I lay stiff, trying to wrap my head around their words. The events of the past night and day still jumbled in my head.

Daegan wrapped his hand around my ankle and I had to force myself not to kick. It was his ankle now, to caress or crush as he pleased. I was their slave.

Fear must have tracked across my face, for Samuel spoke in a soothing tone. “Calm Brenna, give yourself over to us. We have long awaited you.”

I blinked. They’d awaited me?

The big leader stroked my cheek. “We own you now, and we will care for you and protect you. You will never come to any harm.”

His thumb went to my lip and ran over the soft skin there. My heart beat faster, but not only with fear.

He sighed. “I wish you could speak to us. I would give anything to know your questions. Take away the fear in your eyes.”

I tried to relax. These men had bought me but sought to comfort me.

Samuel shifted over me and pinned me with that intense gaze. Daegan positioned himself at my head, cradling it in the crook of his arm and playing with my hair.

“We will see to ye now.” Samuel reared over me and pulled the pelt away from my body. I couldn’t move as if I’d turned to stone with fear. I lay naked before these great warriors, who feasted on my flesh with their glowing gaze.

“Lovely,” Daegan said, and I went from afraid to excited in a few seconds.

Samuel bent so his hair brushed my upper thighs and bent his head. He seemed to be scenting me.

I tried to close my legs and he held them open. Daegan lifted me so he could hold me half in his lap, my head against his chest. He reached down and laid palms on my thighs to keep them apart for his warrior brother.

Feeling trapped, I started struggling. Despite their kind words, I didn’t know these men or what they would do with me. 

“Brenna,” Samuel turned my name into a command. “Lie still. We will not hurt you. You are our most treasured possession.”

Daegan stroked my inner thigh. “Ye dinnae ken now, but you will.”

Samuel brushed fingers over my center. “This belongs to us now.” He moved his hands a little and my hips shifted of their own volition, responding.

If I could’ve cried out or made a little noise of longing, I would’ve.

All too soon, he took his fingers away, smelling my musk, then tasting it.

My own mouth parted in a gasp, and it proved too much for Daegan. One hand left my thighs and gripped my hair gently, turning it so he could kiss me. His lips touched mine, pecking and inviting before his head slanted and he drank more deeply of my mouth. I stilled with shock at my first kiss.

He pulled away with a mischievous light in his eye. “Do ye like that?” His brow went up, almost daring me to say no.

I just stared.

Samuel almost grinned.

“Let me try again.” Daegan did grin, full out before he bent and teased at my lips with his tongue. Heat flared through me.

“My turn,” Samuel leaned forward. Daegan cradled me as the big man cupped my face, drawing me forward with tender fingers before touching his lips to mine. Like his warrior brother, he tasted clean and good, and when my lips parted, his tongue slipped inside.

By the time the kiss ended, I was breathing hard. Wet heat pooled at my center.

Samuel took his time, kissing me again, then offering my mouth back to Daegan. Their hands moved over my skin nonstop, stroking my arms, breasts, hips and waist and down my legs. Between four hands and twin mouths, they left no part of me uncaressed….except one.

After a time my legs lay open of their own accord, my center exposed and begging for attention.

The heat rose in me stronger than ever before, the fire fed by the readying touches of two men. I fought it as I always had, struggling to remain myself, to hold onto Brenna. Each kiss, each touch, each swipe of tongue at my neck or knee and I lost myself a little bit more.

Samuel drew back for a moment and I blinked at the respite. His long hair streamed over an awesome chest. Daegan had a smaller build, though not by much. Every movement displayed muscles on muscles, lean and chiseled. 

These were hard men, with hard lives, and I was to lie with both of them. 

They marveled at my softness, commenting as they stroked me.

“So smooth. Feel this.”

Hands cupped my breast and I arched my back, my breath coming faster as I wordlessly asked for more.

“Such a beautiful lass. So perfect for us.”

Samuel’s large hands traced down the curve of my hip. 

“Perfection.” Samuel’s fingers brushed between my legs, the barest of touches.  “Relax, sweet one, we will now give you pleasure.”

At his words, my body convulsed.

“Should we tie her?”

Daegan cuddled me closer. “Do we need to tie you, lass? I know ye are new and scared, but we own ye now. We will do with your body as we wish, and always care for it. Right now Samuel will give ye pleasure.”

“Will you submit to us, Brenna?”

I nodded. What choice did I have?

The big man’s touches circled close to my special places and arousal like I’d never felt before shot through me. I became a creature empty of all but wanting.

It frightened me. Samuel paused as my panicked hands caught at his.

Daegan caught my wrists and then I jerked against him, panicking straight out. “Breath, Brenna. My warrior brother is going to give ye pleasure. You cannae fight it. Just relax and give yourself to us.”

Hands holding my legs open, Samuel lay down between them. I felt hot breath between my legs. First kisses up my knee then a tongue touching my center. Touching turned to licking. It felt so good I couldn’t fight the iron arms holding me. Nor did I want to. Desire and fear warred in me and desire won.

Daegan praised me as I relaxed. “Good lass. Ye were made for this.”

“You were born and marked for us, and we have waited so long.” Samuel added, then nibbled the inside of my thighs, drawing closer to my weeping slit. By the time his mouth arrived at its destination, I was wet and ready for him. 

I knew a little of lovemaking, having seen couples in the woods or guessed from crude jokes I’d heard. Then there were the violent encounters with my stepfather before I determined to fight back.

But I had never experienced such care and gentleness at the hands of a man, much less two warriors who could kill me as quickly as caress me. 

While Daegan’s fingers circled my nipples, his mouth kissed my neck and shoulders. His lips slid over my scar but I didn’t care any more.

Samuel found my lower lips and flicked his tongue at them, my arousal shot to the sky. My breathing changed, became languid and ready.

A small part of me fought my growing arousal, trying to keep my wits about me. Two men held me in their bed, feasting with delight on my body.

Need pressed through me, the heat that claimed me each month since I became a woman with my first bleeding. Every full moon my breasts grew heavy and my whole body ached…not with pain, but a pleasurable longing. If I did not control it, I would want to go out and rut like an animal, like the dog my stepfather named me.

I couldn’t let it happen, but now two men were tempting me.

“Let go, wee one. Give us yer pleasure,” Daegan whispered in the rough voice. Their lips, tongues and fingers were insistent, nonstop. I felt myself start to crest on the precipice.

I panted as I shattered. Pleasure flooded through my world, taking me higher and higher, beyond feeling.

As I came down realized what I had done. I shut my eyes tight, ashamed. Losing control was more humiliating than being scarred for life, being sold by my hated stepfather, than letting two men pleasure me. I had to remember who I was. I had to stay alert so I could escape. My sisters were counting on me.

“Open your eyes, Brenna.” Samuel commanded.

The two men looked pleased with themselves.

The blond’s finger brushed my cheek, lifting off a tear, and he frowned.

“Oh, little lass.” Daegan tucked close, his hair streaming over my naked body. “You’re all right. You’re safe here.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” Samuel said. “But we’ve been waiting for you for a long, long time.”


After my orgasm, Samuel disappeared from the room with the pelt covered dais. Daegan helped me to my feet and lead me, still naked but for my unbound hair, out of the stone cavern, down a hall to another cave.

There was light in the cavern from lit braziers and fire. The hall had some sort of natural light, I hurried with Daegan, the rock cool on my feet.

We were inside a mountain. Someone must have carved this place from the rock. I’d heard of dwarves in the hills, but thought they were also a myth.

My breasts hard and my body shivering when we stepped into another room. And warm steamy air embraced my body. We were in another cavern, where hot water bubbled out of the rock.

Daegan gave me a grin. “Do ye like it, lass?”

I jerked a nod, wide eyed. As a barely tolerated outcast, I often secluded myself in the forest, bathing in a woodland stream. My clean habits marked me as strange.

It seemed these warriors also appreciated a bath.

At his encouragement, I went into the water, letting the warm water lap around my legs. At its deepest the pool went to my waist. Daegan let me play in the warmth, splashing and lying back so the water covered me up to the neck.

I closed my eyes and pretended I was home, or in some fine luxurious place, a princess with not a care in the world.

A splashing sound brought me to my feet. Daegan waded into the water, naked body cutting through the water in a straight line towards me. The heat in his eye made me blush.

I ducked my chin down to hide my neck and covered my chest with my arms. Outside of my scars, I knew my face and form were pleasing. When they tired of throwing rocks and calling me names, the boys in the village used to try to find me when I was bathing. I learned to hide, especially when the heat filled me. During those times of deep desire, I admired the firm, unblemished skin of my belly and breasts, the curve of my bottom and strong legs. Alone, in desire’s thrall, I felt beautiful.

I’d felt that way on the bed between the warriors, a thousand fold.

The sight of the approaching warrior, excited and fierce, with water streaming from his hard, muscled form, made me suddenly shy. My heart beat faster, and I turned my back, pretending to explore the cave. As I expected, his hand stroked down my back, reminding me how little I’d been touched in my lifetime. Until now.

He turned me to face him. 

“Are ye hungry?”

I shook my head.

“I am.” He pulled me into his arms and slanted his head down, feeding on my lips, nibbling gently before parting them and sweeping his tongue inside. His body pressed against mine, and the heat claimed me again as his kiss and closeness swept my control away. If my light brown eyes could glow as theirs did, they would be hot and bright with desire.

When he broke the kiss, I clung to him, arms twined around his neck so he could not get away.

“Oh, lass.” He groaned and pressed his face into my neck. He seemed to breathe in my scent as if I was a source of air.

A noise and we both raised our heads. Samuel stood on the edge of the water, golden eyes glowing, his massive form naked but for a loin cloth.

“Do you see my warrior brother?” Daegan whispered. “He is waiting for you to invite him to join us.”

I gripped Daegan’s arms.

“We both need ye, little lass,” he breathed. “Do ye want him to come too?”

My master wanted me to agree to something. I nodded.

Samuel unslung his loin cloth and I caught a glimpse of his massive rod before he entered the water. Daegan’s member poked my buttocks, hard and ready.

Something in me broke, like a bowstring suddenly unstrung.

I wriggled backwards in Daegan’s arms, knowing I couldn’t escape but having to try. He set me away from him just as Samuel stopped at my side. Both men’s arms corralled me loosely.

“Do ye desire us, wee one?”

I swallowed hard.

“She is afraid.” Daegan said to Samuel.

“No matter. She is ours now.” Samuel announced, then addressed me. “You will know our pleasure, and yours.”

As Daegan stood behind me, his hands skimmed up my sides, cupping my breasts. Despite myself, I relaxed into his touch, even as I stared straight ahead at Samuel. The blond’s eyes were bright as he bent and kissed me.

BOOK: Sold to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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