Read Society Girls: Waverly Online

Authors: Crystal Perkins

Society Girls: Waverly (9 page)

BOOK: Society Girls: Waverly
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That gets me the smile I was hoping for, and she leans up to kiss me. “I’m getting used to you, so please do what you want.”

What I
is to pound her into this bed so hard it breaks, but I move slowly instead. As she loosens up, I go a little faster. Tonight, I won’t be embarrassed by finishing fast, because there’s no waiting for her. It’s not like that this time, but it will be the next time I’m inside of her. That thought spurs me into one of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Fuck. Being inside of you…fuck.”

“It was nice once the pain went away.”

“I’ll take ‘nice’ this time, but next time it’s going to be much better. I promise.”

“I believe you.”

“Let me get rid of this condom, and make us a bath. I don’t have an ocean view, but my tub is nice.”

“Always taking care of me.”

“Always,” I agree.



I’m sore, and even though I expected it, it doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. Knox soaked in the bubble bath with me last night, and then he kissed and licked between my legs for over an hour last night. He only used his mouth and not his fingers, taking care of me like he’s been doing. I could get used to it if I thought there was a chance for us.

“I’m going to get dressed and grab some food,” I tell him, standing at the wall leading into his open bathroom to watch him as he shaves. I love how his stubble feels when he rubs his face all over me, but I know he needs to be clean shaven in the pool.

“You’re okay?”

“Better than okay.”



He nods. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

I have to pass the kitchen on my way to the stairs, and I smile at Martha as I walk through. “Good morning.”

“You slept with him,” she says, unexpected venom in her voice.

I know she’s worked for Knox’s family for many years, so she must have seen many women leave his bedroom. She’s always been nice to me, so I’m not sure where this is coming from. Especially since we’ve been actually
together for a few nights now.

“I’m not going to discuss this with you.”

“I thought you’d be different, but you’re just like all the other ones.”

“Excuse me?”

“He’ll tire of you, and then it will make it hard to do your job, won’t it? You do remember you’re here to do a job.” She knows my real job, because like I said, she’s very close to his family. I don’t like it, but it wasn’t my choice.

“As I said, I’m not going to talk to you about Knox. Unless, of course, you have information that could help me with the job I’m here to do.”

“I know nothing more than I’ve already told everyone.”

“Good enough. Those omelets look great. I’ll be back down for mine in a few minutes,” I say, nodding to the egg white, spinach, and chicken breakfasts sitting on plates on the breakfast bar.

She looks me in the eye as she pushes one off the side, where it crashes onto the floor. “Oops. I guess you’ll have to skip a meal. Won’t hurt you.”

Are you fucking kidding me? I rein in my temper as I take in the tall, thin middle-aged blonde woman who has chosen to square off with me. “If I were to starve myself, I would be unhealthy. Not that it’s any of your business, but I happen to be in perfect health, and I plan to keep it that way.”

“If you were my daughter, you’d do what it took to look good.”

“She looks great,” Cohen says from the stairs. “I suggest you clean up the mess and make her another omelet before Knox sees what you’ve done. Or better yet, hears the shit you’re saying to his woman.”

I’ve always taken care of myself, except when Ken has been helping me. I’ve told myself to never expect or depend on another man for help. Yet, here I am, with several sticking up for me in the past few days. I don’t really know how to react to this, so I just hug Cohen on my way up the stairs. He hugs me back, and then turns to glare at Martha once again.

“I didn’t mean to cause trouble,” I whisper to him.

aren’t the cause of this. She’ll fall into line. Knox won’t have it any other way, and she knows it.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, Wave.”

I go upstairs, replaying the conversation I just had over and over in my mind. Isa and I looked into Martha while I was learning about her research techniques, but didn’t come up with anything. Maybe it’s time to go Ainsley’s route, and hack. I actually love to hack. Unlike straight research, hacking requires me to be constantly moving and evading. I’m much more adept at that than simply poring over data, looking for some nugget of information. Which is why it’s a good thing I got paired with Isa in the Society, because research is an important part of the organization. I need to master it in order to become a full member, because despite all my other skills, it’s all or nothing with them. Which in the grand scheme of things makes total sense; I wouldn’t want to know there were people with the kind of power they have out there running amok without being properly trained.

I put my thoughts aside as I shower and dress in a one-shouldered black jumpsuit that ends at my calves. It’s fashionable, as well as functional, and I feel comfortable, which is always a plus. I dry my curls and pull them into a side ponytail over my bare shoulder, throw on some black wedges, and make my way back to the kitchen, not knowing what to expect.

I find Knox and Cohen laughing about something while they eat. The space between them is empty, and a fresh omelet waiting for me, along with a glass of orange juice. I smile at Martha, kiss Knox, and take my seat.

“I watched her the whole time,” Cohen whispers in my ear, and I turn to kiss his cheek.

“Something I should know about?” Knox asks as I take a bite.

“Cohen’s just looking out for me.”

“Is there a reason he needed to?”

“Yes, but it’s not important.”

He looks at me, and realizing he’s not getting anything else out of me, leans over to kiss me once again. “Cool. Thanks for looking out for her, Coh.”

“No problem. She’s easy to look at—I mean out for.”

My eyes go wide as he dodges the fork Knox throws at him with a laugh. “Look all you want, but don’t even think about touching.”

“She’d probably punch me before you did if I tried to touch.”

“I would,” I agree.

“Glad that’s settled,” Knox says, grabbing my fork from my hand to eat another bite of his omelet.

“Here you go, Knox,” Martha says, holding a fork out to him.

“No thanks. I’ll just share with Wave.”

He gives me that boyish smile of his. The one that makes girls and women all over the world swoon. I might sway a little on my stool as he feeds me a bite of an omelet, but who can blame me? I don’t know if the omelet’s mine or his, but who cares?


My workout is going well, but the vibe around me is off somehow. I block it out, but when I get out of the pool later to find my coaches in a standoff with Waverly and Cohen, I lose my shit.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but back the hell off her!”

“You don’t even know what we’re talking about,” one of the assholes says.

“Talking? You all look like you’re about to throw down.”

“They had some questions about my swim research. Nothing I can’t handle,” Waverly tells me through clenched teeth.

“We just want a report.”

“So ask me. Don’t act like I’m not doing my job.”

“Oh, I know you’re doing
job, just maybe not the one you were hired for.”

I don’t even realize I’ve punched him until his head snaps back, and I feel the pain in my hand. “You’re fired, asshole. Get out before I do more than just hit you.”

“I’ll ruin you, kid.”

“Go ahead and try.”

He stares at me, and then storms out. He can say whatever he wants about me, and maybe I’ll get some bad press from it, but we both know it won’t hurt my career. I may have to smooth things out with a sponsor or two, but standing up for my girlfriend will probably earn me more money rather than less.

“Does anyone else want to leave?” Coh asks, looking around at the small group of coaches, and then further out to the rest of my team.

They all grumble a little, but shake their heads. “Let’s move into one of the conference rooms so I can give my report,” Waverly tells them.

“You don’t have to,” I tell her.

“It’s my job, and I’m well-prepared to share what I’ve found so far.”

Fifteen minutes later, I’m grinning like the Cheshire cat, and the men are all shaking Waverly’s hand and apologizing. She nailed it, telling us every strength and weakness my opponents have. She also pointed out what I could be doing better, not mincing words to spare my feelings. She tells it like it is, and that’s one of the things I love about her.

“Time to hit the weight room, Knox,” Coh reminds me when we walk out.

“I’ll see you up above me, Wave,” I tell her, kissing her hard before I reluctantly leave her side.

“Focus on your workout. You can see me later,” she tells me, smacking my ass.

“Damn. Are you sure I can’t touch?” Cohen asks. I know he’s joking, and so does she. It doesn’t stop her from flipping him off as she swings her hips while she walks into the women’s locker room.

I’m doing leg presses when I catch my first glimpse of her on the track running around the second level of the building. She’s warming up, pacing herself with a light jog. I know she’ll be running like she’s winning a marathon by the time my two hours of weight training are over. When Waverly’s running, it’s one of the only times I see her truly relax. She looks happy and free. I want to make her look that way all the time.

The whole team goes to lunch at one of the places we’ve been frequenting, and Waverly sits at another table with some of the trainers. It bothers me, but I know why she’s doing it. They questioned her job, and while she proved herself, it still shook her. She doesn’t want it to look like she’s shirking her responsibilities because we’re together, even if the job is fake. She has a part to play, and just like my training, she can’t let what’s going on with us affect that. I respect it, but it sucks to be sitting away from her when all I want to do is touch and kiss her.

She must sense me watching her, because she turns and gives me a smile. I blow her a kiss, and wink at her as she blushes. Yeah, she may be acting professional now, but we both know all the
things I’m going to do to her—and with her—once we get home. I hope she’s ready for me.



A few days have gone by since Knox and I first had sex, and I’m finally starting to enjoy it.
enjoy it. Ken was right—I didn’t know what I was missing. I’m glad I waited for Knox, because I’m not sure anyone else would’ve been so patient and caring with me, but I think I’m done with the sweet, though. I nearly asked him to go harder last night, but I’m still not quite comfortable enough for that. Maybe tonight.

It’s the night of the gala for the human trafficking foundation, and I’m excited to be going with Knox. Stella had insisted on sending me here with a few formal gowns, and now I’m glad she did. My dress is a long white, sleeveless column, with an attached cape flowing down my back. It shows my curves, without making me look too thick in the middle. The camera apparently adds ten pounds, but I’m not going to start caring about that all of a sudden.

I pull my hair back on the sides, but leave the curls tumbling over my shoulder. A knock at my door has me hurrying to put on my shoes, and grab my clutch. When I open the door, Knox is standing there in a custom tux. It hugs his broad shoulders, tapered waist, and strong thighs in a way that makes my mouth water. When I look back up into his eyes, he looks as hungry for me as I am for him.

“You look very dashing, Mr. Edwards.”

“And you look absolutely stunning, Miss Stein.”

I notice the black velvet box in his hand, and motion to it. “Is that for me?”

“What? Oh yeah,” he says, shaking his head. “I borrowed this for you to wear. It’s why I asked for a description of your dress.”

He opens the box and I see a gorgeous necklace made of ropes of blue, green, and purple stones mixed with diamonds. A large, square blue stone sits in the middle. It’s absolutely beautiful, and will look perfect with my dress.


“You’re the ‘wow’ Wave. This is just a bunch of rocks. I wish I could afford to buy it for you, though.” His parents are billionaires, but I know he tries to just spend what he earns himself.

“I don’t need the necklace,” I tell him as I turn and lift my hair so he can put it on me. However, I am going to buy it. Even if it takes every penny of my fee for this mission and the savings I have, I’m keeping this necklace he chose for me. He doesn’t need to know that, though.

I let him pull me in for a quick kiss, even though I’ve actually put lipstick on today. I wipe the little smudge off his lips and smile. I’ll fix mine when we get there.

Taking his hand, I let him lead me downstairs to where Cohen is waiting. Martha’s there, too, and she scowls as takes in my appearance. “You look amazing as usual, Wave.”

“Thanks, Coh. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

He gives me a little bow, and I roll my eyes. “Goodnight, Martha,” I say, just to rile it up. I see her eyes flash, but she returns my greeting as Cohen laughs.

“Is something going on with you and Martha?” Knox asks once we’re in our limo.

“She doesn’t think I’m good enough—or skinny enough—for you.”

His voice is full of ice when he speaks. “What did she say to you?”

“Just that. I can handle her.”

“You shouldn’t have to deal with her speaking to you that way.”

“Or throwing your breakfast on the floor,” Cohen adds as I glare at him.

“She did what?”

“Really, it’s fine Knox. I don’t need her to like me, or approve of me.”

“She needs to show you respect, and she will. I wish you’d told me.”

“I don’t need you swooping in to save me from every person who’s rude to me.”

“Even if I want to?”

“Even then. But thank you for wanting to. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.”

We kiss again, but this time it’s longer, and hotter. I flip Cohen off when he starts coughing, and I pull back when he yelps. Knox has his ear in his hand, twisting it as Cohen tries to push him away. I burst out laughing, and they follow. Soon enough, it’s time for me to fix my lipstick, and get ready to meet the press.

“Let’s do this,” Cohen says, getting out of the limo first when the driver opens the door.

Knox puts his hand on my knee to stop me from following him right out. “Do you want them to think you’re with Coh?”

“Oh! No. Sorry. I’ve never done this.”

“Another first I get to give you,” he tells me with a smirk. “You can go out now.”

I roll my eyes, and allow the driver to help me out of the car. I’m not exactly graceful, but I think I did okay. There aren’t too many flashes going off around me until Knox steps out, straightening his tux, and placing his hand on my back. Then, it gets crazy.

We’re guided into position on the carpet, and I’m asked to step back so they can get pictures of Knox by himself first. He only lets that go on for a couple of minutes before he reaches for me. We stand together, arms around each other as the flashes go off. I have to fight not to squint or close my eyes, and I don’t know how stars like my friend Audrey’s husband, Blake, do it all the time.

I’m having fun as we move along, until I hear the comments start. Once again, they’re in Afrikaans, which goes to remind me why I didn’t want to come back here. I let it go until I hear something especially bad said about me, and then I step away from Knox. Getting right up in the reporter’s face, I speak to him in our language, letting him know what a pig he is.

Within moments, Knox is at my back. “What did he say to you?”

“I’m not going to repeat it.” It’s bad, like really bad, and I would never even speak those words about another woman, even my mother, and she sold me to a trafficker.

“Are we scheduled for an interview this week?” Knox asks the man, who has the decency to look contrite.

“Yes, on Monday.”

“Consider it cancelled.”

“We’re the biggest network in Africa.”

“You can explain how you insulted my girlfriend to your boss. I’m sure he or she will understand.”

The reporter is still muttering curses as Knox pulls me along the carpet, ignoring all other requests for pictures. Once we’re inside, he finds a quiet alcove, and pulls me in close. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” I am okay, mostly because I stood up for myself, but also because Knox stood up for me, too. “You didn’t have to cancel your interview.”

“The hell I didn’t. No one disrespects you, Wave.”

“Thank you.”

“I love you. I know this isn’t a perfect time to tell you, but I can’t hold it in any longer.”

My heart pounds so hard I think it’s going to break out of my chest. “I love you, too.”



“We’re going to make this work, Wave. Somehow.”

I nod, because we can do this. I know he’ll have to be off somewhere training while I’m working, but I trust him to be faithful, so I can wait. We’ll make a plan, and it will be okay. Like he said, somehow, it will be okay.


I feel lighter—and better—than I’ve felt in…ever. I don’t even remember feeling this good when I was with Gwen, and I had planned to marry her. I don’t know if it’s because Waverly is more my equal than anyone I’ve ever met outside of a pool, or if it’s because she lets me add my help when she’s rescuing herself. Either way, I’m glad we’re both wanting to keep this going. And she loves me. Waverly loves

“You’re both smiling, so I guess that little bump on the carpet didn’t upset you too much,” Coh says when we get to our table in the front of the room.

“I cancelled my interview the asshole, and then Waverly said she loved me.”

“You said you loved me first,” she reminds me.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Please tell me you’re not going to stop being snarky with each other, and turn to all mush. I heart the verbal sparring the two of you do.”

“You ‘heart’ it? Seriously?”

“Yup. I’ve also been shipping the two of you since I watched the two of you on those treadmills. I just can’t decide if you’re ‘Knave’ or Waox.’”

“Oh my God,” Waverly says, covering her face when she starts to snort. “I vote for ‘Waox.”

“I vote that you’ve both lost your minds, but since I also love you both—in different ways, of course—I’m willing to overlook the crazy.”

I feel Waverly stiffen under my arm before I notice she’s stopped laughing. I turn to look at her, and become alarmed when I see how pale she’s gone. “Wave? What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head as our hosts arrive. I recognize the billionaire, as we’ve met before. The woman with him must be his new wife, the one he said had been affected by human trafficking. She looks like she’s okay now, but then, I don’t really know how a trafficked woman or child would look once they’ve escaped or been saved. I can imagine their ordeal would haunt them for life, but that’s just a guess.

“Hello,” I say, standing up to greet them, but keeping a hand on Waverly’s shoulder to let her know I’m still here for her.

The man introduces his wife, who I’m thinking looks familiar, and then they take their seats. Waverly didn’t even acknowledge them, but they don’t seem offended by it. Too bad for them if they were anyway. I don’t know what’s happened to my sassy girl, but it’s got to be bad if she’s gone almost catatonic.

Cohen catches my eye, and I can see he’s worried, too. “Do you want to leave?” I ask her.

“Not yet,” Waverly tells me, her voice monotone as she tries to smile for me.

I kiss her lightly. “Okay, but you just say the word, and we’re out of here.”

“Thank you.”

Dinner is a tense affair, but Waverly allows me to feed her some of her chicken and vegetables. When dessert comes, she picks up her own spoon and looks at the woman across the table as she takes a bite. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know the woman has to look away, and it looks like she might burst into tears.

Once our plates are cleared, she joins her husband on the stage in front of us. He introduces her, saying how they started this foundation to help women and children. Waverly grabs my hand and squeezes it as the woman takes her place at the microphone.

“Hello, and thank you for coming here tonight. Human trafficking is a cause close to my heart because I was affected by it. Twenty-five years ago, I made the hardest decision of my life. I was poor, and my family had almost nothing to eat most days. A man made me an offer, and I took it. I’ve regretted it every day since.”

She starts to cry, and beside me, Waverly gets to her feet. “No,” she yells, her voice like steel, “you do not get to play the victim here. You are
the victim.
am the victim in your story.
am the one you sold to a monster when she was only three years old.”

“Waverly, please,” the woman wails.

“Do you have any idea what he made me see and do? Do you? No, of course not, because you didn’t care. You bathed me, did my hair, put me in a pretty dress, drove me to a mansion, and then took your wad of cash.”

“I’m sorry. You have to know how sorry I am. We were so hungry.”

“Save your tears. God knows, I had to hide mine for years. You can start this foundation, and try to ease your conscience, but know it means nothing to me.
mean nothing to me. I will never forgive you for selling me off to be a soldier and a sex slave. I was lucky to escape, and better my life, but that doesn’t change what you did.”

I don’t remember getting to my feet, but my arms are around Waverly as she turns into my chest. “Take me out of here, Knox.”

I immediately start to move. The woman on the stage is still crying out, and I want to kill her. I’ve never wanted to murder someone else, but I want to kill that woman for what she did to Waverly. Instead, I walk us through a room that is completely quiet except for the wailing sobs coming from the stage. I hope that bitch chokes on her tears, although that would be too easy a death for her.

When we get in the limo, Waverly pushes me away and curls into one corner while I sit in the middle of her and Cohen. I try to comfort her, but she pushes me away again. “Don’t touch me. Please don’t touch me.”

As soon as we’re back at the house, she runs out of the car. I walk, not trying to catch her because I know she doesn’t want to be caught by me. She needs someone right now, and even if it sucks that it’s not me, I have to get her who she needs. I pull out my phone, and dial Reina.

“Knox, is everything okay?”

“No. That human trafficking gala Wave asked you about?”

“What about it?”

“The foundation is being run by her mother.”

There’s a sharp intake of breath. “How bad was it? No, don’t answer that. I already know how bad it must have been.”

“She’s pushing me away. I-I think she needs that doctor. Her best friend.”

“Kendrick. Yes, she’ll need him. I’ll have him on a plane within the hour.”

“Thank you, Reina. I’ll make sure she’s okay, even if she won’t let me near her.”

“You’re a better man than I thought you were.”

“She said she loved me. How could I not be a good man if Waverly loves me?”

BOOK: Society Girls: Waverly
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