Read SizzlingInsanity Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

SizzlingInsanity (11 page)

BOOK: SizzlingInsanity
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Shelby paced back and forth. Where were the guys? They’d
been gone nearly two days now and she was going insane. She’d been watching the
news and saw that Garrison had been shot and was in the hospital. She had no
doubt that Cade and Connor were searching for the person who shot him.

She didn’t care whether Garrison lived or died, which
surprised her. She’d been focused for years on killing him, it had been the
only thing that really mattered. But right now, all she was worrying about was
whether Cade and Connor were all right.

She was distracted by the sound of the door being unlocked.
She’d already had dinner, there was no reason for Dylan to come back. So that
left only two people. Cade or Connor.

She turned off the TV and sat back on the bed. She didn’t
want them to think she’d been worrying over them.

But it wasn’t either one of them that walked through the
door. Instead it was one of the human guards. She was familiar with them, had
watched them all. This was one of the laziest.

“What are you doing in here?” she asked, staring at him
suspiciously as she rose to her feet.

“Well, well, well,” he drawled as he locked the door behind
him, putting the swipe card in his pocket. “I just knew they had to be hiding
something interesting in here. Didn’t realize how interesting. Been watching
those animals cart food up here, day after day but I haven’t been able to get
here until now.”

“Where’s Dylan?” she asked, worried for the quiet wolf.

“Oh, don’t worry about him. He’ll live. It’s me you need to
worry about now. Like how you’re going to be very, very nice to me.” He reached
for his belt buckle.

“I’m a werewolf. I could crush you with one hand.” Yeah, no
chance in hell. She wasn’t any stronger than an ordinary person. But he didn’t
need to know that.

He paused for a moment, his lip curling up in a sneer.
“You’re an animal? Fuck, if you weren’t so hot I wouldn’t be able to get it up.
You should be grateful for this, you little bitch, bet you’ve never had a real
man before.”

He drew his belt off and snapped it before lurching forward,
catching her by surprise as he pushed them both onto the bed, with his heavy
weight firmly on top of her.

Shelby was trapped beneath him, her arms caught between his.
He sat up, grinning down at her. She wiggled one arm free, punching out at him,
cursing the fact that she couldn’t reach anything vital as she struggled
beneath him.

“Keep moving, bitch, all it’s doing is making me more

“You’re disgusting, get off me, you pig. As soon as I’m
free, you’re a dead man.”

“I don’t think so.” With one meaty hand, he ripped her
T-shirt in half.

She managed to get her other hand free just as he reached
for her breast, painfully squeezing it with his meaty hand.

“Let me go, asshole,” she yelled, attempting to push him
off, but he wasn’t moving.

She swung out with her fists, hitting anything she could.

“Bitch,” he grunted as he caught her wrists in one of his
hands. He wound his belt around them.

Standing, he hauled her up. She kicked out at him, aiming
for his balls. He turned to the side, snarling. He solidly smacked her in the
face. There was a crack as his hand hit her cheek and pain shot through her
face, making her see stars.

She must have passed out for a few seconds, because when she
awoke, she was lying on her stomach and he was dragging her toward him.

Shelby kicked back at him weakly.

“Come here, you little bitch.” He grabbed her ass cheeks,
spreading them painfully.

“I’m going to enjoy your pussy first and then I’m gonna take
this ass. Is it a virgin ass? Have you ever had a cock up this ass, bitch?”

“No,” she yelled, rolling. He moved away, toward the closet.
Shelby rolled off the bed, determined to get away. But before she could stand,
he’d returned, Connor’s belt swinging ominously in his hand.

Shelby scrunched up into a ball, trying to protect her head
as he swung the belt, hitting her shoulder. The belt cracked, making her jolt.
Fiery pain erupted and she moaned.

“I’m going to teach you to lie still and take what I give
you,” he said ominously. He pulled her up and threw her on the bed. Her face

He hit her stomach with the belt. Her breath caught. He
brought the belt down again, this time on the top of her thighs. Then he
roughly rolled her onto her stomach, and hit her ass.

She cried out in agony, tears running down her cheeks. He
hit her over and over. By the time he finished, she was exhausted and in so
much pain she could barely breathe. He climbed on top of her, pressing his
heavy body against hers, and she grew very still. He was going to rape her.

The sound of something smashing and a snarling noise barely
registered. But suddenly the weight on her was gone. The sound of fists meeting
flesh filled the room.

Shelby drew her legs together, moving painfully slowly as
she rolled over onto her side. She blinked, trying to make sense of what she
was seeing. It was Cade and he was furious, his face a stone cold mask as he
smashed his fist into the guard’s face, over and over.

He was going to kill him.

Connor entered the room, his gaze wild. He ran around the
fighting men. Not that there was much fighting going on, the guard wasn’t
moving, he just lay on the floor as Cade pounded him. Connor reached down, his
hand shaking as he ran it down her face.

“Oh baby, oh God.”

“I-I’m o-okay. Just c-cold,” she said between chattering
teeth. He quickly untied the belt around her wrists.

“I’ll get you a blanket.”

“S-stop Cade. He’ll k-kill him.”

He looked over at his brother. “No less than he deserves but
shit, getting rid of the body will be a pain in the ass.”

“Cade! Cade! Stop, man, he’s had enough.” Connor moved
forward as Cade continued to pummel the man.

Shelby stood painfully, slowly, the urge to wash herself
growing. As she moved toward the bathroom, she stood on the guard’s pants. With
a grimace, she reached down to grab them. As she threw them aside, something
fell to the floor.

The security swipe card. This was how he’d accessed the

She stared at it for a long moment before picking it up.
God, every movement hurt. Shuffling toward the bathroom, she ignored Cade and
Connor as they argued. Opening one of the bathroom drawers, she hid the card
and turned on the shower.

“Shelby? What are you doing?” She didn’t bother to turn and
look at Cade as she watched the water pouring down the drain.

“I need to wash.”

“Shelby, look at me. Look at me.” He grabbed hold of her arm
and she flinched away, whimpering as the movement hurt her whole body.

“Fuck! Are you scared of me? Want me to get Connor in here?”

She glanced up at him then. “I want to be on my own. I want
to get clean.”

“Baby, we need to check your injuries, you could be
seriously hurt.”

She shook her head.

“I promise I’ll run you a bath right afterward. But please,
let me check you over.”

She wondered why he sounded so upset. Cade was always so
steady, nothing phased him.

“Did you kill him?” She glanced down at his knuckles,
noticing how bruised they were. “You should put ice on those.”

“The bastard’s still alive,” Cade spat out. “Connor’s taking
care of him now. I promise he won’t ever get near you again. Baby, please, I
know I let you down, I know you must hate me, but just let me take care of you
right now.”

She frowned at him. “Why would I hate you?”

“Because I left you here, because I allowed you to be hurt,
to be harmed when I should have kept you safe.”

should have,” Connor interjected. She
glanced over to find him standing in the doorway, his face filled with fury and

She shook her head. “Not your fault. I should have fought
harder, been faster. Just never quite good enough. Slower than everyone else,
not enough wolf blood. My fault.”

“No, no,” Cade said urgently. “Never your fault.”

“Not yours either. His fault.” She swayed, in exhaustion and

“Shelby, let me help you,” Cade begged. “I need to check you

She nodded, no longer able to fight them. Very gently, Cade
picked her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

Chapter Seven


Shelby leaned back against naked Cade’s chest, letting her
body float in the water. Cade had helped her strip before assisting her into
the tub. He’d then pulled off his clothes and joined her. The temperature was
almost too hot and she knew Cade had to be overheated. But he made no
complaint, just held her gently against him. She’d wanted the water scorching,
to burn off the feel of that asshole’s hands from her skin, but Cade wouldn’t
allow her to make the bath any hotter, saying she’d burn herself.

She didn’t care. She didn’t feel that she’d ever be clean

She reached for the soap for the third time and started
scrubbing her skin again.

Cade grabbed her hand, holding her still. “You’re clean,

“No, I’m not. I don’t feel clean. I don’t think I’ll ever
feel clean again.”

“Shh,” he whispered, holding her tighter, his arms trapping
hers. “It’s just in your head.”

“I know that,” she said with frustration. “But I can’t help
the way I feel. I can still feel him touching me, his hands against my skin,
hurting me.” She couldn’t hold back a sob.

“He won’t ever touch you again,” Connor said, leaning
against the doorway. “I promise you that.” He looked fierce. That look on
someone else might have made her fearful, but she knew all that anger was on
her behalf. He was furious that someone had hurt her.

He stepped forward, crouching down beside the bath. Reaching
out, he pushed her damp hair off her face. His face darkened as he took in the
bruise marring her cheek. It stung like hell, particularly when she moved her
head too fast. Her whole body ached and she knew she was going to feel even
worse tomorrow.

“You need some ice on this,” Connor said.

“She needs to change,” Cade added.

She knew she’d feel better if she changed into her wolf. She
didn’t heal as fast as full-blood werewolves, but it would help the worst of
the bruising. But she wasn’t feeling brave enough to leave the safety she’d
found in Cade’s arms yet.

“I’m fine,” she insisted. “It doesn’t hurt that much.”

“Then you’re ready to get out of the bath?” Cade asked,
loosening his hold on her.

“Sure,” she said with more bravado than she felt.

“Really?” Cade asked with disbelief.


“Then you’re going to have to put the soap down, baby,” he
told her gently, taking hold of her hand once again.

Shit, she hadn’t even realized she’d started washing her
skin again. She clenched her fists until the soap squished between her fingers.
Opening her fingers, she let the soap drop into the water.

“Come on, trouble. Time to get out.” Connor held out a hand
to her.

“Where is he?” she asked. It was cowardly, but she wished
she could just stay here. She felt safe in Cade’s arms.

Shit. This jerk would not have her running scared. She had
to be stronger than this.

Shelby took in a shuddering breath, feeling herself shake.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow she’d be brave but right now she just
wanted to hide away and let Cade and Connor watch over her, protect her.

“He’s being taken care of,” Connor replied.

“No one will ever hurt you again,” Cade added.

She stiffened. “You can’t promise that. Please don’t say it
when you don’t mean it.” Because right now she needed to feel safe more than
anything and if they promised her that she just might believe them.

Cade gently grasped hold of her chin, turning her face up so
he could stare down into her eyes.

“Listen to me, Shelby, because I mean every word of this, I
promise that no one will harm you again. This was our fault, we didn’t see to
your protection. That will never happen again.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” she told him. “You couldn’t guess
what he was going to do. You’re not responsible for his actions. You had to go,
it’s your job. You thought I was safe. It’s his fault, not yours.”

Connor ran his fingers through her hair and she turned to
look at him.

“You mean more to us than anything else, than any job.” His
intense gaze held hers as he stared at her.

“What are you saying?” she whispered.

“He’s saying that you’re ours and never again will we put
anything ahead of you. Your safety, your happiness, your needs, they come
first,” Cade told her. “This cannot happen again, I couldn’t survive it. When I
came in and saw him hurting you…” He trailed off, shuddering.

Shelby turned in the bath, ignoring the pain that shot
through her body. She knelt between his legs and cupped his cheeks. Fear filled
his eyes and she realized she wasn’t the only one deeply affected by what had

“I couldn’t stand it if you guys blamed yourself.” She
glanced over at Connor. “You can’t put me first, I’m the enemy, remember?”

“No.” Connor leaned in and kissed her. “You’re ours.”

Her breath caught in her throat and she shook her head
wordlessly. She was attracted to them, wanted them, but was this a trick to get
her to talk? She felt so unsure, so confused.

“Don’t think about it right now, trouble.” Connor stood and
held out his hands, she took them, letting him help her stand. Shelby climbed
out of the bath, shivering slightly.

Connor grabbed a towel and gently dried her as Cade stood
and dried himself off with far less care.

Connor grabbed another towel and wrapped it around her
before picking her up.

“Connor, I can walk,” she protested as he carried her into
the bedroom.

“But I want to carry you,” he replied. “I need to. I need
you close to me right now.” He glanced down at her. “Unless you’d rather be on
your own?”

“No,” she said quickly. “No.”

He kissed her forehead. “Do you want to move into another

She shook her head, wincing again. “No, no, I’ll be all
right here. As long as the two of you are here.”

“We’re not going anywhere. Cade, grab her a T-shirt, will
you?” Connor set her on the bed and went to move away, she grabbed his hand.

“Hold me,” she whispered.

He sat down beside her, drawing her onto his lap. “Always.”

Connor held her as Cade brought over one of his T-shirts and
slipped it gently over her head. He then sat beside them, his hand resting on
her thigh.

“I can still feel him touching me,” she said. “When will
that stop?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Connor told her.

“Will you touch me? Both of you?”

Cade stilled. “We are touching you.”

She hesitated for a moment then turned so she could see them
both. “No, I mean, will you make love to me and replace his touch with yours?”

“Shelby, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Connor said.
“You need to rest and heal. I wish you’d change, it would help the bruising.”

“No. What I need is to replace his touch with something
positive, something beautiful. I want the two of you, I want you to take me,
make me forget.”

Cade cupped her uninjured cheek. “We might hurt you. I can’t
allow that. Even if you weren’t hurt, you’ve never had sex, darlin’. There’s
going to be some pain.”

“I know, but I want you both. Please, Cade and Connor, make
love to me. That’s what you were waiting for, wasn’t it?” she said, reminding them
of what they’d told her.

They stared at each other for a long moment. Finally, Connor
looked down at her.

“You’ll do exactly as we say. You’ll let us do all the work
and if at any stage you’re in pain or afraid, you will tell us and we’ll stop,

“I understand.” Her body stirred at the command in his

Cade helped her remove the T-shirt then she lay on her back
on the bed and watched as Connor undressed. Cade took off the towel he’d
wrapped around his waist, revealing his thick erection. She licked her lips and
reached for his cock as he knelt on the bed beside her. Grasping it, she pumped
it firmly.

Cade groaned, stilling for a moment as he panted heavily.

“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath before reaching for
her hand and pulling it away.

“Hey,” she pouted, trying to wriggle her hand free.

“Uh-uh, I didn’t give you permission to touch me.” He
lowered her hand to the bed. “Keep your hands on the mattress. Move them and
we’ll stop touching you.”

She wrinkled her nose, sighing heavily. But she kept her
hands to herself. She needed them to touch her so she would do what she was

For now.

“Are you okay lying on your back?” Connor asked with concern
as he climbed onto the bed on her other side.

She nodded. She was in pain, but it wasn’t unbearable and
she wasn’t about to tell them and risk them stopping.

They stared at her for a long and she looked up at them

“Please,” she said, “all I can feel is his touch, his hands
on me. I need to erase that. Well, I know I can’t erase it, but I need to feel
something good. Right now, if I close my eyes I’m just going to see him, smell
him. Please help me.”

“Shh.” Connor placed a finger on her mouth. “We’ll help you,
trouble. Spread your legs for me, let me see you.”

He moved down to the bottom of the bed while Cade tugged her
gently up until she was sitting then slipped in behind her. He pulled her back
against him. She settled in against his chest with a sigh, opening her legs

“Beautiful,” Connor said, running his hands up her thighs.
“Cade is going to make sure you stay nice and still for me, sweetheart.”

She whimpered as he lay between her thighs and parted the
lips of her pussy. He stared at her for a long moment, taking her in before
leaning in and licking from her entrance to her clit.

“Ohh,” she sighed, relaxing a little.

Cade reached around and cupped her breasts, tweaking her
nipples with his fingers. Soft rivulets of need flowed through her, pooling in
her stomach. Connor slipped two fingers through her wetness as he flicked her
clit with tongue.

It was a slow build, languorous and sweet. Connor pulled his
fingers from her pussy, replacing them with his thumb. He reached down between
her bottom cheeks, ringing her opening before slipping the tip of one finger
inside her.

She groaned.

“Do you like that, darlin’?” Cade whispered in her ear. “Do
you like having Connor’s finger in your ass?”

“Yes,” she groaned.

“Cade, throw me the lube and a condom.”

Cade reached over and opened a bedside drawer, pulling out a
tube of lube and a condom.

“We’re going to go nice and slow, baby,” Connor told her. He
lay back between her legs, pressing one of his well-lubed fingers to her
asshole once more as he flicked her clit with his tongue.

Cade kissed down her neck, sending shivers of delight
through her. He cupped her breasts, feeling their weight.

Connor moved his finger in and out of her ass, adding a
second finger, stretching her. She felt full but it didn’t hurt, instead adding
to her pleasure.

Cade ran his hands over her body. “You come as often and as
many times as you need to, baby, don’t hold back.”

Three heartbeats later, need rolled over her, spinning her
higher and higher. She closed her eyes, crying out as she crashed into ecstasy.

“Good girl, so beautiful,” Cade whispered in her ear between
laying kisses on her skin.

“Just stay relaxed, sweetheart,” Connor said.

How could she not? She was still floating with pleasure.

Connor moved slowly and steadily, filling her bottom with a
third finger. Heat filled her body as her nerve endings came to life.

“How you doing, darlin’?” Cade asked.

“Feels so good. I feel alive. I need one of you inside me.
Now.” She wanted to be totally filled, to be surrounded by them.

“Your wish is my command,” Connor said with a grin, rising
up to position himself over her. He rested his weight on his arms as he kissed
her deeply.

“Hmm, I like the sound of that,” she replied.

“Don’t get used to it,” Cade warned her. “We like having you
tied and at our mercy.”

“But tonight is about you,” Connor added. “Help her roll
over,” he directed at Cade. “I want her on her hands and knees.”

They positioned her how they wanted her, with Cade’s cock in
easy reach of her mouth. Shelby leaned in and took a long lick.

Cade groaned as she lapped at him like he was a lollipop.
Connor grasped her hips.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this, baby?” Connor asked.

“Yes, please, take me.”

“Okay, there’s going to be some pain. Hold on to Cade. If it
hurts too much, you yell out stop, understand?”

She nodded.

“Words, trouble, I need to hear you,” Connor told her

“Yes, I understand. Now fuck me, damn it.”

“Ooh, demanding brat, that deserves a spanking,” Cade told

“Promises, promises,” she taunted, knowing she was safe.
They wouldn’t dare spank her right now.

“Relax and hold on to Cade.”

Cade ran his hands through her hair and she leaned down and
hugged him around the waist. Connor entered her slowly. There was an initial
tightness, it was uncomfortable, but not painful. Then he pushed inside her,
past her tight barrier. She grunted at the sharp pain and both men stilled.

“Shelby?” Connor asked, his voice worried.

“Just stay still for a moment, okay?” she asked

“Anything you need, baby. Just say the word.”

She took a few deep breaths, forcing herself to relax. “I’m
ready now.”

“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Cade murmured. Reaching beneath her
to cup her breasts, he pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers
and thumbs.

Connor reached one hand around and flicked her clit. Back
and forth. Shelby panted as arousal soon overtook the pain. She wriggled,
trying to force more of Connor inside her.

“Stay still,” he growled.

“I want more. I want all of you,” she demanded.

BOOK: SizzlingInsanity
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