Sister in Law (The Gardeners) (2 page)

BOOK: Sister in Law (The Gardeners)
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Chapter 3


“Hey baby, didn’t pass out did you?” Kara asked me.


“What? Oh no, I guess I was relaxing and started daydreaming.”


“Oh? I get talking about my sister in the hot tub and you space out?” She asked me with a smile.


“Actually it wasn’t that.” I said hedging.


I almost jumped out of the seat when Kara leaned over and grabbed my cock through my pants.


“Well, you were thinking about something.  Want to share?” She said.  Damn she has a good sense of humor; otherwise we would have split up a long time ago.


“Nothing in general, just thinking about our after party.” I lied. 


She frowned for a second but let it pass.  Our relationship was great, and neither of us had much of a jealous streak in us.  If we didn’t want to be together we wouldn’t.  I couldn’t help the fact that the women in her family were all cut from the same cloth.  Beautiful, ageless, and put up with my shit…


I’m glad she let it go, because the rest of the trip was great.  I’m not one for long conversations, and enjoyed sitting silent and content with Kara.  The fall colors were showing on the trees, and we had a lot of great countryside to watch. 


The booze was working on me good now as I finished my drink.  I was surprised when Kara put her blinker on.  I sat up and looked around.


“This isn’t your parent’s house.” I told her.


“No shit Sherlock.” She said exiting the ramp and pulling into a restaurant.


“Ohhhhhhhhhh….. We’re starting with dinner…”


“Cory, once again your genius is showing.”


I made a show of checking my zipper and asking her “where?”  That got a good laugh and she rubbed my arm before parking the car.


We made our way into the restaurant.


“Reservation for Gardner.” Kara told the Maître D.


“Right this way Ma’am.” He said gesturing for us to follow him.  I playfully grabbed Kara’s ass.  She set this night up.  I might enjoy myself after all.  


I got “The look” and a smile after goosing her and we made our way over to where we figured Sarah and Steve to be waiting for us.

“I hope you can cheer her up sir.” The Maître D said to me.  I was surprised, and so was Kara by the look on her face when our eyes met.


The restaurant wasn’t a 5 star, but it was nice
, probably a 4.5 or so. 


I felt slightly under-dressed.  A pair of slacks and a Polo were my usual attire, and that’s how I dressed tonight.  I saw many guys who were wearing suit and ties, many of the ladies wearing elegant gowns.  Thank god Kara looks good no matter what she dresses in, because otherwise I think they would have stopped me at the door.


Sarah was a mess as we sat down at our Table.  She looked young, elegant, and utterly broken hearted.


“What’s going on Sarah?” Kara said sitting down next to her sister and pulled out a handful of tissues from her purse to wipe up the mascara smears.  I swear her purse has a little of everything hidden in it.


“Steve left me.” She said choking back a sob and fresh mascara smears started running down her cheeks.


“Why?” I asked like a dumbass.  It must have been the wrong thing because all of a sudden my wifey wasn’t smiling at me anymore, instead I got the stink eye before she turned to Sarah.


“Tell me what happened honey.” Kara said hugging her sister before they both sat down.

“I was getting ready to go out, and Steve hadn’t been by to pick me up yet…” She said, and took a deep breath.


“So I called him.  Some girl answered his phone...” she said and I cut her off


“Wait, he had another girlfriend answer his phone?” I said, and immediately knew I was off the mark when she shook her head at me.


“No, his daughter.
  His 6 year old daughter.  Then I could hear his wife in the background asking her who was on the phone for daddy.” And she just got quiet at that point.  I had lots of dark thoughts, and one of them was the “I TOLD YOU SO” I knew I had coming.  I’d never liked the douche bag, but it was a marker I would never call in.  It was too cruel.


“Steve came to the phone, and I asked him what was going on.  Apparently last night he got back together with his ex-wife, and hadn’t gotten around to calling me yet.” She said.


“Oh honey, it’s going to be alright…” Kara started…


“It’s fucking bullshit.” I said a little too loudly.  Folks were starting to look.  It was that time that the waiter made his appearance, frowning at my crude remarks.


“Would you like to order now sir?” The waiter asked me with a hint of rudeness in his voice.


“Can you get us some drinks?  My sister in law got some bad news right before she got here and we’ll need a minute.” I said by way of explanation.  The perma-frown he’d been sporting eased when he saw Sarah’s mascara streaks.


“Yes, of course.  May I make a suggestion?” He asked me.


“Sure.” I said.


“Your sister looks like she could use a shot of tequila or two.” He told me quietly.  I had been sipping my water and almost sprayed it all over his neatly pressed suit.


“Sorry.” I said almost choking.  Kara pounded me on the back, and Sarah had almost laughed out loud at me.  I don’t know if it was my water fountain expression, or had she also thought of the last moment we had shots of tequila? 


“You have hard liquor here?” I asked him


“Yes, for cooking purposes, and we have a wonderful wine menu I would recommend, but if I were to bring out a coffee cup….” He said drifting off.


“That would be great.” Kara said giving him her million dollar smile and putting her hand on his crossed arms.  His perma-frown had been almost back in place, but he smiled big showing lots of teeth.  My Kara is a charmer, that’s for sure.


“I’ll be right back.” He said.


I turned back to look at the girls, who were sitting side by side and I had my side of the table to myself.  Clearly the night wasn’t going to go as smoothly as I thought.  Oh well, family always helps family I thought to myself.


The girls talked quietly, and I tried to stay out of it, but it was hard.  The waiter was good to his word and after a few quick gulps, Sarah had calmed down tremendously.  The girls went off in search of a bathroom so Sarah could do her makeup all over again.  That’s when the waiter walked back up to me.


“Sir, do you folks think you’ll be eating tonight, or would you mind if I were to make a recommendation?” He asked me.  He’d clearly timed his appearance for when the girls had left.


“I’ll take the recommendation.” I told him.


“First things first.  Your sister in law must have been dating a dumbass.” I agreed that she had in fact been dating a world class douche bag.


“Then if you want to cheer her up, order an appetizer, perhaps a bottle of wine or so… to split, then go hit a club or two.  Let the girls drink it up, dance with you, and you’ll be a hero in your sister in law’s eyes, and your wife will appreciate how thoughtful you are.” He told me.


“Damn, you’re smooth.  That’s great advice.  I’ll take your recommendations on the wine for sure; the girls probably want to pick the appetizers.” I told him.


“You’re catching on.  Wine doesn’t have calories, in a woman’s eyes, but give them deep fried foods with dip and they feel guilty about eating it.” He told me with an amused grin.


“You’ve got that right.” I told him, and by the time the girls had gotten back from the bathrooms he’d brought back an excellent choice of wine, and the partial glass plus whatever a blue monster was had me feeling loose and almost giddy.  This was going to work out well after all!


They must have had a good talk because Sarah was dry eyed and her makeup was now back in place and flawless.  What is it with women and makeup anyways?  When you have a wife as hot as mine you get slightly annoyed when it takes her an hour to get ready… But whatever the girls did in the bathroom was breath taking… makeup, hair, I don’t know, but watching them walk down the hallway together and towards my table, damn, if there was a god, he’d play this moment in slow motion for all of us… and DVR me a copy.  All the Jealous looks and nods from the guys (AND GIRLS) in the room just reinforced to me how lucky I was.


I even heard one guy mutter “lucky motherfucker” when I realized folks thought I was with both of them.  I must have blushed because that was about the moment both girls stopped and sat down.


“Nice…” Kara said pulling the bottle loose and inspecting it.


“Oh look…….. How did you know?” Sarah asked me with big doe eyes.


“Uhhh… I…” I stammered.


“Sir, would you like to order now?” The waiter was back.  Great save!


“You know, I think we’ll do a light dinner, or a couple of appetizers.  I think I have to take these ladies out dancing tonight.” I told the waiter.  He actually snuck me a wink when the ladies squealed and hugged each other.  This guy is so getting a huge tip.


“It’s up to the ladies; I’m just here for the good company.” I said, although by this time I was on my second or third glass of wine, plus the blue fuzzy… wait that was blue monster.. Damn, the alcohol is getting to me.


My wife and her sister ordered, and I just nodded.  Dinner was more pleasant than I think any of us deserved, and although I wasn’t full, I was still quite drunk at this point.  As soon as my wineglass started to empty either Kara or Sarah started to refill it, and after a while I forgot that we were trying to cheer up Sarah, as both of them seemed to be trying to get me drunk.  I’ll be honest, 2 hot blondes trying to get me drunk was ok with me.


As we were leaving the waiter walked past me.


“What’s your name bro?” I asked the waiter, more than a little drunk.


“Clyde.  I’m a modern day matchmaker, but I think you hardly need my services he said with a smirk. 


“All I have to say, is you’re awesome.” I said, palming a $100 into his hand.  He looked, nodded and patted me on the back.


“You’re learning quick Cory.” He said.  I think I only did double take two or three times, because I never told him my name.  He dropped a wink, then his face went back into that patented perma frown.


“You ready to go sexy man.” Kara said putting her hand on my ass.  Sarah walked over sort of tipsy like and started to trip.  She caught herself as I put my right arm out, and she ended up catching herself by grabbing me around the neck and started giggling.  Then I heard it again from another patron…


“Lucky motherfucker…” Then a loud smack.  Apparently his wife busted him and let him have it, evidenced by the red hand mark on his face.


“Yes I am.” I said to myself, escorting my gorgeous wife and her younger sister…  My wife being older looked more mature, yet sexy as hell.  Beautiful.  Sarah was a younger version of her, more innocent, more naïve, yet still a lady who turned heads, though not as much as my wife.  In my drunken state I could hardly tell the difference between them.  This was to be bad, I thought to myself laughing in my mind.


Chapter 4 -


Somewhere between the restaurant and car, it was decided we’d call Sarah’s best friend Tamara to join us for a night of drinks and dancing.  And if she was lucky… Sarah would find somebody to help her forget about Steve.  Somehow this pissed me off.  I blame the alcohol.  I had never crushed on Sarah before but tonight things were starting to run together.  As it was, Kara helped me back into the car and we drove to Sarah’s place where we were meeting her friend.


As soon as we got there I ran inside to use the restroom and when I get out, Tamara decided it was her turn, so I went to the kitchen to try to find a clean glass, get a drink of water or something.  I was almost standing up falling down drunk.  I heard giggles, and I turned in time to see Kara chugging from a vodka bottle as she walked past the kitchen.

Damn, my Kara was a party animal back in the day, but I hadn’t seen her like this in a long time.  I guess having a kid and getting too old to deal with hangovers has pretty much curbed our drinking but tonight she was really cutting loose.  I hope Tamara was driving…


So two glass of water later, and all the girls cycled through the bathroom, it was time to go.  Tamara took pity on us and told us to get in her car, so long as none of us got sick in there.  I was glad because of the four of us now going clubbi
ng, I was the second most sober and in no condition to drive, let alone walk un-attended. 


Dancing while drunk… Not something I ever want to get used to, nor would I recommend, the girls on the other hand couldn’t get enough of it.  They kept slamming the drinks they had me get them from the bar between songs, and I was increasingly getting more pop than what they thought were mixed drinks for myself.  I was trying to sober up, but I had honestly lost count of how much alcohol I had consumed.  I know I was going to be hurting in the morning.  That didn’t matter though, I was living for the moment, had a babysitter and was the center of attention of 3 hot ladies, one of which I got to take home with me.  I was feeling invincible.


Sometime driving between the 2
and the 3
club I started kissing on Kara’s neck and playing with her hair.  She finally pushed me down almost flat on my back in the big backseat of Tamara’s big Buick and let me have it back.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such a passionate make out session.  Our hands were all over the place and for a while there I think we both forgot where we were and just got swept away with the moment.


It almost turned out XXX rated when I felt a bump on the seat and heard Tamara giggle.


“Are they always like this together?” She asked Sarah.


“Cory is, if he’s been drinking, but this is a first for my sis.  That I’m aware of…” She said.  I could hear both of their voices were low and thick sounding. 


I tried to sit up and untangle myself from Kara and realized we had half our clothing off or in disarray.  My belt and pants were down, but thankfully I still had my underwear in place.  Kara’s hair was a mess, and her shirt was off, her breasts spilling out of her bra that I must have pulled down.


“Damn.” I said.  Kara just started laughing and getting her clothing straightened out. 


We must have parked at the back of the lot, because there weren’t many cars around, and the parking lot lights. 


“Damn, you girls should have left us here to finish up.” I told them all cranky like.


“Well, I didn’t want you to get cum all over my car seat.” Tamara told me.  I just looked at her puzzled.


“We were just making out.” I told her and Sarah just busted up laughing.  Pretty soon Kara joined her.


“What’s so funny?” I asked.  They must have seen the confusion on my face when Tamara told me that although I was in a state of undress, Kara had a hand on something and… they gunned the engine and re-parked the car to get my attention.


“Wait, you saw that?” I asked Tamara and Sarah.  Tamara just nodded with an evil gleam in her eye, and Sarah…


“Turnabout is fair play.” She told me.  Kara looked at her puzzled, and so did I until it hit me… the night before my wedding. 


“I am going to have the worst case of blue balls of any man alive.” I muttered to myself trying to change the subject.


“Well, how about I take care of that after we dance here?” Kara asked me.




“Let’s go dance!” I said and tried to push my cock back in place while I did up my pants.  It was a close thing, and I had no idea that we’d put on quite a show.  Tamara seemed to have liked it at least.  Maybe this could be fun…


We danced, we partied, Tamara even had a few drinks.  Kara and I had quite a bit.  Sarah even met someone there, and she danced with him for quite a while giving her his number.  Oh, did I say I drank some more?  Yep.  It was definitely almost time to be a nudist, I was that drunk again.  When I got a moment I asked the ladies if they were ready to leave.


Kara wasn’t ready but she could tell I was, and the other two readily agreed.  I had my arm around Kara for support and kept trying to kiss her neck, and that tender spot right behind her ear.  That always got her!  As soon as we made it to the car it turned into another steamy make out session.  I started undoing my belt.


“Wait, not here.” Sarah said shocked.


“Why not?” I slurred back to the others.  Kara just giggled and got down on her knees jerking my pants and underwear down to my ankles.  I looked around and the parking lot was almost empty, and our spot was secluded.  Tamara and Sarah’s eyes widened…  This would be great…


“But.. but..” Sarah started to protest, until Tamara poked her in the ribs with her elbow.


Kara took my cock in her mouth as deep as she could and started sucking. Her head moved out while her hand worked from the point on in, back and forth, until it was a blur.  I threw my head back against the back of the car for a second.  The alcohol and mind blowing blow job I was getting was starting to make me dizzy, and I couldn’t hold still.  I started pumping my hips in tune with her bobbing head.  I couldn’t help it, I was fixing to lose it.  I looked over to make sure Tamara and Sarah were still watching, and their eyes looked glazed.  They weren’t missing a thing.  Time to step up my game…


I was fixing to stop the blowjob and push Kara’s dress up and bend her over the trunk of the car when Kara stumbled to the side and threw started dry heaving.


“Fuck!!!!!!” I almost shouted but managed a startled gasp.


I tried to get all my clothing back in place.  Honestly I thought I did something to gross Kara out.


Kara stopped retching after a minute and looked at me.


“Too many green monsters.  Sorry, the bobbing motion made me sick.”


“I sooooooooo………. need an xxx rated movie about now.” I said rubbing my balls, trying to get them to quit protesting.


While Sarah was trying to help Kara up, Tamara walked over and put her hand on my cock.  It jumped through the clothing at her touch.

“I can finish this for you if you want.” She said suggestively to Kara.


Then I did something so smooth, so absolutely full of coolness that it’ll forever be etched in my mind
and the mind of others. 


I panicked. 


I tried to take a step back, tripped over my own foot and fell.  I know I hit my head on the car on the way down, but it didn’t hurt.


BOOK: Sister in Law (The Gardeners)
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