Read Sins of the Past Online

Authors: Keyonna Davis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Romantic Erotica, #Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Romance

Sins of the Past (18 page)

BOOK: Sins of the Past
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Jacob’s hard cock pressing against her as he rocked his hips was distracting and Lorna knew she needed to finish the argument before she agreed to anything Jacob said if it got him buried inside of her. “Let’s just agree to disagree,” she moaned and shifted her hips. There was no way she was backing down from the argument. If her men were in danger, there was no way she was going to hide in some closet again. She would do whatever it took to make sure they stayed safe as well. She wondered if she could talk the guys into getting her some hand grenades. She had pestered Uncle John for them, but it was the one thing he had adamantly refused her.

All thoughts flew out of her head when Cole latched onto her nipple as Jacob continued to grind against her. She felt herself getting wetter with each thrust of Jacob’s cock and brought her knees up to his waist to spread herself further.

“Please,” she moaned. She wanted him inside her at that moment, but it seemed Jacob had other plans.

“Soon, baby.” Jacob punctuated his statement by bumping the head of his cock against her swollen clit several times.

Between Cole’s hot mouth and tongue on her nipple and Jacob teasing her cunt, the twin assaults were driving Lorna crazy. “I need more,” she begged as she lifted her hips trying to match Jacob’s rhythm. She was close to the edge of orgasm and determined to get there. The nip of Cole’s teeth on her nipple at the same time Jacob ground against her clit was all she needed to topple and Lorna threw her head back and screamed as she came.

“Look at me, Lorna.”

She hadn’t even realized she had closed her eyes until she heard Jacob’s command. Normally she would have had a problem with him bossing her around, but in bed, his tone sent shivers down her spine.

“We’re both going to take you at the same time.”

Lorna thought of what he was saying. She had never had anal sex before, but she was willing to try. The question was, could she handle both of them at the same time?

“We wouldn’t do anything to hurt you,” Cole added.

They both stared at her waiting for her decision. Lorna blew out a breath knowing she would never deny them anything. “Okay, but take it easy back there,” she warned.


* * * *


Jacob blew out the breath he had been holding as he waited for Lorna’s answer. He didn’t want to pressure her into doing something she hadn’t been ready for, but he had to admit, he was excited she had said yes. Leaning over, he opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the bottle of lube he knew she had. He made a mental note to be sure and pack the dildo she had in there as well. He could think of a lot of things they could do with it, but in the meantime, he had a different mission.

“Straddle Cole,” he told her. When she did as he asked, Cole pulled her down and kissed her as he placed his cock at the entrance of her pussy. Jacob moved behind her and gripped her hips. He pressed down until she was fully seated on his best friend’s cock. Lorna’s moan had his cock throbbing. He loved the noises she made in bed and planned to do everything he could to keep them coming.

After Cole pulled her down so that she was lying on his chest, Jacob opened the lube and poured a good amount on his fingers. He knew it was Lorna’s first time, so he wanted to make it as painless as possible. When he pressed his fingers to her skin, Lorna jumped. “Easy, baby,” he said as he rubbed her back trying to soothe her.

Thankfully, Cole distracted her by capturing her lips. Using his forefinger, Jacob circled her pink hole, massaging the tight ring of muscle until Lorna began to squirm. Taking that as permission to continue, Jacob pressed the tip of his finger into her hole to the first knuckle and held still, giving her time to adjust. She was so tight around his finger that he had to wonder if his cock would even fit. He wasn’t bragging about his size, but he knew his cock was a hell of a lot bigger than his finger.

Jacob continued stretching Lorna as Cole used everything he could to distract her. Jacob was able to work three fingers easily inside of her when he decided she was finally ready for him. Her writhing on Cole’s cock as she whimpered told him she was close to coming and he wanted to be inside her when that happened.

Lining the head of his cock with her pink hole, Jacob gently pressed until it finally popped through the tight ring of muscle.

“Oh, fuck.” Cole groaned.

Jacob looked over Lorna’s shoulder to see the man with his eyes closed, gritting his teeth. He knew that look because he felt the same. As Lorna’s slick heat wrapped around his cock and slowly pulled him in, Jacob closed his eyes and gritted his own teeth as he counted to ten trying to keep from coming.


* * * *


Cole clenched his jaw tight as he tried his best to hold still until Jacob was fully inside of Lorna. The task was near impossible as Lorna’s tight pussy squeezed his cock harder and harder as Jacob sunk inside of her. He was holding on by a thread and wasn’t sure if he could keep from coming. As it stood, he already knew he wasn’t going to make it past a few thrusts before shooting deep inside his little warrior.

“You ready, baby?” he asked when he couldn’t take it anymore.
Please say yes,
he chanted in his head.

“Oh, god,” Lorna moaned. “I don’t think I can move.”

Cole froze. “Are we hurting you Lorna?” He wanted her to enjoy what they were doing to her. The last thing he ever wanted was for them to hurt her. The sex wasn’t worth it if that happened.

Lorna shook her head. “No, you guys aren’t hurting me, but I’m scared I’m going to come apart if you start moving. I’ve never felt anything this intense before and you guys haven’t even moved yet.”

Cole grinned at her statement and looked up to see Jacob doing the same. “That’s the point, baby,” he grunted as he lifted her hips until only the tip of his cock remained. As he pulled her back down, Jacob pulled his cock out. Lorna threw her head back with her mouth wide as if she was silently screaming and Cole couldn’t help but feel pride that he and Jacob were able to put that look on her face as she shuddered against them.

Between him and Jacob, they set up a steady rhythm constantly making sure Lorna had at least one cock in her at any time. The smell of lust filled the air and they were wrapped in a haze of pleasure until nothing existed but the three of them. At one point they both stilled, allowing Lorna to move between them seeking her own pleasure, and watched as she came apart several times.

By the time Cole’s rhythm began to falter, they were drenched in sweat and he had no idea how much time had passed. It could have been two minutes or two hours and he wouldn’t have known. The only thing he could focus on was the tight clench of Lorna’s hot pussy. He reached between them and circled the swollen bud of her clit with his fingers. The feel of her muscles massaging him as she came was all it took to send Cole over the edge. He shouted as he came deep inside her. A shout from Jacob above them signaled that he was coming as well.

Cole panted as he wrapped his arms around Lorna and pulled her down to his chest. When she was lying against him, he captured her lips with his. “I don’t think I’ll be able to move for a week after that,” he said once he pulled back for air. “I think you sucked all of my energy out through my cock.”

Jacob collapsed to the bed next to them and grunted. “I haven’t felt this tired since SEAL training.”

Lorna giggled and rested on his chest tucking her face into his neck. “Well, we’re definitely doing that again so I suggest you boys come up with a workout plan.”

Yes, they were doing that again. Over and over as many times as possible if Cole had his way.



Lorna knelt on the ground and brushed away a few dead leaves from the headstone in front of her. “Hey Uncle John,” she said around the lump in her throat. It was always hard for her to visit his grave because it was always a reminder that with Uncle John gone, Lorna was alone in the world. Today, it was hard for a completely different reason.

“I just came to say goodbye. I’m finally leaving town. Not because of the people, but because I’m finally ready to take your advice to stop letting sins of the past affect my future. I never understood what you meant by that until now. I met someone special.” Lorna laughed. “Two someones actually.”

She wondered what her uncle would have thought of her relationship with Cole and Jacob. “I know what you’re probably thinking and it’s not like that. I was scared at first that I had turned out just like her, but I love them both so much and they love me back even with all my flaws.

“Anyway, we’re leaving to start our lives together. If I could take you with me I would, but I promise I’ll visit you as often as I can.”

Lorna laid the flowers she was holding on the ground in front of the headstone then stood. As she wiped tears from her eyes, she felt two strong arms wrap around her on each side. Lorna soaked in the warmth of her two men as they offered her comfort.

“Holy shit!” Cole shouted, interrupting the silence in the cemetery and making Lorna jump.

“What?” she asked looking around and wondering if she needed to go for the knife tucked away in her boot. Ever since the attack, she made sure to never go anywhere without at least one of them. She had to resort to wearing jeans so she could cover the handle, though. Anytime Cole saw the handle sticking out, he would attack her no matter where they were. She had no clue why it turned the man on so much, but she wasn’t able to get anything done when he was around.

Cole pointed at the headstone. “Your Uncle John was John Lasko?”

“Yeah, so?”

“The John Lasko?”

Lorna was starting to get frustrated. She turned to Jacob hoping he could explain what Cole was going on about. “What the hell is his problem?”

Jacob laughed. “You’ll have to forgive Cole. He’s a little starstruck at the moment. Your Uncle John is known as a legend to the SEALs.”

“He was freaking badass,” Cole added.

“I always knew he had military training, but I didn’t know what kind. He never talked about it.” Lorna was shocked that they knew her uncle.

“You have no idea of the training that man had. The man’s nickname was Satan and it was a name he earned by being the toughest and best drill sergeant out there. Do you know how many men would kill to be able to be trained by the best?” Cole gushed. “I’m in awe of you and also a little frightened right now. If you were trained by John freaking Lasko, then it’s no wonder you had no problem taking Valente out.”

Lorna grinned. She had no clue about that side of her Uncle John’s life, but she felt closer than ever to him.

“Come on,” Jacob said as he led her to his truck. We have a long drive ahead of us. It’s plenty of time for us to tell you everything we know about John Lasko.”

Excited at learning something new about the man that raised her, she followed Jacob to the truck.

Lorna looked out the window where she sat between Jacob and Cole as they drove out of the town she grew up in. With each mile they drove, it felt as if a weight was being lifted off her shoulders and she knew she had made the right decision by allowing her two men into her heart. Most of her life she spent avoiding men because she had been scared of turning into her mother. It was ironic that it took two for her to finally realize she was nothing like the woman and would never be.

Lorna laughed when Jacob reached behind her and cuffed Cole on the back of the head. She had been ignoring the fact that Cole was slowly sliding the hand she had resting on his thigh closer to his cock.

Jacob noticed though. “Stop thinking with your dick.”

Lorna smiled at the two. One thing she knew for sure, her life was not going to ever be boring.









When I am not driving my son to soccer, karate, or one of the many activities that he participates in, you can find me curled up reading a romance novel, watching a movie, or writing.



For all titles by Keyonna Davis, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Sins of the Past
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