Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2)

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Book 2




Erotic Romance


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A Secret
Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance



Copyright © 2013

ISBN: 978-1-61885-933-4


First E-book Publication: October 2013


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Edited by E. L. Felder

Proofread by Stephanie

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Cravings Publishing


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Secret Cravings



want to thank my good friends Jane White
and Anya
for loving the idea of The
and also for being such great and supportive
friends. I love you both very much ladies.


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constant great reviews and wonderful support of my work, I don’t know where I
would be. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being there for me
and enjoying the work that I know I was destined to do……letting imaginations
run wild.


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Book 2


© 2013


Chapter One


Simone was looking out
the window of his office that afternoon when a knock rattled his door. Looking
over his shoulder, he saw his secretary Beverly coming in with a couple of
files in the crook of her arm. Honestly, he didn’t even know why he had come to
work today. Quickly he snapped out of his funk when he heard her talking about
the files she had brought him. Letting out a deep sigh he took off his glasses
and rubbed between his eyes.

“Here are the Samuelson
and Peters cases you wanted.” He looked out the window in frustration. “What’s
wrong, Simone?”

Beverly had been his
secretary for going on five years now and throughout that time she had been
more than just a secretary to him. She had also been a confidant as well as a
good friend. Beverly even considered him like part of her family, sometimes
including him in family things like cookouts at her house or even one time
inviting him to the lake house during the summer that her husband Fred owned.
Even her children considered him more like a big brother often sometimes
calling him up about certain things they thought their parent’s wouldn’t

“I’ve just been doing
some thinking about the past. When I went to visit Mom and my brothers a couple
of months back, I ended up running into someone who brought back some memories
that I had completely forgotten about. But since I saw her, I’ve just been
doing a lot of soul-searching.”

“She must have meant a
great deal to you if she’s put you in the mood you’ve been in lately.”

“Yeah, at one time I
meant a great deal to her, I was her very first crush.” Simone smiled,
remembering the day when he’d found out that interesting fact.

“What’s her name?”

“Delia Whitney, she’s
my best friend’s sister.”

“Whitney? You don’t
mean Andrew Whitney, do you?”

“The one and only, and
she’s working over at an antiques store in Kellington with my brother’s

“Well, why not ask her
out for lunch or dinner sometime? Then you can see if the sparks fly.” Beverly

But all Simone could do
was chuckle a bit as his expression quickly grew solemn.

“What’s wrong?”

“There’s one big
problem with that Bev, she’s already with someone else right now. They seem
very much into each other, too.” He remembered that night at the party,
watching them dancing and laughing together. The smile she’d given that Rodger
guy was the same smile that she used to give him when they were young.

“Simone, Earth to
Simone” Looking up, he saw Beverly staring at him, puzzled. A smile spread
across her face when he smiled too.

“Sorry about that, you
said you had those files I needed.” Putting his glasses back on, he answered
her questions and then started thinking about how it all began.

know something that you don’t know.” Andrew had said to Simone.

was 1989 and they had all been at Andrew’s house for the weekend. It was
something that he and his brothers would often do, spending the night over at
each other’s house. While they waited for the pizza to be delivered, they began
playing basketball outside in Andrew’s driveway. Both he and Andrew were
watching Gianni and Federico playing one-on-one after he had gotten beaten by

is it that I don’t know?” asked Simone.

has a huge crush on you and has had one for a number of years now.”

a brow, Simone chuckled because honestly, it could have been any girl from
their school who had a crush on him. Most of the girls in school had feelings
for him and his brothers. So what was one more crush? “Who is it?”

have to guess, man, and all I can say it’s someone who you honestly would never
think it would be.” Andrew’s smile was devilish so it must have been good.

man, that’s a big as hell list of girls to be thinking about. All right, answer
this, does this girl go to school with us?”

nodded, still smiling.

she a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior?”

girl is a sophomore.” His smile got even bigger.

through his mental rolodex he tried to think of every sophomore girl at their
school. The only problem was, he didn’t know that many of them in the first
place. “I don’t know, I give up, man.”

guys, Mom wanted me to bring you some water so you don’t fall out.” Delia told
them while carrying two bottles in each of her hands.

our bottles there Delia…with the guys!” shouted Gianni while he blocked
Federico from making his shot.

here you go guys, drink up.” Handing them each a bottle of water, she smiled
sweetly at Simone before leaving the other two. And that’s when the laughter
erupted from Andrew.


at him wide-eyed, Andrew’s gaze shifted toward the garage door as they both
looked back to see Delia going into the deep freezer, pulling out a bag of food
before walking inside. Simone looked back at Andrew who was trying not to snort
up a storm but failed and fell back against the car before he quickly jumped
away from the scorching metal. “Are you serious? No fucking way!” Simone told

way, man. I swear to God. She is in love with you big time.” He chuckled while
opening up one of the water bottles to take a swig.

are you guys laughing about over here?” Gianni asked, grabbing the water from
Andrew’s hand while Simone threw one to Federico.

is in love with our boy Simone over here.”

right, Sherlock, how in the hell do you know all of this?” Simone inquired.

two days ago, I was trying to find some clean socks and Delia had the basket of
clean clothes in her room. I went to get a pair and saw a leather-bound book on
her nightstand. I thought maybe it was a new book she might have been reading
and I wanted to see what it was. Well, it wasn’t a library book, it was her
diary. So since no one was home except for me, I went ahead and read it. I
swear, every single entry was about you, especially the one about how she wants
you to be her first date, her first kiss and her first time with a guy ever.”

all had a good laugh except for Simone who was kind of embarrassed by what he
had just heard. “How can I believe you anything you are telling me, man? You
could be making all this shit up.”

right, if you don’t believe me, tonight I will show it for all of your eyes to
see. I hid her diary and she’s been trying to find it since that day she left
it out. So tonight we will have a little show-and-tell in my room.” As soon as
this was said, the pizza guy pulled up so they paid him and grabbed the pizzas
and went inside.

the entire time they ate, Simone would look over at Delia. She was always
smiling and talkative with everybody. She didn’t act like she was completely
shy. For as long as he had known Andrew, he had always known Delia to be just
as fun. Always laughing and joking around with the guys. He couldn’t believe it
when he heard that she had a crush on him and that she had thought of him being
her first everything. Nah, he thought, this whole thing was a big fat lie.

was he in for a shock later that night.

they all settled in for the night, Andrew locked his door and went into his
closet to look on the top shelf. He had a compartment in the wall behind a
loose board where he kept a box for his weed. But instead of retrieving the
weed that night, he pulled out the infamous leather-bound book. Opening it, he
flipped a few pages while the others around him looked on in wonder. “Friday,
September seventeenth,” Andrew whispered as he sat down on the bed next to
Simone. “I went to lunch today and my girlfriends have been pestering me about
which guy I like the most? I honestly try my best not to let them aggravate me
about who I like. I know who I like but he doesn’t know that I care for him so
deeply. Di, you are the only one who knows how much I care for Simone Cipriano.
Today was no exception as I was at my locker to get some of my books when they
fell out just as he happened to walk by with some of his friends and he saw
what happened. He came over and helped me get my books back into my locker.
Once I got the books I needed, he asked me where I was going next. I told him I
was headed to Mr. Randolph’s class and he took my books for me and walked me to
class. He was just the sweetest Di, especially when he smiled down at me with
that amazing smile that always makes me catch my breath because my heart can’t
seem to stop beating so fast.” Andrew snickered while Gianni and Federico poked

couldn’t believe what he was hearing and he was kind of angry, not because what
he had heard might have embarrassed him but because of the simple fact that
Andrew had invaded his sister’s privacy. He knew that he would have been really
mad if he was a girl and one of his brothers had gotten into his diary.

here is the entry that I told you about. ‘Dear Di, The other night at the
football game, Simone did great. He tackled five players and ran two touchdowns
to help win the game. I think I almost lost my voice from all the screaming and
cheering I did. Later on, my brother and I along with the rest of the brothers
met up with some of his friends down at Stokey’s. We all got a booth and guess
who I got to sit with? You guessed
my darling
Simone and he put his arm around my shoulder while he kept picking on me about
something silly. I honestly didn’t care because I was finally sitting with him,
even though we were squeezed so close together. I was just happy to have him
near me like that. To see him smiling at me from time to time, just to hear
that wonderful throaty laugh of his. I have to say that when I got home and
went to bed, I had a dream that he ended up taking me home. When he took me to
the door, he told me how happy he was that I came to cheer him on. And that was
when it happened for he bent down and gave me a kiss on the lips. My very first
kiss from a guy and it was from him. He had some of the softest lips or at
least that’s what I imagined he did.’”

had had enough of listening and quickly grabbed the diary from Andrew as he
heard the groans of disappointment from his brothers. “What the hell, man,
why’d you take the diary away?”

we are wrong, man. This is wrong. Reading a girl’s personal thoughts and dreams
like this. We are assholes for doing something so stupid like this, she’s going
to regret even having it out now and she’s going to beat your ass for taking
it. So get up because we are going to let her know.”

you insane, man?” asked Gianni.

the look he projected at the group only let them know that he meant business
and soon they all left the room and headed toward her bedroom door. Once he
knocked, they waited for a second until they saw the door open and she standing
there wearing nothing more than a pink robe. “Hi guys, what’s up?”

handed her the book and her eyes lit up when she saw her diary in his hand.
With a trembling hand she took it. Her small voice cracked when she asked them,
“Where did you find it?” She never looked at their faces and he could feel just
how embarrassed she must have been.

sorry Delia but I found it a while ago when I went into your room to grab some
socks out of the basket. I saw it and read it and decided to keep it for
myself. I told Simone about what you wrote and I read a bit just now. I’m sorry
Delia but I was just having fun with the guys.” Andrew shuffled his feet

didn’t say a word for a moment but when she looked into their eyes, it said
just enough for them to totally understand how wrong they had been for doing
what they had done. Her eyes welled up with tears while she clutched the book
in her hand. “I hope that you all had a good laugh at my expense tonight, guys.
I hope you enjoyed the laugh a minute after reading my diary!” And with that,
the door slammed in their faces and they could hear the sobs and wails from
behind the door. They walked down the hallway back to Andrew’s room in silence.
All of them felt so bad for making her cry like this. “Damn,” Andrew said,
sitting down on the bed.

I hope you’re happy with yourself. Honestly, did you really think it would be
funny to read her private thoughts like that? Hell, even I know it’s not right
to do something like that. You should have left it where it was and not even
read it. Go in there and apologize to her again, man.” Simone demanded.

Andrew got back up and walked out of the room. Simone could hear him knocking
on the door and then it opening up again. He could hear her asking him, “What
do you want?” Then it got all quiet for a moment as the sobs started again and
that’s when the brothers got up to peek around the corner. They watched Andrew
hugging a sobbing Delia and repeating over and over again, “I’m sorry, Delia.”

BOOK: Simone (The Ciprianos of Kellington Book 2)
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