Read Sidelined: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance Online

Authors: Terri E. Laine,A.M. Hargrove

Sidelined: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Sidelined: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance
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“When you climax, you make the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard.”

She pulls away, and it plows into me that my stupid words just broke the spell that was woven between us. Why did I have to say anything? Me and my dumbass mouth.

“I need to get out of here,” she says, as she disengages her body from mine.

“Don’t go yet.”

“Yeah, I need to get dressed.”

“I suppose I need to as well.”

The water sloshes around as the jets still run, though it is getting cold.

“No, not quite yet. I have one more thing for you on my list.”

“Oh yeah? What is it?” I ask.

“You need to take an ice bath for your knee.”

“Are you fucking with me?”

“No, Fletcher. I’m not. At all.”

She climbs out of the tub and dries off with a towel from the stack on the nearby shelf, then quickly dresses and marches over to the ice machine where she fills a bucket. I watch as she dumps several loads into a tub and adds water. “All ready for you,” she announces with a smirk.

My semi-hard dick instantly shrivels into no man’s land at the mere thought of getting into that ice-filled hell. Logically, I know it’s the best thing for my knee. Realistically, I want to run like hell because this is going to emasculate the shit out of me. But I can’t. Instead, I fill my lungs with air, step out of the tub, and inch my way over to the next form of torture she’s devised for me. All I can think of is this had better be worth it.





Fletcher is way too tempting, and my heart melts more each time I’m with him. Thankfully, his rehab is progressing in the right direction. He might be ready on time if we continue to work hard.

“You look happy. What’s going on with you, girl? Are you getting some from a certain football player?” Gina winks.

“Can you please not announce it to the whole bar?”

I glance around, and I’m grateful for the dozen or so TVs that have every person captivated.

“Besides, I thought you hated him. You look almost pleased that I might have hooked up with him.”

“Might?” One eyebrow arches up.

“Whatever. I’m going home.”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmurs. “Is he there waiting for you to ride that pony because you are walking like a cowgirl?”

I flip her the bird, which makes her laugh and me, too, as I head out for home.

“Don’t forget dinner tomorrow night,” she calls out before I leave.

Tomorrow Fletcher will come in for his regular appointment. We won’t have an after hours session. So I planned to spend time with my girl. She hardly has any nights off. And when she does, she’s off with one of the many vacationers that pass through. Gina isn’t about the long-term. Maybe it’s my two failed relationships or it could be because of her parents’ epic failed coupling.

After a quick stop to check on my dad, I pull in front of my home. One of the things I gave up on was a garage. It was a dream this house didn’t come with. I lock the car without paying attention. By the time I look up, I jolt.



His eyes appear dull, but not inebriated. I glance at the street, but don’t notice his car. It’s something I generally look for when I come home so I’m never surprised like this.

“Why are you here?”

He sighs. “Isn’t it obvious?” He steps into my personal space and alarms go off in my head. Although he isn’t normally violent, his erratic behavior of late suggests that anything is possible. “I miss you, and I realize what a mistake I’ve made.”

This isn’t the first of such confessions he’s tried to make to me. And a part of me wants to believe him, because this isn’t the guy I fell for. Maybe he had high hopes for his future when we first met, but isn’t that what drives people to be better? He’d been everything I needed after I was so lost from a broken heart. Maybe I’d been blind to the demons that would later consume him. But I want to hope that somewhere inside him a good man still exists.

Shaking my head, I step back, longing for a weapon, but grateful it’s not dark.

“What? Is it that guy? Fletcher?” He spits the name from his mouth, and I see rage curling his lip.

My self-defensive training plays in my head. I maneuver one key between my fingers as a potential weapon. Maybe he’s not drunk. Maybe he’s moved on to other means of getting a high. And that bothers me. Though I can’t keep making excuses for him. He’s made his choices, and they are bad ones.

“I think if you’re honest, you’ll admit he’s the real reason we aren’t together. You were always measuring me up to him.”

There is truth in his words, but no way will I admit that to him. He reaches out a hand and cups my cheek. I flinch back on autopilot.

“There’s nothing going on between Fletcher and me. I’m rehabbing him because of the accident. And, yes, he’s a friend. I grew up with him.”

“That’s good to know. Then you can give us another shot, and we can use his attraction to you to our benefit.”

I take another step back and find the door. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Cassie, the only real problem I had in our relationship was money, and, well, the fact that you weren’t adventurous enough in the sack. But we can solve that. You give that guy what he wants, and he’ll loan you the money we need to be financially stable.”

Now I’m sure he’s on something. “Wait? What? You want us to get back together. But you’re okay with me sleeping with Fletcher so I can get money from him?”

He actually wears a confused expression. “Well, yeah. We can have an open relationship. Love was never our problem. I still love you, Cassie, but I need more. And I can get that from Tara. She’s a great lay, but I don’t love her.”

I want to grind my teeth, but he isn’t worth it. “You need to go, Calvin.”

“Come on, Cass—”

“Where’s your car?”

Besides changing the direction of our conversation, I want to know if he’s gotten a new car. I need to be on the lookout for it so I won’t be ambushed again.

“I borrowed one because I knew you wouldn’t come home if you saw mine.”

He’s right about that.

“You need to leave, or I’m calling the police.”

His arm rises, and I grip the key tighter, prepared to use it if I have to.

He points at me. “You are such a bitch. This is why you’ll always be alone.”

With that, he darts down to the street and gets into a light blue car. I memorize it. If I see it again, I’ll know I need to be cautious.

After a fitful night’s sleep, the next day I go through the day with a professional manner.

“Cass,” Fletcher says from the table. I glare at him. “Oh, we’re back to that now.”

“I don’t have time for games today.”

“Fine. If that’s the way you want it, Mrs. Miller.”

The moniker stings more than I want to admit. Probably because it reminds me of Calvin telling me in so many words I’ll be an old maid.

I work Fletcher hard, putting him through the paces. We concentrate on gaining more mobility on his knee and shoulder. We are so close at times I’m pretty sure I could name the soap he uses. Touching him is like lighting a fire, but I do my best to ignore it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow evening. You can do a few reps tonight and tomorrow morning, but don’t push it. We want you healthy, not reinjuring the muscle.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says, getting dressed in front of me.

Somehow, I manage to keep my eyes on his and not his beautiful body.

“That’s all,” I say before fleeing the room.

It would be a lie to say I hadn’t wanted him to touch me, but I managed to get through it unscathed.

Later that evening, I’ve swallowed my first drink before I can warm up the seat while I wait for Gina.

“Another drink while you wait for your guest to arrive?”

I nod at the waitress and pull out my phone.

Gina – Sorry sweets. Sam is in a jam and I can’t meet you for dinner.

Great. I flag down the waitress. I’m looking for her over my shoulder when a voice stills me.

“Can I join you?”

His voice is rough, and I turn to see Fletcher.

“I was just leaving.”


I swallow. Why was I? “Gina stood me up.”

“But you’re here, and I’m here. Why don’t we just share a table together?”

My stomach growls, and I’m glad for the notice that dampens the sound. “Okay, fine. I am hungry.”

He sits, and I watch him wedge himself in the booth. And I realize food isn’t what I need. Of course, the waitress materializes as soon as Fletcher’s here.

“Can I get you something?” she asks.

His eyes barely leave mine, but he’s not an ass. “Sure, if you have a to-go bag big enough for my girl.”

She seems half-amused and half-annoyed. “No, sorry about that. Anything else?”

Somewhere along the way, she managed to undo a few of the buttons on her shirt, but Fletcher doesn’t notice.

“A beer would be great.”

After she lists out the IPAs they have, he settles on one, and she moves on to her quest. I don’t bother to ask for the drink I ordered. It’s probably best I stay sober.

“So, what brings you here?” I ask coolly. Something about this whole thing feels like a setup.

“I have to eat, and so do you.”

I’m about to ask if he and Gina set this up when the waitress comes back with both of our drinks. So she hadn’t forgotten. Points for her. He doesn’t speak until after she leaves.

“Do you remember the first time I took you out?”

The question is so far from where I’d planned to take the conversation, I’m speechless for a few seconds.

“I remember,” he continues. “I was nervous as hell. I had the prettiest girl in school agree to go out with me, and I was certain I’d fuck it up somehow.”


“And here you are. Still the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and once again, I’m nervous.”

That stops me.

“Why are you nervous?”

“Because I’m afraid you’re going to crush my heart all over like you did those years ago.”

I practically attack the poor man as I capture his face across the table. Our need for each other isn’t for public consumption. He manages to drop money onto the table as we kiss our way out the door. I’m in the seat, frantically tugging at his fly as he puts the truck in gear. And then, I suck my prize in all the way to the back of my throat. I manage to relax so I don’t choke myself, but I work out all my frustrations as I give him the best damn blow job one can give while the guy is driving.

The vehicle comes to a stop, and he pulls me free. “I’m close, but I want to finish this off inside you.”

Glancing up, I realize we are at my place, which confuses me.

“How did you know where I live?”

It should have creeped me out, but I’m more curious than anything else.

“Mom told me once.”

I nod, and he helps me out. I fumble with my keys, and he recovers. He’s always had good hands. Once inside, he plasters me to the door, and my purse drops to the floor with a dull thud.

Roughly, he pushes my shirt up, and my breasts pop free from my bra, which is completely useless against him. His fingers work one as his tongue works the other.

He switches, and his hand dips under the fabric that covers my center.

“Wet and always ready for me.”

My head bobs as I think how wrong Calvin is. I am more than a missionary style girl; he was just never Fletcher. Therefore, he was right on some things. I’d never given him my full heart. But when Fletcher’s two fingers thrust inside me, all thoughts of Calvin disappear.

“I need you now,” I groan.

Together, we work at his jeans. He unzips while I hook my fingers in for leverage to push his jeans down. I grab his ass, which is fanfuckingtastic. Then we work off my jeans. We only get one leg completely off before he’s hiking me up to wind my legs around him. God, he’s the man of steel when he lifts me with his good arm and shoulder. My back glides up the door before he sets me on the sturdy table near the door, and then he’s sliding into me.

We groan in unison when we are joined. My insides blaze from the friction we create.

Then, it’s my turn to moan out, “I’m close.”

“Not yet, baby. Where’s your bedroom?”

I point, and he turns. “Why?”

“I’m going to fuck you where you sleep so you don’t forget me, not even in your dreams.”

My jaw drops, but my mind still works. He helps me to my feet, but I’m wobbly. He may have the bad leg, but I’m the one with the weak knees. “The second door on the left,” I squeak in anticipation.

His long strides have us there in no time.

“Purple?” he asks, one brow rises.

I shrug when I hit the mattress with a little bounce.

“On your knees, baby. I know how you like it.”

He doesn’t let me turn on my own. He flips me over and hooks an arm under me to hike up my ass. And then he pushes inside me, stretching me beyond limit. His fingers work me somewhere north of where he rocks my world. As I scream his name, he pulls out, only to find that other place. It’s been far too long since I’ve done this. Calvin didn’t know how. If he’d only known just how adventurous I was with the right man.

“Fuckkkk…” He stills. “Are you okay?”

I can only move my head in the affirmative. “I should be asking you. Maybe I should be on top because of your leg.”

“Don’t worry about me, baby. My knee is not getting in the way of me having you like this.”

His fingers find the magic button between my legs as he pumps inside me. Fletcher is no small man anywhere on his body, and the bite of burn slowly turns to pleasure as he continues to work his way. It doesn’t take long before I’m pushing back, wanting him to move faster, and he does. I’m crying out my next orgasm when he loses control and follows me over that cliff.

As we collapse onto the bed, panting, I know for sure I will be dreaming about this man for the rest of my life as my heart takes the leap without me knowing. Although it changes nothing, he’s still leaving, and I’m still not going anywhere; I can’t help but admit to myself that I’m still in love with him. But love doesn’t change that our lives are in two different places. Dad thinks it would be easy for me to leave, but my finances are in the shitter. I can’t start over, not yet. And my pride would never allow me to tell Fletcher about my money problems. I won’t be one of those women who want to take from him. So I can only cherish what we have now, and hope I’ll survive when he leaves.

BOOK: Sidelined: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance
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