Read Sheik Down Online

Authors: Mia Watts

Sheik Down (4 page)

BOOK: Sheik Down
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Raid seemed wary but nodded his head in agreement. “The job is yours. I won’t find craftsmanship as good from anyone else.”

“Thanks,” Lucas barked before turning and striding from Raid’s office.

Chapter Four

Raid couldn’t concentrate on any of the sales figures. He knew this quarter had been higher than any other. Beyond that, he may as well have been looking at complete gibberish.

It had been two days since his argument with Lucas. Two days of driving to the office early, staying late and avoiding him at all costs. Two days of trekking to the basement to run his hand over polished wooden sex furniture so smooth it felt like silk against his palm. Every contour reminded him of the man who’d made them.

He rested his forehead against the arm of the cross Lucas had been strapped to. Everything about the man made him crazy, and that was a problem. He’d mistakenly thought that giving himself a taste of Lucas’s body would be enough to satisfy him. He’d
that touching him, seeing him partially dressed in leather would be adequate to ease some of the long-term desire he had for the other man. Raid had been horribly mistaken.

Instead of seeing him as the tall, blond carpenter in well-worn work clothes clinging to his muscular frame and lean hips, he saw the smooth skin, as polished as the materials he used. He saw the dusky nipples he’d only guessed at before. The gasping sound of Lucas’s climax would remain at the forefront of his imaginings as would the sight of him stretching against his bindings beneath Lucas’s powerful reaction to Raid’s touch.

If Lucas came with simple play, the resulting orgasm from penetrating him would be—outstanding.

Raid resisted the urge to touch himself. He wanted to, really wanted to. With one hand and his forehead on the cross, a mind full of memories and remembered sounds, it would be so easy to jack off and mark the fixture with his own pleasure.

“Raid,” Lucas said softly behind him.

Raid turned. He could feel the blood drain from his face at having been caught in so compromising a position as mooning over an empty St. Andrew’s Cross. “I thought you’d gone home.”

“I did. I showered. I came back.”

Lucas seemed cautious, but he was dressed with confidence. His black slacks and grey dress shirt open at the neck looked expensive and sexy. He could have been just as at ease in a boardroom as the playroom.

Lucas looked him over too, smiling when his gaze rested on Raid’s groin.

“Did you forget something?” Raid asked. Filling the air with inane questions seemed all he was capable of. It was that or insist that Lucas strip and submit. A tasty option but one that would only lead to furthering Raid’s descent into uncontrolled lust.

“Yeah, I did. I forgot my balls,” Lucas said coming over.

“Your what?”

“My balls. Apparently I left them in this room somewhere, because otherwise I’d have had them in your office in order to tell you that you’re full of shit,” Lucas replied.

“Well,” Raid said carefully. “Are they here?”

A smirk lifted the corner of Lucas’s lips. Looking down at Raid made Lucas’s hair swing across his forehead and play peek-a-boo with his blue eyes.

Lucas grabbed his own crotch and jiggled the handful. “I think so, but you might need to double-check.”

Raid moved away from him, pointedly checking out the other items of furniture. The tall leather-padded wedge with brass nail detailing was perfection. The narrow examination table and bench were also beautifully finished with rustic charm.

Even the thick dungeon chains hanging from the ceiling with wide wrist straps spoke of diligent attention to detail. Mirrored, but shorter chains from the floor were displayed on a polished wood platform. It had all the benefits of the St. Andrew’s without the support.

He paused by a makeshift workbench. Raid touched the woven leather slats that were waiting to be attached to the wooden yokes on the hammock and saw the beginnings of the restraint and stocks bed leaning against one wall—king sized as he’d requested. The thought of Lucas trapped in the foot of the bed, his naked ass in the air, was enough to have him rethinking his decision to call it off.

More had yet to be made, but already there were enough pieces of furniture to keep him thinking about Lucas stretched naked across them. It stretched the limits of his self-control just to be in the same room with him.

“These are perfect,” Raid murmured.

“I’m glad you think so.” Lucas had come to stand behind him. “Have you already picked out your new playmate?”

“No. I don’t make those decisions lightly.” Raid carefully controlled his expression before he faced Lucas.

“And you rarely second guess the decisions you make.”

“Unless I’ve made a clear error,” Raid corrected.

“I’m not an error.”

“You aren’t an error. I wouldn’t classify you as one. Not ever. We,
, are an error.”

“I thought the whole idea was having sex for fun. A disagreement doesn’t change the arrangement. It only opens the door for renegotiation of the rules,” Lucas said.

“I like the rules. They serve a purpose.”

Lucas cocked a hip and crossed his arms. “I’m gonna love hearing this one.”

“You’ll be disappointed then, as I’m not sharing my purposes. They’re my own.”

Lucas huffed. “Are you worried if you’ll be a good lover? Because from where I stand, you’re the sexiest thing with a cock I’ve seen in years. And trust me, I’ve been paying attention.”

“Closely?” Raid asked.

“As you pointed out a few days ago, you’re an observant guy. You know exactly how long I’ve been thinking dirty thoughts about you.”

“You assume I have too,” Raid noted. “Rather arrogant, don’t you think?”


“No?” Raid questioned on a laugh.

“No. I’m a good-looking guy. I’m not stupid or falsely modest. I have my faults, but sex appeal isn’t one of them for guys who like guys. Now if you take issue with blonds, or Americans, or blue-collar men, then we might have a problem. But I was strapped to your cross and I don’t think what you were giving me was charity.”

“My problem, as you so aptly put it, is your lack of submissiveness. There are men around the world who are dominant in every aspect of their lives. When it comes to sex, some discover that control can come from the act of submission. The freedom to react instead of act, to have permission to lose emotional control when they are normally reserved, is a gift.”

“I’m not disagreeing, Raid, but you’re fooling yourself if you think I’m the only one in this room who will get emotionally invested in sex. If you want me to emote, then guess what? You need to show me a little emotion in return.”

“That’s not how it works,” Raid countered.

“Maybe, but it’s how

Raid tried to laugh it off. “Come now, Lucas. The point of sex for fun without strings has no meaning if you attach emotion. It becomes a relationship beyond the playroom. I have no interest in that.”

“You asked for my trust to gain my heart, or did you forget that?”

“I want your heart invested in what happens here. I don’t want a relationship outside this room,” Raid repeated.

“We have a relationship out of this room. It’s called business. If you want my cock, then you’ve got to show me I have some kind of emotional effect on you in return. I’m big boy enough to know that when I leave your den, it’s back to formalities—even if I will be picturing my dick in your hand. Even if I don’t like leaving the emotion behind the dungeon door.”

“You think you won’t confuse this with business?” Raid asked.

The question was almost as much directed at himself as Lucas. Lucas might be sure. Raid, not so much. He might have been more convinced of his own fortitude if he hadn’t spent the last several days imagining Lucas in various positions while Raid tried to concentrate on work. Not that Lucas was aware of that truth.

“I can.” Lucas asserted.

Raid looked at him speculatively. If Lucas was so sure, why not put him to the test? “My cock is hard. Suck it.”

Lucas’s eyes flashed, battling Raid’s steady gaze. A muscle ticked in Lucas’s jaw and Raid was fairly certain that if he dropped his eyes he’d see Lucas clenching and releasing fists. But he didn’t look away. Being dominant was the point and Raid was making his.

The longer they stared at each other the more resigned Raid got. Lucas hadn’t budged, proving his point and Raid lifted his brow in a clear,
See? I told you so
. God, he was sorry to be right.

Chapter Five

Lucas noted the eyebrow lift and that tipped his scale from finishing the argument to making Raid eat his words—or rather, eating Raid.

Lucas dropped to his knees. Freeing Raid’s cock was simple since he’d spent more than a few hours imagining the fastest possible way into the man’s pants. Raid’s sound of surprise egged him into action.

He wanted to take a minute to admire the timber colored length and brown head, but there was no way in hell he’d let Raid assume the delay was fear. He gripped the base of Raid’s cock and licked the spongy tip with the flat of his tongue before pushing it into the salty slit.

Raid shuddered. His fingers brushed Lucas’s cheek as though he’d been unable to resist touching him. It was a victory nonetheless and Lucas accepted it. Opening wide, he took Raid deep into his mouth, cradling the underside of his hot dick and swallowed around him.

This time Raid gave no pretense of holding back. His fingers fisted in Lucas’s hair, pulling him on the shaft as deep as Lucas could take him and then pulling him further still. Lucas gagged softly, but the praise he got was worth it.

“Hands behind your back,” Raid ordered. “If it’s too much, tap my hip three times. Two for slower. One for more.”

Lucas nervously let go of Raid’s hips and linked his fingers behind his back. Raid waited for him, then controlled Lucas’s head as he fucked his mouth. Deep, deeper he shoved, praising him for taking so much.

Lucas struggled against the urge to push away, take the pacing under his own control, but there was something desperate and needy that woke up inside him. Something that wanted all of his senses filled with the other man even if it meant he choked on it. His throat worked around Raid, his breathing cut off as cock blocked it, held, and then released just when he thought he’d suffocate.

Still Lucas kept his hands behind his back, knowing that if he wanted Raid to stop, he could make him. Raid began several shallow thrusts. Lucas tapped his hip, then put his hands behind his back again.

“You like it hard, do you?” Raid asked.

Lucas tapped him once, again. He loved it. God, he did. He loved the dizzying smell, the slickness of precome on his tongue and the sting of pulled hair.

Raid pushed in deep and held. “Stay in place,” he commanded as he finished opening his pants to push them down. He took another agonizing moment to unbutton and discard his shirt. “That’s it.”

Lucas’s throat constricted hard. His ears rang, and his lungs screamed for air.

“Good, Lucas. Very good.” Raid told him. “Take off my shoes and socks. Help me with my pants legs.”

Lucas fumbled with the request, blindly. He started to see spots but knew he had to finish what he’d been told to do if he was going to be permitted to breathe. Lucas had never been so hot. He moaned, throwing the last sock away from them.

Raid stroked his hair, so softly, so opposite of what was going on with Lucas’s mouth. Finally he let Lucas breathe with gentler, shallower thrusts.

“Suck,” Raid told him. “I want to come in your mouth. Suck me dry.”

Lucas applied himself, hollowing his cheeks when his mouth vibrated with the friction of cock rubbing against his lips. He kept his teeth carefully out of the way and trained his eyes upward. He wanted to see the moment Raid lost it.

The other man’s eyes were on him too. Hot, hungry, missing nothing as they focused on Lucas’s lips. He wanted to touch Raid’s balls, but he also wanted to give Raid exactly what he asked for.

Raid’s thrusts jerked slightly, his breathing hitched. Lucas’s gaze greedily sped over Raid’s bared body, felt the nudge of balls on his chin and wanted so badly to touch his own swollen member, see it spurt because of what Raid did to him.

His balls throbbed the more he watched Raid undulate. Raid shoved hard, grinding his dick deep into Lucas’s mouth and holding there.

“Take it!” Raid demanded.

His hips rocked and come pumped from his cock beyond Lucas’s taste buds, but the shooting jets streaking from Raid’s shaft were muscle contractions on his tongue he’d never forget. Lucas swallowed, unable to breath, eyes watering until Raid finished.

Gentle fingers ran through Lucas’s hair again, brushed it off his sweat-soaked forehead. “Fantastic,” Raid praised through heavy breaths. “You took to it better than I had hoped.”

Lucas cleaned him off. He decided now was his chance to get at Raid’s balls and he ducked his head around the now deflating penis and drew Raid’s testicles into his mouth. Hairless and soft, he suckled them with care to clean them.

Raid pulled Lucas’s head back and off his prize. “Tell me. Do you have something for me?”

Lucas groaned, not sure if he was wordless because of need or because Raid’s question suggested he’d finally do something about the hard-on he always had for the other man.

Raid’s eyes danced. “Rise.”

Lucas stood. He wanted to ask for a kiss, but after the last time, there wasn’t a chance he’d risk pissing off Raid before Lucas got to come. And there was the added question of whether or not a dom
to be kissed after oral sex. Did they do that? Lucas needed to learn the rules and fast. The Internet would be buzzing by the time he got through with it tonight.

But then, hopefully, so would his balls. Dear God, they hurt. They’d be sore tomorrow if things didn’t change soon.

“Take your clothes off, Lucas. Let me see all of you.”

That was an easy request. Lucas made quick work of getting just as naked at Raid. What made his skin burn was the way Raid took a turn around him, checking him out from head to toe, without an ounce of expression.

BOOK: Sheik Down
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