Read Shaun and Jon Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Shaun and Jon (4 page)

BOOK: Shaun and Jon
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grabbed one of her arms, Jon, the other, and they swam back to the water’s
edge. Once there, Jon swept her up in his arms and ran with her up to the bank,
where he sat her down. Jon got one side and Shaun the other.

breathing but barely,” said Jon turning his head and putting his ear close to
her mouth.

Her chest.

one and only thought should have helping Jon to revive
but all he could focus on were her breasts. So big and heavy
looking, their nipples red beacons calling him to put his lips around them and
suck until he turned them into hard little buds. And the mass of dark curls at
the apex of her thighs. They called his name too.

his friend was a lucky man. Soon he’d have this woman as his own. He’d make
love to her and have his cock buried deep within her.


looked down, quickly remembering he was naked and that nothing hid his
erection. He looked across at Jon, also buck naked, and he too bore the signs
of his excitement.

think we should turn her on her side and slap her back to try and get the water
out of her lungs,” said Jon.

let’s try that.”

tipped her in Jon’s direction. He thought that might take away his lustful
thoughts, but in fact, made them worse because now all he could focus on was
her ass. So full and round. It was her butt he wanted to slap and not her back.
His erection grew almost to the point of pain.

smacked Sarah’s back, knowing his libido was getting in the way of maybe saving
the young woman’s life.

it again,” said Jon. “Harder, this time.”

his buddy had to mention the word harder.

slapped her again, and then again, and soon Sarah was coughing and water was
spilling out her mouth and onto Jon’s lap.

was alive. They’d saved her. However, what was he going to do about the simple
little fact that she’d ignited
a passion
within him and that he wanted her probably just as much as Jon did?



Chapter Four


balls pulled and ached as Sarah’s body sat across his lap. She coughed up yet
more water. He hadn’t expected to see her naked until their wedding night and
here she was without her clothing. To make matters worse, he and Shaun were buck-naked
too. Shaun, like him, was obviously in a state of heightened excitement. Should
he be angry that his friend’s body was reacting this way to his soon-to-be

could he ever be annoyed with this man?

best friend had alerted him to Sarah almost drowning. And could any man with
blood pumping through his veins not get excited at what he saw? Sarah was
stunning. He wanted to reach out and touch her body but knew that this was
neither the time nor place to do such a thing.

rested her hand on his thigh, making him growing harder. He was in dire need of
finding some way to release the build-up of excitement now residing in his
cock. He wanted to run to the house and practice the art of self-pleasuring
that he’d perfected to a fine skill every time he’d been without a woman’s
pussy to entertain him.

looked up him and then turned so she was now sandwiched between him and Shaun.
Her breasts were so wonderful and the thick tuft of dark hair at the top of her
thighs made him want to get his fingers lost within it to find the treasure
lurking just mere inches underneath her curls.

happened to me?” she asked.

almost drowned,” said Jon.

so sorry. I walked out farther and the sand under my feet suddenly disappeared
and I’m not a strong swimmer.”

that lake has some drop off points you have to watch out for,” said Shaun.

last thing we needed was anything bad happening to you,” said Jon. “You feel

a bit lightheaded and shaken more than anything else.”

looked up at Jon and then at Shaun and then without even trying to hide it,
stared at both their crotches.

you’ll have to excuse us, but we’re men and that’s how a man’s body reacts to a
fine looking woman,” said Jon.


wished she been able to do it, but she couldn’t take her eyes off both Jon and
Shaun’s cocks. She’d never seen a man’s member before, but Nina being a married
woman at one time had filled her in on what to expect when she saw a naked man
for the first time.

she hadn’t gone into enough detail because Sarah was sure her lower jaw was
hanging. Both Shaun and Jon’s members were big and long. She swallowed. Nina
had told her sex was actually lots of fun and made you feel real good if you
had the right man inside you.

always assumed her cousin had been a virgin on her wedding
but she had her doubts. Nina had a few
admirers before she’d met Ben, so she suspected Nina wasn’t referring to him
but others who’d came before him.

was tempted to reach out and touch both their cocks, just to see how they felt
in her hands and if they were as hard as they looked. Shaun moved slightly,
allowing her a view of his balls too. She coughed, pretending she was about to
spit up yet more of the lake water.

An unfamiliar feeling crept into her pussy. It
almost ached and twitched. If she wasn’t mistaken something also seeped from
it. She knew it wasn’t her monthly because it wasn’t due for at least another
week. No, what she’d felt were the juices that your body produced when a man
excited you. Nina had filled her in on that too.

men get you wet within seconds while others are quite hopeless at it.”

think we should get you back to the house so you can rest,” said Jon, jarring
her out of her current thoughts.

sorry I caused you both so much trouble,” she said.

moved slightly and she couldn’t help but notice his balls too. She swallowed.
He was her
but both he and
Shaun made her feel equally excited. She wanted both of them. The thought
almost shocked her.

she was about to do almost shocked her too. She reached out and touched both
men’s cocks at the same time. Both drew in their breath simultaneously. Was
that a good thing or not? Were her hands cold from being in the water? Was she
really alive or had she died out there in the lake?
Was she imagining
this whole thing?

leaned over and kissed her. She’d never been kissed on her lips before. His
tongue tickled her bottom lip so much that she was forced to open her mouth. He
slid his tongue into it. It felt good. It felt right. Nothing to be ashamed of.
This was what men and women did.

covered her hand with his own, making her squeeze his cock some more. It
hardened under her grip and began to pulse just a little. He touched her left
breast, rolling its nipple between his thumb and index finger. The simple touch
created a similar sensation to the one she’d felt earlier in her pussy. It made
her feel good and, strangely enough, happy too.

moved his mouth away from hers and mimicked Shaun’s touch. Sarah lay back on
the grassy bank while letting go of each man’s cock. She looked up at the sky,
loving the attention not one man, but two, lavished upon her. She could stay
here in this very position with Jon and Shaun forever. Yes, maybe she had died
and this was Heaven. They ran their fingers down over her belly and into her
curls. Jon leaned over and kissed her again before whispering in her ear.

your legs for us,” he said.

man had never touched her like this and now they were going to have their hands
near her most intimate place. She didn’t
but parted her legs, feeling the warm
air brush
her folds. She felt different down there already. Wet, hot, and every nerve
ending seemed like it was on fire.

trailed his finger down into her curls and she drew in her breath. Of course,
like any normal woman she’d explored down there. Touched herself; slipped a
finger into her pussy out of sheer curiosity and to get a preview of what it
would be like when her husband had his cock inside her body. However, it had
been nothing quite like this. He fingered her opening and then pushed it inside
her. She suddenly felt tense as he explored some more.

you’re obviously a virgin so you’ll need to relax,” said Jon.

anyone at home?” a woman’s voice rang out.

pulled his finger out. Shaun’s hand shot away from Sarah’s breast.

“I’m guessing
that’s the
from the homestead to the north,” said Shaun. “Lady has a voice like a

can’t afford to let her catch the three of us naked as the day we were born or
the gossip will be all over Grantsville. Quickly, let’s run into the barn and
pretend we’ve gone into town,” said Shaun.

two men helped Sarah to her feet and the three of them crept around the side of
the building and into the barn.

crouched down and peeked through slats in the wood of the door. “She’s looking
around the outside of the house. Looks like she has a loaf of bread with her.
Probably just wants to say hi to Sarah.” He didn’t say anything for a few
seconds. “All clear, looks like she’s heading back to her wagon.”

leaned up against the door and took a deep breath.

get our clothes and head back inside and I think later the three of us need to
sit down and talk about what happened here this afternoon,” said Jon.


paced up and down in his house. He’d been a ball of pent up sexual energy and
frustration since he and Jon had begun touching Sarah. The thrill of laying his
hands on her
and her touching his
cock had put a smile on his face. Most shocking of all was the excitement he’d
felt watching Jon’s finger disappear inside her.

have touched her there too had it not been for the
woman arriving out of the blue. Would he get another opportunity? Is that what
Jon meant when he’d said they needed to talk about what happened? Or would Jon
put his foot down and draw
the line
saying that Sarah was his and only his?

told them she’d make supper and Jon had told Shaun to stop back at the house
once he’d finished with his chores for the day. He got up onto his horse and
headed down the road where Jon and Sarah would be waiting.

if he could never touch her again. What if Jon forbid him from even looking at
her in a
way. If that were the
Shaun would have to leave. He’d
sell his piece of land and the house and move on because having that sort of
temptation so close
more than any man
could tolerate. It wouldn’t be fair to him or to his best friend to continually
have carnal thoughts about his wife.

made the horse go faster while feeling the cool air that blew off the mountain
range hit his face. He hadn’t felt this alive since he’d first moved to the
area. He thought he’d have a new beginning and it was the main reason he’d gone
looking for a woman to be his wife. How ironic that he’d been the one that had brought
Sarah into Jon’s life. If he hadn’t asked Nina about the possibility of finding
Jon a wife too, the two would never have met. He would never have met Sarah

to make things worse, fate had intervened. Nina had passed away and he’d found
Sarah drowning in the lake. Would Jon now allow him to share
Sarah like
he had earlier that day?

was he thinking?

was going to be Jon’s wife. The mother of his future children. That would be
asking a lot of him. And Sarah—would she want to be in some sort of
relationship with two men?

house came into view and Shaun slowed the horse up, knowing he’d overworked him
somewhat but at least the sun was starting to set and the heat of the day had dissipated.

jumped off and tied the reins to the wooden bar by the barn and headed up the
dirt path to the front door. Something smelled really good. In fact, it made
his stomach rumble. He knocked on the door. Jon opened it, smiling as he did

on in. Sarah’s ready to serve supper.”

walked behind Jon and to the table that Sarah had set with a bunch of flowers
in a tin can in the center.

smells delicious,” said Shaun, taking off his hat and setting it on a chair.

came into view carrying a pot and set it down in the middle of the table.

know it seems crazy to be making stew at this time of the
but it’s what I make best,” she said.

BOOK: Shaun and Jon
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