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Authors: Trina M. Lee

Tags: #menage, #PNR, #Supernaturals, #UF

September Moon (43 page)

BOOK: September Moon
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With a growl, the stubborn wolf hauled off and punched me. It was a nice hit, square on the side of my jaw. It snapped my head to the side, and I swore.

Rubbing my jaw, I smiled. “Feel better?”

He scowled, seemingly disappointed at my lack of retaliation. “If anything happens to her because you sat back and allowed it, I will fucking kill you.”

Brave words from a ballsy werewolf. He meant every one. I knew that.

I held my hands up in surrender. Engaging with him in a brawl would feel great. It would allow us to work out our pent up frustrations. But it ultimately wouldn’t do us a damn bit of good.

Refusing to acknowledge his threat, I stepped aside so he could leave. “Go with Jenner to The Wicked Kiss. While he does his business there, see if you can find out anything new on Willow. Give Jez a call while you’re at it. Find out if Alexa has been in touch with her.”

“I still think you should come with us,” Jenner insisted. “I know you need it. Just give in already and get it all out of your system.”

“Tomorrow perhaps.”

Shaz slammed out of the house spewing obscenities. I grinned and waved as he descended the front step.

Jenner turned to follow him, pausing at the door. “Arys, don’t torture yourself. It was meant to happen. You had to do it. You’ve known that for a long time.”

“Yes,” I said with a nod. “But I didn’t know that she would hate me for it.”

“She doesn’t hate you. She just needs time to adjust.”

“Right. Try to keep the pup out of trouble, will you? He’s got a short fuse these days.”

I watched them go, pulling away with a squeal of tires. Shaz had every right to feel the way he did. It had to be confusing and hard for him to process as well.

Alexa could run, but she could never escape what we are. Being apart would soon start to weigh on us both. It just wasn’t meant to be that way. Together we were one. Apart we were fragments of a whole, only a piece of what we should be.

Though I didn’t say so to Shaz, it killed me to think of her with Sinclair. Her weakness for that vampire made me burn with rage. If I didn’t love her so damn much, I would have killed him months ago.

Returning to the living room, I sat back down and grabbed the sketchpad. I flipped to a fresh page and began to draw. It was the only way I could stay calm.

Alexa would return to me. It simply wasn’t possible for us to stay apart. The power that connected us would always draw us back to each other. I knew this, and she knew it too. She just had to stop fighting it.

Sinclair could have her for now. Because I would have her forever.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported and enjoyed the series. You all make my job a joy and I’m grateful to be able to do this.


Check out for information and excerpts from Smashed, Alexa O’Brien Huntress Book 8.5, an Arys Knight novella.

About the Author

Trina M. Lee was born in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Writing fiction since childhood, a fascination with the supernatural developed in her early teen years and an immersion in paranormal fiction began. Trina enjoys hearing from readers and has an active social media presence.



September Moon

Copyright 2014 by Trina M. Lee

Smashwords Edition


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Manufactured in the United States of America



B. Leigh Hogan


Cover Artist

Michael Hart


Published by

Dark Mountain Books


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


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