Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)
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Mark opened the door. “Didn’t expect you to come calling.” He winked. “Ready for an encore?”

She shook her head. “Just a few things. First I had nothing to do with my half-sister’s schemes.”

“Never thought you did.” He touched her hand. “How can you let that pair live?”

Christa drew a deep breath. The moment his scent reached her trouble loomed like a boulder over her head. “I felt sorry for two orphaned girls. Unfortunately I had no idea how to control them.”

He nodded. “About time you put those feelings away.” His hand slid along her arm. “Did they tell you about the letters we exchanged? Yours asked for child support.”

She growled. “Not my style.” She met his gaze. “I don’t want Davy to be hurt in a custody battle.”

“Not going to happen.” He tugged her into the cottage and closed the door. “You must have been devastated with all that had happened.”

“What made matters worse was I was with you when they needed me.”

“Were they hurt in the accident?”

“They weren’t in the car.” She made a face. “My step-mother wanted a new dress and dragged my dad to St. Johnsbury during a rain storm. She was always spending money they didn’t have.”

“Like her daughters?”

“Absolutely. They learned young. Dad never said no.”

He clasped her shoulder. “I wish I’d known about Davy.”

She sighed. “So do I but there never seemed to be a right time to tell you. We’ll work out a schedule of visits.”

“I want to see you, too.” He tapped her cheek with a finger.

Christa stared at him. Did me mean for more than sex?


* * *


Mark raised Christa’s hand and kissed her palm. He believed she would arrange for him to see his son. He also believed her half-sisters would continue their attempts to manipulate Christa. While he couldn’t change the past or predict the future he wanted Christa in his life. What did she want? Sure her responsiveness gave him hope. But hope could vanish in an instant.

One thing troubled him. Though she had tried to reach him all those years ago why hadn’t she left a message and number for him to call? Would he have recognized the name? Had he said or done something wrong? He groaned. He was at fault for not telling her how he felt. He’d thought they had plenty of time to talk about love.

He slid one arm around her waist and tugged her close. Her body fit against his as no other woman’s had. He touched his lips to hers. The need to mark her as his was strong. Words of love stirred but they couldn’t be said until he knew how she felt.

“I need you,” he whispered.

The fragrance of her hair, the rising aroma of her arousal brought his desire to a peak. Her breasts molded to his chest. His tongue flicked her mouth and tasted. Need built until he feared he would explode. Would he ever have enough of her presence in his life?

Christa stepped back. “I should go.”

Her sigh told him she would rather stay. “Is Davy waiting for you?”

“He’s at the inn kitchen washing potatoes to earn some extra money.”


“Does that surprise you?”

He heard a defensive note in her voice. “Why? I don’t know him. How would I know what he likes?”

“That’s my fault.”

“Circumstances.” He drew a deep breath.

She gazed into his eyes. “I wish things had been different.”

“So do I.” She retreated to a chair.

“Tell me about our son.”

Christa’s smile brought an answering one from him. “He’s a good student. He’s responsible and always finds ways to earn money. He has an allowance and saves most to buy things he wants.” Pride filled her voice.

Mark studied her face. If she encouraged her son to work for luxuries why did she give her half-sisters a free ride? She’d spoken of feeling responsible and sorry for them but they were adults. Sure they worked for a few hours at the inn but they could do more. Her reasons weren’t his concern yet. “How long will Davy be occupied?”

“I told him I’d come for him at five.”

“Would he worry if he finished early and you weren’t home?”

She shrugged. “Probably not. Why?”

He stepped closer. “Can’t you tell?”


“Yeah. I need you again.”

She laughed. “If I remember you were always standing at attention.”

“Only with you.” He pulled her to her feet. “You can’t deny you want me as much as I want you.”

“Where is this leading?”

“Let’s find out. He brushed his lips over hers. Her mouth opened. He stroked the inside of hers with his tongue. He felt her resistance melt as she took fire. Her tongue invaded and met his stroke for stroke. Her arms slid around his neck. She moved against him. He needed to be inside her. He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes. “Come with me.”


Together they walked to the bedroom. They stepped apart facing each other. Christa pulled her sweater over her head. Through the lace of her bra he saw the darker color of her nipples. A flush spread over her face.

Mark removed his sweater. He stepped to her and bent to kiss her breasts through the silk of her bra. She stroked his back and ran her hands over his skin. The tiny nubs on his pecs hardened. His penis filled and pulsed against his jeans.

Her sigh urged him to rush but he wanted to savor every moment. He opened her bra and drew the straps down her arms slowly revealing her breasts. He cupped them. “You’re beautiful.” He bent his head and caressed each with his tongue and lips.

Mark released her and unzipped his jeans and slid the zipper down. He eased them over his hips. His erection sprang free. Christa ran her hands over his chest and down his belly. She stroked him with a finger. “You’re magnificent.”

Her words and the crooning sound of her voice made him ready to burst. When she rubbed the head he nearly lost control. “Christa.”

She knelt and took him into her mouth centimeter by centimeter. Her tongue rolled over the surface.

Mark growled. “Enough.”

She opened her lids. Her blue eyes held glints of mischief. She slowly released him, rose and unfastened her jeans. She wiggled them over her hips. When she tossed them aside the sight of a sheer lace thong nearly undid him. He took a deep breath. He would give her what she’d given him.

He ran his hands from her shoulders to her groin. He knelt and slid his thumbs beneath the edge of the thing and slid the swatch of lace down. He touched her clit with his fingers, leaned forward and flicked her with his tongue.

She gasped. He slid his hand between her legs and stroked.

“Enough, I need you.”


“Yes, oh, yes.”

He rose and stepped behind her. “Come to the bed.”

As a unit they crossed the room. When they reached the bed she sprawled face down. He knelt between her legs and ran his hand over her rear. She rose to her knees. “Mark, now.”

He thrust into her. “Now indeed. You please me completely.” He slid a hand around her body and found her clit. As he plunged and retreated he stroked. Her body jerked as though struck by lightning.

Mark stroked faster and harder. He grasped her hips and pulled her tight against him. Harder and harder he thrust. Sounds poured and rolled around him. He wasn’t sure which were hers and which his. He reached the explosion point. Her inner muscles tightened.

“Christa. Mine.”

“Yours.” She collapsed.

He stretched beside her and fought to catch his breath. He stroked her back. Finally his breathing slowed to normal. He pulled her into an embrace. “You okay?”

“Yes.” She gazed into his eyes.

He brushed his lips over hers. Sleep beckoned. For the first time in years he felt no tension. She kissed him and slipped from his embrace. He reached for her hand. “Don’t leave.”

She gathered her clothes and slipped into the bathroom. “I can’t stay. Davy’s waiting.” The door closed with a click.

He heard water running. “I could join you.”

Moments later she emerged. “You could but not this evening.”

“Why not?” His body responded to her nearness.

“Davy said tomorrow. I think he has questions and I need to set the ground rules. He needs to know you’re not going to buy him everything he thinks he wants.” She brushed a kiss on his lips. “Weekends are my time with him. I need to come to grips with sharing.”

Mark wanted to protest. For nine years she’d had every day with their son. Could she share? He had to let her choose how this would play. “Tomorrow then. What time?”

“Around eleven when chores are finished. We’ll go to lunch.”

He followed her to the door. “Why not find a sitter for tomorrow evening. We can go to dinner and discuss how we’re going to share our son. There are places I want to show him and people I want him to meet.”

She laughed. “Don’t rush. Perhaps Sunday we can have the talk.” She opened the door and stepped outside. He followed. “Mark!” She pushed him back. “Good thing there aren’t a dozen guests out strolling.”

Mark chuckled and stepped behind the partially open door. As she walked away he had an idea. Last evening the waitress had said Christa and Davy ate their evening meal in the restaurant before the room became crowded. At five thirty he would head there for dinner. Maybe, just maybe the boy would invite him to their table. He closed the door and walked to the bedroom.


* * *


Christa hurried along the walk through the garden. She chuckled. Mark had almost followed her. Certainly would have shocked people to see a naked man in pursuit of the innkeeper. She checked the porch of her house and paused at the front door. He had really wanted to join Davy and her this evening. Their son had said tomorrow and she needed time along with the boy. And apart from the man who had rocked the foundations of her life not once but twice.

How would Davy react to the sexual tension gathering when she and Mark were together? An intoxicating tension waiting for a spark to raise a firestorm. Another problem lurked. How could she share her son with another person? Until now she’d been the only adult he completely trusted. His interaction with Stella and Peggy had made him wary.

As she let herself into the house she thought about the moments after she and Mark had made love. When he’d gazed into her eyes, she knew her feelings for him had shone. He’d been about to say something.
About love?
He hadn’t. Neither had she said the words she’d wanted to say. Fear about expressing her feelings in case he rejected them had ruled her tongue.

She paused in the front hall. The sound of her half-sister’s shrill voices made her want to scream. She had to remain firm with her decision to cut the financial cords. She couldn’t allow their whining and tantrums to cause her to back down. Mark’s concern was spot on. She had allowed their manipulative behavior to rule her life.

A gasp at the realization startled her. They were part of the reason she hadn’t tried harder to reach Mark. She had feared their behavior would doom any relationship with him. Starting a family complete with a pair of spoiled and angry near-teens would have been impossible.

“Davy, are you ready?” she called.

Stella sauntered from the living room. “He’s still at the inn washing potatoes for pennies. Why not let his rich daddy buy the bike?”

“If he earns the money he’ll appreciate the bike.”

“So you say.” Peggy joined her sister. “I enjoy the clothes and jewelry you buy for me. Davy said you went to see Mark. How much child support did you demand?”

Christa sucked in a breath. “That’s not your concern.”

“You wimped out.” Stella made a face. “He’s Davy’s daddy. He’s rich. He should be willing to lay out serious cash before you let him see his son.”

Peggy nodded. “Then you could stop holding back the money we’re due from the inn’s profits.”

Christa’s anger escalated. “I’m not asking for money and you won’t receive a cent more than I offered.”

“God, you’re such a fool.”

“Because I felt sorry for my orphaned half-sisters and caved to your demands. No more. You have a week to find a place to live.”

Stella fisted her hands on her hips. “That’s not fair.”

“How can you do this?” Peggy screamed. “With his dying breath Daddy said you had to take care of us.”

“The nurses told me he never regained consciousness. I’ve taken care of you. You have college degrees, new cars, closets full of clothes and shoes and a ton of jewelry.” Christa opened the door. “Go to St. Johnsbury and look in the paper for positions and apartments.” She left the house. For the first time in years she felt free.

At the inn she entered the kitchen. Davy sat at the table and counted the potatoes he had washed. “I earned three dollars and forty cents.”

“Good job.” She winked at the chef. “Mind if I take your helper.”

“He’s yours.”

Christa ruffled Davy’s hair. “Ready for dinner and the movies.”

BOOK: Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)
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