Read Second Nature Online

Authors: Krista Ames

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary, #Military

Second Nature (3 page)

BOOK: Second Nature
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One step at a time. Dana was barely even talking to him, let alone allowing him to touch her for more than a few seconds. He had to have patience. This could be a long night.


Dana leaned on the railing of the balcony, gazing out onto the bay. She turned, hearing Nick saying goodbye to his last couple of buddies. Music still played from the stereo—a slow, soulful ballad. He shut the door and dimmed the lights. They were alone.

Nick walked toward her, like a lion stalking its prey. He stopped just inches from her, reached out, and gently touched her bare shoulders with his fingers, stroking from her neck to her elbows, pausing along the way to increase the intensity. Nick removed the slight distance between them, pulling her against his solid torso. Her breath caught in her throat as his lips trailed along her neck to below her ear. “Dance with me,” he whispered.

Her heart was beating so loud and fast, she almost didn’t hear him. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He stood just above her at six feet tall. His dark, brown hair, in a military cut, brought his roguish facial features to the forefront. His eyes, heartbreaking and seductive, melted her in an instant, creating a burn deep in her soul, among other places as well.

It really pissed her off that he had this affect on her after all this time.
Of all the nerve. Does he think I’ll strip naked and fall at his feet just because he’s irresistible, and I’m a sap?
She cursed, wondering if she’d ever be able to stand up to him. Dana fought for inner strength. She wouldn’t let her world tumble around her that easily…not again.

She pushed away from Nicholas despite how good he smelled. She could be strong. She’d been waiting a long time for her chance. She faced him, shaking her head. Five years of built up fury guided her actions, surprising even her. Her hand shot out of nowhere and slapped him hard across the face. Her fingertips trembled. She’d never done anything like that before.

Nick rubbed the red spot on his cheek, his mouth dropping wide open.

“You’re an ass!” She proceeded to move toward the door. “I’ll walk home.”

His hand quickly snaked out and grabbed her wrist, whirling her about-face so fast she almost tripped over her own feet. “I don’t think so, little lady.” He then smothered her lips with his until she couldn’t form a coherent thought. She sighed in consent. Damn.

Her hands instinctively moved to his shoulders, running her fingers in small circles on the nape of his neck and up into his clean-cut hairline. They fit together like they’d been made that way. Nick finally released her lips and brushed his cheek against hers. Through an enticing haze, she breathed in his very distinct scent, intoxicating her senses with a mix of the salty air, his spicy musk, and pure male.

As he nuzzled her neck, right below her ear where he knew would make her crazy, he whispered, “I missed you.”

Dana inhaled a deep breath, knees wobbling as she took in more of his scent. His lips caressed her neck. She exhaled. “I missed you, too.” Her voice was a mere whisper.

“Really?” He raised his head.

She snickered. “Yes, really. Don’t look so shocked. I always told myself I didn’t miss you, and I figured I’d never see you again, so I forced myself to move on. I thought I’d put thoughts of you behind me.” She sighed. “Then I saw you tonight and—”

Her words were cut off by his hard and intense lips, drowning out any other reasonable thought she had except how good he tasted as he devoured her. Heaven help her, this wasn’t just any kiss…more like a homecoming. She had often lain awake at night trying to remember what his kisses felt like against her lips and skin.

The kiss doesn’t mean anything.
It can’t. Too much water under the bridge, and I’m not sure if I can ever forgive him.

Dana struggled with her thoughts until Nick wound his fingers into her hair, tilting back her head while his tongue pressed against her slightly parted lips, demanding entrance.

Live for the moment—just the moment!

Her lips parted without hesitation, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His tongue delved in search of hers, eliciting a moan from deep within her throat and encouraging him further.

With his other hand against her lower back, he pressed her closer yet, her full breasts tight against his chest. He pushed his arousal to her stomach. She ran her hands frantically over his shoulders, gripping his biceps as his fingers moved over her hips and down the silky satin covering her thighs.

Nick’s lips left her whimpering mouth to trail hungry kisses down the length of her neck and over her bare shoulder. He fidgeted with the hem of her dress, as if hesitating. Did he want her to stop him? She had no intention of stopping him. She couldn’t. She wanted him so bad. When Dana didn’t cease his wandering hands, he continued. His hands slipped under the hem of the black satin and pushed her dress up her hips to grasp her firm, round bottom—bare except for a thin strip of lace.

“Damn, woman! A thong?”

He found her mouth again as he gently kneaded her bottom. He pulled her snug against the heat straining his zipper, pushing firmly into her pelvis and making her aware of his need.

A gasp escaped her lips as a cool breeze swept through the patio doors. Nothing covered her backside but his warm hands.

He gazed into her eyes as he smoothed her dress down over her bare skin, before running his fingers up and down her spine. He took her hand and guided her toward the kitchen.

Chapter Five

They walked into the kitchen, Nick maneuvering Dana around him so he had her backed up against the cold, marble counter. Momentarily startled, she wondered how they’d gotten there so fast. She could have sworn she had been floating on a cloud. What power this man had over her. She snagged all the sanity she could muster and reluctantly pushed away.

“Nicholas, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

God, was she stupid? How could she say that when his touch felt so right? Damn.

He laid a finger across her moistened lips.

“I know I owe you a huge apology and an explanation, but right now I need you really bad.”

Oh, she wanted him too, but she couldn’t forget the hurt, as much as she wanted to. He couldn’t walk back into her life after all this time and expect her to have sex with him five minutes later. Even if that sex would be great.

“No! Nicholas, I can’t.” She tried to wriggle away from him, avoiding his eyes. “What we had was a long time ago. We can’t go back…I won’t go back.”

His hands rested on the counter’s edge, pinning her from an escape. Tears clung to her lashes. He caressed her waist, running his hands along her abdomen. Her eyelids fluttered closed, causing the tears to run down her face. His lips touched her eyelids and then her flushed cheeks, tasting her salty tears. Dana heaved a sigh of resignation as she turned slowly toward her destiny. He nibbled at her bottom lip and down along her jaw.

Her hands crept up to anchor his face and dragged his lips back to hers. She could control her mind, most of the time, but her heart and hormones were quite another story. They were overruling her this time. She couldn’t take the torture any longer. She wanted this man so much, even if just for this one night. She’d think better of her decision tomorrow and probably hate herself, but tonight she needed this—needed him.

She ran her tongue along his lips, in invitation. He accepted without hesitation, exploring with his tongue. His hands slid up her thighs, pushing her dress higher. He gripped her hips and lifted her on top of the counter, eliciting a squeal from her as she clutched his shoulders. His thumbs rubbed along the edges of her thong and then underneath in search of her wet heat.

She sucked in a gasp, dropping her head back against the cabinets. His fingertip brushed across her sensitive flesh, forcing her blue eyes to drift shut. When his thumb moved on her, rubbing and lightly pinching, she squirmed on the counter. Dana met his sensual gaze, pushing against him and wanting more.

With her eyes locked to his, he continued the pressure until her breathing quickened, and she couldn’t sit still. She was close. When the moment peaked, she squeezed her eyes shut and bit her bottom lip to not scream.

He held her close and kept up the pressure while she contracted and pulsed around him. Nick kissed her hard and then gently suckled her bottom lip, soothing where she’d bit into it. He gradually slowed his rhythm as her tremors eased, and her breathing returned to normal.

“You are absolutely beautiful,” he whispered against her swollen lips.

Dana smiled, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and rested her forehead against his. His labored breathing increased. He wouldn’t be able to hold his own need much longer. She had always loved that about him. He always made sure her needs and pleasure were put ahead of his own. She focused on his eyes, gazing into his soul to see his desire for her. She reached down, caressing his arousal through his pants. He gasped. “Honey, stop now, or I won’t have a chance to get my pants down.”

She smiled and moved her hand to his chest, kissing him with everything she had.

His hands roamed along her back, pulling her flush against him. He moaned, and pressed his bulging erection to the most vital part of her, still tender from her orgasm.

Dana eased slightly away from him to release the top button of his coat. She moved on to the second, and he lifted her chin with a finger to gaze directly into her eyes. He kissed her gently and once again moved his hands from her thighs to her hips as she continued to work his buttons, never taking her eyes off his.

His lips curved in anticipation.

Their passion had always been strong enough to bring down the walls and mold them into one being. The fire they once had seemed to never die.

Once the last button popped free, Dana ran her hands inside his coat and across his tight stomach, feeling the heat sear through his shirt. Her hands slid across his ribs, to his muscled chest, and over his shoulders, pushing his coat down to the floor. She pulled his shirt from his pants and ran her hands along that same path, licking her lips when her hands met flesh. A groan erupted and escaped through his clenched teeth.

She placed a gentle kiss on his chin, pushed the shirt off his shoulders, and threw it on the counter.

He gripped her hips, grinding his erection against her while he ravished her mouth. Nick tore the thin material of her thong, which escalated her excitement and the need to have him. She fumbled to unbuckle his belt, and finally made quick work to unfasten his pants, pushing them and his boxers down in one swift movement.

His lips left her to nuzzle the tender flesh below her earlobe. “I need you…now,” he whispered, kicking his shoes off and tossing his pants across the kitchen.

“Oh?” Dana grasped his shoulders. He hissed a puff of air and gritted his teeth. Nick was beautiful, sun-tanned with six-pack abs stacked hard, and ready—for her.

She held the base of his erection while he nudged her closer to the edge of the counter. He pushed her hand away. “Wrap your legs around me, baby, and hold on. I can’t wait any longer.”

Dana linked her arms around his shoulders and locked her feet at the small of his back. Her fingernails dug into his skin and her head dropped back when he entered her in one quick, deep thrust.


He bore down on her, buried in all the way, and her muscles tightened around him, momentarily keeping him there. He stilled a few heartbeats to regain control.

“You feel so good.”

He slowly withdrew, moved back in, and then hesitated. Dana raised her head. She framed his face in her hands and kissed him hard. “Don’t tease me, Nicholas.”

Smiling, he picked up a slow rhythm. “Is this what you want, Dana? Tell me, honey. Tell me what you want.”

“Oh, yes, Nicholas. Yes,” she gasped. “I want you. I want this, please.”

His lips captured hers as he continued a smooth rhythm, soon matching her thrust, deeper and deeper. Then he stilled. An emotion of coming home washed over him and what he’d wanted all along. What he needed. Nick had dreamed, for five long years, of being with Dana again. Returning to her had kept him going on those long, lonely nights at sea. Telling her the truth was a must, before they went any further.


She frowned. “Nicholas, what is it?”

“Dana, I need to tell you what happened…”

“Don’t, please. Not now. Not tonight. I need you. Please, Nicholas.” She wiggled her hips, grinding against him and clenching her inner muscles to keep him buried inside her.

“Baby, that’s exactly what I needed to hear, but I don’t want to do this on the kitchen counter. I want you in my bed.”
. “Hold tight. I’m carrying you upstairs.”

She giggled and tightened her arms around his neck as he lifted her from the counter. He walked slowly through the kitchen and then the living room. The jarring motion between their bodies was beyond erotic and nearly enough to send him over the edge. He stopped a couple of times on the stairs to hoist her from slipping, and finally made it to his bedroom door.

He gently laid her on the edge of his four-poster, pillow top bed, leaning over her and never once losing connection with her. Nick was amazed by the emotion he saw in her loving gaze. She still cared, and knowing that was more than he could ever hope for.

He reluctantly pulled away from her to turn down the plush, burgundy comforter, revealing crisp, white sheets below. Lifting her to rest her head on the pillows, he knelt beside her, and like a starving man he molded his mouth to hers. He broke the kiss and straddled her legs. With trembling hands, he pulled her zipper down and slowly edged her silky dress up and off her.

Dana reached for him, both hands at the nape of his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers in a lingering, tongue-twisting kiss that left him breathless. His hands gently caressed her plump breasts while his lips slowly crept along her jaw to that sensitive spot behind her ear, making her squirm. He continued his journey down her neck, to the wild pulse beating at the juncture of her shoulder. She gasped for breath. He glanced up to see her heavy-lidded eyes and her silky hair spread out over his pillow.

BOOK: Second Nature
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