Read Scandalous Wish Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Scandalous Wish (2 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Wish
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He pressed down hard on her clit and that was all it took to
push her over the edge. Waves of pleasure unfurled from deep within her body
and she screamed her release around the firm length of him still in her mouth.
Everything from the top of her head to the tips of her toes tingled with bliss.
She renewed her sucking efforts on his dick, hollowing her cheeks with each
strong pull and wrapping her lips over her teeth to give him the smoothest
slide possible.

“Oh God, I’m gonna come. Don’t stop, baby, suck me harder.”

He shuddered, and a moment later the first jet of his hot,
salty seed splashed over her tongue. She gently suckled at the tip of his
erection, swallowing each spurt with a happy groan. When the last spasm shook
him, she pulled back and wiped her mouth, grinning as he stumbled and slid into
the hammock next to her.

She rolled on top of him, pressing the side of her face to
his warm chest and listening to his heart slowly return to its steady rhythm.
They lay like that for a while, rocking gently in their cradle of ropes while
birds called to each other in the distance. Jared ran his finger over the contour
of her spine to the rise of her buttocks and then skimmed his palms over the
smooth surface of her cheeks.

“Love you.”

She placed a quick kiss on his chest and snuggled back into
his arms. “Love you too.”

Chapter Two


Jared tried not to fidget as the matronly woman in a crisp
white lab coat counted the seconds while taking his blood pressure. He sat in a
small room that looked like every other medical office he’d ever been in and
tried to deal with the swirl of emotions making his heart beat harder than
normal. There was no way in hell he’d ever do anything like this for anyone
except Amanda. He loved that woman more than anything in the world, but that
didn’t stop him from worrying about everything that could go wrong.

Dr. June unwrapped the pressure cuff from around his arm and
gave him a smile, deepening the wrinkles around her warm blue eyes. “Nervous?”

He grinned at her and ran a hand through his brush cut. “No,
not at all.”

She laughed and made a note on her laptop before taking a
seat in the rolling chair across from him. “Do you have any questions for me?”

“Well…” He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the fact
his cheeks were heating with a blush like a virgin schoolboy. “I was
wondering…that is…” He rubbed his face, unable to meet her gaze. “Man, I feel
really weird talking about this kind of stuff with someone who reminds me of my

“Jared, you can talk to me about anything. That’s what I’m
here for. We are so very pleased you agreed to be part of our experiment, and
we want this to be a wonderful experience for you as well.”

“Amanda said you wouldn’t be taping this or anything,
right?” He winced at the mental image of his buddies from the precinct
stumbling across a video of him getting plowed in the ass on the internet.

“No, there are no audio or visual recording devices of any
kind in your room. The only piece of equipment we use is the headband Amanda
will be wearing in order to process and record her neural activity, which is
collected by a computer. You also don’t have to worry about us judging you
based on her arousal levels.” She grinned at him as he cleared his throat.
“Once her information is entered into the database, it’s assigned a random name
and number. All of the props and costumes are there for your enjoyment, and
everything that goes on in the room remains strictly between you and your

The paper covering the examination table crinkled as he
shifted, still unable to look her in the face as he said what was really
bothering him. “What if I mess this up? What if I get nervous, and I can’t

“Then we give you a strap-on that you can use as a stunt
cock and toss you back in.” He nearly fell off the table as she laughed. “Don’t
worry. While it would be wonderful if Amanda had the best orgasm of her life,
we need data from all levels of arousal.”

“Why? I thought you were trying to create some type of
Viagra for women here.”

She crossed her legs and pursed her lips. “Yes and no. If it
were as easy as getting blood to rush into a woman’s sexual organs in order to
make her feel arousal, we’d have a pill on the market by now. As I’m sure you
know, much of a woman’s desire comes from her mind. What we’re trying to do is
see what part of a woman’s brain fires during sexual arousal, from the
beginning to the end. Of course, we try to set up an environment as stimulating
as possible for the experiment while making her desire as real and natural as
we can.”

He grunted and thought about the different women he’d been
with and how each had different tastes in the bedroom. “How many people have
done this?”

“Right now between our offices in the US and Europe, there
have been around six thousand participants.”

He gave a low whistle and gripped the edge of the table.
“That’s a lot of sexual fantasies.”

She stood and nodded. “Yes, it is. We’ve had everything from
a mock pirate ship to a space station built in our testing facilities.” Picking
up her laptop, she tucked it under her arm and smiled. “In a few minutes the
blue door to your left will unlock, and Amanda and Camille will be waiting for
you on the other side. Relax, have fun, and remember your woman trusts you
enough to share this experience with you. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what

He considered her words and nodded. “Thanks, Doc.”

She gave him one more smile before shutting the door,
leaving him alone with his thoughts. What she said made sense and eased the
knot of tension in his stomach somewhat. While he was apprehensive of the
potential pain from having a hunk of plastic shoved in his ass, he also
couldn’t deny the thought that seeing his beautiful Amanda with another woman
turned him on. He just hoped the other woman wasn’t some bruiser with the
shoulders of a linebacker who would leave him walking bowlegged for a week.

The click of the lock sliding open interrupted his thoughts,
and he hopped off the examination table, pulling down his t-shirt, and tried to
smooth his hair. He hadn’t been this nervous since his first major drug bust on
the force. He laughed and shook his head, chiding himself for equating what had
the potential to be one of the best sexual experiences of his life with kicking
in the door on a meth lab.

His bare feet scarcely made any sound on the tile as he
crossed the room. His heart thundered in his ears. A quick check of his breath
reassured him he was still minty fresh, and he placed his hand on the cool
metal of the door. Drawing in a deep breath, he cleared his mind before he
pushed the door open. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the low
lighting, but once they did, his jaw dropped and his cock stood up as much as
it could in the confines of his pants.

In the center of the room stood a canopy bed big enough to
sleep five people. Gauzy white curtains hung from the solid dark-wood pillars,
and deep-sapphire-blue silk sheets covered the mattress. Next to the bed sat a
small table with a stained glass lamp shedding a mellow golden light over the
room, illuminating the sexual feast waiting for him. His cock pulsed to the
beat of his heart as his hungry gaze took in the two beautiful blondes on the
bed. Each wore thigh-high fishnet stockings with matching barely there panties
and nothing else.

Amanda’s long, lean legs were encased in pale-pink fishnet,
and they were intertwined with Cammie’s white fishnet-covered legs. While
Amanda had the lean body of a runner with high, small tits, Cammie’s body was
curvier with plump thighs, a soft stomach, and large breasts topped with
dusky-pink nipples. He let out a silent sigh of relief at the sight of the
feminine French woman, glad his earlier fears of being ridden by an angry
Amazon were put to rest.

They smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but grin in return,
his apprehension melting away beneath the onslaught of such a stunning,
seductive picture.

Amanda traced one pink-painted fingernail along the smooth
surface of Cammie’s shoulder, pulling the other woman closer until their
breasts pressed together. His runaway libido wanted to dive between the women,
to lick and bite his way from one breast to the other, to surround himself with
their silken limbs and blonde hair.

“Do you think he’s scared of us?” Cammie asked with a small
smile, her French accent tightening his balls.

Amanda whispered something in Cammie’s ear before giving him
a considering look. “He might be scared, but his cock isn’t.”

Both women giggled, and he shook his head, taking a step
closer to the bed. “The only thing I’m scared of is waking up and finding out
this was all a dream.”

Amanda’s lips were frosted with a shimmery crimson lip gloss
two shades darker than her hard nipples. The way her lips curved into a grin
was wicked enough to tempt any man into sin. “Well then, let’s see if we can
make some dreams come true.”


Jared smiled at them, and Amanda released an internal sigh
of relief. A small but very vocal part of her mind had insisted he would take
one look at them together and run screaming from the room. Thankfully Cammie’s
suggestion of cuddling on the bed had provided enough of a visual treat to make
him walk through the door. Not that it was much of a hardship for her. She
found she rather liked the feel of the other woman’s smooth skin, and it
certainly helped break the ice between them.

Cammie whispered in her ear, “You’re doing great. Shall we
give him a little show? Nothing beyond some kissing and a little touching. Remember,
I’m here only for you, to do what you want. What would really turn him on and
still be within your comfort zone?”

Amanda let her gaze wander over him, allowing him to see
from her expression how delicious she found him. His tight black t-shirt stretched
over broad shoulders, and he wore a pair of khaki pants that clung to his lean
waist and muscled thighs in all the right places. She could even smell him—a
hint of the spicy cologne she loved reached the bed.

He raised his eyebrows, and Amanda whispered, “I think he
has a not-so-secret foot fetish.”

Cammie responded with a wicked grin and brushed their lips
together, giving her a hint of the sweet strawberry taste of her lip gloss. “Is
he allowed to help me pleasure you?”

Her breath caught in her throat, and all she could do was
nod as a flush of pleasure raced through her body, hot and fierce. “Yes,

Cammie cupped her face with both hands and pressed their
lips together. Nerves had her stiffening beneath the gentle caress of soft skin
against soft skin, and she jumped at the wet lick of Cammie’s tongue against
the seam of her lips. She almost pulled back, but then she heard a low, hungry
groan from Jared.

The other woman broke the kiss, and together they looked at
Jared, who adjusted the bulge of his sex pressing against his pants. His voice
came out rough with desire as he said, “That has got to be one of the hottest
fucking things I’ve ever seen.”

Emboldened by his aroused response, Amanda turned Cammie’s
face back to hers and kissed her, eagerly opening her mouth for the woman’s
questing tongue. It felt so odd to be kissing someone relatively the same size
as her, to press against another pair of full lips instead of a man’s firm
ones. She tentatively traced a line down Cammie’s cheekbone to her neck,
marveling how such a small touch could feel more intimate than being held in
the other woman’s arms.

Cammie shifted to her knees and Amanda enjoyed the way her
large, natural breasts wobbled with her movements. While she was perfectly
happy with her small, firm breasts, she’d always wondered what it would be like
to have a chest that was more than a handful. Cammie must have seen where her
gaze went because she stretched, obviously displaying herself for Amanda. Jared
made a pained sound, and she glanced over at him, raising her eyebrows and
silently asking permission.

He nodded so hard and so fast, she was surprised his neck
didn’t break.

Cammie’s accent deepened as she leaned closer. “Do not be
Vous êtes très belle,
beautiful girl,I would like it
very much if you were to touch me.”

Conscious of Jared watching them, she hesitantly raised her
hand and ran her fingertips over Cammie’s
, marveling at how
delicate she felt. With Jared, she never had to worry about being too rough, but
with Cammie, she was afraid she would break her like a porcelain doll. She
dropped her hand lower and hesitated, looking up at the other woman through her
lashes. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

Cammie laughed and nodded. “Do you see how hard my nipples
are? That is because I desire your touch. I love being someone’s first time,”
she glanced at Jared and winked, “for a variety of things.”

Some example she was setting for Jared. She expected him to
let Cammie fuck him with a strap-on, but she could barely get up the nerve
touch the other woman’s breast. Closing her eyes, she let her fingertips drift
downward, passing over the hard nubs of the blonde’s nipples, drawing a soft
moan from her. She cupped a breast in each hand, slightly lifting them and
feeling how soft but heavy they were. They felt nice, actually they felt more
than nice, they felt wonderful. She gave each breast a gentle squeeze, enjoying
Cammie’s murmur of encouragement.

Small hands pressed into her shoulders and she opened her
eyes, her pussy clenching at the heat and need on the other woman’s face. She
allowed Cammie to push her back into the pillows in a reclined position. Cammie
placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and whispered, “Let us take care of you. It
will help your man relax.”

Cammie motioned for Jared to join them, and he started to
take a step forward but stopped and looked to Amanda. “You okay with this?”

She bit her lower lip at the sensation of Cammie’s soft
hands gliding down her hip to play with the lace at the top of her stockings. “Yes.
Now take that shirt off and get over here.”

He smiled and slowly pulled his shirt from his pants,
obviously enjoying their attention. Cammie continued to caress her thighs, her
long nails making goose bumps rise along her skin. When the first sliver of his
sectioned abdominals came into view, both women made an appreciative sound and
grinned at each other. He performed a little bump and grind of his hips and
finished pulling his shirt off, revealing the dark hair of his chest and his
small, tight nipples.

Cammie held out her hand and he took it, allowing her to
pull him onto the bed next to them. The mattress sagged with his weight, moving
him closer until their thighs touched. A feeling of relief rushed through her
and she fully relaxed for the first time since entering this room. While having
the other woman here was a delightful treat, her heart and passion belonged to

The blonde gave her leg a tender squeeze. “You take the
left, and I take the right?”

He gave Cammie a puzzled look and she scooted back, pulling
Amanda’s legs open so the cool air brushed over the moist bit of pink satin
covering her pussy. “Amanda told me she likes to have her feet played with, and
I thought we might give her the indulgence of having two mouths giving her

BOOK: Scandalous Wish
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